Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 103: solve

Chapter 103 Solution

 Starting from the gully, the ghouls are faster than the four groups.

 He could smell the faint smell of blood in the air here, mixed with the bitterness of the rain.

 In the smell of blood, there was an indelible smell unique to the sacrifice, so he would not confuse this smell with other blood smells.

“A person died here. Although the blood was washed away by the rain, it couldn’t be hidden from me.” The ghoul stood under the big tree. At some point, the corpse hanging on the tree was no longer shrouded in illusions and revealed its true appearance.

They were strange corpses, already rotting to pieces. What was strange was that the blood was still dripping down from the ankles, seemingly endlessly.

 The ghoul shrugged his nose.

He is not interested in corpses that are too rotten. He likes to eat fresh ones.

 The smell of fresh corpses stopped here, leaving only the smell of sacrifices spreading deep into the jungle.

"The corpses were destroyed and no traces were left?" He frowned dissatisfied, "Could it be that after the battle, the victor still had the energy to carry the corpses... Maybe it was a sneak attack."

Although he was unhappy that he couldn't pick up a corpse for free, he didn't worry about it at this time. After all, he had more important goals.

 His abilities are relatively direct, including smell, fighting, and corpse-eating.

 So, he is not good at distinguishing the identities of other deducers, and he is not an IQ-type deducer. For him, if he cannot find luck and disaster, then just kill everyone.

 If they are all dead, he must be the winner.

As the smell of the sacrifices chased them all the way, his vigorous movements quickly threw the cautious four groups further and further away. Finally, after passing by a grave mound, he saw a person.

   is Longzhou.

 Longzhou seemed to be taking a rest, and from time to time he would talk weakly on the walkie-talkie.

There was a lot of blood on him. When he was sitting on the ground, he held a gun in his right hand and never let go.

 It looked like Longzhou was seriously injured.

The ghoul was hiding behind the trunk of a giant tree and observing. A cold light rose in his eyes, and he laughed softly: "Oh, did you guess that I was coming and wanted to disguise myself as a wounded person to ambush me? What a pity. , there is more than one breath of living people here.”

He could tell at a glance that the other party was not one person, but two people.

His nose can smell the scent of sacrifices and the living, so in his perception, there is a living person hiding behind the tree in front of him!

"It was indeed a sneak attack. They used this method to kill a deducer... This just shows that these two people are not actually good at frontal combat." After confirming this, the ghoul licked his lips excitedly.

He moved lightly and walked around in the direction of the hiding person—he wanted to deal with that one first and catch them off guard!

 It’s close…

The other party seemed to notice something, and his breath was a little restless.

The ghoul calmed down, made a wider circle, and successfully saw the hiding person.

 It was indeed the medical staff.

Behind the tree that Longzhou was leaning on, the medical staff was squatting half-crouched, holding a dagger in his hand, looking out secretly.

The ghoul took advantage of his unpreparedness and immediately attacked him!

The medical staff heard his suddenly heavier footsteps and turned around.

The ghoul thought he would see a surprised and panicked face, but to his surprise, there was only a smile on the medical staff's face - the smile of a successful plot. His eyelids twitched, and he felt that things were not that simple, so he snorted and speeded up.

As long as his melee ability is strong enough, it doesn't matter where the opponent is coming from even if he has already anticipated it! The other party underestimated his fighting power!

His fingers became hard, his teeth were sharp and fine, and he grinned at the medical staff, like a predator hunting.

  [Can we fight back? Maybe he can kill three with one! ]

He is so fast. My physical fitness is much higher than that of normal people. He must be excellent in our level one. He is worthy of being a deducer of ghosts. ]

[There is a saying. The ability to transform into ghosts will greatly increase our personality alienation. It is easy to turn into a monster without even a chance to purify the alienation, but this physical quality is really fragrant...]

I want to see him kill three of them! ]


As if to confirm what the audience said in the barrage expecting a reversal, the sound of flesh being broken was clear and obvious.

 The hard fingers penetrated the chest, bringing out a splatter of blood.

 This is the most real touch, warm liquid dripping into the soil, accompanied by a pair of disbelieving eyes.

Carlos took a step back.

"How could..." The ghoul's claws were only a few centimeters away from Carlos's chest. He was shocked at first, and then his shock turned into fear when he noticed the tearing pain in his chest.

  The ghoul turned his head stiffly and saw half of a dead man's face, which was white and blue.

 This is the face of the cameraman Fang Xiaoyu.

But at this moment, the face was lifeless, the eyes were shrouded in pure black, the hair was long to the shoulders, and the skin reflected a strange sheen.

Fang Xiaoyu’s black nails are long and sharp, more terrifying than the ghoul’s claws.

From the perspective of the ghoul, Fang Xiaoyu showed no expression at all. He stuck one hand into the flesh of the ghoul's chest, grasping the beating heart, and held a Chinese candlestick in the other hand.

In the candlestick, there was also a pale candle and the flickering candlelight.

  [Look, there is no suspense. ]

  [One kills three, just to die. Xing’s ghost transformation is much more complete than that of a ghoul]

  [I really want to see how the weight of Sachi’s persona can be combined with the sacrifice to create such an ability]

  [It turns out that Xing’s sacrifice ability is like this. How should I put it, it’s quite unexpected. I thought he was a behind-the-scenes planning type, but it turned out to be...]

  [Zombie! ]

[He also has the ability to transform into a ghost, which I didn’t expect, but thinking about it at first, I thought he was in the fallen line. Now that I think about it, he should be the more ferocious one in the alienated line]

"Beautiful San, very accurate." Carlos clapped exaggeratedly. He didn't actually have to take that step back, but he looked at the ghoul and instinctively sought a safer position.

Yu Xing used Ming Zhulei's White Candle Zombification ability, but his face was stiff and he couldn't make any expressions. Hearing this, he nodded and used force to crush a beating organ without giving the ghoul any chance to counterattack.

The ghoul's pupils dilated, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he fell to the ground with a "pop" as Yu Xing's hand was removed.

  【Your hunting is complete】

The system prompts Yu Xing to relax. He is now very weak and physically weak, so he is not suitable for long-term fights.

 So, he let Nightmare and Carlos form a double confusion, so that he could have a real sneak attack when the ghoul attacked Carlos.

 Looking at the ghoul's body, Yu Xing's eyes were calm.

  Haunted by soy sauce, she stood up holding on to the tree. When she turned her head, she saw this scene. Her body trembled, and she felt particularly immersed in it for some reason.

She could even imagine Yu Xing ruthlessly tearing her apart... Exciting! She wants to chase him!

Life is endless, and the pursuit of death is endless.

 As a human being, the most important thing is to be happy.

Yu Xing didn’t know what Xi was thinking. He put the candlestick back into his mask, and his zombie transformation slowly faded away.

 The unstable factors were eradicated successfully. In the next three days, they can explore the plot.

 (End of this chapter)

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