Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 108: The wage earner in the Horror Bar (Leader 10,000 words plus update 1/

  Chapter 108: The wage earner in the Horror Bar (Leader’s 10,000-word update 12)

 What happened in the middle of the night did not affect Yu Xing's sleep quality. As he said, although his emotions were really painful in the past, he is no longer the mentally weak chicken he used to be.

After comforting Qu Xianqing for a few words, he let Qu Xianqing go back to her room, and then fell back to sleep.

 It wasn’t until daybreak the next day that his WeChat call suddenly rang. He sat up with satisfaction and answered the call.

  Sigh...Autumn always jumps between cold and warm, and today is a warm day.


Yu Xing glanced out the window, but the next moment, the voice on the phone made the temperature drop by a notch.

"Zhao Mou said that you are very strong now, so he asked me to urge you to lead me through the main line before you reach the differentiation level." The cold characteristics of Zhao Yijiu became more and more obvious after experiencing several deduction games. Yu Xing I suspect this is not only due to his temperament, but also to his own ability.

"Well...I didn't forget." Yu Xing got out of bed, feeling a little guilty at Zhao Mou's urging.

At that time, he promised to take Zhao Yijiao to a higher level. However, until now, he has only had one Alice Hell with Zhao Yjiu, and he was still automatically selected by the system.

 It's really not very responsible.

After being promoted to the differentiated level, you cannot perform deductions with junior, intermediate, and senior levels. Zhao Mou probably watched his live broadcast last night—he saw Zhao Mou’s name in the reward settlement on the big screen at that time—and felt that he would do this again. There was no way I could take Zhao Yijiu with me when I went down, so I came to urge him.

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered that he had added more than 4,000 points last night: "Wait for me, I forgot to look at the panel..."

Yu Xing called up the persona, and the other data did not change much. In the identity column, the data was upgraded from [Intermediate Deducer (2228/3000)] to [Advanced Deducer (4152/5000)]. It can be said that he is a newcomer. The game at least gave him a big springboard in terms of points, allowing him to be just one step away from the differentiation level.

Really, if he doesn’t take Zhao Yijiao with him, he really won’t be able to take him with him...

 Breaking promises is not a good habit, especially since Zhao Mou has helped him so much, he can't do anything no matter what.

Now that he was in good spirits, Yu Xing took the initiative to ask: "I can join you in the confrontation main line deduction. When do you plan to start?"

"..." Zhao Yijius seemed to be silent for a moment, not knowing what he was thinking. He replied after a few seconds, "I'll wait for you to have breakfast."

 Oh haha.

It's okay if he doesn't mention it, but he starts to feel hungry when he mentions Yu Xing.

But how did Zhao Yijiu know that he hadn't had breakfast?

 Put your phone away and look, emmmm, it’s only eight o’clock.

Zhao Yijiu said: "I just woke up as soon as I heard the sound."

As always, he said few words, but after Yu Xing's questions, Zhao Yjiu still revealed some information.

For example, Zhao Mou originally asked him to make a video call to Yu Xing. He said that after watching Yu Xing’s live broadcast for a few days, he found that Yu Xing likes to stay in bed, and it would be better to wake him up by making a video call.

But in order to prevent Zhao Yijiu from seeing something he shouldn't have seen - Yu Xing didn't know what Zhao Yijiu was referring to. He always felt that Zhao Yijiu regarded him as an unscrupulous person who would call for some kind of special service when staying in a hotel. people.

For another example, Zhao Mou realized that Yu Xing was following up on an unknown case recently, and the key has not been found yet. When he officially intervenes, Yu Xing will be much busier than now... so he should bring as many people as possible.

After Yu Xing met the "Prophet", he became even more curious about Zhao Mou's ability to predict predictions. Zhao Mou was obviously much stronger in this aspect. For him, he had always been curious about this ability.

 After all, he didn't.

Yu Xing agreed to enter the game with Zhao Yijiao after breakfast. He didn’t think it was too fast. In fact, he had watched the real world for so many years... The deduction world was just a different world to him.

Going in and having fun is much more interesting than staying in the unchanging reality.

After changing his clothes, Yu Xing sensed the ghost energy left in Ling Heng's body and found that this person was still the same as before, with a vague breath and no intention of going out.

 The weather today is good, it won't rain, and the murderer who likes to cut throats will most likely not show up. At least there is no need for Yu Xing to go out temporarily to stop the murder.

He went upstairs and called Qu Nianqing, who was used to getting up early, to have breakfast in the hotel restaurant, and then told her about the Zhao family.

Qu Xianqing swallowed a mouthful of steaming porridge and thought about it: "...No wonder, during your live broadcast, Zhao Mou from the Zhao family spoke for you."

 “Speak for me?”

"It doesn't count. Anyway, I think he's pretty good. Ah, you told me before that someone wanted to investigate me, and it was also the Zhao family." Qu Nianqing remembered that when he was conducting deductions some time ago, someone always seemed to be making secret inquiries. She, but she remembered Yu Xing's instructions and didn't take action.

Otherwise, just those small actions would have been enough for her to kill ten people.

“Next time I meet someone from the Zhao family, I’ll just give in.”

Yu Xing covered his face. Qu Nianqing's assessment of whether a person is good or not seems to depend on how that person treats him.

Although he was still very touched and knew that Qu Xianqing just said it casually and would not be confused by this condition, it also showed that her interpersonal relationship was really simple. She had no friends and was too lonely.

Yu Xing also tried to pull Qu Nianqing out of the protective shell she built before, but before she could succeed, Qu Nianqing moved away. When he came back, the situation had only increased and had become finalized.

 Forget it, everyone’s choices are different. He really hopes that both Qu Nianqing and Zhu Yan can live well in this world and be happy every day, but there are many ways to be happy.

I wish Yan could go to school and work like a normal person, and even develop a relationship with the criminal investigation detachment, and become a completely positive character in the future.

As for Qu Nianqing...she likes to hide in the darkness, abandon many emotions, and be feared by others. She likes this feeling, which is also happiness.

Yu Xing: I raised it by myself, what else can I do, just pamper it.

 A little past nine o'clock, Yu Xing returned to the room, contacted Zhao Yijiao again, then summoned the persona, and chose the last main task.

  【Do you want to start the main mission? 】


  【The system has detected that you and the player "Lengjiu" intend to form a team. Do you want to enter the game together? 】


 This is what Qu Nianqing gave him. Although there is no teaming system, the system can distinguish the intention of forming a team. When two or more people choose to start the game at the same time, this intention will take effect.

  【The following lists the game information for this deduction】

  It is still the familiar small translucent red characters.

 【Medium-sized deduction: Horror Bar】

  【Type: Confrontational deduction game】

  【Analysis: In a confrontational deduction game, deducers will always be in a competitive relationship, and their rankings will be changed by gaining and losing points. At the end of the deduction, the bottom place will be eliminated, and the high place will be rewarded.】

 【This deduction game is an eight-player game】

  【This deduction game does not take up real time】


After Yu Xing read the deduction prompts, he heard the sound of noisy conversation and music.

The sound of conversation grew from small to loud, as if being pulled in from a far away place. The colors in front of his eyes blurred, distorted and changed. After a while, he felt himself standing up, and then the scene around him changed completely.

The loud music made him frown, and the lights in front of his eyes flickered, almost making him blind.

 This is a bar.

The bar was large and luxuriously decorated. He was standing in the hall. Men and women were shaking their bodies on the dance floor in the center, looking like crazy.

DJ is a long-haired woman with heavy makeup. She wears a row of earrings on her ears. She wears a **** and sassy black leather jacket. She plays rhythm with her hands and claps her hands from time to time to lead the crowd below to interact.

“It’s so noisy.” Yu Xing muttered dissatisfiedly, and his voice was drowned in the cheers of the people.

 But amid the bustle and noise, a cold air filled the entire hall, as cold as a small ice cellar.

This is a bit exaggerated, so just settle for the next best thing, it’s as cold as a cemetery.

Yu Xing touched the goosebumps under his long sleeves: "..."

 Due to his special constitution, he felt uncomfortable again.

 Fortunately, there is no source of curse here. He is just a little cold, and the ghost energy in his body is not restless.

 But this did not prevent him from seeing at a glance that the people on the dance floor were not alive.     Good guy, a ghost in the whole bar.

 Others might have started to feel weak after reaching this conclusion, but he was leisurely and contented, and even observed the expressions of these ghosts with interest.

 Immersed in the carnival of music and dance, the ghosts showed very human emotions. If it weren't for the gloomy and gloomy aura that emanated from their bodies, they would have been indistinguishable from living people.

Yu Xing looked at it and saw that he was wearing the clothes he wore in the hotel. The rest of his belongings were gone, except for a mobile phone.

The phone vibrated in his jeans. Yu Xing reached out to block the ball of light shining from above, took out the unfamiliar phone, and unlocked it with his fingerprint.

 The phone shows 23:40.

A WeChat group message popped up, and the person noted as the foreman was in the group. All of Aite: -

 Foreman: Are everyone here? Come to the locker room to change quickly, the evening shift is about to start.

"Night shift?" Yu Xing raised his eyebrows. Is he a bartender this time?

However, the appearance and clothes have not changed, which means that at least the character is free and there will be no restrictions on the role.

 He tried to reply with a received message.


  01: Received.

 Following that, other people’s receipts quickly followed.


 02: Received.








Except for the foreman, there are a total of eight people in the group, which correspond to the deducers. The numbers of the replies are very neat. Yu Xing suspects that this number was temporarily compiled based on the order of the replies.

 Sure enough, the prompt came the next moment.

  【Because you were the first reply, your number in this deduction is 01. 】

 【Deduction Tips: Go to the dressing room to gather and listen to the foreman's instructions】

The system also gave the task at this time, and then, a **** arrow appeared in Yu Xing's sight, and no one on the dance floor seemed to be able to see it.

Yu Xing followed the arrow.

Away from the noisy dance floor, other places are much quieter in comparison. The exquisite blade-shaped bar is very expensive at first glance. The bartenders inside are exquisitely dressed and have tight-fitting uniforms, but their faces...are painted with heavy makeup.

It's not a good-looking one, but a weird style of painting, with a frighteningly white foundation and no blood, bright red lips, and a smoky effect around the eyes.

The chairs next to him were full. The faces of these customers were normal and they were dressed in different styles. But they didn’t seem to think there was anything wrong with the bartender at all.

 Very weird.

Yu Xing rarely came to places like bars and didn’t know much about it. He even began to wonder if this was some kind of strange aesthetic fashion.

"Handsome man, are you alone?" After walking a few steps, a woman in a red dress from a booth in the corner approached him with a drink. The woman in the red dress gave him a wink, and her meaning was self-evident.

"Sorry, we're not alone." Yu Xing nodded politely towards her, telling her with his distant and serious movements that he was not the one she could seduce.

The woman in the red dress curled her lips, said nothing, glanced at him ambiguously and went back.

Yu Xing stared at her back, and an idea came to his mind: This is a fierce ghost in red.

The red-clothed ghost is a very scary ghost in Chinese ghost legends. It is full of resentment and highly aggressive. Most of them commit suicide.

 In this bar, the ghost in red doesn’t seem to have that aggressive desire.

With this in mind, Yu Xing continued to follow the **** arrow in his eyes.

The path leading to the locker room was very single. After a while, he saw a few people who were also walking this way, wearing more normal clothes.

Several people looked at each other and understood each other tacitly.

  The Deducers are probably the most out of place people here.

  After thinking about it, he waited for a while, and sure enough he saw Zhao Yijiu with a sullen face.

Yu Xing wanted to laugh as soon as he saw him. Zhao Yijiu's cold temperament blended in perfectly here. Throwing him into a pile of ghosts, others would definitely not be able to pick out the living person.

Zhao Yijiu also wore a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose. He was inexplicably quiet, which dissipated the sharpness between his brows.

When he looked over, Zhao Yijiu looked back as if he was feeling something, and then walked towards him faster.

Yu Xing joked: "Is it okay? Have you ever been to a bar?"

 “Been here.” Zhao Yijiu, who cherished words like gold, replied coldly.

I have actually been here before... Yu Xing thought that Zhao Yijiu, with his iceberg personality, would not come to a place like this.

There is nothing I can say about the next few teasing words.

 Zhao Yijiu paused for a second and added: "I was dragged here by Zhao Mou, a long time ago."

   Yu Xing: “Oh~”

The dressing room seems to be at the very back of the bar, and the door is quite hidden. There are not many customers coming to this place, and it is probably the most deserted place in the entire bar.

The door to the locker room was closed. The two of them pushed the door open and entered. Before they had time to take in the surroundings, they were stopped by a young man wearing a shirt and vest.

The young man's skin was pale and his brows were full of impatience. After seeing their faces, he seemed to suppress his impatience and tried to calm down his tone and said: "01, 04, no matter how hard you go, you are the only one left. Hurry up and change." Go with the clothes."

In addition to them, the other six extrapolators have arrived, and they all seem to have just changed their clothes, two men and four women. The men are wearing trousers and a suit shirt vest, which are very slim. The women are wearing the same upper body as the men, and the lower body is black. Short skirt and black stockings.

 A courageous male deduction said with a smile: "Foreman, you were much more cruel to me just now."

The young foreman glared at him: "Can you do the same? I can tell at a glance that they can sell a lot of expensive drinks, what about you?"

 Some of the other deducers laughed out loud, while others were speechless.

Yu Xing listened and knew one thing - the ghost guests here also value their appearance.

He took the opportunity to look around. There were two changing rooms with curtains in this dressing room. Most of the space was arranged like a lounge. There was a row of chairs and a dressing table against the wall.

"Your clothes are put in the changing room. There are numbers on them. Change them quickly. I have a lot of rules to tell you." The foreman pointed behind the curtain. Yu Xing nodded and said goodbye to the expressionless Zhao Yijiu. Entered a changing room.

 There is a pile of clothes in the changing room with a piece of paper written "01" on it.

Yu Xing changed into his shirt, vest and trousers, put on the black leather shoes placed next to his clothes, and looked twice in the mirror in front of him. He had to admit that the foreman's judgment that he could sell a lot of drinks was correct.

Shortly after he came out, Zhao Yijiu also opened the curtain without taking off his glasses.

The two of them stood in a row like other deductions. On Yu Xing's left was a man about twenty-five years old and 1.75 meters tall. He had a sad expression and seemed to have no energy.

The man who spoke in a lively manner was about in his early twenties, exuding the vitality of a young man and having a rather iron-headed temperament.

Further to the left are four girls, some old and some young. The most mature one looks to be in her thirties, and she looks like a royal lady.

"Very good, there are still six minutes left. Let me tell you some things to pay attention to." The old foreman took two steps on the ground with his hands behind his back. "First of all, I want to make a statement. Although you are temporary workers, you still have to work hard. If you can't complete it, In terms of performance..."

"Ahem, if it weren't for the fact that the bar's original waiters went out to play in a group and were kidnapped by the ghost exorcists, I wouldn't have hired you group of living people!" The foreman seemed a little angry when he talked about this, and even looked at Their eyes were not friendly anymore.

"What? What does it mean to be captured by a demon exorcist, and what do we mean to be a group of living people?" A pony-tailed girl who looked inexperienced asked nervously.

The guests looked too much like living people. Except for Yu Xing, who had a special physique, no one could tell that they were ghosts for the time being. At best, they just felt that the bar was very cold.

“Don’t you understand? You are the only eight people alive in the whole bar. You are just temporary workers who I hired to cover the whole day’s shift when I really had no choice!”

The head waiter looked threatening: "So, don't show your flaws and let the guests know that you are human. I will be punished. I think you don't want to be recognized and then tortured by a group of excited ghosts, right?"

 “What kind of behavior will be recognized?” a woman in her thirties asked.

"You're pretty smart. Let me tell you, don't laugh or cry while you're working. Our ghost waiters here won't cry or laugh. Once a customer sees these two expressions... Congratulations, you already dead."

 Can't cry or laugh... Yu Xing was glad that he didn't smile when he rejected the woman in red. Otherwise, he would have been disappointed if he met her again as a waiter.

The foreman waved his hand: "Okay, you can follow tradition and work in pairs to complete the next work."

The total number of updates added by the leader is 10,000 words. Today I will finish a chapter of 5,000 words.



 (End of this chapter)

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