Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 109: The bar is not responsible for death while working

Chapter 109 The bar is not responsible for death while working

 Two players?

This sudden turn made Yu Xing smile, and the foreman glared at him directly: "Don't laugh, although there are no guests here, but you have to adapt in advance, in case you smile subconsciously in front of the guests..."

"Sorry, foreman." Yu Xing put away his smile cooperatively, "I will pay attention."

 Actually, he just thinks this mode is more convenient, because he originally wanted to help Zhao Yizhi, and if he can form a team, everything he does will be more legitimate.

 The ranking is calculated based on the sum of the two people's points, which saves him the experience of paying attention to his and Zhao Yijiu's scores.

With a straight face, Yu Xing didn't know what he was thinking. He was stunned for two seconds, maybe because he was adapting to the role.

Zhao Yijiu glanced at Yu Xing.

In Zhao Yijiu’s impression, Yu Xing likes to laugh quite a lot, although the ingredients of this laughter are usually “mockery, ill-intentions, preparation for calculations, mice playing with cats, fake feelings” and other not-so-good thoughts.

And when he doesn't smile - nor does he pretend to be weak or afraid, a kind of oppression will seep out from his feminine face.


Zhao Yijiu has never seen this kind of temperament in the young people in the family. Even the person in power in the family is a little less than Yu Xing...how to put it, he is used to seeing the tranquility of the vicissitudes of life.

Zhao Yijiu thought: He should not be as simple as he seems on the surface. No wonder I want me to have a good relationship with him.

Of course, whether or not to establish a good relationship depends on his mood, not on Zhao Mou's instructions.

Today he is still the ruthless and talkative Zhao Yijiu who can't control his thoughts.

The foreman was furious when he looked at the temporary workers who didn't move much for a while and seemed to be digesting the information that "every bar is full of ghosts". He couldn't help but urge: "You decide how to form a team, I personally Gui recommends that you match men and women, so that no matter what gender or hobby you have, you will have the best communication plan, which will be good for your performance. "

 At this moment, the eight people started to move.

Although the specific rules of this confrontational deduction are not yet known, the word "performance" appears very frequently in the mouth of the foreman, which is obviously important information.

The most direct achievement is probably selling wine. The last two people who came in, Zhao Yijiu and Yu Xing, were personally determined by the foreman that selling wine would be easier, so they were very popular in terms of team formation.

The beautiful woman in her thirties went directly to Zhao Yijiao.

She flipped up her hair and asked with a smile: "My name is Zhang Xiangling. I want to team up with you. Is it possible?"

Zhao Yijiu glanced at her. The woman had a very **** figure, the type that many men could not resist.

 He replied coldly: "No."

Zhang Xiangling was not discouraged and continued to persuade: "My social skills are pretty good. Judging from your appearance, you should focus more on fighting, right? We are a team. I will negotiate with the guests, and you will deal with emergencies that require fighting. Performance It won’t be bad.”

Zhao Yijiu looked impatient.

Yu Xing watched with great interest. If he guessed correctly, this woman likes abstinence...

 “Are you forming a team?” Suddenly, the man standing next to him said with a sad expression.

Yu Xing was surprised for a moment, then shook his head: "No, my teammates have decided."

"Oh." The man didn't say a word, and he didn't even seem to be curious about why his teammates had already decided on him just standing here, as if he was just asking casually.

 But when he asked this question, Zhao Yijiu remembered something and raised his chin at Yu Xing: "We have teammates, please don't disturb us."

Zhang Xiangling followed his gaze in surprise and found that it was Empress Yu Xing: "It turned out that we had already agreed, sorry to bother you." Since she knew him, she had nothing to say, so she raised her eyes and saw a girl with long hair. It seemed that he didn't dare to talk to the stern-faced Yu Xing, so he went to find the tough guy.

Among the remaining two girls, the ponytail girl and a tall girl with short hair seemed to have come in as a team, and they never considered anyone else from the beginning to the end.

So she seems to be with this sad man who exudes the aura of "I'm lazy, can anyone give me a pillow?" all over his body.

  It doesn’t matter.

 Zhang Xiangling doesn’t think this is a big deal. In this kind of confrontation, she can win as long as she has a good relationship with one or two other groups.

 She smiled kindly at Yu Xing and Zhao Yijiu: "I wish you both good luck~"

Yu Xing nodded with a relaxed expression and imitated her tone: "Remember not to laugh when you go out~"

 Zhang Xiangling: "...?" It seems that this person is different from what I imagined.

 Soon, the eight people were divided into groups.

 At the moment when everything is confirmed, the system prompt appears in front of everyone's eyes.

 【The ranking rules for this deduction are released】

[Eight performers work in pairs and are divided into four groups for points ranking. The ranking is calculated based on the total points of the two players. At the end of the deduction, the group with the highest points will receive additional rewards, and the group with the lowest points will be eliminated]

  【Insert the words of the bar owner here: If someone dies while working, the "Photo Green Ghost Bar" will not be held responsible. 】

 【Points can be obtained by selling drinks or completing ghost requirements. It is prohibited to attack players in other groups in any form. Violators will be punished by evil spirits】

  【Current Points Ranking】

  01, 04:0

  02, 07:0

  03, 08:0

  05, 06:0

 The foreman soon discovered that at least half of the people here ignored his recommendation.

 In his confirmation, the deducers introduced themselves.

Since there are too many ghosts in this place, I don’t know if this green ghost bar belongs to an independent absurd world or a continuous absurd world. If it is a continuous absurd world, it is not a good thing to be known by so many ghosts.

 So except for Zhang Xiangling, most of them had temporary nicknames. Of course, Zhang Xiangling may not be her real name.

Yu Xing and Zhao Yijiu were in a group. When they introduced themselves, they called themselves Ayu and Zhao. 02 and 07 were Lushan and Shengwan respectively, that is, girls with iron hair and long hair in their early twenties. 03 and 08 were Zhang Xiangling and Zhu Ming.

05 and 06 are two girls who have a good relationship. The taller girl with short hair calls herself Chengzi, and the girl with ponytail calls herself Xiaoyan.

 The foreman rolled his eyes.

He looked at the time and sighed: "Okay, it's almost time. You can go to work. I will know who sold what wine and fulfilled the customer's requirements."

"By the way, your work scope includes the three halls on the first floor of the bar, as well as the private rooms on the second floor. The three halls are Huangquan Disco, Wangchuan Winery and Bianan Winery. The private rooms will ring the bell to call you. ”

He took out a small golden bell from nowhere and tied it on the wrist of each deducer without any explanation.

“When a guest in the private room rings the bell, the bell on the wrist of the person closest to the private room will ring.” The head waiter suddenly smiled, with a sinister look in his smile—

“Don’t let the guests ring the bell a second time, they will get impatient.”

   Sheng Wan and Zhu Ming are both secondary characters for readers~

There is another chapter in the afternoon



 (End of this chapter)

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