Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 113: The rules are completely overturned!

 Chapter 113 The rules are completely overturned!

Zhao Yijiu asked seriously. His stern face under the dark lighting always gave people the illusion of "Why is this young man so spooky?"

 His meaning is obvious—

You tell me your plan, otherwise, I'm always afraid that I won't be mentally prepared when you trick me.

 You’re going to trick me anyway, so it’s not too late for me to be mentally prepared.

Yu Xing also received what he wanted to express.

Then Yu Xing felt very aggrieved.

 Actually, he thought that he had never cheated Zhao Yiju.

 I just pretended to be cute and deceived Zhao Yijiu into helping me when they first met. Then I found out his address and visited Zhao Yijiao's home in a friendly manner. Then, I may have frightened Zhao Yijiu at the Alice Hell jumping machine...

How do you think he should be kind and brave in Zhao Yijiu's mind? Why does Zhao Yjiu always think that he is a ruthless and unjust person who even cheats his teammates?

How could he have tricked Zhao Yijiu before?

If he asked, then Zhao Yijiu wouldn't know.

 First of all, all the above "kind and brave" behaviors made Zhao Yijing want to beat Yu Xing.

 Secondly, this is probably an intuition, and...prejudice? Just like he always felt that someone like Yu Xing who was good at lying must have many girls around him.

Being able to negotiate terms with Zhao Mou must be like those old guys in the family who are very thoughtful. At least like Zhao Mou, when he is nice to someone on the surface, he is secretly thinking about how to take advantage of others.

As for Zhao Mou, he often goes to bars, and his girlfriends are always changing, and he is always not serious.

Zhao Yijiu is considered an anomaly in the Zhao family. What he is good at is not calculation and layout, nor intelligence collection and spying. The family is training him purely as a force.

So...when facing Yu Xing, Zhao Yijiao always has complicated emotions. He is wary and relieved, mocking and admiring, and wants to scold and hit.

"I don't have any plans, just..." Yu Xing prolonged his tone.

Zhao Yijiu's expression changed, and he became a little nervous.

"Actually, I guessed who the ferryman is and can go find him at any time. But I noticed something else, something quite wrong." Yu Xing straightened the hem of his vest and the cuffs of his shirt, slowly.

“Forget it, we can go find the ferryman first, then we will—”

 Zhao Yijiu expressionlessly grabbed Yu Xing who was about to leave: "Forget it, what's wrong?"

Seeing that he really wanted to get to the bottom of it, Yu Xing touched the tip of his nose: "It's just a bit of intuition, not reliable."

 “Reliable.” Zhao Yijiu said without thinking.

After a second's pause, he realized that he seemed to trust Yu Xing too much, so his slightly sarcastic tone came back: "If this was a TV series, and you were such a mother-in-law, the audience would definitely want to blow your head off."

Yu Xing was silent for a moment, feeling that Zhao Yijiu was talking more and more.

He shook his head and reluctantly decided to tell Zhao Yijiu his guess: "There are too many ghosts here. Let's go to the toilet."

It happened that it was not too busy now, and there was a toilet in the corner of Wangchuan Winery. After the two of them entered the men's toilet, Yu Xing squinted and checked all the cubicles to make sure that no ghosts were eavesdropping. Then he put his hands in his pockets and said leisurely : "I always feel that these ghosts are not ignorant. Moreover, the logic of this deduction is wrong from the beginning, don't you think?"

Zhao Yijiu thought about what he said.

Yu Xing knew that he was thinking, so he guided his thoughts: "The foreman said that all the employees were taken away, so he had to hire us temporary workers. The ghost guests are very malicious to the living people, and we can't let them know that we are It's a living person. There are two logical loopholes in this." Zhao Yijiu vaguely guessed it, but the answer seemed to question the deduction system, which was undoubtedly too bold. He was afraid that he was wrong and not on track with Yu Xing, so he went directly. Ask: "What is it?"

“First, looking at the bar’s customer flow, it doesn’t look like there’s a shortage of ghosts in this deduction world. Why doesn’t the foreman hire ghost temporary workers, but takes the risk to hire live people?”

“Second, since ghost guests hate living people and are also ghosts, why can the foreman accept living people?”

"I just asked the bartender about the prices of two drinks. I just used a clever communication technique, and she told me the answer. It can be imagined that the rule of completing the task to get the price of drinks is not absolute. , at least the bartenders themselves can change this rule.”

“Will anyone abide by a rule that can be changed at any time?” Yu Xing said the last sentence and smiled.

His smile was not seen by the guests, so there would be no punishment, but...

“Do you suspect that the mission itself does not exist?” Zhao Yijiao felt that this idea was very bold. This was his third main line deduction, and no one had ever told him before—

 Tasks can also be fake.

Yu Xing glanced at him and suddenly felt that it was a good opportunity for Zhao Yijiu to get to the bottom of things. He agreed to help Zhao Yijiu be promoted to a senior level safely. In addition to the paid exchange with Zhao Mou, it was also because Zhao Yijiu was a pretty good person.

 Other than having a cold personality, he is quite suitable for making friends.

Therefore, he also hopes to help Zhao Yijius broaden his thinking in deductions. In the future, when Zhao Yjiu performs deductions alone or with others, he may develop the habit of changing his thinking when he thinks back to today's doubts, which will definitely be useful to him in the future. benefit.

"Do you think this mission exists? In other words, have we received a system prompt?" Yu Xing pointed to Zhao Yijiao's vest pocket, "The mission paper is still in your pocket. If you think about it, the concept of a mission is What? We are deducers, and the tasks issued by the deduction system are called tasks, and finding the evil ghost is just a one-sided statement by the bartender. "

“Also, why do you think the original ghost employees can’t cry or laugh? They are all ghosts. I see the customers laughing quite happily.”

Zhao Yijiu frowned: "Thinking about it this way, when the ranking rules were announced, it was indeed not mentioned that we cannot discover the identities of living people. So, is it really the system that misled us?"

Yu Xing raised the corners of his lips slightly and looked at a certain point in the air without focus: "We misunderstood, the system did not mislead us, it was just these ghosts who misled us."

 “I have a bold guess, do you want to hear it?”

Zhao Yijiu's black-haired bangs cast a shadow on his face: "Listen."

"I guess there is no such thing as an employee being arrested, and we are not living people except the foreman. Maybe one of the night activities in this bar is that living people come in to work as waiters every night, using fabricated... The rules lie to the living, and all the guests…”

“They are all just participants in the cat-and-mouse game.”

Zhao Yijiu's pupils shrank, and a barrier in his mind suddenly shattered.

 He knows.

 All the ghosts in the bar know the identities of the waiters, but from the head bartender to the guests, they are all fooling them with a non-existent rule.

"Who is the ferryman?" Yu Xing suddenly changed the topic back to the question Zhao Yijiao mentioned at the beginning, and then asked and answered himself, "The ferryman is the only functional person on the Wangchuan River, and the only one among the Wangchuan wine and coffee shops Who is a functional person?”

 “It’s the bartender herself.”

I didn’t expect it, hahaha. The direction of the dungeon in the Horror Bar is very strange, so I won’t let you guess it!

   (ω)hiahiahia Then there is another update in the afternoon.



 (End of this chapter)

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