Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 114: Yuxing, you are the one who introduced Lu Ziye

Chapter 114 Yu Xing, you are responsible for Lu Ziye

"Chengzi, why does the second floor look so scary..." Xiaoyan's trembling voice echoed in the empty black corridor.

The cold wind blew straight into Xiaoyan's collar. She clutched Chengzi's arm and looked ahead with a hint of fear.

Behind him is a staircase decorated with blood stains, and in front of him is a dark corridor.

There are doors on both sides of the corridor that cannot be seen at a glance. There is a faint light from behind the door, and pale green lanterns are hung on the ceiling, giving a barely visible view.

Other than that, there is no light source in the corridor, and it looks like an abyss waiting to swallow people.

 The layout of the downstairs is that of a modern bar, but the second floor seems to be cut off. Once they traveled into a strange space, it gave the two girls a strong psychological shock.

 It was like suddenly falling into the underworld.

“Don’t be afraid.” Chengzi squeezed Xiaoyan’s shoulder and said, “There should be private rooms on both sides. We can wait for the bell to ring, and then start…”


Suddenly, there was a sound as if a door that was hundreds of years old was being pushed open. The lantern hanging above the head swayed. The hair on the two people stood up. They looked at each other and invariably had the intention to retreat.

In fact, the two are classmates in reality. Half a month ago, they were led by a person to pass the first level test of the personality mask, and then narrowly completed the second level test alone.

 They are not stupid, but they are too timid and easily panic when encountering danger.

"No, you shouldn't listen to Sheng Wan. She wants to know what's going on on the second floor. Why doesn't she come by herself?" Xiaoyan stepped back, "Let's go down. The second floor is too scary. I feel like it's a trap!"

Chengzi looked nervously at the lanterns that suddenly started to swing around, as if a pair of invisible hands were fidgeting with them, and his heart trembled: "Okay, let's go..."

 However, after we have come, it is not so easy to leave.

"Dingling bell..." A misty bell rang from a distance. The two girls were like frightened rabbits. They wanted to leave quietly and let Ayu and Zhao downstairs become the closest people to the bell ringer, but then, The bells on their wrists also swayed slightly.

"Jingle Bell…"

The two bells echoed each other, and at the same time, they felt a sense of being locked in sight.


“The bartender is the ferryman, and then she gave us this task?” Zhao Yijiu leaned in front of the sink, his slender figure tight and superior.

Then either there are no evil spirits at all, or the evil spirits have already known the task given to them by the bartender.

 Because the sentence "The evil spirit bribed the ferryman" has made the ferryman's position clear - the ferryman and the evil spirit are on the same side.

Yu Xing nodded: "It's just reasoning. The details are too fragmentary and I can't be sure. Originally, I planned to test the attitudes of the bartender and the guests again to confirm my guess about whether they knew that we were alive, and then switch to battle. "Second floor."

 If the drink list on the first floor is a scam, then they don’t need to waste time on it.

Maybe according to the task given by the bartender, they can really find a ghost that shouldn't appear in Wangchuan Bar. Let's not say whether the ghost is a real evil ghost or a co-actor. Doing this is equivalent to them really They are people who provide entertainment for ghosts.

Yu Xing is not happy about it.

The second floor is the place where "guests will make requests" in the mission. If drinks are a trap, then the requests most likely are not.

 Otherwise this deduction would be too much.

 “You are too perceptive.”

Zhao Yijiu thought about what Yu Xing said and found that the logic was indeed consistent, and he could not find any loopholes for a while.

 He was already inclined to believe that what Yu Xing said was right, so he didn't know whether he was praising Yu Xing or doubting Yu Xing's ability.

 “Don’t do six basic things.” Fortunately, this is all based on experience.

There is a saying that goes something like this: when you have watched a thousand movies, you will find that there is nothing weird in the world.      When you live for more than a hundred years, you will find that the world's people are just like this.

These ghost games are all leftover from Yu Xing’s games.

 Zhao Yijiu: "What about now?"

"Chengzi Xiaoyan just went upstairs. We can wait for the points ranking to be refreshed and see how they are doing." Yu Xing heard footsteps approaching and patted Zhao Yijiu, "Let's go. Don't be negative before going to the second floor. I’ve been slacking off for too long.”


 They came out of the toilet and met the man with a clothes rack who was the first person Yu Xing greeted just now.

The male ghost said hello to Yu Xing in a good mood: "Hi, are you going to the bathroom?"


 After politely responding, Yu Xing's eyes moved slightly and smiled at him.

 Zhao Yijiu: “…!”

Looking at his smile, the male ghost suddenly darkened his face and said with excitement in his voice: "You laughed?"

 “Can’t you laugh?” Yu Xing looked surprised.

His tone was so matter-of-fact that the male ghost's sinister aura froze: "...can you?"

Yu Xing looked at the male ghost in confusion, with a little surprise and confusion in his eyes: "Of course it can be done, no one told me that it can't be done."

"Didn't your foreman tell you some rules?" The male ghost's black eyes widened. It was stuck at the point where it was about to explode, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"No, the eight of us were late today, and the foreman didn't have time to tell us anything."

 Male ghost: "...Oh, that's okay."

It walked around Yu Xing and Zhao Yijiu in a daze and entered the toilet, as if it had been tricked into lameness.

 Zhao Yijiu, who witnessed all this completely: "..."

 Good guy, Jie Luzi is so wild.

Such a shock, no one even reacted!

 Dou Bamboo, you usually deceive people like this, right? Introduce a skilled person.

He was talking about Tianjin for a long time, but Zhao Yijiu said only two words: "Awesome."

Yu Xing, who was so skilled in deceiving people, did not join forces with these ghosts to bully living people. Yu Xing smiled. The male ghost originally wanted to kill Yu based on the rule of "I found out that you are alive." Fortunately, when Yu Xing said that he didn't know this rule, the male ghost let Yu Xing off so easily.

What does it mean? The rule that cannot be discovered as a living person is not something that comes with the deduction itself at all, but is set by these dramatists themselves.

They just want to keep the eight human waiters in fear and be cautious. In short, they are happy when the living people are uncomfortable.

"Look, it's confirmed now... There's no need to stay on the first floor. I don't like being played like a monkey." Yu Xing tilted his head, with a sinister sneer on his face.

 Zhao Yijiu: I feel like the ghosts on the first floor will be unlucky.

 He asked: “This method can be verified so easily, why is it being used now?”

"Because there are few ghosts here. If I guess wrong and this ghost wants to attack me, I can still fight with it, drag it to the last stall of the toilet and lock it up. Not in the hall, ghost It’s a bit too much, and it’s hard to deal with it if it’s exposed.” Yu Xing said the scary words seriously.

 (End of this chapter)

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