Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 115: I'm so envious, I want one too

Chapter 115 I’m so envious, I want one too

Coincidentally, at this moment, thirty minutes after the start of the deduction, the points ranking list was refreshed.

Each deducer received the prompt. Yu Xing opened it and took a look, his eyes lit up.

  【Current Points Ranking】

  05, 06:20

  01, 04:7

  02, 07:4

  03, 08:4

Yu Xing and Zhao Yijiu’s seven points were obtained by selling two glasses of mid-range drinks and three glasses of high-end drinks respectively.

 As for the bottom two groups, one is because it is difficult to sell drinks in the disco, and the other group does not know the reason. In short, it seems that the drinks are not selling well.

 The focus is on the first-ranked group. 05 and 06 are the numbers of Chengzi and Xiaoyan. They actually got twenty points!

From the perspective of time, if they complete the ghost's requirements after going up, they will only have time to complete it once at most.

 Twenty points at a time, which is much higher than the income from selling drinks downstairs. What does this mean?

 It explains that "selling drinks" is a wrong option. Although it can gain a small amount of points, under the premise that the four groups compete with each other, compared with "completing the requirements", it is simply a waste of time and gives up early.

This just confirms Yu Xing’s conjecture. Everything on the first floor is fake and has no profit. The ghosts have also added a bunch of fictitious rules that can be abandoned.

Chengzi Xiaoyan is quite capable. Not only did they not become cannon fodder, but they took advantage of being the first to reach the second floor and became the leaders among the four groups!

"Would you like to go up and have a look?" Yu Xing suggested enthusiastically.

Zhao Yijiu nodded. They can go up and observe first. If it doesn't work, they can just come down.

 The two of them were very decisive. They ignored the new guests under the calm gaze of the bartender and walked towards the stairs.

The stairs of Naihe Bridge are bone-chillingly cold. When you look closer, you can see that the bloodstains on them are mottled and old. They have been deeply imprinted on the stairs and cannot be peeled off.

Stepping on it, Yu Xing felt waves of chill rising from his feet, gradually wrapping around his entire body. This chill had a penetrating power, as if it was examining his soul.

There is no Meng Po on this "Naihe Bridge". The legendary Meng Po Soup is also sold in Wangchuan Hall.

They didn’t need to forget their past, and after walking through the eighteen steps, they went upstairs smoothly.

Abruptly, all the sounds were wiped out, as if he had been deprived of hearing in an instant. The noise from the disco and the pure music from the bar disappeared instantly. His eyes were dark, and even his eyesight was untrustworthy.

At first glance, all you can see is green lanterns swinging in the air. The lanterns are antique and have faded writing written on them.

Yu Xing took two seconds to adapt and pulled himself out of the disturbing state of being "deaf and blind." When he squinted his eyes, he realized that the lantern was not in the air, but hanging from the ceiling.

A straight corridor stretched from his feet into the unknown darkness. Only the outline could be seen from the dim light coming from the bottom of the rooms on both sides of the corridor.

 The five senses are unclear, the soul cannot recognize, and the reality cannot be distinguished—this is the first impression left on Yu Xing on the second floor.

“Sure enough, this is the real home of this game.”

 The moment he felt the atmosphere on the second floor, Yu Xing made a decision.

 He took two steps along the corridor, his leather shoes making a hollow sound on the floor.

“There is no end to this corridor.” Zhao Yijiu followed him like a ghost, his voice lowered, because when talking here, even the smallest sound can travel far.

 I wonder if it will alarm the "guests" in the room.

What he meant was that the layout of the second floor did not follow the architectural tone of the first floor. It was completely an elevated space, a long one with no branching paths.

"It means there are a lot of guests on the second floor." Yu Xing didn't see Chengzi and Xiaoyan who came up first. They might be in a certain room, or they might have walked far along the corridor.

Zhao Yijiu took a deep breath in the darkness, feeling much more at ease, and held the [Broken Heart] in his hand. No, this knife has now changed its appearance and name. The original broken heart belonged to Zhao Mou, and what was merged with it was Zhao Mou's personality mask. Zhao Yijing borrowed it when he was in Qingyuan Pharmaceutical Factory.

After the end of Alice in Hell, Zhao Mou officially cut off the connection between Broken Heart and his persona, allowing Zhao Yijiu to fuse it himself.

 This sacrifice in the form of a weapon is called [Stop Killing].

It is much longer than before, half as long as Zhao Yijiu's forearm. Its shape is not as curved as a knife, but as straight as its head and tail, with blades on both sides. It looks more like a dagger than a knife.

[Stop Killing] was summoned from the persona by Zhao Yijiu. He held it in his hand and merged with the surrounding darkness. The rusty sword body did not reflect any luster.

 Non-reflective weapons are an excellent choice for assassination.

Zhao Yijiu can make full use of its power. If Zhao Yijiu had [Stop Killing] instead of [Heartbreak] during the deduction qualification test at Qingyuan Pharmaceutical Factory, then he would never have used it during Tang Li's pursuit. You will be at a disadvantage, but you will never be injured.

"Why do you feel like you like this place so much?" Yu Xing glanced at him and sensed a sense of relief from the air pressure around him.


 Zhao Yijiu didn't answer him at first. When Yu Xing thought he didn't want to pay attention to him, he suddenly said: "It's okay."

For Zhao Yijiu, darkness is indeed a layer of protection. He has never been good at acting and flattering. He is almost suffocated downstairs, but upstairs, although it looks a lot like the underworld, it is actually worse for him. The floor is comfortable.

Yu Xing nodded understandingly, noticed what was in Zhao Yijiao's hand, and raised his eyebrows: "Is this the original knife? Tsk, tsk, tsk, I'm so envious..."

 He lacks a weapon-like sacrifice!

Look, look at what his two sacrifices are now, a candlestick and a doll. He can't expect those two things to hit people. He doesn't know the effect of smashing them, but he can be sure that they will be difficult to take back. .

Every time you have to do something, you have to do it with your bare hands.

Yu Xing has long been disgusted with the feeling of breaking a certain bone.

"You can ask Qu Xianqing for it." Zhao Yijiu was unmoved and even put Zhi Sha away from him.

He heard from Zhao Mou just after midnight last night that there was a very strong deducer beside Yu Xing, the one who Yu Xing mentioned to Zhao Mou when he went to his house last time - the big boss of the Alienation Line The song is titled Qing.

This Qu Nianqing seems to have an unusual relationship with Yu Xing, and he even openly expressed his support when Yu Xing was live broadcasting the rookie competition.

So it’s not easy to get a weapon-like sacrifice? Zhao Yijiu thought coldly.

He stepped forward to sit side by side with Yu Xing. Instead of continuing the topic, he asked in a low voice: "The guests on the second floor didn't make any noise. Should we kick in the door and go in to take a look."

 Kicking in the door again?

Yu Xing laughed and thought to himself that Zhao Yijiu was indeed addicted to kicking the door. Then he shook his head to stop: "Let's go, let's take a stroll first, and wait until some guests ring the bell before going in."

He rolled his eyes, as if he had a good relationship with the guests on the second floor: "The guests above are not on the same level as those on the first floor. We should serve them more respectfully."

   Thanks to [Warrior of Love Wilde] and [Pure Sleep] for their generous rewards! thank you boss! Thank you to [SingleL] for the 3000 reward, and thank you to [Wish to Far Away] for the 1000 reward! Thanks to [刂刂王刂刂] for the 500 reward, and thanks to [Player Ou Dun] for the 100 reward! (The above is the list of rewards after September 20th. In the future, rewards will be thanked in the writer's post. I bow again and thank you all bosses (ω))

The second update is in the afternoon.

I was typing at night, and while I was writing this chapter, another moth flew into the dormitory... (I was about to ascend to heaven). Fortunately, this time it died and I am still alive.



 (End of this chapter)

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