Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 116: psychic games

Chapter 116 Psychic Game

Two similar footsteps echoed in the corridor, and different colors of fluorescence shone from the bottom of the doors on both sides.

Walking in an unchanged scene, it is easy to have the illusion of blurred time, and every time Yu Xing looks back, he can see the "Naihe Bridge" right there, always at the end of his sight, as if the distance has never changed.

Three or four minutes later, Yu Xing’s eyebrows moved: It’s a bit strange that after so long, the other two groups should have finished handling the matters at hand.

 But their figures have not appeared on the stairs for a long time.

Could it be that... the stairs I see now are in a state where it is difficult to distinguish reality from reality, and each group is in a different space after going up the stairs?

  Yu Xing understood, which could explain why they hadn't met Chengzi and Xiaoyan for so long.

"Jingle Bell…"

 Suddenly, a bell rang from the front.

At the same time, Yu Xing's wrist tugged, and the small bell gave a clear reminder, even pulling him forward.

Zhao Yijiu’s bell also rang. They looked at each other without any panic in their eyes.

 What is supposed to come will come.

The bell rang for a few seconds and then disappeared, but the traction on their wrists was still there. They still remembered that the head waiter said "Don't let the guests ring the bell a second time." It was better to listen to this sentence.

So the two quickened their pace and soon saw a room with a faint red light leaking from the crack in the door.

Yu Xing said: "That's it."

"Hmm." Zhao Yijiu reached out to open the door, but he didn't push it.

There was something crawling on the dark door, and through the green lantern hanging from the ceiling, they saw that it was a stain of blood.

Although the red blood stains were somewhat eclipsed by the light of the green lantern, they still got the information given to them by the "guest".

 The blood squirmed for a while, forming an Arabic numeral "1" on the door.

“?” Zhao Yijiu looked at Yu Xing with questioning eyes.

"One..." Yu Xing murmured, "Maybe only one person can enter?"

 After he finished speaking, the numbers on the door did not change.

Zhao Yijiu did not think that Yu Xing was wrong. He asked directly: "Then you do it or I do it."

 “I’ll do it.” Yu Xing thought about it for two seconds.

He thinks that Zhao Yiju should not be afraid of ghosts now, but ghosts normally cannot be killed without the special methods given in the deduction, so Zhao Yjiu is still at risk of being harmed by ghosts.

As for himself...he can't die anyway. Even if he can't do anything to the ghosts, the ghosts can't do anything to him. It's better to let him test how strong the ghosts on the second floor are.

 Zhao Yijiu refused to fight with him: "Be careful."

   Yu Xing: “I know, I know.”

Under Zhao Yijiu's gaze, Yu Xing touched the door handle again. This time the door did not stop him. With a harsh squeaking sound, the rusty and dull door, as if it had not been maintained for many years, was slowly opened.

The air, which was more humid than that in the corridor, penetrated into his breath, and a faint red light reflected on Yu Xing's pale face. He turned back and nodded to Zhao Yijiu, indicating that he could move freely, and then walked in.

 This is a square room, arranged like a bathroom, with large tiles underneath.

As soon as Yu Xing fully entered the room, the door behind him closed with a creak, and the lock clicked. Without him having to do anything, something in the room "considerately" locked the door for him, separating him from the corridor.

Hung on the wall was a small light red lamp, allowing Yu Xing to barely see the layout of the room.

The room is very big, and the seven by seven space is too empty. There is no decoration, so the only things here stand out.

The most conspicuous thing is the large pure white bathtub in the middle of the room. Yu Xing walked over calmly, put his hand on the edge of the bathtub, and took a look inside.

 There is water in it. The water was opaque and full. Due to the dim environment, the tank of water seemed pitch black, with only floating light reflecting on the surface, reflecting Yu Xing's shadow.

No one knows whether there will be anything soaked in the water.

Yu Xing looked away and looked around - there were no guests here.

That's not right either... Yu Xing felt the coldness and spooky atmosphere in the space, and guessed that the guest was here, but didn't show up, and might be watching him in the dark.

 One thing to say, there are very few things in this room.

In addition to the bathtub, there is a cardboard box placed in the corner of the room, and behind the bathtub, on the wall directly opposite the door, is a full-length mirror.

 There are not many places to hide people or ghosts.

Yu Xing's fingertips slid over the bathtub, and the cold and smooth touch remained on his fingertips.

He walked towards the mirror, and the image of himself in the mirror gradually enlarged, with a gloomy expression. His shirt, vest and suit pants made his figure more upright, and his black hair was thick and soft, making his feminine face that could not tell his specific age appear young. breath.

The bathtub was right behind him, so quiet, but the more he looked at it, the more terrifying it became.

Yu Xing smiled, and he made the same expression in the mirror.

He then stopped caring about the mirror image and focused on the frame.

The frame of this full-length mirror was wide and thick, engraved with meaningless dense patterns. He reached out and touched it. It had a sharp touch unique to metal.

  Touching it, his hand paused.

"This is..." Holding a piece of paper between his two fingers, Yu Xing tore the palm-sized piece of paper off the side of the frame and finally saw the "guest's" request.

  【Let's play a game, waiter. 】

  【This is my favorite game, its charm is second only to Eternal Youth and Being Feared. Come on, it's called...Bloody Mary. 】

Bloody Mary?

Yu Xing was aroused. If he remembered correctly, this term had several meanings. In addition to Bloody Mary cocktail, it was also the queen of England and Ireland in the Middle Ages, whose real name was Mary I.

In addition, Bloody Mary is a person full of horror legends, known as the crippled bride, the bloodthirsty prophet, and the evil witch.

 The Bloody Mary mentioned by this guest should be a very famous psychic game.

There are many versions of this game. Yu Xing didn’t know which version was here for the time being. He continued to read the lower part of the note.

 【Game Step 1: Turn off all the lights and pour water on the mirror. 】

  【Game Step 2: Light the candle and place it in front of the mirror, holding a knife in your hand. 】

  【Game step 3: Call "BloodyMary" three times, pronounce each syllable clearly, and then look in the mirror. 】

  【Game Step 4: Wait for the arrival of Bloody Mary. 】

There are four steps in total, which are not too complicated, but generally speaking, the easiest version does not require splashing water and holding a knife.

 It is said that sometimes Bloody Mary does not hurt people, there is only her reflection in the mirror, and she will answer some questions of the summoner.

 Sometimes Bloody Mary will force people to commit suicide, or pull people into the mirror.

With the additional requirements of splashing water and holding a knife, Yu Xing always felt that the Bloody Mary summoned would be a very scary thing.

   Thanks to 【__ap__】 for the 5000 reward!



 (End of this chapter)

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