Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 117: There is a person who has to turn his back to the mirror

Chapter 117 There is a person who has his back to the mirror

 It’s really good, the scarier it is, the more fun it is~

Yu Xing smiled.

 Bloody Mary usually appears in the image of witches, ghosts or corpses. As a young man who has been idle for a long time, Yu Xing has paid most attention to this kind of thing in recent years.

 Psychic games, horror novels, legends from various places, curiosity culture, real cases...

Some people have come across it, some have never come across it. Bloody Mary belongs to the type that he has heard of but has never tried.

 After all, if you play this game in reality, you can’t even summon Mao.

Yu Xing was inexplicably happy to have the opportunity to see something today. After memorizing the steps of the game, he walked towards the cardboard box in the corner with a happy mood.

Squat down and rummaged through, there were many miscellaneous things in the cardboard box, and he quickly found useful items such as candles, lighters, knives, water ladles, etc.

 After that, he raised his head and turned off the small red light on the wall.

The whole room was suddenly dark, and he couldn't see his fingers. Yu Xing clenched the things in his hands and walked to the center of the room, next to the bathtub, based on his memory.

For some reason, after falling into darkness, a faint female voice began to murmur in his ears.

This voice is neither too loud nor too quiet. It cannot be ignored and the content cannot be heard clearly. It can easily arouse the irritability in people's hearts.

"You want my emotions to fluctuate so that I can be frightened in the next step, right?" Yu Xing said nothing, but he knew very well that this was already a common trick of ghosts.

 According to the procedure, he should splash water first now.

Using a ladle to scoop up a ladle of water from the bathtub, Yu Xing held it steadily to the mirror, touched it with his hand to confirm, and then poured the water on it.

When water comes into contact with the mirror, the sound produced is not what liquid and glass should produce. Instead, it is like water being poured onto a body.

The murmur suddenly increased in volume, like an invitation.

Yu Xing put down the water ladle and lit the candle. Suddenly, the flickering light of the fire illuminated a small ball of air. Almost only the candle could be seen in the mirror, and Yu Xing's own figure could not be seen. It was easy for people to think that it was the candle itself. Moving.

Yu Xing held the candle and came closer, and at least he saw himself.

The flickering lights and shadows made the atmosphere weird. The water on the mirror flowed down in batches, dividing the mirror into fine pieces. Coupled with the whispering in his ears, he always had the illusion that there were people around him.

Yu Xing knelt down, dropped two drops of candle tears on the ground, and then set the candle up.

 He could hear his own steady heartbeat.

 Next, Yu Xing picked up the knife that he had temporarily placed beside the bathtub.

 This is a sharp knife, which is not common. Holding it not only fails to bring a sense of security, but makes people even more trembling.

He stood in front of the mirror, stared at the blurry outline of himself and the bathtub in the mirror, stayed quiet for a moment, and said in a magnetically clear voice: "BloodyMary."

The murmurings fell silent. This was the calm before the storm.


 The second sound fell. There was obviously no wind, but the candle flame swayed suddenly and violently.


 The third sound fell, and Yu Xing heard a sound of water.

His pupils shrank, and he saw with his own eyes a hand stretched out from the bathtub behind him in the mirror.

 The water overflowed.

At the same time, thick blood flowed from the walls and mirrors, with a fishy smell.

 The blood continued to flow down to the ground, where it accumulated and spread. Yu Xing took a step back to avoid being affected by the blood.

It took nearly two minutes for the blood flow to stop. The surrounding walls were all covered in blood, but the mirror was not stained much, and more than half of the area could still be seen clearly.

Immediately afterwards, the upper body of a female ghost with wet black hair covering most of her face slowly rose from the bathtub, straight and weird.

 The female ghost was facing Yu Xing's back, and a protruding eye in her hair met Yu Xing's gaze in the mirror.

The water kept slipping out from the edge of the bathtub and formed a sheet on the ground. However, the water that was supposed to flow freely suddenly became sticky and fell to the ground with a sticky sound.

 Like some kind of filth.

"BloodyMary is here to see you." The female ghost's voice was ethereal, and when it reached Yu Xing's ears, it always had an indescribable evil smell.

Yu Xing did not look back, because his hearing told him that there was nothing behind him, and even the sound of water came from the mirror. If he turned back, he would give this Bloody Mary a chance to stab her in the back.


The door in front of him closed and Yu Xing disappeared. Zhao Yijiao narrowed his eyes and did not wait for the door for a second. Instead, he remembered the location and appearance of the door.

Yes, every door here is slightly different.

 He glanced at the door, which only allowed one person to enter, and walked away in silence.

 He hopes that other guests will ring the bell soon so that he can also earn points.

 Yu Xing cannot be allowed to do too much, otherwise... Zhao Yijiu feels that he will gradually become a hindrance.

 Fortunately, not long after, he heard the bell ringing not far away.

Following the lead to the room where the bell rang, Zhao Yijiu found that the door was not closed tightly, but was covered.

He opened the door and met four pairs of eyes inside the door somewhat unexpectedly.

 It is Lushan, Shengwan, Chengzi and Xiaoyan.

Unexpectedly, we had never met each other along the way, but we would meet again in this room.

"We're all here..." Xiaoyan said with fear as soon as she saw him. The others also had different expressions. Zhao Yijius didn't bother to pay attention and stepped in.

The door behind him closed with a creak, and he looked around at the room.

The room is not big, only about 16 square meters. One of the walls is a complete large mirror, just like a dance studio.

The lights were dim, but at least I could see clearly. Everyone's figure in the mirror was very clear.

Other than that, it was empty, with no guests or other props. It was simply simpler than the room he had just glanced at Yu Xing and entered.

  The reminder must have been taken away by someone else. Zhao Yijiu looked at the faces of the other four people and said coldly: "What are you going to do with this room?"

"We need to play a psychic game!" Lushan was the most cheerful person present. He winked at Shengwan, who took out a piece of paper from his vest pocket without any expression.

This piece of paper contains the steps for the psychic game.

  【Hehe, has the waiter come to play with me? I'm so happy. This game requires three girls and two boys to form a circle in this room, and the boys must stay apart. Remember the direction of the mirror. When you are ready, start to circle. The girl will start blowing into the neck of the person in front of you. Don't make too much noise, and so on, while continuing to circle. 】

  【When someone feels two breaths of air being blown on their neck, say "here it comes" and turn their back to the mirror, others will immediately look to the mirror. 】

  【Hehe, what will you see? I can’t guarantee it either~]

[Well, I would like to mercifully remind you that no matter what you see, you cannot run away. You must say "go" and turn around together. Maybe you can choose a leader to give orders. However, if your back is turned, Those who look in the mirror are leaders, then you should wish yourselves good luck~]

Thank you to [fjh621] for the 1000 reward, thank you to [Eternal Sin Genuine Boyfriend] for the 700 reward, thank you to [Ki Feng] and [My Name Xin] for the 500 reward, and thank you to [Zuimeng Xingcheng] for the 100 reward!



 (End of this chapter)

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