Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 119: Two identical faces

Chapter 119 Two identical faces

 Yu Xing came out.

When he opened the door, the original guests in the room did not stop him. At the same time, the system prompted him to add 35 points.

It seems that the number of points is related to the difficulty of the customer's request. It seems that what Chengzi and Xiaoyan experienced at the beginning should be much simpler than Bloody Mary.

He looked around and saw no sign of Zhao Yijiu. He thought he was taken away by the bell.

"Hmm... no wait." After weighing it, Yu Xing decided to leave directly. He glanced at the door, reached out and dipped his hand in the blood on the door, and drew a tick above the number "1".

“It means it’s done, he should understand it.”

After muttering in a low voice, Yu Xing rubbed his fingers on the clean wall and left with satisfaction.

The door was not closed, and the small red light that turned on again in the room could be vaguely seen, as well as a large puddle of overflowing water next to the bathtub.

However, if someone went in and took a look, they would find that it was not water stains, but diluted blood. The liquid in the bathtub that was originally full was now glowing with a heart-stopping red color.

A line of drag-like traces stretched out from the bathtub, filthy and dirty, extending all the way to the front of the mirror, ending abruptly.

After  , there is no trace.

As for why the water in the bathtub turned into blood, whether the blood belonged to Bloody Mary or a guest in this room... except Yu Xing, maybe no one will know anymore.


Zhao Yijiu looked at the back of Cheng Zi’s head, moved closer reluctantly, and blew a breath into the back of her neck.

 After that, he watched the orange and blew the Xiaoyan, the Xiaoyan blew the Lushan Mountain, and the Lushan Mountain blew the Shengwan...

While blowing air, the five people are also walking in a circle. Whenever they face the mirror and inevitably look into the mirror, they will close their eyes and wait for the angle to avoid the mirror according to their memory before opening them again.

This game is boring, at least that’s what Zhao Yijiao thinks.

The empty room was silent, except for the footsteps of a few people, the slightly nervous breathing, blowing, and the sound of my own heartbeat.

They have been around for five times, and each one has been blown several times. Next, Shengwan wants to blow on him again.

He is not very used to this kind of distance contact. At this moment, he would really rather face the ghosts and fight them to death than play some pretentious games here.

 In the psychic game, the process of channeling is a kind of ritual and medium. Through this medium, the ghosts who were originally hiding can be revealed, or the ghosts passing by can become interested and come here to give certain feedback.

 Another method is to open the door to the spirit world and summon ghosts from another world. This is basically the case for ghosts with named names in legends, and the same is true for Bloody Mary games.

Zhao Yijiu has learned these theories since he was a child, so it is easy to judge the nature of the psychic game in this room - it is nothing more than the first type, which makes the ghosts that are already there appear.

 Many deducers can do this by using sacrifices, and there is no need to bother following the steps. However, this is the request of the "guest".

Perhaps something in the dark heard what Zhao Yijiu was thinking, and blew a breath on his neck before Sheng night...

A faint stream of air passed by, and Zhao Yijiu knew that it was Sheng Wan's doing.

 Another weak stream of air blew against his neck.

the second time!

He immediately stopped, turned his back to the mirror in the sudden excitement of others, and said coldly: "Here he comes."


Others did not dare to disobey the request and immediately turned to face the mirror, looking into the mirror with both curiosity and fear.

What will be seen in the mirror?

Sheng Wan was very calm among the five of them. Zhao just said she was coming after she blew, but she was so close and didn't feel anything blowing between them.

 So what would a ghost look like?

 What will be shown to her?

She slowly raised her eyes, and the others also looked at her like a broken jar with a weird heart similar to "long-term pain is worse than short-term pain".

“…?” Sheng Wan looked at the mirror in confusion. Did the summons fail? Why is there nothing?

The scene in the mirror was too normal. It was an empty room with five people, nothing more and nothing less. She could even see everyone's expressions clearly, her own calm and slightly confused expression, Lushan's confusion, Zhao's coldness, Chengzi and Xiaoyan's expressions changing from fear to happiness...

 Suddenly, she froze.

Due to his position, Zhao is now diagonally in front of her and closest to the mirror.

She could see Zhao's cold and gloomy face that never showed a trace of curiosity in real life, and she could also see Zhao Yijiu's silent face in the mirror.

 She turned her head and glanced at Zhao, then looked in the mirror.

How could she see the faces of two Zhaos at the same time! ?

  In the mirror, Zhao clearly should only have the back of his head!

 During the ten seconds or so when she observed carefully and realized something was wrong, Chengzi seemed to react.

 She shouted in a low voice: "There is Zhao in the mirror! Look!"

 Zhao Yijiu in the mirror turned to stare at her, showing a smile that he might not be able to do many times in his life.

Then, in the eyes of the four people who were confused and confused, "Zhao"'s neck snapped and broke.

A little girl of six or seven years old suddenly appeared on "Zhao"'s shoulders. She was riding on "Zhao"'s neck. She had a chubby little face, big unblinking eyes, and her playful braids looked quite cute. .

 She twisted "Zhao"'s head, as if using the broken neck bone as a steering wheel, directing "Zhao" to walk towards Xiaoyan.

 “Uhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Xiaoyan, who was watching carefully, screamed, subconsciously thinking that Zhao had broken his neck in reality, so she turned around and ran away, preparing to stay away from Zhao Yijiu.

Chengzi hugged her and growled: "Calm down Xiaoyan, you forgot what the note said, no matter what you see, you can't run away! Zhao stood where he was and didn't turn into a ghost!"

Zhao Yijiu, the only one present who didn't know what was going on, heard their chaotic cries and basically guessed the scene in the mirror. He couldn't help but choked up speechlessly, and wanted to turn around and kill the ghost in the mirror. Killed.

 Fortunately, the guest's request restrained him to some extent. He coughed twice and interrupted: "Three, two..."

This countdown is the countdown to giving orders. They did not choose a leader. They only said whoever was selected at that time would remind everyone to say "Go."


Chengzi Xiaoyan suppressed her fear, and Shengwan and Lushan got ready quickly. It was the first time in their lives that they spoke in unison.

 They said: "Go!"

 The little girl in the mirror pursed her lips, as if she wanted to cry.

 But she didn't leave, she just stayed where she was.

 As a result, at this moment, the door to the room was opened.

Zhao Yijiu's current angle was just opposite to the door. When Yu Xing stuck his head in, he was naturally the first to notice.

 “Eh, you?” Sheng Wan saw Yu Xing.

The others had long needed a chance to divert their attention away from the mirror. They turned their heads when they heard the voice, and all of them were talking as if they were particularly concerned about Yu Xing.

 “Why did you come in?”



Yu Xing didn't go in either, so he opened the door a crack and glanced around: "It's okay, I was just passing by and I heard you guys shouting inside quite happily, so I was curious for a moment."

Thanks to [Linfeng Benshu] and [Flexible Fatty wxp] for the 500 reward, thank you to [Book Friends 160625161940559] and [Linlang Night Banquet] for the 200 reward, and thank you to [Jun Chengyue] and [Book Friends 20190125185217480] for the 100 reward !

The average booking has finally exceeded 1,000, go ahead!

There is another chapter in the afternoon



 (End of this chapter)

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