Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 120: You deliberately?

Chapter 120 Did you do it on purpose?

curious! ?

 Very interesting! ?

Is this a curious thing? OK, we respect you as a man.

Lushan stared with a look of disapproval. He always felt that this Ah Yu was something special!

 No one introduced their qualifications at the beginning, and Lushan assumed that everyone was about the same beginner or intermediate level.

 Could it be that Ayu and the cold-faced Zhao are actually high-level bosses?

Then if we can build a good relationship, it should be possible to let the big boss lead the area in the future...

Lushan's thoughts were not shared by anyone. After everyone fell into a brief silence after hearing Yu Xing's answer, Xiaoyan said: "Oh, so, um, is it over now?"

 “It’s probably over.” Orange answered her.

Xiaoyan was a little uneasy: "Then why didn't the things in the mirror move?"

Sheng Wan looked at her trembling face and was speechless: "Anyway, the request has been fulfilled, and the ghost has nothing to do with us no matter what happens. What are you afraid of?"

Anyway, "Go" has been shouted and the guest's request has been fulfilled. Everyone just wants to leave the room quickly and stay away from the little ghost girl who is still standing in the mirror.

Xiaoyan was the most frightened. She told the others to leave first, then pulled Chengzi and staggered past Yu Xing, as if Zhao Yijiu was some kind of savage beast.

  Sheng Wan chuckled lightly and whispered: "Trash."

Lushan poked her to signal her not to be too harsh, and then the two of them said hello and left.

Zhao Yijiao was the only one left in the room, and Yu Xing asked, "Aren't you leaving?"

 Zhao Yijiu: “Wait a minute.”

 He turned around and faced the mirror. The little girl riding him and "himself" with a broken neck were still there in the mirror, which made him quite uncomfortable. He said to the little girl: "Get down."

 The little girl saw that there were still people paying attention to her, she made a face with a smile, and at the same time, a few lines of blood words appeared on the mirror.

  【Finally, I have someone to play with me today, hehehe, why don't you play with me for a while longer. 】

This tone is exactly the same as the guest who left the note asking.

 “Is this the second requirement?” If so, that’s another point.

 The little girl was riding high, looking down at Zhao Yijiu and shaking her head.

  【It's not the second request, I just want my eldest brother to play with me for a while. I'm so cute, my eldest brother won't refuse me, right? 】

 She could not make a sound, and all her expressions were expressed in blood.

"No time." Zhao Yijiu refused decisively, took a step forward, and repeated again, "Get off."

In fact, the things in the mirror are not all Zhao Yijiu himself, because Zhao Yijiu in the mirror does not change at all with the movement of his body, just like two individuals who do not interfere with each other, but the things in the mirror steal Zhao Yijiu's body. Wine face.

Maybe it was Zhao Yijiao's command-like tone that irritated the little girl. Her face suddenly turned ferocious, and she pulled Zhao Yjiu's mirror image's hair, and lines of **** words appeared crazily.

【I don't! Disgusting living people, do you think you are great? I think highly of you by letting you play with me, you...]

 “Don’t you know how to appreciate someone?” Yu Xing interjected in a funny tone, and his words immediately became bloody.

He walked in, stood side by side with Zhao Yijius, and said to the little girl leisurely: "You are a guest here, right? My brother told you that minors are not allowed to enter the bar. Are you sneaking behind your parents' backs?" Come in?"

 The little girl shrank back.

 “Go home quickly, or tell your mother, you’re going to have a **** butt.” Yu Xing frightened the child with ease and successfully made the little girl cry.

 Ghosts are more emotional than living people. The little girl didn’t know if she was really afraid of her mother. She cried and cursed:

  【You are bad people, I will never see you again, I curse you to be eaten up by the evil spirits under the Forgotten River and turned into ashes...】

Zhao Yijiu saw a dagger in his hand and plunged the sword into the mirror decisively.

His sword was so fast that there were no cracks spreading around the mirror. The little girl didn't even realize what happened. But with a turn of his wrist, there was a "bang" and the entire mirror wall shattered! The little girl's scream penetrated the eardrums, but after the mirror shattered, no one could see her figure.

Zhao Yijiu quickly stepped away, avoiding the rain of glasses that covered his face. Then he pushed up his glasses and looked at Yu Xing, who was soaked in rain: "Why don't you know how to hide?"

Yu Xing was caught off guard, and the broken glass almost shattered his face. He only had time to stretch out a hand to cover his face: "You didn't have any warning!"

"I asked her to go down. She can't understand people." Zhao Yijiu glanced over. As he expected, although Yu Xing didn't step back, none of the so many glass fragments scratched Yu Xing. Even his clothes were damaged. Good.

 She was indeed pretending to be weak. He would no longer believe any of Yu Xing's "I can't do it" words.


Yu Xing shook off the small glass shards on his body and turned to look at Zhao Yijiao carefully: "Did you do it on purpose?"

 Zhao Yijiu: “No.”

 “Then what’s the matter with your expression of almost laughing?”

 Zhao Yijiu said seriously: "I'm not smiling."

Then he took the initiative to popularize the species of the little girl: "This should be a kind of ghost that can cause visual illusions. In order to scare people, it scares away the deducers who participate in the circle psychic game. In this way, it can be based on the game. Rules kill those who break them.”

Yu Xing: Brother, your ability to change the subject is simply outrageous.

He was not injured anyway. Yu Xing no longer dwelled on this issue. He just regarded it as revenge from a child who always got no advantage from him. It was harmless.

Zhao Yijiu destroyed something he didn't like, which made Yu Xing suffer a small loss and feel happy. After he went out, he received a points reminder from the system.

  【Points +20】

This time, plus the points Yu Xing got, they got a total of 55 points in less than half an hour on the second floor.

 This is incomparable to selling drinks on the first floor.

Yu Xing stepped into the corridor again, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and gave Zhao Yijiu an overview of the contents of Bloody Mary's room.

He only said that Bloody Mary tried to deceive him by using conditions, but he saw through it and stopped talking.

However, Zhao Yijiao paused: "How did you let Bloody Mary leave in the end?"

Yu Xing raised his eyebrows: "Secret."

 Zhao Yijiu asked again: "What's wrong with your hand?"


Yu Xing looked at him with some surprise. Zhao Yijius was looking at the hand he had put in his pocket: "Just now you didn't take out your right hand to shield the glass, and now too, are you injured?"

Yu Xing was pleased with his sensitivity, laughed, and stretched out his hand.

On the wrist of his right hand, there was a scar that was as deep as the bone. What was strange was that there was no blood for such a deep wound, otherwise Zhao Yijiu would have been able to smell the blood.

A wound that does not bleed seems to reduce the risk of excessive blood loss. In fact, Zhao Yijiu has seen how quickly Yu Xing's wound heals. Even a broken finger can recover quickly with only a layer of skin left. However, this wound left Came down.

 The scar was right on the wrist. At first glance, it looked like it had been cut. It might lead to death.

Zhao Yijiu didn't know how this man came to him with such an injury as if nothing had happened. He asked, "How did this happen?"

Yu Xing retracted his hand and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, it just heals a little slower."

“Is this the price you pay for sending Bloody Mary away?”

 (End of this chapter)

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