Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 122: Find the living person!

Chapter 122 Find the living person!

 So choose the first floor or the second floor?

Yu Xing thought for a moment and patted Zhao Yijiao's arm gently: "Go downstairs."

Although I don’t know how long the event will last, it is definitely better to attend than to stay on the second floor.

 Any uncertainty for him is a way to gain points.

Without further ado, the two of them turned around and ran towards Naihe Bridge. However, at this moment, a guest rang the bell at an inappropriate time.

"Jingle Bell…"

The bells on their wrists were also tugging at their skin, urging them to go to the guests' private rooms.

Zhao Yijiu didn't care about it, and just said coldly: "It's so annoying, maybe on purpose."

"Maybe, although the head waiter told us not to let the guests ring the bell a second time... now we can only let them wait on their own." Yu Xing smiled, with a bit of a bad taste, "Anyway, the guests who ring the bell later will Those who want to take revenge on our two disobedient waiters will also be stopped on the second floor."

 Thirty seconds were enough for them to finish thinking and run to the stairs. The two of them walked down the cold Naihe Bridge and found that the ghosts who had been sitting quietly in the Wangchuan Coffee Shop had all stood up and looked excited.

 “Master Photography’s activities are always so interesting!”

“Where are the waiters? Why are they all missing?”

 “Will Master Sheqing participate in the event?”

 If you listen carefully, the topics of the ghosts can be divided into two types, one is related to "photography", and the other is related to their human waiters.

In addition, Yu Xing seemed to have seen the sneaky figures of Lu Shan and Sheng Wan in the direction of the toilet.

 It seems that these two are closer to the stairs, so they can go down faster than them.

The blood on the Naihe Bridge began to squirm. Yu Xing was only halfway down when Zhao Yijiu whispered from behind: "Run faster."

 “I’m so tired.” Yu Xing felt like his lungs were going to explode.

What a pity, his physical strength has never been good...

So Zhao Yijiu half-carried him and took him down.

Almost at the same time, the blood formed the shape of shackles, tightly sealing the stairs, announcing that the second floor was currently closed.

Yu Xing had just stepped onto the first floor. Before he could think about whether this Qingqing was really the legendary Qingqing ghost, the announcement came again: "The second floor has been separated. Please wear your own mask!"


After hearing the announcement, the guests took off a hideous and weird mask one by one. Some were half-crying and half-laughing, some had angry eyes, and some had green faces and fangs.

The Naihe Bridge stairs were in a relatively remote location. Before being noticed by the ghost guest, he nimbly moved back and hid in the blind corner behind the stairs with Zhao Yijiu.

Yu Xing just ran by, and with his junk physique, he was panting furiously with a white face. He finally calmed down his breath and looked outside with interest.

After these ghosts put on masks, they covered their faces one by one, and even the ghost energy hidden under the skin burst out.

Their modern attire, such as suits and short skirts, have been replaced by long gowns of different colors, but the bar decoration has not changed, so the ghosts appear to be out of place in the bar, as if ancient ghosts have mistakenly entered the modern era.

The fierce ghost in red, the black shadow in black, the ghost in white, the discouraged ghost in gray, ghosts of different levels are in the same space, and the group of demons dances wildly, causing a very terrifying surge of ghost energy.

“Oh hoo, are they divided according to this level? Then maybe the owner of this Qingqing bar is really a green-clothed Qingqing ghost.” Yu Xing sighed, and Zhao Yijiu looked at him.

 “Is the green ghost very powerful?”

"You don't know?" Yu Xing was surprised. Didn't the Zhao family give Zhao Yijiu this knowledge?

Hearing the meaning of Yu Xing's words, Zhao Yijiu said gloomily: "I don't need to learn this at home."    "Oh." Yu Xing understood, and always felt that Zhao Yijiu was special to the Zhao family, so he chuckled lightly , Zhao Yijiu almost beat him up, "Don't be angry, don't be angry~ I'm not laughing at you~ Strictly speaking, the Green Ghost is not a ghost anymore. In the ghost system of green, red, black, white and gray, the Green Ghost is particularly powerful and transcendent. He has broken the boundaries between humans and ghosts, has an entity, and has super abilities. He practices by ingesting the corpse energy of corpses..."

The occasion was not appropriate, so Yu Xing only gave Zhao Yijiu a general introduction to what photography is.

 Many people say that people who die wearing red clothes will turn into violent ghosts, looking for revenge against their enemies or even angering innocent people. Therefore, many people think that red ghosts are the most vicious.

In fact, the green ghost is more ferocious than the red ghost. According to legend, a person who has a deep hatred and cannot avenge it can lie in a coffin for seven or forty-nine days without eating or drinking and become a dead half-man and half-ghost. It's called Sheqinggui.

The green-blooded ghost is called a green-blooded ghost because his grievances are so strong that his bloodline goes backwards at the moment of death. After seven or forty-nine days, the blood all over his body turns green.

 The body of the green ghost is dead but not stiff. If you have the ability, you can be reborn and turn into a demon corpse. In addition, if you practice well, you can also have the ability to walk through walls and appear during the day.

Of course, this is an ancient legend. In modern times, let alone big cities, even rural areas have gradually abandoned burials. It is not that easy to find a coffin to lie in for forty-nine days.

“So, the green ghost is stronger than the red ghost, and we will definitely die if we meet?” Zhao Yijiu asked calmly.

If this is the case, then the Blue Ghost will probably not appear in this deduction game. Otherwise, if the Blue Ghost is used as the boss, there will be almost no way to survive, which is not in line with the difficulty of the deduction before the differentiation level.

 As a result, he heard Yu Xing say: "No, you will die, but I won't."

 Zhao Yijiu: “…”

Well, it’s always true and false, and people can’t tell when he is telling the truth, when he is joking, and when he is pretending to be weak.

The voice of the elegant scholar in Yu Xing's imagination came over the radio again, although it was most likely a scholar in Tsing Yi: "The event has officially begun. The theme of today's carnival party is to find the waiters hiding in every corner of the first floor of the bar! Find them , share them! There are six waiters on the first floor this time, but there is one thing, they will resist, be careful not to be killed~"

Hearing this command, the ghosts cheered and immediately dispersed.

Zhao Yijiu pushed up his glasses and felt that this activity was too malicious to the performers.

There are only three halls in total, plus at most three toilets and a changing room. No matter how hard you hide, you can't hide for more than two minutes.

 He was more concerned about the last sentence of the broadcast.


 Fortunately, the system prompt appeared in time.

               : Wear the embodied personality mask on your face and pretend to be one of the guests. The level of the disguised ghost will not exceed that of the red-clothed ghost. 】

  【During the carnival party, the permission to kill ghosts is opened. 】

 【A red-clothed fierce ghost 5,000,000 ghost coins】

 【A black shadow 200 points】

 【A white-shirted ghost 50 points】

 【A discouraged ghost 100,000 ghost coins】

 【Killing the Blue Ghost will reward you with 50,000 points (it is not recommended to die, but it is marked so that all deducers can learn more)】

 【The underworld coins can be exchanged for items in the vending machines in the bar~】

  【Be careful not to be found by ghosts, otherwise the deducer will inevitably be swallowed by the excited ghosts. 】

   Thanks to [Su Kuanglan] for the 1000 reward! Thanks to [Just a Coconut] for the 500 reward! Thanks to [Luo Baihe] for the 200 reward! Thanks to [The Sorrow of Lemon Cake] for the 100 tip!



 (End of this chapter)

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