Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 123: Zhao Yijiu’s training method

Chapter 123 Zhao Yijiu’s training method

 Can kill ghosts!

 Did you hear that? It’s time to kill ghosts!

Yu Xing’s eyes lit up and he felt that the atmosphere in the whole bar became cheerful.

This is not his illusion, he is indeed much happier, but the ghosts are happy because they can play with living people, and Yu Xing is happy because they can...

 Ahem, no, I’m just a kind, gentle and fragile human being.

Seeing a ghost start to wander towards the stairs, he materialized the persona and put it on his face.

Early when he first obtained the Persona, the deduction prompt told him that it would have special effects if the deducer embodied it and wore it on his face during certain types of deductions.

 This deduction was the first time he experienced the so-called special effects.

The mask fit perfectly on the face. It was cool and light as a feather. It had no straps. Yu Xing just put it on his face and it fixed itself.

 It is like a part of the body, it can be commanded like an arm without any external assistance.

Next, a ghostly aura emanated from the mask, and he felt that his body was covered with something. When he lowered his head, he saw that a simple gown had been put on him. The color of the gown was gray at first, but it became very short. It turned white over time.

Before it was over, Yu Xing realized that this was the "disguised ghost level" mentioned in the prompt.

 The white gradually deepened and turned into ink. Wisps of mist surrounded him like shadows, and then, a drop of blood red seeped out from the darkness.

"No, if the level of disguised ghosts is defined according to the deducer's own ability..." Yu Xing suddenly felt a headache, and he felt that he might be too high-profile.

The first trace of red blood appeared, and then like a prairie fire, it quickly covered the black shadow. The entire gown looked like it had just been fished out after being soaked in blood. The blood flowed, leaving a circle of red blood stains on the ground.

 After that, starting from the fabric at the heart, cyan vein-like lines began to extend.

 But it only spread to the shoulders, this touch of cyan seemed to have received some message, and gradually withdrew again, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Yu Xing watched these changes helplessly and couldn't help but sneer after noticing that the green color had faded: "Oh, thank you system for saving someone's life~"

 Fortunately, the rule is that the disguise level cannot exceed red.

 Otherwise, if he turned into a Qingyi, he would be scared to death wherever he went.

Zhao Yijiu stood close to him, put on his mask and steadied himself in the shadow, and then watched the whole process from beginning to end.

He looked at his black clothes, then at Yu Xing's red clothes that almost turned into green clothes, and said quietly: "You still said that you..."

Feeling a sense of resentment, Yu Xing coughed twice: "It's not important, it's not important."

Just at this moment, a white-shirted ghost wandering toward the stairs saw them.

The white-shirted ghost originally thought he had found the hidden waiter because he heard voices hiding behind the stairs. He was still excited, but he was faced with black and red, which made him confused.

There is no doubt that Yu Xing's disguise is that of a fierce ghost in red, and the mask appears on his face as a bitter face dripping with blood.

Red-clothed ghosts are rare. The stronger the ghosts are, the fewer they are. Like She Qing, only the bar owner can reach this level. In the entire bar, there are only two or three red-clothed ghosts. At first, they approached Yu Xing to talk to him. The woman in red is one.

There are only about ten black shadows, and most of them are white-shirted ghosts and discouraged ghosts.

The ghosts in white shirts were shocked. How could they meet a man in red and a black figure in any corner?

 “Excuse me, please.” It bowed hastily.

"Wait a minute." Yu Xing looked behind it and found that no one was paying attention.

 The amusement in his eyes was well concealed, and he waved to the ghost in white: "Come here."

Zhao Yijiu’s right hand is behind his back, and Zhi Sha is silent in the shadows.

 There is a clear hierarchy among ghosts, especially now that everyone has released their breath. The ghost in white did not dare to disobey the ghost in red and walked over in a confused and reserved manner. "You came alone?" Yu Xing asked the ghost in white shirt like a regular chatter. Hearing his tone, the ghost in white shirt became more and more uneasy.

 “No, I came with some of my friends.”

Yu Xing: “Where are they?”

The ghost in white shirt swallowed his saliva: "I don't know, I'm going to find a human waiter..."

"Oh..." Yu Xing said as if thinking, "Brother Jiu."

 Brother Ninth? Who is Brother Nine?

The white-shirted ghost didn't understand, but a sense of crisis enveloped it. It subconsciously stepped back, and then it saw the black shadow wearing the mask move, as if something scratched its neck.

The next moment, his vision shook, rotated 360 degrees, and finally landed.

White smoke floated out from the separated corpse of the white-shirted ghost, and the entire ghost immediately turned into thick white smoke and floated upward.

 It's like being evaporated.

Yu Xing smiled indifferently and said to Zhao Yijiu who was sheathing his sword: "Brother Jiu is awesome~"

Zhao Yijiu was originally expressionless, but now he wore a similarly expressionless mask, which made people even more confused about his emotions.

He listened to the system announcement of +50 points and felt nothing about Yu Xing's careless compliment: "The ghost in white shirt is very weak."

"No, no, no, it's because you are powerful. The discouraged ghost is weak. The white-shirted ghost at least has the ability to resist. It's because your sword is too fast and it didn't react." Yu Xing vowed.

 Zhao Yijiu: “…”


“Come, let’s analyze the role of each ghost in this event.” Yu Xing saw that Zhao Yijiao seemed a little shy, so he achieved his purpose of making fun of him and took the initiative to bring the topic to the point.

 After two seconds of silence, Zhao Yijiu said, "Say."

"First of all, the ghosts are now looking for us everywhere. There are six people on the first floor. I have seen Lushan and Shengwan. I also guessed that Zhang Xiangling and Zhu Ming stayed downstairs, so Chengzi and Xiaoyan did not come down. ”

 Zhao Yijiu: "Yeah."

"Then the remaining six of us are in a competitive relationship. We must not only avoid being found by the ghost, but also avoid being discovered by the other four people. Otherwise, it will be easy to push us out by doing some small tricks."

Of course, Yu Xing will not let this happen.

“Let’s talk about the ghosts themselves. White-shirted ghosts and black shadows are rewarded with points. This is what we must kill if we want to win.”

Yu Xing’s slender fingers picked up the gown left by the ghost in white on the ground and looked at it.

"But the discouraged ghost and the red clothes, one is weak and the other is strong, but they are rewarded with ghost coins. It can be imagined that the things in the vending machine must be very attractive to the deducers. This is the derivation asking us to make a choice. "

Yu Xing said this and patted his gown: "Speaking of which... you seem to have an easy time killing the ghost in white. What about the black shadow? How long will it take to solve it?"

Zhao Yijiu glanced at him through the mask: "You don't seem to be worried that I can't kill the black shadow."

"The Zhao family, such a calculating family, made an exception to train you in this way, which shows that it is more useful for you to become an assassin than to become a counselor. I guess your body has at least some special characteristics, and it shouldn't be very difficult. Weak?"

Yu Xing didn't feel any psychological burden at all when he stated the family's interests first in front of a younger generation like Zhao Yijiu so directly. He believed that Zhao Yijiu knew it himself.

In addition to Zhao Yijiu's brother Zhao Mou, how many people in the Zhao family view him with "family affection" instead of measuring him with "interests"?

What's more, Zhao Mou and Zhao Yijiu can only be regarded as side branches. If Zhao Mou hadn't become stronger and famous recently, they might not be taken seriously by the family at all.

 (End of this chapter)

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