Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 124: If I were a DJ would you love me?

Chapter 124 If I were DJ, would you love me?

 As a big family, there are so many twists and turns that it’s hard to describe them all in just one sentence.

Zhao Yijiu had obviously known this for a long time. He was actually very grateful to Yu Xing for trusting him, so he nodded: "On the premise that we can kill, the black-clothed ghost is about the same strength as me. I can win, but it will cost a lot." some time."

"That's no problem. The troublesome one is the red clothes." Yu Xing recalled the number of red clothes he had seen in the three halls. There was only one in the Bian'an Hall and none in the Wangchuan Hall. There were too many people in Huangquan Disco, which extremely obstructed the view. , the quantity is unknown.

Zhao Yijiu's eyes behind the mask showed a hint of doubt: "Can't you deal with Hongyi?"

"Then you think highly of me, Brother Jiu." Yu Xing clicked his tongue twice, "I met Hong Yi head-on. If I don't get pushed to the ground and rubbed, I'll take your name."

 Brother Jiu expressed his doubts in silence.

Yu Xing sighed: "Really, I promise, I didn't lie to you this time."

 “But you are in red, and you were suppressed into red.”

“Do you believe the system’s judgment is wrong?” Yu Xing said.

 Zhao Yijiu didn’t believe it.

But Yu Xing is not entirely modest. He suspects that the system's judgment of strength comes from the encounter between a person and a ghost of different levels, who will survive.

 He will definitely survive when he meets Hong Yi, so his disguise level is judged to be Red Yi.

 The problem is that he can survive not because of how strong he is now, but because he cannot die!

Maybe if we rewind the time a few decades, he would be able to confront even the green ghosts, but if we go back a few decades, the green ghosts would have to go around him when they see him.

 But he is now so weak that he can't stand it anymore.

The evil ghost in red clothes couldn't kill him, so he couldn't kill Hong Yi smoothly, after all, he didn't even have a weapon in his hand.

Thinking of this, Yu Xing suddenly remembered something: "By the way, Brother Jiu, do you have an extra knife?"


 “Where’s the sword?”


 “Where’s the dagger?”

ˆ “.”

"Okay." Yu Xing stopped asking regretfully. In this deduction, they couldn't bring anything of their own, so they could only take the sacrifices with them.

If Zhao Yijiu could casually come up with another weapon-like sacrifice, then Yu Xing would have to sigh that Zhao Mou is rich and wealthy.

"Anyway, the red-clothed ghost should be difficult to kill. If you really encounter it, you have to rely on you. Each of our eight deducers counts. It is difficult to touch the red-clothed ghost, and the reward for killing the red-clothed ghost is not points. It’s the Underworld Coins. The cost of obtaining a large amount of Underworld Coins is so high, I’m really curious about what’s in the vending machine.”

Zhao Yijiu said: "Then go and see."


The vending machine is in the corner of Huangquan Disco. It looks like a normal vending machine. It is about two meters high. The glass is opaque and gray, so people can’t see clearly inside.

At this time, the noisy rhythm music has stopped, and the DJ is leaning next to the turntable, watching the actions of the ghosts as if watching the excitement.

She was not wearing a mask. In fact, neither the ferryman bartender from Wangchuan Hall nor the male bartender from Bi'an Hall participated in the event. They are bar employees and at this time they are more like referees exercising regulatory powers.

They will not take any side. Even if they see the deducer killing ghosts with their own eyes, they will not tell the ghosts the deducer's information.

 Because the purpose of this activity is to have fun, not to kill people, otherwise the foreman would not need to recruit live people to be waiters. It would be much easier to just trick people into killing them.

There is a saying that goes well: the joys and sorrows of ghosts are not the same.

DJ yawned: The guests were running around excitedly, but I just felt they were noisy. Even if it is a very pleasing thing to see a living person mixed among the ghosts in fear, and then being discovered with a desperate look on his face, and being eaten, you will get bored if you watch it every day.

She held up half of her face, inexplicably wanting to see the drama of a living person surviving in the end.

She knew that the boss, She Qing, didn't care who won, he only cared about whether the bar business was good or not.

The vending machine was within sight of her, and since many of the customers were regular customers, these regular customers knew very well how tempting the vending machine was to living people—although they did not know what was sold inside, every time At a rave party, there will always be people buying things from the vending machines regardless of the risk of being discovered.

 Maybe it’s something very important to a living person. Anyway, it was prepared by the rarely seen owner of the She Qing Bar.

 Many ghosts deliberately passed by it and peeked over there secretly, just to keep an eye out for any living waiters approaching.

DJ yawned again.

 Oh my god, it’s so boring.

 At this moment, the ghosts made some commotion.

DJ looked over at the commotion and his eyes lit up.

Two ghosts, one red and one black, came from the Wangchuan Hall with great momentum. The red one was holding a white gown.

Everyone knows what this dress means - a ghost in white clothes has disappeared into ashes!

 “Whose friend is this?” There are the most ghosts in Huangquan Disco, and they appear in circles, making it scary to look at them.

There was a unique smell on the ghost's clothes. Yu Xing raised his white clothes and asked loudly. He felt like a staff member of the lost and found office.

After the event started, the ghosts in the three halls were scurrying around. In order to prevent the guests who had ordered drinks from recognizing his voice, he specifically used his pseudo-voice ability, changed the resonance ratio, and changed his intonation. The voice sounded completely different than before.

The red-clothed fierce ghost came to ask questions, and the low-level ghosts suddenly didn't dare to answer.

After a moment of silence, two ghosts in white clothes ran up to them. They did not dare to rush into the red clothes, but said with a hint of urgency, "Yes, they are our friends!"

Yu Xing threw the white clothes to them, with a hint of displeasure in his tone: "At least there was a group of waiters in the Wangchuan Hall, and they killed the white clothes. They were quite arrogant."

 The ghosts suddenly started whispering.

 “Really arrogant! How dare you kill ghosts in front of Hong Yi!”

“Wait a minute, after killing Bai Shi so quietly, the waiter tonight seems to have some strength and will not be at the mercy of ghosts.”

“I’m just a frustrated ghost. What if the car overturns? Does anyone know who killed the white-shirted ghost? I won’t look for him. I’ll look for five other people.”

"I think you are a fool. Your brains flew away when you died, right? If someone knew who did it, they would have eaten that person long ago. Is it your turn?"

Yu Xing listened for a while, then stretched out his hand to signal them to be quiet: "I think the waiter may have disguised himself as a black shadow. It's not worthy of my search. If you are interested in a living black shadow, just go and try it."

 The tone was like giving alms, but it did not arouse the dissatisfaction of any ghosts. After all, Hong Yi had absolute suppression on them.

Except for the two friends of the dead white-shirted ghost, the other ghosts cheered and rushed towards Wangchuan Hall.

 “Find out the waiter!”

 “Make them afraid hahahaha…”

DJ looked interested and looked at the red-clothed and black figure coming from Wangchuan Hall.

 The living people today are really more interesting than before.

   Thanks to [Guishen] for the 500 reward!

Let me tell you here, this is the last script before the differentiation level. It won’t be too long. The next deduction is Yu Xing’s single-player deduction for promotion to the differentiation level. It is the first single-player version to reveal Yu Xing’s past (● °u°●)》



 (End of this chapter)

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