Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 125: I want to make them angry

Chapter 125 I want to make them angry

 The act of luring ghosts to Wangchuan Hall and then taking the opportunity to check what is on sale in the vending machine——

 Are you kidding? If you think this method is feasible, you will basically say goodbye to your life as a human being.

 It’s too desperate. Yu Xing wouldn’t use such a loophole-filled method.

Not to mention that not all the ghosts went to the Wangchuan Hall. Even if the ghosts were stupid and ran to the Wangchuan Hall one by one, leaving no one behind in the Huangquan Hall, there was no guarantee that the ghosts from the Bian'an Hall would come over when they checked the vending machine.

This is an open space, and there are ghosts walking around anytime and anywhere. Once discovered, as long as the ghosts shout, hundreds of ghosts will immediately appear.

not to mention…

After Yu Xing finished speaking, a bunch of ghosts who were very passionate about the carnival were noisy in the Huangquan Hall. Among them were the black shadows, and almost all the black shadows were "encouraged" by Yu Xing in red to find someone. .

Among the remaining ghosts, there are more than 20 cautious or Buddhist-like white-shirted ghosts, about 40 discouraged ghosts, and two red-clothed ghosts who are sitting on chairs and chatting.

Oh, the beautiful DJ without a mask is also looking here with her chin propped up.

“Stop following me, go and try to catch someone.” Yu Xing ordered Zhao Yijiao. In the eyes of other ghosts, it was perfectly normal for a man in red to speak to a black shadow in this tone.

Zhao Yijiu nodded silently and returned to the Wangchuan Hall under the gaze of all the ghosts to watch the chaos inside.

His broad black sleeves hide the killing intent. This dagger blends into the black clothes, and there is no murderous intent at all.

He knew that from the moment he returned to Wangchuan Winery and Cafe, Yu Xing's plan officially started.

Seeing that everyone who wanted to leave had left, Yu Xing raised the corners of his lips and walked towards the two men in red who were chatting.

His behavior was immediately noticed, and everyone almost thought he was going to say hello or provoke, but in the end he sat down at another table a few meters away from the two red-coated men.

 The white-shirted ghost and the discouraged ghost opened their eyes wide: it sat down!

The atmosphere suddenly became weird, and the DJ hesitated to speak, and finally only let out a laugh of unknown meaning.

 As if I shouldn’t be sitting here?

Yu Xing received the surrounding signals and didn’t take it seriously. He knew why.

The black shadow, the white shirt, and the discouragement can all sit here, because they are just subordinates with no threat to the red shirt.

But the other red-coat is different. If an unknown red-coat approaches and does not express goodwill, it means that the relationship between the red-coats is not good, and they may fight over something at any time.

Yu Xing not only sat down, he also looked at the two red-clothed ghosts unscrupulously.

They are all a little short, wearing ferocious masks, and they look like two ungrown children.

After a few more glances, Yu Xing sat on his seat calmly, as if taking a rest.

“Is that Hongyi’s first visit?” some regular customers and companions who come every day murmured.

“I don’t know. Look, he dares to sit so close to the twins. Isn’t he afraid of two?”

 There is undoubtedly competition among the red coats, otherwise the red coats would not sit so far apart.

The pair of red-clothed twins sitting in Huangquan Disco were very famous in Sheqing Bar because they were young when they died. Many red-clothed ghosts looked down on them at first, but later their tongues were pulled out by the petty twins.

Even though they may look young, they are actually ruthless and the most resentful among the red ones!

Yu Xing heard the whispers of other ghosts clearly and became more interested.

Pull out your tongue?

  Failed to learn well at a young age.

He stared at the two small red figures. As red-clothed ghosts, the twins were not too interested in the carnival activities in the bar. They just couldn't offend the green ghosts, so they put on their masks. They sensed Yu Xing. At this time, Yu Xing's breath belonged to the red ghost. For them, this was a symbol of infringement of their territory!

Forget it if you just pass by, the important thing is that you didn’t leave, and you chose a table so close to them to sit at!

His aura was too unfamiliar to other ghosts, and the two little red-coats couldn't figure out his details, so they would emit a provocative aura from time to time to test him.

Yu Xing was sitting still, and there was always a suffocating cold pressure coming towards him. This aggressive aura even made the Yin Qi in his body begin to surge.

"It's really troublesome..." Yu Xing controlled the rising discomfort and glanced sideways at them.

Through the mourning mask on his face, the bloodthirsty look in his eyes shocked both the twins in red.

 They looked at each other: Good guy, the new guy is a tough guy.

 As twins, the two in red have a perfect tacit understanding.

 They then communicated with their eyes:

 Brother, it seems to be very powerful.

 It doesn’t matter, brother, it’s not as strong as us.

Then it is invading our territory and provoking us!

So the twins decided to continue driving away the new red-clothed man. If the other man continued to look at them with that hostile look, they would dig out his eyes!

A minute later, Yu Xing raised his eyebrows. The twins didn't know what joke they were telling, and they laughed as if no one was around them two tables apart, as if they didn't take Yu Xing seriously.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that they are very impatient with the new red clothes.

The aura of the red-clothed ghost was very terrifying, and the white-clothed ghost and the discouraged ghost who were resting in the Huangquan Hall started to murmur.

There shouldn't be a fight, right?

"That's right, I like tools, humans and ghosts the most~" Yu Xing smiled happily, and then he pulled out the raging Yin Qi from his body and rolled it towards the twins unexpectedly.

 The curse in his body can be extracted and used. For example, the aura left in Ling Heng's body can naturally be released.

  Unfortunately, this kind of breath does far more damage to himself than to others. Even if he takes out his breath to attack, he himself will not be relieved at all.

Moreover, ghosts usually cannot be killed, so the ability to injure the enemy eight hundred and damage one thousand himself has long been forgotten by him.

Now...all conditions are good, so we can only give the twins some mercy and let them feel the pain of the curse~

“Hahahahaha—” Before the twins could finish laughing, they silenced themselves as if they were being strangled by the neck, and nimbly moved away to both sides.

The two red-clothed men dodged away, and several discouraged ghosts sitting nearby screamed. Without even struggling, they turned into gray smoke and exploded, leaving several gray gowns on the spot.

 There was even a white-shirted ghost who met the same fate.

 Died just like that because of the temptation in Hongyijian!

  【Points +50】

  【You obtained 700,000 Hades coins】

Yu Xing: It’s really cool, I did it on purpose.

 The twins' eyes flashed with shock and anger.


This is She Qing’s territory. If a fight breaks out, if the She Qing ghost gets angry, everyone in red will be killed.

Yu Xing looked at the twins and saw the deep malice in their scarlet eyes.

   Thanks to [乐小仙8108] for the 2000 reward! Thanks to [Book Friends 20191114161238718] for the 500 reward, thanks to [Zuimeng Xingcheng] for the 300 reward, and thanks to [Lonely, Muzi], [Chaoyoujiu], [Jiufeng Dragon Clan], and [Yun Qianliu] for the 100 Reward!



 (End of this chapter)

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