Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 126: Yu Xing in red

Chapter 126 Yu Xing in red

  A fight is really about to begin!

I saw with my own eyes that the discouraged ghost and the white-robed ghost disappeared into ashes, and the remaining ghosts looked at each other and fled in all directions.

Looking for a living person is nothing, it’s just fun, it’s not as important as your own life.

No matter whether you escape to the Wangchuan Hall or the Bian'an Hall, you can't stay in the Huangquan Hall! Otherwise, you will really die.

 Carnival parties expose the true nature of ghosts. The well-dressed guests, whether they were wearing suits, dresses, or shirts and T-shirts, have a "human" side that helps them maintain their demeanor.

 When drinking, you know how to pay and even tip. When you invite someone to sit down for a drink, you know how to ask for their opinions. When you receive help, you know how to say thank you.

Once the mask is worn, they completely liberate their nature, they are ferocious, lawless, strength is supreme, and they disregard the fate of ghosts.

Therefore, Yu Xing saved the lives of several discouraged ghosts and white-shirted ghosts by attacking the twin red-clothed ghosts. There were no ghosts to stop them, and DJ's eyes were bright, as if he had seen something extremely interesting.

At this time, the Underworld Hall was completely empty. Except for the twins in red and DJ, there was not a single ghost left.

“Big brother is so awesome.” One of the twins sneered, finally willing to communicate with Yu Xing head-on.

"Where, where, just a little bit, it's not worth mentioning." Yu Xing, who had already used his most lethal ability against ghosts, said "humbly" without changing his expression.

His tone was smiling, and he really looked like a good-natured ghost - it just looked like that.

 All ghosts know that the more powerful you are, the more you can suppress your emotions, and the more human you look like on the surface.

This is how the green ghost is so gentle, but in case of the shot, it is a sea of ​​blood.

 “Brother, let’s talk together?”

 The other twin also sneered.

 Although they are twins, it is not difficult for Yu Xing to recognize them because their masks look different.

 The elder brother's mask has only one right eye, and the younger brother's mask has only one left eye.

Yu Xing nodded and agreed to the suggestion of chatting.

 The two twins walked over to the DJ’s busy eyes and sat at a table with Yu Xing.

"Haha, with your indifference to the white-shirted ghost, you don't look like a ghost who would give the clothes of a dead white-shirted ghost to his companions." As soon as he sat down, the twin brother laughed sinisterly twice, his tone with strong aggression.

"It's ridiculous. I can give it if I want to. When I don't want to give it, it's the same as stepping on my white clothes." Yu Xing said calmly.

 The twin brothers crossed their hands on their chests, and the scrutiny in their eyes almost turned into reality: "We have never seen you, not just in this bar, but also outside."

Yu Xing was even more arrogant: "I haven't met you yet. Why, you are so famous?"

This is actually a very rogue method. He said this, although it will increase the suspicion of the red-clothed ghost, but they can't find any evidence.

 The twins looked at each other.

"There are eight living people in the bar now. Although there has never been a living person disguised in red before, it does not mean that there are none today." After saying that, the scarlet eyes of the younger brother in red widened, and he slapped the table with both hands, "Say ,are you!"

are you a pig?

Yu Xing looked at it as if it were mentally retarded. He had never seen an intelligent creature with such a low level of questioning.

 At any rate, he is a man in red. His intelligence is so embarrassing.

Fortunately, the elder brother in red stopped his younger brother and turned to Yu Xing: "Okay, let's pretend that you are new here. Let me ask you, why did you invade our territory? Well... don't tell me - you don't know that Hongyi has The rules of the territory?”

 It is also a temptation, but this person’s level is much higher than that of his younger brother.

Yu Xing snorted unhappily: "Isn't this a bar for the green ghosts? When did it become your territory?"

 The twins’ expressions changed—even though they were covered by their masks.

"Besides, even if you sit here first... I think I also want to sit here, you can control me? Who gave you the courage to be arrogant, little brat?"

"I'm going to pull out your tongue!" As if he couldn't hear the word "little brat", the younger brother in red became angry and grabbed Yu Xing with his thin arms, bringing with them a lot of blood. The surrounding space seems to be distorted, and the smell of blood permeates every corner. This alone can prove how many crimes the brother in red has committed.

Hongyi took action and blood flowed like a river.

Yu Xing narrowed his eyes and focused on capturing the other person's things.

Hmm, if he didn’t dodge quickly, he would really be pushed to the ground and beaten.

 Be cut into pieces, or poke hundreds of **** holes, gouge out the eyes, pierce the ears, cut off the nose, and then pull out the tongue.

 He has no ability to resist effectively now, especially since the power of the curse in his body has been aroused by Hong Yi, and his whole body can hardly suppress the trembling.

Yu Xing thought about the consequences that he would have to endure because he could not die. His heart did not waver. He kicked the corner of the table hard with his legs, and the chair slid back several meters with the force of the counter-shock.

Not only did he successfully avoid the catch of his brother in red, he also looked very relaxed and content.

 It's like being as stable as an old dog on the outside, but panicking inside.

 He ​​raised his head, deliberately smelled the smell of blood in the air, and sighed: "The smell is so bland. How many people have you killed?"


The younger brother in red was pulled by his elder brother. The elder brother in red looked at Yu Xing who was sitting leisurely carefully, and answered this question with both dissatisfaction and pride: "The two of us have killed more than thirty people since we started to transform into ghosts. , each one has its tongue and eyes dug out, and there is no complete body.”

The world background setting of Yu Xingxindao's deduction should be one where ghost culture is well known to all mankind, that is, people know that there are ghosts in the world.

The foreman said before that the employee group was captured by the ghost exorcists. Although it was nonsense, it also proved that in its subconscious mind, the ghost exorcists did exist.

 He then smiled disdainfully: "That's it?"

The brother in red sneered again and again: "What about you? I would like to hear, how many people have you killed?"

Yu Xing thought that since he was disguised in red clothes, he should be able to dissipate the **** smell.

Like the **** smell of red clothes, the phantom of black shadows, the mist of white-shirted ghosts and discouraged ghosts, etc.

Perhaps the deducers before the differentiation level were not very good at controlling these auras, but Yu Xing was not one of them.

He sensed it and quickly found a way to emit the aura that matched the color of his clothes. Then, a faint red color began to spread outward from his body.

This is actually a blood mist that is condensed into blood mist when the blood gas is too viscous!

The one who responded the fastest was not any of the twins in red, but DJ.

 A look of shock appeared on her heavily made-up face.

She knew who was a living person and who was a ghost, so she knew clearly from the beginning that Yu Xing was the waiter.

The problem is that even if he is disguised as a ghost, this aura is only linked to the waiter himself. This means that even if the living person is disguised as a red man, if he has never killed anyone, there will be no **** aura.

On the contrary, the more people are killed, the thicker the blood smell becomes.

DJ stood up suddenly and was speechless.

 What did this living person...this waiter do in the years before he came to the bar? ?

I heard Yu Xing say to the stunned twins in red: "I slaughtered a research institute and an entire village."

"The number of those who died in my hand was not only one thousand, but eight hundred."

Looking at the blood filling the air, every ghost present knew clearly that he was not telling lies!

 At this moment, the twins in red stepped back a few meters.

The Yu Xing in their eyes is dressed in red, with his legs crossed, and his face covered with a mourning mask.

 Around him, a sea of ​​blood, a mountain of corpses, and thousands of ghosts howling!

Ahem, Yu Xing did not lie...but there is a reason for this, which I will write about later, and Yu Xing has changed now. He is no longer the terrifying thing he was some time ago!

Now he is a good young man, abiding by the law (sure), and a starting point character full of positive energy.



 (End of this chapter)

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