Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 144: The Burnt Goddess (Leader’s 10,000 words plus update 2/2)

Chapter 144 The Burnt Goddess (Leader’s Ten Thousand Words Update 22)

 What you can see is desolation, the wind has turned the page, and the sky is filled with dust.

The houses are not far apart from each other, are messy and dilapidated, and overgrown with weeds.

 Under the sun, these old-fashioned huts are covered with cobwebs, and some have collapsed, forming wreckage due to weathering.

Yu Xing stood blankly, a thought lingering in his mind: How could this happen...

 He stepped on the ground outside the house, his heart beating rapidly, and he turned around and took a look.

The house belonging to the old Zhang family is no different from other huts. Although it has not collapsed, it is so old that it seems that no one has lived in it for a long time. The knots and nets used for hunting are hung on the outer wall. They have faded and decayed, as if they would break if pulled.

“…” Yu Xing was a little scared and shrank.

He seemed to have just slept a little longer. Why did he feel like everything was turned upside down when he woke up?

 Where is Lao Zhang? Where is the woman who gave him porridge? And what about Mai Mai?

 Is it an illusion? But... how to explain the new bandages on his body and the obviously clean pants that are a little old?

He walked cautiously for a while to make sure that there was no one in the small village. Outside the village were mountains and forests, and he didn't know where it led.

A feeling of loneliness arose spontaneously, Yu Xing blinked and returned to Lao Zhang's house.

This place is so strange, he thought.

He entered the kitchen and tried to find traces of the recent existence of Lao Zhang's family of three, but he was disappointed. There was no food in the kitchen. Instead, there was much more mold left in some grooves than in other places.

"What... happened here?" Yu Xing squatted down and observed carefully for a while, and a guess came to his mind.

He rummaged through Lao Zhang's house and found a rusty kitchen knife among the spider webs and nameless insects everywhere, as well as some other small tools, wrapped in a tablecloth that had been eaten by insects. Carry it with you.

"We have to find the reason..." Although he has lost his memory, cannot remember the past, and is full of doubts about the current strange events, it does not mean that he will sit still and wait for death.

 He does not seem to be born with a shrinking personality, even if there may be unknown dangers around him.

Yu Xing decided to search all the huts that could be entered first. The focus was to find out the reason why the village was deserted. For example, the whole village had moved away, or some accident had occurred. If he could find some useful ones, Supplies are even better.

 He still doesn’t know why he is here.

 Lao Zhang's house was at the edge of the small village. Yu Xing used this house as the base point and first walked around the village, memorizing the locations and collapse conditions of all the houses, and completing a simple map in his mind.

This place is really small. There are only twelve houses in total, that is, twelve households. They were numbered by Yu Xing to make it easier to record.

“…” He still didn’t speak. Listening to the sound of the wind blowing the weeds, he walked into House No. 2.

 This is a well-preserved house, unlike the surrounding houses No. 3, 4, and 5, which collapsed into ruins and are completely blocked, making it impossible to enter.

Yu Xing stretched out his hand to open the door, and the harsh scratching sound made him frown.

Under the sunlight, the dust became visible. Yu Xing choked on these particles and coughed violently. It felt like a wound on his chest was about to burst.

 He wiped away the physiological tears he coughed up and looked into the room with squinted eyes.

 The house is very messy.

 All the small items fell to the ground, and the large items were staggered.

The table was tilted to one side, with four wooden legs supporting it. The table top was against the wall, as if someone had thrown it.

Yu Xing sniffed and smelled a strong smell of mold, which was very pungent.

The ground was also dirty, but Yu Xing couldn't care so much now. He walked in and discovered something was wrong with the wall.

what are these?

Large patches of black marks were splashed on the wall, but the wall was already black and yellow, so you couldn’t tell anything without looking carefully.

There are black marks here and there. The strange thing is that once they get within one meter of the ground, they disappear completely.

Yu Xing looked closer with strong uneasiness. These black traces were too old and had long been integrated with other things and could not be separated.

 “Is it blood?” The blood stains that had dried for too long turned from red to dark brown and finally black.

Instinct told him that he was right, this place seemed to have hosted a death.

 But why did the blood disappear when it reached the bottom?

 It must have been erased.

Yu Xing remembered this and did not waste time on other ordinary things. After observing the shape of the damaged things on the ground, he rummaged through the cabinets that could still be opened.

These furniture are all old-fashioned. Although Yu Xing couldn’t remember where he had seen new-style furniture, the concept came to him naturally.

 He ​​opened each drawer, not sure what he was looking for, but he thought he should find some useful information.


 The drawers were either filled with rotten banknotes, unimportant remains of daily necessities, or were completely empty.

"Forget it..." Yu Xing murmured and walked out of the house. When he passed by the door, he saw a **** lying on the ground.

He paused in his steps.

 In the subsequent investigation, while looking for clues, he also paid attention to whether there were hoes in other houses. As expected, almost every house had them.

Moreover, the furnishings in every room are in a mess, with some more or less blood stains. It can be said that except for the furnishings of Lao Zhang's house, they are still intact, and the other houses seem to have been robbed by robbers.

 After exploring all six of the twelve houses, excluding the old Zhang's house and the five houses that had collapsed, Yu Xing had to admit: "There are no clues."

As the sun rose above his head, he searched every house carefully and wasted a lot of time.

"Gululu..." The bandaged stomach began to cry out with hunger, but Yu Xing was helpless.

There is nothing edible here, and he doesn’t know if there are any edible animals in the forest. Even if there are, he doesn’t know how to hunt.

“Forget it, let’s walk around and see if there are any other villages.” He guessed that there was more than just this small twelve-household village in this area, because he saw hoes in the villagers’ homes, but he didn’t see any fields.

 It means that there should be a separate field nearby.

The plots of land that can be used to develop fields are generally not too small, so it seems a bit of a loss to only farm the land for these twelve families.

 After thinking for a while, Yu Xing decided to go the opposite way to Old Zhang's house, because since he fainted at the door of Old Zhang's house, it meant that he came from the direction of Old Zhang's house.

There is something that could hurt him in this direction. If he encounters it again while walking, wouldn't he be trapped in a trap?

 It is better to go in a direction that may be safer.

The trees in the mountain forest were sparse, and occasionally a few were uprooted and fell towards the village. The further Yu Xing walked, the more dead he felt around him. Even though the sun was shining on him, he still felt a lingering gloom.

  Touched the rusty kitchen knife he carried, a layer of goosebumps rose up on Yu Xing's skin. He looked around unconsciously and muttered: "...It's so scary."

Fortunately, after walking for about ten minutes, Yu Xing saw a very hidden path that was covered by vegetation. It had obviously been stepped on by others. He knew that he was on the right path.

There is indeed a field not far ahead, but it is not very obvious. It is just that this place is relatively flat, and there are faint traces of cultivation, but it is now deserted.

Yu Xing crossed the field and continued walking forward.

 He also wanted to try to walk directly out of the forest and go to a place with human activities.

He has nothing to eat or drink now, and is covered in injuries. He is not suitable for survival in the wild. What's more, he has no relevant knowledge at all, and he will probably die.

But when it comes to injuries, Yu Xing feels that he is getting better very quickly, and many wounds no longer hurt.

After walking for a while, he saw the outline of a large village in the distance.

However, at this time, the sun was hidden behind the clouds and slowly setting, and it was almost dark again.

The flow of time at this time was not normal, as if it had been clicked to fast forward four times. Yu Xing also realized that it was abnormal and hesitated in place for a while.

“Isn’t there twenty-four hours in a normal day?” He almost suspected that there was something wrong with his common sense. After all, there was nothing in his memory to support his thoughts.

"It's so weird. Everything has been weird since I woke up...Am I really not dreaming?" Seeing the sky darkening visibly, Yu Xing shook his head and quickened his pace towards the big village.

As he got closer, he could see the smoke coming from the cooking pots, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief - there were people in this village, and he would not starve to death in the mountains and forests.

It’s just that I look too embarrassed, and the villagers may think of me as some weird uninvited guest.

He finally stepped into this village that looked very big at first sight, took a gentle breath, and knocked on the first door.

 “Dong dong dong.”

"Is anyone here?"

Yu Xing shouted nervously. After more than ten seconds, the door was opened, and a thin middle-aged man poked his head out. He was obviously stunned when he saw Yu Xing.

Yu Xing hurriedly said: "Hello, I'm passing by, can I..."

 “Peng!” The man suddenly closed the door with a look of disgust on his face.

   Yu Xing: “…”

 As for what?

 He turned around and knocked on another door. The person who opened the door this time was a thin woman.

At least the woman didn't close the door directly, but she stuck the door open and looked wary: "Who are you?"

 “Hello, I’m passing by, I want to...”

"Don't look for me." The woman interrupted Yu Xing's words, her face was numb and indifferent, and she pointed in one direction, "Go find the Goddess. We will only take you in if the Goddess allows you to stay."


Yu Xing followed her hand and saw that there was only one house over there, and it was the largest house in the village at first glance.

 He said to the woman sincerely: "Okay, thank you..."

 “Peng!” The woman also closed the door.


 Why are they so cruel to me?

Yu Xing felt a little aggrieved and felt that he was despised by the whole world.

There is nothing wrong with this. The Zhang family and these two villagers he sees now are the entire world in his memory.

He even thought: Am I too ugly to scare them?

 After much hesitation, he decided to go find the goddess.

Let's be scared, he doesn't want to starve to death anyway.

The Goddess's residence is larger than it appears from a distance. The house is surrounded by a fence, which is well surrounded by a fence.

"Isn't it usually just a pig pen or a chicken pen that is fenced? When the house is fenced, is it to prevent someone from escaping?" When pushing open the fence, a thought came to Yu Xing's mind.

He looked back and saw that it was the evening at the restaurant and many families were cooking. Although no one came out, the smoke from the chimney brought with it the aroma of food, which made Yu Xing feel a little dazed.

 So hungry...so hungry...so hungry, so hungry...

There was no smoke coming from the goddess's house, and it was deserted.

Yu Xing put his hand on the wooden door, and his heartbeat suddenly became very fast.

 It seems like something bad is going to happen.

 This is a strange premonition without any warning. Yu Xing doesn't know whether to believe himself or not.

However, nothing good seems to have happened to him since he woke up. Even if it is bad, it will not be worse than starving to death.

 So he knocked on the door.


As soon as my fingers touched the door, the door opened a crack. It seemed that it had not been closed before.

Yu Xing did not go in directly. An indescribable feeling grabbed his legs, making him unable to move forward.

The cool breeze came from the crack in the door and brushed against the exposed part of his fair skin. By some strange coincidence, he quietly peeked in through the crack in the door.

There was no light inside, and a piece of clothing swayed through the darkness.

Yu Xing was startled, took a step back, and then couldn't help but continue looking.

He read it right, it was really a piece of clothing... hung on the beam, swinging back and forth.

The weak legs hang down, stiff and straight, and the hanged man stares at him peeping through the crack in the door with his big eyes.

The corpse was soaked all over, and drops of water dripped from the toes of the corpse's shoes, gathering into a pool of shadow on the ground.

Yu Xing was only surprised for a moment, but when the light outside slightly illuminated the room, he could clearly see the face of the hanged man.

“O-Old Zhang!” Yu Xing was so frightened that he covered his mouth to prevent himself from shouting.

how so?

 How come Lao Zhang is here and hanged?

His pupils constricted, and a kind of grief and anger that did not belong to his subjective feelings surged into his heart. He thought he was just frightened, and not to the point of being extremely sad about the death of Lao Zhang, who was close to him, but the feeling in his heart did not pass through him. With his permission, he exploded wantonly.

 As if...he's been through this before.

 It’s not just Lao Zhang.

 The crack in the door was blown a little wider by the wind, and Yu Xing could see more.

Lao Zhang's wife who served him porridge, the shy but curious and flexible Mai Mai, and many people he didn't know, including men and women, old and young, were all hung up by hemp ropes. There is a pool of water underneath everyone, and it is growing.

There are many people inside.

 The corpses inside were swinging like pendulums.

Just like the ghost child Toshio pushing the hanging corpses in The Grudge, the scene in front of him seemed like countless hands pushing the corpses.

 Wait a minute, what is a curse?

Yu Xing thought blankly.

But this was just a fleeting episode in his mind. For now, he was scared.

This place full of corpses is the home of the Goddess?

 He might as well starve to death! Go back, he doesn't want to go in!

"What are you looking at?" Suddenly, a deep female voice sounded from behind Yu Xing, and Yu Xing felt a chill coming from the soles of his feet to his forehead, making him shudder.

He turned around stiffly, and at this moment he saw an ugly woman close at hand.

 The woman has a good figure. She wears a Chinese black dress that is incompatible with this village. Her hair is pulled into a beautiful and steady bun. She is exquisite in every aspect.

What's a pity is this face, probably from burns. Most of the face is covered with scars and obvious scabs. One eye has no eyelids, and the eyeballs are just exposed to the air, as if they are glaring at others angrily all the time.

 Just like now, she seemed to be glaring at Yu Xing and wanting to strangle Yu Xing to death.

"Ah!" Yu Xing screamed in dismay, and stepped back with fear. His bare feet stepped on a sharp stone. He screamed in pain, lost control of his balance, and fell directly to the ground.

With his head buzzing, Yu Xing looked up with a grimace and was stunned again.

The person in front of him was clearly a beautiful woman with smooth and fair skin, and her facial features found a delicate balance between softness and sharpness. The years had left shallow traces on the corners of her eyes, but she had given her a thick temperament as compensation.

 Are there any burns or scars?

 The woman seemed a little surprised and unhappy when she saw such a big reaction from him, but she still asked: "Are you okay?"

Yu Xing's head was ringing with alarm bells.

  Regardless of which image of her is real, let’s just say, what does it mean for a unique woman to appear here?

  means that her status is different from that of the villagers.

 She is the goddess!

Dangerous man with many corpses hanging in the room!

Yu Xing climbed up on his own. Fortunately, the soles of his feet were not scratched. He tried to maintain his composure: "It's okay, it's okay."

 “Are you scared when you see me?” The woman’s tone was as doubtful as cold, and she took a step closer to him.

At this moment, Yu Xing didn’t know why, but he felt so happy: "I'm sorry! I, I feel inferior..."

"Oh?" The woman was indeed a little less cold and a little more surprised. She raised the corners of her mouth and asked with interest, "Why do you feel inferior?"

"Me, I have scars all over my body, so ugly..." Yu Xing said, covering the bandages on his chest and abdomen with his hands. This was of course in vain, but just to make the woman notice his injuries.

He looked downcast and spoke urgently: "I don't know where I come from, who I am, why I have such a useless body and long hair... I'm sorry, I will scare you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

  The woman looked him over, and then her eyes rested on his face. Her expression suddenly softened: "It sounds like you are a lost child."

She smiled and touched Yu Xing's head, glancing at his long hair that looked like a man in ancient times: "Don't worry, you are not ugly at all. Your body is the most perfect I have ever seen, and your appearance is also the best." It makes people jealous. Believe me, once your wounds heal, you will look very, very good..."

The moment her hand touched his head, Yu Xing felt a cold breath flowing through his limbs and torso, making it difficult for him to breathe and make him dizzy.

 The fishy sweetness surged in his throat. He couldn't hold it back, and a stream of scarlet liquid slowly seeped out from the corner of his mouth.

   Thanks to [Ovalll] for the 12,000 reward! Thanks to [Sophie I took away] for the 10200 reward! Thanks to [book friend 20201006210614141] for the 2000 reward~Thanks to [book friend 20191007171015241] for the 1400 reward~Thanks to [Kawashita is a weird sister] and [Prostitute i] for the 1000 reward~Thanks to [Tokisaki Chen] and [Astarte] 500 reward ~ Thanks to [Narunu] for the 200 reward, [Book Friends 20200122235139833], [Dora Monokuma], and [Huanmoxuan] for the 100 reward! In addition, thanks to [Little Deer Killed] from QQ Bookstore for the 10588 reading points ~ and [Yixi] for the 100 book coins! What is the difference between reading points and book coins in the bookstore (o;



 (End of this chapter)

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