Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 145: treat

Chapter 145 Treatment

The blood was warm, and Yu Xing tasted the unfamiliar yet familiar taste in his mouth. Unexpectedly calm, he maintained a subtle mood and wiped it with the back of his hand.

The cold breath only appeared for a moment, and then disappeared like a fish in the sea.

The goddess looked at his blood and took back her hand. She was not concerned or surprised. She just sighed: "It seems that you are really seriously injured... Come in and I will give you some medicine."

"I..." Because of the scene he saw through the crack of the door just now, Yu Xing was very resistant to it. Who knows if he would become a hanging person if he went in? Moreover, when the goddess touched him just now, it was as if he had touched an allergen, and the sudden pain was still fresh in his memory.

 An idea came to his mind... the goddess was not a good thing for him.

"Come in." The goddess walked in front and opened the door completely. Yu Xing looked over subconsciously and was surprised to find that it was empty and simply decorated, with no hanging corpses at all.

 Not a single one.


Confusion flashed in his eyes. Could it be that his injury was not just a memory loss, but also a collision that made him prone to hallucinations?

  Are the burns on the goddess's face and the corpses shaking in the room all hallucinations he had when he was nervous?

 In this case, this is the most reasonable explanation he can think of. After a certain nerve in his brain was damaged, he suffered auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, and even a vague concept of time. He felt that there were no twenty-four hours in a day...

It seems reasonable.

 Everything around him is normal, the only one who is abnormal is himself.

Yu Xing followed the goddess into the house for the time being. He reached out and touched his messed up hair, with a flash of inquiry in his eyes.

 That’s right, it’s reasonable.

 But he doesn’t think this is the truth.

 In the final analysis, he is just deceiving himself. Can making up a seemingly reasonable explanation make his situation better?


There must be something weird happening here, and some kind of danger is approaching him.

Stepping into the house of the goddess, Yu Xing looked above his head. In fact, there was no beam in the middle of the house that could be used to hang the body.

It seems that at least the hanging corpse door may be just an illusion, or it may be some kind of symbol from his subconscious.

 He suspected that the memory he lost should have related experiences, otherwise, there would not be that kind of heart palpitations and grief.

With this thought in mind, he stopped looking at the roof and looked around instead.

The only thing that made him curious was that there seemed to be a small stone statue enshrined in the center of the room. The statue had long hair and a long gown, and its face was blurred. It looked like there was a plate in front of it with something in it, but Yu Xing could not see clearly.

 The room is too dark.

 “Sit down.” The goddess lit the kerosene lamp and placed it on the table. The faint light shone on her face. She pointed to a wooden chair and signaled to Yu Xing.

Yu Xing bowed his head and sat down as he was told. The goddess turned and entered another room. After a while, she took out a medicine box and a set of black clothes.

 Do you really want to treat him?

Yu Xing remained calm and watched the goddess open the medicine box, which contained various medicines, bandages, gauze, scissors and other equipment.

The goddess said: "I have studied medicine and can help you look at your wounds. Maybe I can make you recover faster. And this set of clothes...this belongs to my man. He is not at home all year round and can't wear it. I will give him one as a gift." I’ll give you a condom, so that you won’t be half-dressed and exposed to the little girls in the village.”

 The goddess herself may be thirty years old, so there is nothing wrong with what she said.

Yu Xing could only cope with the changes by remaining unchanged and agreed. At the moment, the goddess took off the bandages on his upper body layer by layer. Yu Xing also took the opportunity to look at his injuries. It seemed that the wounds were not as exaggerated as he thought at first. Most of them were just bleeding of flesh and blood, but the shape of the wounds...

 It was as if something had dug away the flesh and blood, leaving **** holes behind.


As expected, the goddess also asked: "How did you get this injury?"

"I have no idea."

"Oh, I forgot what you said. You don't remember who you are or where you come from, right?" The goddess took out an ointment that Yu Xing couldn't name, and used a cotton swab to gently apply it to the blood hole. .

These blood holes have stopped bleeding, but they are still hideous and terrifying. Yu Xing suddenly felt that maybe it was not that the wound itself was not as serious as expected, but that it healed quickly? Or is his endurance increasing?

He suppressed his speculation and answered the goddess: "Well, I may have hurt my brain."

At this time, Yu Xing remembered that he had not explained his intention to the goddess, so he thought about it and said: "Well, actually when I woke up from the coma, I was in the village on the other side of the woods, but something happened to that village. , I couldn’t find anything to eat, so I walked all the way. I want to know, besides the two villages, are there any other towns nearby?”

The hand of the goddess applying the medicine paused: "I know that small village, but you said something happened to them?"

There was a trace of surprise in her eyebrows, and then she calmed down, and even gained some understanding: "Maybe this is the price of greed and betrayal. That little place may indeed be noisy during this period. You-you left them and came to me. is correct."


Yu Xing initially thought that the incident in Lao Zhang’s village might be related to the goddess, but if the hanging corpse was an illusion, the possibility of this connection would be reduced.

 Now it sounds like the "accident" the goddess said and the "accident" he said are not the same thing at all.

 What betrayal and greed? What's the noise?

 He saw nothing but desolation.

Yu Xing decided not to refute the goddess first, and then slowly inquire about it. He reminded: "So are there any other towns nearby..."

The goddess chuckled: "Is there someone you want to find?"


"Then why go to town? Just stay here." She tied a new bandage on the place where Yu Xing got the good medicine. "Or live here for a while and then decide whether to stay forever. Believe me, this place It’s more mysterious than you think, we are the ones favored by the gods.”

  Confusion flashed through Yu Xing’s mind.

 A fairy?

 She called her a goddess and said that the village was favored by gods. Ah... are the villagers listening to her so much? Are they brainwashed?

However, he was alone, and he was indeed hungry. Yu Xing hesitated for a moment and then agreed.

 There was something really wrong. It would be better for him to run after he had eaten and drank enough than to be unprepared now.

After changing the bandage on his upper body, Yu Xing rolled up his wide trouser legs and watched the goddess squat down to apply medicine on his legs.

The wounds on his legs were not very dense, and there were none on his thighs. There were only blood holes on the knees, leg bends and ankles of both legs, which would not cause any embarrassment.

The villagers often roll up their trouser legs when they go to the fields to do farm work, and they are used to it.


Yu Xing looked at the location of these wounds and an idea took shape.

 Why does it seem like the creator of these wounds intended to restrict his movement? These joints are bound to be used every step of the way. If he didn't seem to have a strong tolerance for pain, he might not even be able to leave Lao Zhang's house.

 (End of this chapter)

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