Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 146: We all want to live forever

Chapter 146 We all want to live forever

However, even if Yu Xing had strong endurance and walked such a long distance, the wounds should have cracked long ago, but they did not. They stopped bleeding and did not crack again, so the goddess who realized this also looked up. He glanced.

 He could see clearly, a slight smile appeared on the corner of the goddess's mouth.

 Why are you smiling? Why does it feel like she is quite satisfied?

The process of applying medicine ended in Yu Xing’s active thoughts. At this time, it was completely dark.

The goddess walked outside the door: "You put on your clothes, then come out, and I will take you to find a temporary home for you."

"Okay." Yu Xing agreed obediently on the surface, but actually checked the clothes carefully.

This is a cotton gown. The top is pure black, with cloth buttons in the middle. The lower body is white trousers. However, the style is not old-fashioned. Many small changes have been made to make the clothes look very designed.

This seems to be...yes...Yu Xing felt that he recognized the era of its application, but his mind was empty. This feeling was too uncomfortable, as if he clearly owned something, but it was covered tightly by a thick layer of cloth. .

never mind.

Yu Xing felt that he couldn't recall anything by forcefully recalling it now, but he was subconsciously sure that these were clothes made by some kind of family with good financial conditions. Just now the goddess said that this belonged to her man... then she must have come from the town. Bar.

He then put on his clothes one by one, and walked out of the room without wasting time to look at the things on the plate enshrining the stone statue that interested him.

 The goddess's eyes immediately glanced over. She seemed to be satisfied and nodded, and then said: "Follow me."


 The goddess took Yu Xing to a house in the center of the village.

Yu Xing discovered that this village was much larger than the small village where Lao Zhang was located. He could not see the edge at a glance, and it seemed that there were at least several hundred people living there.

 The standard of living seems to be much higher, at least the house in front of him has a small yard.

The goddess knocked on the door. There was silence for a while, and then there was the sound of wood hitting the ground. Ten seconds later, a rickety figure walked out.

The old woman, who was only a little over 1.4 meters tall, was leaning on a wooden crutch. When she saw the goddess, she looked excited and said, "Master Goddess, why are you here?"

"This is our new companion. I'll stay at your house for the time being. Is that okay?" Facing the old lady, the goddess looked calm and had a superior feeling, which was far inferior to her attitude towards Yu Xing.

"No problem, no problem!" The old woman spoke with teeth leaking out. She seemed to have just noticed that there was another person at the door, and cast her eyes over. She was obviously startled when she saw the clothes on Yu Xing's body.

 “What do you call this person?”

Just when Yu Xing wanted to say that I don’t have a name, the goddess coughed lightly, looked at him and said, “You don’t have a name anyway, but you always need a way to address me. Why not—just call you Shi Wei.”

Yu Xing thought for a while: "What's the purpose of this name?"

 “It sounds pleasant to my ears.” The goddess said concisely and concisely.

The old woman clearly knew nothing, but she agreed from the side: "What a good name. The goddess thought of it. It must contain the spirit of God. Shiwei, Shiwei is good."

Yu Xing: "..." You are really brainwashed thoroughly.

The goddess smiled and said: "You live here. If you want to eat, ask Grandma Li to cook it. Grandma Li's house is big. Her grandson didn't want her in the early years and ran away. There is a room that has always been empty. It's a good place for you to stay."

She just told Granny Li's sad story, Granny Li didn't refute a word, and the matter was settled.

After the goddess left, Yu Xing followed Granny Li into the house. He saw that Granny Li was walking tremblingly, her figure was thin, and her clothes were very loose on her body, and she seemed to be about to fall down at any time.

Strange, the conditions in this village are better, why are all the villagers so thin?

 The men and women I saw at the beginning were also like this, not as strong as Lao Zhang and his wife. "Grandma Li." Yu Xing said.

Perhaps she felt that the goddess had a different attitude towards Yu Xing and gave him such decent clothes. Granny Li's attitude towards Yu Xing was equally respectful, even with a hint of awe and enthusiasm. When Yu Xing called her, she quickly replied: " You say it, you say it.”

   Yu Xing: "I'm hungry and want to eat."

"No problem, there's a lot left over from dinner. I'll heat it up for you right away and make fresh food for you tomorrow!" Granny Li happily turned to the kitchen, leaving Yu Xing alone in the main hall.

Through the lighted kerosene lamp, he saw a stone statue exactly like the one in his aunt's house in the center of the main hall.

Taking a closer look, this statue is not actually a full body. It is carved from the half body of a man. The man's face is vague, his hair is very long, his upper body is in a wide robe with big sleeves, and the lines of his clothes fit smoothly. There is no carving from the buttocks down, only A slightly wider circular base.

 It looks like a man has emerged from the base.

There is also a plate placed in front of the stone statue, but this plate is empty and washed very clean, and it cannot be seen that anything has been placed on it.

Yu Xing remained silent, quietly retreated, and sat at the dining table waiting for his dinner.

Grandma Li quickly brought the food. The aroma of the white rice mixed with the fried vegetables and meat was very satisfying.

Yu Xing was really hungry. Although he wanted to take the opportunity to ask some questions, he decided to eat seriously first.

 One bowl is not enough.

 He filled another bowl of rice.

Grandma Li smiled and sat aside to watch him eat, looking very idle. She didn't know what the old woman usually did by herself.

Until Yu Xing had almost eaten and his hunger was gone, he asked: "Grandma Li... you all call her Goddess. Where did this title come from? I heard her say that this village is blessed by a priest?"

"Didn't the goddess tell you? Maybe she was a little busy today and didn't have time to tell you." Granny Li covered her heart with her skinny hands and said with a pious face, "People in our village are all runaways." People who have passed the temptation of black and white and are in the book of life and death.”

 “Huh?” Yu Xing asked, “What do you mean?”

Granny Li sighed: "You are still young. You probably haven't thought about it. When you get old and die, Black and White Wuchang will come over with a chain and put it over your head. Everything you get in this world will belong to others. I’m already so old, but I don’t want to die yet. I want to live forever. People in our village want to live forever.”

"The Goddess is the spokesperson of the gods who helps us deceive the seducers and allows us to live forever in the world. She guides us to please the gods and tells us what to do. She is the most respected person in the whole village!"

 Yu Xing: “…Oh.”

This is not only brainwashing, it is almost like a cult.

 He glanced at Granny Li and said, "Grandma Li, will you live a long life this year?"

 Grandma Li, who looked to be in her seventies, said: "I am already a hundred years old this year, and I am blessed by the gods!"

Yu Xing raised his eyebrows in surprise.

 Are you a hundred years old? I really didn’t expect that I would still be so active at the age of 100.

 Does the Goddess really have this ability?

 (End of this chapter)

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