Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 147: Who am I?

Chapter 147 Who am I?

 If it is true, it means that there is something beyond common sense in this world.

Yu Xing chewed the food in his mouth and suddenly felt that he was very receptive.

Perhaps he has no memory that allows him to preconceptions. Even if someone tells him now that he has died a long time ago and was punished in the underworld for his many evil deeds during his lifetime, he probably won't be surprised.

 But the situation in this village is related to his current survival, and he needs to figure it out first.

“Master Immortal is so powerful. Are all your usual interactions with the Immortal relayed by the Goddess?” He looked at Granny Li.

“Of course, how can people like us deserve to see gods.” Granny Li’s respect for the goddess was unabashed.

Yu Xing pointed to the enshrined stone statue: "That is..."

Grandma Li followed Yu Xing's hand and said, "That is the statue of the Immortal. Each of our families has one to express our respect and love for the Immortal."

 “What’s the name of this god?”

Hearing his question, Grandma Li immediately raised her index finger and shushed: "The Goddess said, we are taking a risk in blessing us, so we can't say the name. Only the Goddess knows the name of this immortal, we can't ask. If it's called If another **** hears it, this **** will be in trouble. "

"Oh." Yu Xing stopped asking, sooner or later he would pry it out of the goddess's mouth.

 After dinner, Yu Xing helped Granny Li clear the table, then walked through the small courtyard and saw the back room.

Next to Grandma Li's room is the room of her grandson who ran away. There is also a utility room where rice and other grains are piled, as well as discarded old furniture.

She guided Yu Xing into the bedroom and laughed: "It's getting late. It's time to go to bed. I'll take you to the village for a walk tomorrow morning!"

Yu Xing: It’s better for me to go by myself. With your arms and legs... it might not be convenient.

He didn't say anything. He would see what happened tomorrow. After thanking Granny Li, he closed the door.

As usual, he first looked at the environment. The room was very clean, and the kerosene lamp illuminated an area. He guessed that Granny Li still missed her grandson very much, and she kept cleaning to welcome her back. However, even if her grandson was still there, there would still be six children this year. He must be over ten years old, and he is also an old man.

There was nothing suspicious, but Yu Xing did not sleep. After turning out the light, he kept listening until the sound of Granny Li closing the door was heard next door. He took a sneak peek and found that she had turned off the light before climbing into bed.

 In a place like this, he had to be wary.

In the darkness, Yu Xing tossed and turned. The strange environment made him uneasy. He recalled everything today, but he always felt that everything was absurd.

 Is this the way this world is originally?

Or is it just what he sees that is wrong?

  Having solved the problem of hunger, he began to have some spare time to think about these things.

It is impossible for him to know the cause of his amnesia for the time being, so he has to think about how to solve this problem. Even though he now has a residence that is not his own after amnesia, this does not mean that he intends to let go of the things before his amnesia.

Who hurt him, and where did he escape from?

 Could the other party be looking for him and not give up the idea of ​​killing him?

Although he inferred from the distribution of wounds on his legs that the other party wanted to restrict his movement, the fact that there were so many wounds on his body was already telling the problem.

Perhaps the other party didn’t want his life at first, but just wanted to keep, imprison, and imprison him.

 But when his resistance is too fierce or he does something beyond his control, the other party already has the intention to kill and does not care whether he is alive or not. He turned over again, and suddenly felt that the pain of the wound was even milder. He sighed softly: "It's true that I recovered quickly..."

 The initial confusion and fear are due to too much uncertainty. When people lack a sense of security and have insufficient information about their own situation, no matter how strong their psychological quality is, people will become fragile and even fall into endless self-doubt.

Yu Xing felt that he had passed that period, and now he was not surprised even if he realized that his body might be different from ordinary people.

There are already so many weird things, one more thing doesn’t seem that important.

“Did I really run away from some closed place?” He covered one eye with his hand and looked at a certain point in the void in front of him with only one eye.

 Half of her vision went dark, and half of her vision was focused on the world.

 Darkness must be real, but this world is somewhat confusing to him.

 He felt that only about six hours had passed since he woke up, but now he was going to sleep again.

Obviously the life of Lao Zhang and his family was so vivid that even the warmth in his palms when he helped him sit up was still in his memory, but when he woke up, it was gone.

 The next time I “saw” him was in the hallucination when I was at the Goddess’s house.

There must be a cause for the hallucination. Is it the worry in his heart, or is it the memory of the past that reminds him?

It was like crossing some kind of forgotten history, the living things turned to ashes in an instant, and he felt that the time in his consciousness had long been chaotic.

 Which is the past, which is the present, and which is the future?

And now this village is actually at the stage where they believe in black and white and impermanence, and believe that "gods" can make them immortal...

This world is so strange.

"Where is the intersection between illusion...reality..." Yu Xing blinked his eyes that were not covered, "Who am I..."

Suddenly, a scream came from the next room, interrupting his late-night "philosophical thinking."

 “No! Don’t come, don’t come!”

He was already nervous, so when he heard it, he immediately put down his hands and sat up. There were only two people in the room, Yu Xing himself and Granny Li.

Then this scream must have been made by Granny Li.

what happened?

Someone entered Granny Li’s room?

He quickly got out of bed, opened the door to a small gap and looked out, and saw Granny Li staggering out of the room, waving the crutch in the air. She didn't know who she was talking to, and she was talking so much. The tone of her words changed due to fear, and it took Yu Xing some effort to recognize what she said.

  "Don't come over, I won't go, I'm not dead yet! No... no... seductress, you can't see me, you can't see me, you can't see me..."

Even though there was no one next to her, she seemed to be praying and fighting with someone, which made Yu Xing's back feel cold.

"I want to find the gods, the gods will bless me, gods, gods..." Granny Li waved enough and started to walk towards the main hall. Yu Xing concentrated, squeezed out the door quietly, and followed in the shadows.

He didn't know why he was so skilled. In short, he was very familiar with tracking this kind of thing, and soon he saw Granny Li kneeling in front of the stone statue.

 (End of this chapter)

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