Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 148: was discovered

Chapter 148 Discovered

The rickety figure knelt there tremblingly, and the clothes trembled slightly with the trembling, showing a strange hollow feeling.

 Darkness enveloped the main hall, and Yu Xing had to squint his eyes to see what Granny Li was doing.

 Grandma Li took out a knife from her clothes.

“Do the people here carry knives with them? It seems like the folk customs are not simple!” Yu Xing thought, touching the rusty kitchen knife that he had never left behind, and condemned the villagers.

Grandma Li took the knife and lifted up her clothes shivering.

“…” Yu Xing quietly moved closer, thinking silently: I am not a peeping tom, this is just because of necessity…

He walked lightly. The set of clothes given to him by the goddess included a pair of black cloth shoes. When the soles of the shoes stepped on the ground, they made no sound.

 He noticed this himself and suspected that he had good physical control before.

When he came to the side, the extremely frightened Granny Li still didn't notice him. From his angle, he could see Granny Li's protruding backbone and silvery white and scattered hair. She was holding the knife in one hand and her shirt in the other. The hem of clothes, under the hem of clothes...

Yu Xing’s pupils shrank and he almost made a sound.

It can be said that there is no meat at all under Granny Li’s clothes. Where her belly and lower abdomen should have been, there are only white bones left.

 No kidneys, no intestines.

 The top was covered by clothes and Yu Xing couldn’t see it.

  No wonder she looked so thin and her clothes were so empty. It turned out that there was no body of a normal living person inside!

Is she considered a living person?

A gust of cold wind blew by, adding a bit of chill to this terrifying scene. Yu Xing opened his eyes wide and motionless, watching Granny Li's next movements carefully.

 Grandma Li is looking for it in herself.

"Where is my meat? Where is the meat? I want to offer it to the gods... I have to hurry up..."

She became more and more anxious, and her face became ferociously contorted. Finally, she seemed to have touched a remaining piece of flesh behind her spine, and raised the knife with joy.

“Ah—” The not-sharp knife cut back and forth at the joint between the meat and the bone. Granny Li screamed miserably, the skin on her face was shaking, and her eyes almost popped out of her sockets. She looked heartbroken.

"Hiss..." Yu Xing felt pain just looking at it. If there was no flesh in other places, wouldn't it mean that he had cut himself into pieces?

The piece of meat was finally cut off, and Granny Li didn't care about the blood spattering. She stood up holding the bleeding fist-sized piece of meat and placed it on the plate in front of the stone statue like a treasure.

Then she knelt down again and kowtowed to the stone statue over and over again. Her forehead hit the ground with a thud, making a muffled sound that echoed in the main hall: "Gods bless me, protect me from being taken away, gods bless me..."

Yu Xing felt that the voice had been echoing in the empty main hall, as if it was in his ears.

After kowtowing like this for almost a minute, Granny Li's forehead was covered in blood and flesh. It was obvious that there was no movement in the stone statue and the meat on the plate was intact, but she seemed to be relieved and said to the air: "Thank you, God, God. Thank you, God." grown ups…"

Seeing that she was about to get up, Yu Xing shrank back and hid behind a piece of furniture to better hide himself.

Grandma Li's thin figure staggered away. Although she was injured in two places, her mood was much more stable than when she came. She seemed to have received some reassuring answer and walked out of the main hall with satisfaction.

Yu Xing hid in the shadows and waited quietly. It was not until ten minutes later that he was sure that Granny Li was really gone and stood up from behind the furniture.

He doesn’t know where these habits of his come from. Perhaps he is so cautious because of his past experiences.

Hold the kitchen knife to prevent accidents, Yu Xing walked to the stone statue and looked at his feet.

His eyes have adapted to the dark, and he can see things clearly even if there is no lighting.

 There was a small pool of blood at his feet. The stone statue was no different from the daytime one. The plate in front contained flesh and blood. It was shocking to see the strange behavior of the people in this village - Granny Li would be so decisive. Obviously she was not the only one to do this.

She said that every household in the village worships such a small statue, which means that at least the people in the village should be consistent on how to worship it.

"Sigh... How can I say they are stupid... How can any priest allow people to use flesh and blood as tribute to seek blessings? Obviously only evil spirits and the like can-" Yu Xing sighed midway and suddenly froze.

 Evil ghost? Why does he seem to be familiar with the concept of evil spirits?

This is not the point. The point is that he now knows that this village has obvious terrorist tendencies. I am afraid that what the goddess said to him is just a way to stabilize him by letting him stay temporarily.

Yu Xing didn't believe that the goddess had no intention of him, so she kindly gave him clothes and found him a place to stay.

His existence is definitely useful to the goddess and the so-called immortals. However, just by offering this flesh and blood, you know that the goddess is not a good thing, and the "immortal" can't figure out where the evil ghosts come from.

 So this is not a good thing for him.

 It is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Yu Xing lowered his eyes and had the urge to leave under the cover of night. Since the goddess came from the town, it meant that there must be a road leading to the town.

What he has to worry about is the food problem on the road, the direction problem, and whether the group of Goddess and the group who hurt him in the first place will catch up.

Alright...there are a lot of questions.

 Still cannot act impulsively, as it is easy to fail.

After combing through it, Yu Xing gave up the idea of ​​leaving now, took another look at the stone statue, turned around and prepared to go back to the room.

He needs to figure out the origin of "Master Immortal", find a way to protect himself, and also need to figure out what the goddess is planning for him.

Also, he must determine the general direction of the town before setting off to avoid running in the wrong direction. His supplies will never allow him to make the wrong attempt.

 The only sound of Yu Xing's breathing was in the darkness. He was silent for a while, feeling like he was starting from **** with nothing.

 Is this reasonable?

The only consolation is that his injury healed a little quickly, but for some reason, he was subconsciously resistant to this fact.

Yu Xing turned around and walked towards the door of the main hall.

However, a bright light suddenly appeared in his sight.

Grandma Li was holding a kerosene lamp and leaning on a cane. There was a large and hideous wound on her wrinkled face, but the blood had been wiped clean and she didn't look so embarrassed.

 But it’s scary.

 At least Yu Xing's breathing paused for a moment.

"Mr. Shi Wei... I just wanted to see if you were sleeping well, but I found that you are not in the room." Granny Li used a name that was very unfamiliar to Yu Xing. Her throat was very hoarse from the scream just now. , making her words sound like the call of an innocent ghost.

Grandma Li took two steps forward until the light included Yu Xing's face: "What are you doing here?"

I saw two readers saying they didn’t like the “amnesia” plot. Let me ask, how many people can’t accept the forced memory deprivation in the deduction? The original intention of the setting is to let Yu Xing restore what happened to Zeng Jing without subjective hatred, and to exaggerate the horror atmosphere. If many people don't accept it, I will find a way to adjust the subsequent plot. Collect your opinions here.



 (End of this chapter)

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