Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 149: A dream in the garden

Chapter 149 A Dream in the Garden

 “What are you doing here?”

The sharp and hoarse old man's voice echoed in Yu Xing's ears. Yu Xing blinked and did not let the atmosphere change to silence. He smiled naturally: "I heard your voice and came out to take a look. I thought it would be just right. Now that we’re in the main hall, why don’t we pay our respects to this immortal, after all, I’m new here.”

This was said so naturally that no one could have imagined that it was the words he calmed down and organized in just a short moment.

If it were another village, wandering here at night, it would definitely be unclear, but this village itself is already very irrational. Yu Xing estimated that the brain circuit of these villagers should put the worship of gods as the first priority.

As a person who was led by the goddess herself to live there, if he had the idea of ​​worshiping the gods, Granny Li would definitely be happy to see her, even if he confessed that he came out with Granny Li.

As long as you figure out what others think and what others care about, you can often stay in an absolutely safe position when getting along.

Sure enough, Granny Li laughed despite her wrinkled and disfigured face after hearing this, and said repeatedly: "It's good to worship the gods, but it's already so late, Mr. Shi Wei should rest first."

"Okay." Although Yu Xing felt a little uncomfortable being called Shi Wei, he still looked calm, said good night to Granny Li, and returned to the room unhurriedly.

"Huh..." After closing the door, Yu Xing touched his nose, went to bed and fell asleep.

 In the final analysis, the experience at night did not scare him. He was just a little regretful that Granny Li's family did not have enough information.

He couldn't fall asleep at first, but he went to watch a meat-cutting ceremony. Instead, he felt sleepy. Lying on the bed, his eyelids soon felt heavy, and he fell into darkness without realizing it.


 Still a dream.

 After falling asleep, dreams came to the door, briefly pulling Yu Xing out of the reality where he was, into another strange world.

Yu Xing's consciousness was floating in and out of bizarre scenes. The difference from last night was that tonight's dreams were no longer fragmentary scenes that were difficult to remember and capture, but were consecutive scenes, as if they were acted out in person. Although the drama is absurd, there seems to be an obscure thread connecting the real time.


“It turns out that purple and red are blooming all over the place, but they all end up in ruins like this…”

 “Where is the sky for good times and beautiful scenery, and whose home is there for pleasure…”

“The sky flies in the morning and the evening rolls, the clouds are green and the clouds are green, the raindrops and the wind are scattered, the smoke and waves paint the boat..."

 “Jinping people think that this time is so mean...”

As if dreaming and waking up, the melodious singing rang in his ears. Yu Xing knew very well that he was in a dream now, just like many people have a clear sense of whether they are dreaming.

He raised his head and glanced up. On the stage, the actor with an excellent figure was singing quietly, with a clear and beautiful voice.

Wearing a red dress, her hair is in a big bun, with slender and soft black braids on both sides, and red makeup on her eyebrows, every step of this actress is just right, and she performs the final part of the song as if it were real.

The weather was gloomy, and it was hard to tell whether it was morning or afternoon. Yu Xing wore a suit that was gradually becoming popular among wealthy families at that time, and sat on a Western-style chair.

 “A dream in a garden.” He recalled this famous Kunqu opera piece in a daze.

The people on the stage are still singing—

“The cuckoos are singing red all over the green mountains, and the tobacco outside the tea leaves is soft and drunk. Although the peonies are so good, how can they be the first to return in spring? I am leisurely concentrating, and the words of the swallows are as clear as scissors, and I can listen to the sound of the orioles singing roundly..."

Yu Xing looked around, and there was a person sitting next to him. His face was blurry, and it was difficult to explain what kind of voice the voice belonged to. After an unknown period of time, the song ended, and Hua Dan came off. The person in a vague voice said: "I have heard about the news in the city for a long time. There is a singer with excellent acting skills. Now that I heard it with my own ears, it is true that the rumors in the public are true. It is really a blessing for him to be invited to cheer for Yu's birthday. "

Hua Dan bowed and spoke normally in a male voice: "It is a blessing for an actor to be valued by Mr. Yu and to wish Mr. Yu his birthday." There is a softness in his eyebrows that is hard to ignore, but he is still fierce. On the stage Although he plays a female character, he is very cheerful in the audience and will never misunderstand that he is a woman.

 In other people’s words, it’s probably “this man is so good-looking.”

"Master Yu" seemed very happy. He laughed twice and looked at Yu Xing: "The ancient Chinese rhyme things are really beautiful. This is Quanzi. He just came back from abroad and insists on learning Western art. I'm really afraid that he will go out. The trip was too overwhelming and I forgot my roots. How about it? You have liked beautiful things since you were a child. Isn’t this Garden Tour more beautiful than the oil painting and sculpture you learned? "

 The last sentence was said to Yu Xing. Although Yu Xing realized that this was a dream, he could not control his body at this time. He was like a bystander, hearing himself say happily: "Well, it looks good."

Mr. Yu really liked the actor. From then on, the actor stayed in his house and became a long-term guest.

Yu Xing often saw a handsome man wearing a long gown and mandarin jacket walking at home.


 Things in the middle were broken like a deep ravine. When he opened his eyes again, Yu Xing's feet were on the cold ground, surrounded by broken glass and light red liquid, and his long hair was covering his naked skin.

 He is running.

There was a door of light in front of him, and a voice in his heart told him that he could escape from all this by going out.

There were many people chasing him behind, shouting: "Don't let him run out! This is our only successful experimental subject!"


The gunshot sounded, and Yu Xing felt a sharp pain in his leg. He vaguely felt that his body had never suffered such pain. This was the first time, and he remembered it in his heart.

 But he just staggered, and his running speed did not drop much. The gunshots behind him gradually became denser. Some bullets penetrated him, and some remained in his body.

Yu Xing’s mouth oozed blood, and his consciousness became clearer and clearer.

 “Don’t let him get too seriously injured, the actors will kill us!”

 “What are you afraid of? He can’t die now!”

Ling Ren... Hearing this name, Yu Xing suddenly felt a huge surge of grief and hatred in his heart.

He remembered that in the sea of ​​​​fire, he stood blankly, and the voice that could often be heard at home said to him with a smile that was completely different from when he was singing: "Your home is gone, and you have nothing to do." There’s nowhere to go, come with me.”

“Oh? Did I cause your family to be ruined? Haha... Young Master Yu Xing, why did you only find out now? If you are so unsmart, you will suffer a lot in the future.”

"What's the reason for doing this...Of course it's because of you. Look, your face is the same type as mine. How suitable are you to become the second actor...Yes, entering your home is of course part of the plan. ”

At this moment, Yu Xing recalled all the memories before entering the small village.

 He sneered.

He really didn’t expect that after losing his memory, he would recall the past in his dreams, and the person who reminded him of it was still this actor.

 He will actually learn his name from an actor one day—Yu Xing.

After receiving the opinion, the plot was changed a little, and the rhythm was accelerated, so that Yu Xing's past was more directly displayed. (After all, readers probably don’t have the patience to read fast food literature carefully. Other areas where I can’t write well are due to my lack of writing skills. I will work hard to improve it.)



 (End of this chapter)

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