Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 150: Yu Xing’s timeline inference

Chapter 150 Yu Xing’s Timeline Inference

 At the beginning, he was really a carefree rich kid who was pampered by his family and knew nothing except the art that he was interested in.

Now when Yu Xing thinks back on it, he almost cries because of his innocence at that time.

The actor said he was not smart, but he was indeed stupid. He allowed a person with impure motives from the beginning to stay at home for so long, and yet he foolishly regarded him as a friend or even a teacher based on experience.

 Be in a heart-to-heart relationship without any doubt, and have no ability to resist betrayal when it comes.

 Fortunately, Yu Xing finally learned how to be smart in the long years that followed.

Human character is pieced together in scenes of memories. Only after experiencing beauty can you know what cheerfulness is; only after experiencing tragedy can you know what indifference is; only after experiencing betrayal can you know what darkness is.

 Every result has a cause, and all madness must have its beginning.

Yu Xing's transformation probably came about this way. He lost all his support and was forcibly taken away to become an actor's experiment. When he escaped, his psychology was completely distorted.

 He realized that the actor had turned himself into a monster, a monster that looked beautiful but actually carried all the darkness and negativity.

After the initial outburst of this distortion, Yu Xing hid it himself, pretending to be a person who conforms to social expectations, and reluctantly and diligently regained goodwill.

The actor wanted him to become a degenerate thing, but luckily he didn't.

 The dream continues.

The men with guns shouted commands to each other at the top of their lungs. Yu Xingmeng’s body was full of holes and bullets, and blood flowed like a river, sprinkling every step he took.

 But as the experimenter said, he could not die.

Yu Xing felt the power inside his body at this moment, which was dark, cold, and intimidating. He had never felt so strongly dominated by violence.

He finally killed all the people with guns, took a piece of blood-stained clothes at random, and fled into the light door with holes in it.

  After leaving, I don’t know how many years have passed.

 Yu Xing in the dream has a clear consciousness, but often cannot control his actions, and he always empathizes with his own emotions in the dream.

  He dug out all the bullets embedded in his flesh with his fingers, just like he had really done before, with a cold expression on his face.

 The wound has begun to squirm and heal, constantly reminding Yu Xing that he has become a monster from now on.

When will this dream end? He was a little impatient.

  After walking some distance further, a jungle appeared in front of us, and then a small village came into view.

   is the village where the old Zhang family lives.

Yu Xing suddenly realized: So that’s how my injury came from.

 But here... I seem to have been here too... I remember that it seemed like a river, and in the river -

The dream came to an abrupt end at this moment, and all his consciousness suddenly stopped.


The sun shone on his face, bringing a burst of warmth. Yu Xing frowned and woke up tiredly from the chaotic dream of this night.

 He sat up suddenly and reached out to rub his swollen temples: "I'm so tired from dreaming..."

But this dream was a good one, he had already remembered a lot of things.

 Born, grew up, suffered changes, was caught, escaped.

 This part of the memory came back.

However, after seeing what happened in the village, it was as if there was something that he didn't want him to know, which forcibly interrupted his memory. He could only be sure that everything he experienced since yesterday seemed to be just a recurrence.

 He has obviously stayed away from these things, so why would he come back here now?

Yu Xing felt his physical condition and thought strangely: Moreover, I seem to have become a lot weaker... His mind was running very fast, and he quickly sorted out a digital timeline.

 He guessed that his real experience should have been a long time later, so he counted the real time as 10 for the time being.

 And what happened in this village can probably only be counted as 5.

   Something must have happened in 6789, who had lost his memory, that allowed him to return to the timeline of 5 and re-experience what he had experienced through a principle that he could not understand for the time being.




Encountered some kind of scary ghost?

 Or is it that the curse planted in the actor's laboratory broke out in his body, leading to unknown results?

From the existing information, Yu Xing could only think of these possibilities, but rebirth was the least likely among them, because there were too many unreasonable things in the current village, such as the rapid alternation of day and night, turning it into a deserted old village overnight. Home.

This is probably not the real world, and he should find a way to escape from this illusion.

 Based on the ghost encounter experiences he recalled so far, if you want to escape from a supernatural situation, you must find a breakthrough point and let your consciousness re-align with reality.

So, what he has to do now is to find this point.

"Tsk, I don't know how I will grow up in the future and what kind of person I will be. As far as I can see now, I can cause such trouble. Anyway, I am very restless...Is the actor dead?" Yu Xing murmured. , his eyes returned with anxiety, he just said casually, without dwelling on these issues, got up and got out of bed.

There was a lot of light outside, and Granny Li was making breakfast. Yu Xing went to the main hall to take a look, and all the blood stains on the floor had been cleaned up.

Seeing him, Granny Li smiled and said, "Good morning, Mr. Shi Wei."

 “Morning.” Yu Xing nodded politely, then turned around and his eyes flashed.


 The name given to him by the goddess may be a clue.

As for the village, he didn’t remember much in his dream. He only remembered a river. After eating, Yu Xing took the opportunity to ask Granny Li if there was a river near the village.

There must be one. He knew the answer before asking, because it is normal for a mountain village to be built near a river.

 He just wants to know specific information.

Granny Li said: "Yes, there is a river in the west of the village. When my grandson was still here, he often went to catch fish in that river."

"Cunxi..." Yu Xing lowered his head and thought for a while, "Can I go and have a look?"

"Of course, but the Goddess came here just now and asked me not to disturb your sleep. When you wake up, she asked you to go to her place to change the dressing after breakfast." Granny Li solemnly consoled her, "You have to go first, Goddess I'm caring about you."

Yu Xing: Okay, this Granny Li really puts the goddess first in everything.

He just wanted to see what the Goddess was going to do to him. After eating, he wandered over to the Goddess's house.

The goddess seemed to be doing embroidery. When she heard the footsteps, she raised her head with a smile in her eyes: "Shi Wei, you are here."

“Hmm.” Yu Xing said, “I’ll change the dressing.”

 The goddess had already prepared the medicine kit. She asked, "How do you feel about yesterday's medicine? Is your injury better?"

Yu Xing pretended to feel it, and then said: "I don't know why, but my injury healed quickly, and I don't feel much at all today."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the goddess staring at him suddenly, with a strangely excited tone in her voice: "Is it ready?"

 (End of this chapter)

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