Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 152: man in water

Chapter 152 People in the Water

Sister, are you just trying to make money here?

Yu Xing was silent for a moment, then squatted down and took a look. He said that the wound was very deep, blood seeped out quickly, and a small strip of flesh was taken away.

 The grass on the side is hard and has saw teeth on it, which can easily scratch people's skin. At this time, the meat strands hang on it.

Along the way, this kind of grass is not uncommon, but Yu Xing wears trousers, and at most she feels that her clothes are being pulled. But Goddess is different. Today she is wearing a black embroidered cheongsam, and her legs lack protection against the external environment. .

The goddess had a painful expression on her face, just like a weak woman with a delicate body and uninjured flesh, she froze in place and didn't move.

After reading it, Yu Xing probably knew what the goddess wanted to do, and quickly answered: "The wound seems a bit serious, can you not move?"

"Well, it hurts too much..." the goddess replied in a hoarse voice, with a layer of mist in her eyes, and she looked up at him: "There are a lot of sawgrass here, which often scratches people's skin. I'm usually very careful. , I was talking to you today, and I didn’t pay attention for a while.”

Does this mean you want me to feel guilty?

Yu Xing cooperated and said: "It's all my fault. Otherwise, how about I carry you back?"

"I don't want to go back. It hurts...I feel safer by the lake. Otherwise...you go back and help me get the medical kit? I'll go upstream to wash the wound myself to avoid infection." Although the goddess felt that Yu was lucky My apology didn't sound very sincere, but I still picked up the conversation.

"Okay, then you go upstream and don't move when you reach the area where water is available. I'll get the medical kit. I'll find you along the river after I get it." Yu Xing was very decisive and left in a hurry after saying that, as if he was really worried. As if worried about the goddess.

Watching his figure disappear into the jungle, the mist in the goddess's eyes retracted, her expression cold, she slowly looked into the lake, not affected by the scar on her leg at all.

"Shi Wei...what do you think of him?" She whispered, squatting down and stretching her fingers into the dirty water, causing ripples.

 There were ripples in another part of the lake, as if in response.

The goddess continued to murmur: "The first time I saw him, I felt that he would be the most perfect body for you. He is soft, handsome, young, and his long hair is very similar to yours. I specially brought him to you today. Take a look, if you're satisfied..."

Suddenly, a long wave appeared in the calm lake water, and something swam toward her from the center of the lake, and a smile appeared in the goddess's eyes.


The sound of breaking water sounded, and a black head emerged from the water first.

 Slowly, the blackness became higher and higher, and a pale face emerged from the thick long hair.

This face is that of a man, slightly swollen and rotten, and even has unknown death spots, but it can be vaguely seen that he was also a handsome and handsome man when he was alive.

The human head on the water looked expressionless, looking coldly at the smiling goddess, and then it rose up, with its entire upper body floating up.

The long black robe is hung wetly on the body, and the long hair winds down from the head and spreads on the water. It is several meters long, tangled and knotted, and there is a lot of filth on it.

 It feels like the clumps of women's hair that are clogged in the bathroom drain, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

 But when he looked again, the way the man emerged from the water was exactly the same as the stone statue of the "Goddess" enshrined in the villagers' homes!

The goddess kept her crouching posture and looked up at him. Faced with such an appearance that was far from human, a trace of obsession appeared in her eyes.

"He is an outsider who has lost his memory. In the past two days, I called him Shi Wei, as if I was calling you." "Shi Wei, I just saw his reflection in the water, and it was like seeing our future. Will you change The most beautiful skin ever, will be with me forever..."

Before she could finish her words, someone in the water suddenly grabbed her by the neck, lifted her up, and hung her in the air.

The man in the water looked at her with such indifference, as if looking at a stranger, which was in sharp contrast to the look in the goddess's eyes.

"Do you want me to put on his body because you think I like it, or do you like him like this?" His mouth didn't move, but his voice sounded directly in the Goddess's mind.

 The tone was full of suspicion and did not provide any trust at all.

Then, he suddenly became furious, and the entire lake was slightly turbulent, making a strange wailing sound. His hoarse voice exploded in the mind of the goddess: "You like good-looking things, don't you!? You think I'm ugly now!"

The goddess had difficulty breathing, with panic and sadness in her eyes. She struggled unconsciously: "You... no... I... of course I want you to have the best... skin... If you don't like it, I will continue to look for him... I won't want him anymore." …”

"Remember!" The man in the water showed cruelty on his face, and his fingers as thin as skin and bones tightened suddenly, "You are uglier than me. You will never have the right to dislike me. You are the ugliest thing! If you betray I, no one in this world will like you again, never again!”

The goddess was almost speechless. She could only make breathy sounds and defend intermittently: "Ahem...I, I will not betray you...I will never...dislike you..."

The people in the water stared at her, as if wondering whether what she said was true.

 After a few seconds, the goddess's face turned purple, her eyes rolled up, her struggle gradually weakened, and the man in the water finally let go.

"Cough cough cough..." The goddess suddenly fell to the ground, coughing violently and looking miserable.

The man in the water retracted his hand, and his entire wrist was covered under the black sleeves again. He stepped back and said coldly: "It's him."

 The goddess’s eyes lit up.

Even though the suffocation has not subsided, she could not hide her joy.

 After searching for so many years, she finally found a skin that satisfied Shi Wei. She would soon be able to walk side by side with Shi Wei outside the lake!

However, the man in the water interrupted her thoughts with the next words: "I'm hungry."

"Hungry, hungry?" the goddess repeated softly, and asked puzzledly, "Didn't you just eat the little girl from the next village a few days ago? And these days, I used illusions to get many people to offer sacrifices to me. Flesh and blood. If there are more, some villagers will die. I can’t explain the matter of eternal life..."

"I'm hungry, please think of a way to get me something to eat." The man in the water had no intention of being considerate of the goddess. After he finished speaking without question, he fell back and melted into the water and disappeared.

The goddess pursed her lips. She never disobeyed any of Shi Wei's requests. If he wanted to eat, it didn't matter even if there were loopholes in the priest's explanation that he had finally managed.

Yu Xing leaned against the trunk of a thick tree and had a panoramic view of this scene.

 He didn't go to the village to get the medicine kit. Instead, he walked a little further and came back, hiding directly behind a tree.

At this time, his suspicion was confirmed: "Oh, the so-called **** turns out to be a water ghost who has been practicing for a long time."

 (End of this chapter)

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