Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 153: Let me tell you a horror story

Chapter 153 Let me tell you a scary story

As he wished, he peeped out the reason why the Goddess pushed him away. After the man in the water disappeared and the Goddess walked upstream, Yu Xing walked towards the village.

Although this mountain forest is somewhat confusing, Yu Xing is born with a strong memory, and it is not a problem to remember the route. He passed through the trees that blocked the sky and returned to the village.

When he first came to the village, that is, yesterday, Yu Xing knocked on the door twice. The villagers who opened the door had a bad attitude towards him, and even refused to talk to him as if they were hiding from the **** of plague. He could also guess the reason.

The villagers all thought that they were the lucky ones and the sheltered ones who were hiding from the evil spirits of black and white. Every outsider might leak their secrets before joining them.

If more people knew about this and the gods were exposed, wouldn't their dream of eternal life be ruined?

It can be said that in many cases, scammers take advantage of the victim's psychology. If the victim himself does not want to be discovered, it will be difficult for others to rescue him.

Now Yu Xing is not as embarrassed as yesterday. The news that he was accepted by the goddess has long been spread in the village. Everyone looks at him as if he is the youngest member of his family, full of curiosity about him.

Yu Xing didn't want to interact with these fools who had big dreams. After entering the village, he went straight to the house of the goddess, and searched around where the goddess kept the medical box before going out. He quickly found the box and took it out.

 At this time, all the young and middle-aged people in the village were working in the fields, and even the women were helping, leaving only the elderly and children.

When he stepped out of the door, for some reason, he was suddenly stared at by a child.

This child is about five or six years old, with a round head and a round head. His body is much stronger than the skeleton adults in the village. It seems that at least he has not had much meat cut off for worship.

Perhaps it was because he was still young and his family did not need him to worship the gods so early to seek immortality. His personality was also more cheerful than the adults in the village, and he was not afraid of life at all. The child squatted on the small **** at first, and when he saw Yu Xing jumped down and grabbed Yu Xing's clothes: "Brother, what are you holding?"

“Medical kit.” This memory stage of Yu Xing’s life can be said to be the most indifferent and sensitive period. He didn’t want to talk to the children at all and would leave after answering the questions.

“Brother, brother, can you play with me for a while~” The child Baba looked at him, “If you don’t want to play with me, I heard that my brother is from outside, so please tell me a story!”

   Yu Xing: “…”

Yu Xing originally wanted to get rid of the child, but then he thought that maybe some things were easier to find out from the child's mouth, so he softened his tone slightly, lowered his head and said: "It's okay to tell stories, but in exchange, you have to Tell me something?"

 The child blinked his big eyes: "What's going on?"

Yu Xing asked: "Are you the only child in the village?"

The child looked at him and shook his head: "No, there are many, but they don't play with me."


"They said, they said I was too stupid and always turned toward outsiders... You are not considered an outsider now, are you? If I come to play with you, I won't be scolded, right?" Halfway through, the child suddenly shrank his neck with a look on his face. alert.

Yu Xing was attracted by the child's rhetorical question. Looking from above, he could vaguely see some scars on the child's collar.

 He pointed to the child: "Here, the one who was beaten?"

 The child looked down and pursed his lips, seeming a little sad. "Because you faced outsiders, children of the same age hit you?" Yu Xing narrowed his narrow eyes and touched the child's round head, "What's your name?"

 “Little tiger.”

“Okay, Xiaohu, tell my brother... who came to this village before me? What did you do to make other children bully you?”

"Just a few days ago, a new little girl came to the village. She was sent by people from the next village. She cried miserably when she came. The goddess accepted her and said that she was destined to be a **** and she wanted to give her away. Go to Master Immortal." Xiaohu clenched his little fists, "But I think she doesn't want to at all. Although everyone wants to get close to Master Immortal, but she doesn't want to, then just go with someone else. Why force her? "

"I said that at the time, and the goddess seemed very unhappy, so I was beaten by my mother. Later, other children stopped coming to play with me and pushed me. They said that I was stupid and bold, even the gods were afraid of me. Dare to disobey...what's that word, ah, yes, disobey!" Xiaohu was aggrieved, but Yu Xing understood it in his heart.

The little girl sent from the next village... If nothing else, she should be Mai Mai.

From the conversation he overheard just now between the goddess and the water ghost, it was not difficult to guess that the little girl was dead and eaten by the water ghost.

 It’s a pity.

Yu Xing sighed. Although he had only met her once - or in his memory, he had a good impression of Maimai, a very smart little girl.

Why did the village where the old Zhang family lived forcefully send Mai Mai to the village of Shenpo? Does Lao Zhang know?

When he mentioned the village next door to the goddess before, the words used by the goddess were "betrayal" and "greed". Could it be...

Without Lao Zhang’s knowledge, the villagers kidnapped Mai Mai and gave it to the goddess?

He glanced at Xiaohu again: "Your idea is not wrong. It's because others are stupider than you, so they can't understand you."

 “Really?” Xiao Hu’s eyes were bright, and he was encouraged as if he had received the most precious gift.

"Really, so tell me brother, what happened to the little girl? Did you see how she was sent to the gods?" Yu Xing showed an expression of interest in this matter.

“I didn’t see it, but I saw the goddess dragging her away from the village. Then my mother locked me up at home and beat me up.” Xiaohu curled his lips.

He remembered the purpose of calling Yu Xing in the first place and shook the corner of Yu Xing's clothes: "Brother, it's your turn to tell me a story~"

"Okay." He did get some information from Xiaohu, and Xiaohu's way of thinking made Yu Xing feel that there was still hope, so Yu Xing decided to give Xiaohu some rewards.

He looked at Xiaohu, put the medical kit on the ground, squatted down, and softened his tone, "Let me tell you a... ghost story."

Xiaohu was stunned for a moment. He never expected that someone would tell him this.

Isn’t he still a child?

Yu Xing did not give Xiaohu a chance to bargain. He slowed down his speech and said in a very attractive tone that made others pay attention to his voice: "Once upon a time, there was a woman in the village. Her husband broke his leg while walking at night near a grave, so she had to do farm work alone every day and didn’t come home until very late.”

"That day, after the woman finished her work, it was completely dark. She was walking home and saw an old woman in black clothes standing on the cemetery on the side of the road. When the old woman saw her, she asked her how to get to the village. ? The woman didn’t think much about it, thinking she was someone’s relative in the village, so she just kept walking along this road.”

 (End of this chapter)

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