Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 156: Just a few pieces of meat

Chapter 156 Just a few pieces of meat

Although the items in the room are a bit old, they are obviously not abandoned and are neatly packed.

"Brother Yu, why are you so lazy today? You got up early at this time and got ready to go hunting with your father." Mai Mai looked at Yu Xing and waved his little hand in front of Yu Xing's eyes.

Yu Xing came to his senses and did not show any overt surprise at this situation. He knew that he had skipped time again.

 Still jumps back.

 Judging from Maimai's tone, he seems to have lived in Lao Zhang's house for a long time at this time. Moreover, Maimai called his name, which means that he is in Lao Zhang's house at this time, and he should not have amnesia.

In other words, is he currently in a timeline that has not been affected by his amnesia? Was it something that happened in reality, what happened after he came to the small village without amnesia?

He looked down and saw that he was still wearing the black cardigan that the goddess asked him to wear. However, Mai Mai did not show any surprise at his appearance, nor did she ask him why he wore it so tightly when sleeping.

  Could it be that...these people's thinking is under the control of that "power", so it is reasonable to selectively ignore it?

"Brother Yu? If you stay in bed again, dad is about to leave!" At this time, Mai Mai spoke to him in a familiar and casual tone, which was much better than the timid tone when they first met.

Yu Xing shook his head, got up and got out of bed, and found that his hair was tied back by a piece of cloth, which made it much easier to move around.

 He replied: "Let's go now."

 If he jumped back to the past timeline, then this day must be meaningful, and he must take a good look at how it will benefit him in investigating the whole thing.

However, just when he was about to ask Maimai something, there was a sudden noise outside the door.

Yu Xing's ears twitched, his attention focused, and he vaguely heard the noisy content.

A male voice with an unfamiliar voice said in a bad tone: "You only have more food here, and I will lend you some meat. Are you so stingy!?"

 Then, there was the unconvinced voice of Lao Zhang's wife: "Are you borrowing it? Have you ever paid back the things you borrowed?"

The male voice shouted: "Your family's life is so good, what happened to the relief center?"

what happened?

Yu Xing glanced at Mai Mai who looked a little uneasy, walked out of the bedroom, and saw Lao Zhang cleaning a long bow that looked very thick.

 Lao Zhang had an ax strapped to his waist, and was dressed in smart clothes. He also wore simple hard armor on important parts such as his chest, which was in line with Yu Xing's vision of a jungle hunter.

At his feet was a soft tube that could be tied to his body. There were many wooden arrows inserted in it. Some of the arrows were still stained with dried blood. They must have been old arrows that had been shot before and the arrowheads were not damaged.

Originally, it was a very normal scene of getting ready to go hunting, but now, Lao Zhang frowned, looking a little annoyed and helpless as his wife quarreled with three or five men.

The men were either strong or thin, tall or short. The leader had a sharp mouth and a monkey's cheeks. He was glaring, quite matter-of-factly: "Look at our village. Ever since it was built, we haven't even been able to get enough to eat. So, Lao Zhang, your family can still hunt for some meat, but what about us? We eat vegetables so much that we almost lose sight of the birds in our mouths! How much money does it cost to ask for meat from your family? Which family in the neighboring village is not better off than us? "

“What’s the point of asking for money? There’s no place for you to spend money here! If you don’t want to share, just say so. What’s the excuse... Haha, that’s the kind of character your family has.”

Lao Zhang's wife thrust her waist into her waist and cursed: "The money is saved for my daughter to go to school in the city in the future. You can't use what we use!"

The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks laughed and said with utmost sarcasm: "Hey, the one from your family still wants to go to school? What are you dreaming about? I think she is quite efficient at work, so why not help you farm as soon as possible!"

"Li Fugui, don't go too far! My daughter is doing well. She is much more promising than your unpromising son who only knows how to sneak around!" Lao Zhang had been silent at first. He didn't seem to want to expand the conflict, but others were clearly looking down on him. Mai Mai, Lao Zhang got really angry.

 Lao Zhang was strong and the only hunter in the small village. He had good skills. No matter how good-tempered he was, Li Fugui was still a little afraid of him once he got angry.

But Li Fugui was lightly pushed by the person next to him. He coughed twice and smiled at Lao Zhang: "I'm serious, tusk tusk, you and your wife never thought about letting Mai Mai go to school before, right? Since then, A wild man from nowhere came to the house and taught Mai Mai how to read a few words, so you guys have such unrealistic thoughts? Hahahaha... Maybe he was just teaching him for fun~ I don’t know if I’m attracted to your wife or your ten-year-old daughter!”

 “You **** fart!” As soon as these words were spoken, not only Lao Zhang’s wife was about to explode with anger, but Lao Zhang also darkened his face and blurted out a curse, making the scene tense.

Yu Xing was halfway through the door and heard all these words clearly.

Maimai, who was following behind him, let out a slight sob. He was obviously frightened and could understand the nonsense in Li Fugui's mouth.

What you said is really dirty.

Yu Xing narrowed his eyes and walked out.

He is the most conspicuous person everywhere. The people around the door noticed his appearance. Immediately, Li Fugui took a step back. He no longer had the confidence to spread rumors about him behind his back.

 This is a kind of withdrawal that has become a habit. Fortunately, Yu Xing understands it. It seems that he, who has not lost his memory, is not in a good temper at the moment.

As soon as Lao Zhang's wife saw him, she quickly said: "Yu Xing, don't be angry, don't misunderstand, our whole family has never thought about you!"

She also saw the sobbing Mai Mai, her face changed, she stepped forward to hold Mai Mai in her arms and coaxed: "Good boy, don't feel wronged, don't cry if you don't want to, your brother Yu is very good, don't listen to other people's nonsense." , Mom will take you back to your room..."

Two men in the family have come out, so let the men take care of the rest. She was originally worried that her husband would be kind-hearted and give away the meat that she had hunted for free, but she was relieved when Yuxing came out.

This child will never let their family suffer.

Yu Xing listened to Maimai complaining in a low voice, "I'm not afraid, but they are saying bad things about Brother Yu." He raised his eyes and looked at the villagers who came to beg for meat but failed to do so.

Although he had just returned from a timeline jump and had no relationship with Lao Zhang's family, he still didn't want to let down the trust shown by this family...

"Why don't you continue talking? Are you mute?" Yu Xing's eyes glowed coldly, and he faced the villagers with an expression that almost never appeared on his face in modern times.

Li Fugui thought that he would be caught anyway, so he didn't care to speak more. Instead, he felt confident: "Yu Xing, do you really think that if you are more powerful, others will be afraid of you? If I don't say it in front of you, in fact, , which family doesn’t whisper about your origins behind your back? Do you dare to say that you don’t have any plans for Maimai if you stay in Lao Zhang’s family?”

Yu Xing glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that Lao Zhang's wife had already entered the house with Mai Mai in her arms.

 Lao Zhang was obviously very angry, and his hand was almost on the handle of the axe, but he still suppressed his temper and did not do anything inappropriate.

At a glance, you can tell that people like Lao Zhang who are not good at speaking often suffer at the hands of people like Li Fugui who love to push and bully.

Tsk, I really want to kill all these people. Such ferocious thoughts appeared uncontrollably in Yu Xing's mind. After the alienation of his mind, dark thoughts swirled in his mind almost all the time.

 But he did not become a pure lunatic and evil person because he could still control the kindness in his heart.

In this situation, he was even willing to talk to these people based on the information he just heard: "Lao Zhang knows best whether I have any plans for Mai Mai, but you unimportant people can whisper it behind his back if you want." Keep your words behind your back and say one more thing in front of Lao Zhang and Mai Mai, and I won’t mind cutting out your tongues.”

"You're not afraid. You can leave anytime you want, but what about Maimai? How will a little girl get along after losing her innocence? Have you ever cared about her?" Li Fugui snorted coldly, trying to make Yu Xing's toughness disappear.

Yu Xing looked at him as if he were a dead person, a corpse, or a piece of garbage: "Isn't it true that Mai Mai's innocence is just in the mouths of you maggots? Since you are so disgusting, don't imitate others to care about Mai Mai. , By the way, you still want meat? "Where did you get your face?"

Li Fugui and the men next to him looked at each other in shock, realizing that the topic had gone too far. Just as they didn't dare to confront Yu Xing, they immediately took this opportunity to bring the topic back: "Yes, meat! Lao Zhang, how many of us are there?" The whole family needs five rabbits, is it difficult for you to give them away?”

 Lao Zhang also didn’t expect that after insulting his daughter, his wife and the people his family took in, they would still have the nerve to ask for rabbits.

 He cursed hard and then warned: "Get out of here while I still have the patience to talk to you!"

"Yo yo yo~ The good old man has shown his true colors, right? He's so heartless if he doesn't give us money, but we don't have meat to eat! Who stopped us from going to the next village before?" Several villagers jeered, because they knew that Lao Zhang was a good person. Even if Lao Zhang is here, if the freak named Yu Xing wants to touch them, Lao Zhang will stop him.

"I told you, there is something wrong with the village next door. Something will happen if you go there!" Lao Zhang argued.

 “If you don’t give me the money, you want it for nothing?” Yu Xing asked coolly.

"What? Shouldn't it be?" a relatively strong man behind Li Fugui asked.

"Then you are really pitiful. You need to beg to survive." Yu Xing slowly walked up to the strong man who spoke to him. Although he was angry at the word begging, no one dared to stop him.

He put his hand on the strong man's shoulder under the nervous gaze of the strong man.

 Then, press down hard!

The huge strength pushed the strong man to his knees directly on the ground. The man screamed in pain, and Yu Xing said grimly: "But since it is begging, you should be more dedicated, at least kneel down, kowtow a few times, and then wait for others to give alms, and then He left on his knees with tears of gratitude."

"You!" The strong man gritted his teeth in pain, but Li Fugui and others who seemed to have a good relationship with him, none of them stepped forward to rescue him, and they all hid far away.

This farce finally ended with Yu Xing’s threats.

Yu Xing knew that he was violent now, but he also knew that the adjustment of mentality did not happen overnight. With the level of memory he had recovered now, it was already good to be able to resolve the matter so peacefully.

 Lao Zhang apologized to him, and then asked Yu Xing if he would go hunting with him today.

"No, I'm a little tired today and want to rest." From Lao Zhang's tone, Yu Xing could tell that he was not forced to go hunting. Lao Zhang's family respected him and allowed him to sleep until he woke up naturally. Just know.

Maimai’s statement that “we used to hunt together” was probably voluntary on his part.

 But now that he wants to stay, he just thinks of the village next door that the villagers say.

 It sounds like, apart from Lao Zhang, people in this small village are envious of the material conditions at Shenpo?

 Lao Zhang gathered his tools and set off, leaving Yu Xing alone to think.

 The goddess talks about betrayal and jealousy.

 The little girl Xiaohu mentioned was kidnapped from the next village.

 A deserted village in the future timeline.

These traces reminded him of a not-so-splendid course of events.

"Could it be that...in order to join the big village of the Goddess and gain the approval of the Goddess, the people from the small village **** Mai Mai as a gift and gave it to the Goddess when Lao Zhang and I were hunting. Lao Zhang's wife will definitely not see it. When this happened, he was killed while resisting," Yu Xing murmured, "When we came back, we found that Mai Mai was missing. Something happened to Lao Zhang's wife, so she went to the big village to find someone, so she got involved in the matter of the Immortal? "

 “What will I do at that time...”

 He frowned, trying hard to simulate and guess his own behavior.

If in the real timeline, I came into contact with the Goddess when I went to her village with Lao Zhang, and learned about the existence of the gods and the custom of cutting meat for worship in large villages, and then I found that Mai Mai had been eaten by the water ghost...

What are the chances of me losing my mind...

Perhaps he was thinking too hard, and this time he was trying to recall and speculate. Yu Xing could feel that the memory barrier used by some force to restrict him seemed to be loosening.

 A small picture flashed back in front of his eyes for a moment.

That was the scene where Lao Zhang, with a ferocious face, raised his ax high in the house and hacked Li Fugui to death.

Yu Xing could still hear Lao Zhang roaring in agony.

"Sure enough, I guessed it right." There was a change in his memory, indicating that he at least guessed the general direction correctly.

 The day he returned now might be the day when Mai Mai was kidnapped.

The argument in the morning prompted Li Fugui and others to attack Mai Mai and his fellow villager's wife?

 It seems that in reality he went hunting with Lao Zhang and did not stay in the village. Otherwise, he would not have let those losers harm Lao Zhang's family.

 Now, his choices in this false world are different from before, so this time, he wants to see what actions these villagers will take.

Thinking like this, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Yu Xing's lips. Instead of returning to the house, he walked into the forest, but didn't go far and squatted in the grass.

 In this way, others will think that he left with Lao Zhang.

 (End of this chapter)

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