Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 157: You promised me, drink it

Chapter 157 You promised me, drink it

Yu Xing sat in the grass. He was originally squatting, but after a while he found that squatting was too tiring.

 He was very patient and had a panoramic view of everything at the door of Lao Zhang's house through the leaves.

Lao Zhang went out to hunt, and his wife also wanted to do farm work in a field not far away. After greeting Mai Mai and asking her to stay at home, the woman went out.

  It was about twelve o'clock in the afternoon - time flows at a weird speed in this world, and Yu Xing could only judge the approximate time based on the position of the sun - Mai Mai walked out of the house, stuck his head out and looked outside.

Normally, her mother, who is out doing farm work, would have been home to make lunch for her, but for some reason today, her mother has not come back yet.

Maimai's mood was still affected by the argument in the morning. She pouted sadly and planned to go back to the house to continue waiting.

Suddenly, a similarly small figure ran up not far away. It was a fat man of twelve or thirteen years old. The fat man smiled and said hello to her: "Maimai!"

Maimai looked over strangely and recognized him. This was Li Bao, the son of Li Fugui's family.

Although there are few people in this village and only a few children, she doesn't like to play with this person, so she doesn't have much interaction with him.

 What did Li Bao ask her to do?

 “What are you doing?” She looked at Li Bao running closer and closer, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

Maimai stepped back and had already retreated behind the door of the house. As long as the door was closed, Li Bao would not be able to touch her.

Li Bao obviously knew it, so he slowed down and stammered: "Maimai, I'm here to apologize. My father came home and told what happened in the morning, and was scolded by my mother. My mother said, You have to be polite when taking things from other people’s homes, my dad has no conscience.”

Maimai stepped back for a moment and looked at Li Bao again.

She still felt aggrieved when she thought about it. If Li Bao's mother had spoken for her, it would not be unforgivable. After all, the little girl was still naive: "Really?"

"Really! My mother also said that she was afraid that my father would scare you, so she asked me to apologize for my father. Regardless of whether you forgive my father or not, I will give this to you." Li Bao said, stretching out his hand Mai Mai's eyes couldn't help but glance at his hands, which held an origami butterfly.

small butterfly!

Mai Mai's eyes lit up and he took a few steps out hesitantly: "I, I don't want to blame your father, but your father has to apologize to my parents! ...When my parents come back!"

“Hmm, I’ll tell my dad when I get back!” Li Bao saw that Mai Mai didn’t seem to be angry anymore, and waved the paper butterfly towards Mai Mai, “This is for you.”

Maimai hesitated again. Li Bao was two years older than her and taller. He was covered in flesh and looked a bit oppressive.

However, the other person is just a child and should not be a bad person.

“Okay.” She pursed her lips and said reservedly, then walked towards Li Bao and took the small paper butterfly.

 But the next moment, Li Bao suddenly grabbed her wrist.

 The paper butterfly fell to the ground and was stepped on by Li Bao who stepped forward.

Maimai panicked and shouted, "What are you doing!"

She felt something was wrong and tried her best to break away. However, Li Bao also used all his strength to hold her tightly, preventing her from leaving.

 Li Bao turned around and shouted: "Dad! Mother! I got it!"

Several adults ran out from the surrounding hidden places. Li Fugui smiled ferociously and pulled Mai Mai from Li Bao's hand: "The little boy is quite vigilant. He finally got tricked. Are you afraid? Um?"

In addition to Li Fugui, the few people who made trouble in the morning were there, as well as Li Fugui's wife, who all stared at Maimai kindly.

Mai Mai had never seen such a battle before and was so frightened that she cried. She cried for her parents. During the struggle, she lowered her head and bit Li Fugui's hand hard, drawing blood.

 “Little bastard!” Li Bao saw his father being bitten and without saying anything, he slapped Maimai on the face like his scholar father was beating someone.

Li Fugui's wife looked at this scene and was not shocked by her son's actions. Instead, she touched Li Bao's head and said, "Good son, I know how to help your father."

In addition to Li Bao, others were also scolding each other. All kinds of words that should not be said to the little girl came one after another, which was unpleasant to hear.

Maimai cried even harder. She really wanted her father to come back, and she really wanted Brother Yu to come back. These people never dared to bully her when Brother Yu was around.

Yu Xing picked up the blades of grass with one hand, watching this scene expressionlessly, and subconsciously moved his fingers.

 He heard Maimai's cry for help and felt Maimai's blind trust in him.

 But he chose to stay where he was, telling himself:

This is just a reappearance of the past... Even if he saves people now, it will not change what has happened. What he needs more now is to follow these villagers to see the truth of what happened.

 It was reasonable, but Yu Xing's palms had been dug into the flesh by his own nails, leaving drops of fresh blood.

Li Fugui and his group made quite a noise in front of Lao Zhang’s house, which could be heard by every household in the small village.

They went out one by one, pointing fingers and making comments as their hopes rose and died.

“Li Fugui is going to send her to the next village now?”

 “If Lao Zhang knows about it, why don’t he go to Li Fugui to fight for his life?”

“Lao Zhang? He’s already late when he comes back. Besides, so many people kidnapped Mai Mai. He, Lao Zhang, wants to go all out. How can he still settle the accounts one by one?”

 “Why doesn’t Lao Zhang’s wife come back?”

“My mother-in-law is responsible for holding off Lao Zhang’s wife in the fields. She will definitely not come back.”

 “I heard that the village next door has the habit of cannibalism.”

“But the material conditions are good. Li Fugui has gone to the next village to negotiate many times. I heard that as long as the goddess is satisfied with the person who sent it, she will give our village meat every month.”

“Actually, Lao Zhang has given my family a lot of meat. I can’t bear to see Maimana’s child like this..."

“If you can’t see it, just don’t look at it and give it to your family? Huh, he didn’t give it to my family! Our whole village can eat meat. Isn’t it better than his old Zhang family, who is the only one in the family? Everyone wants to see how good his face is?”

These words are really heartbreaking.

 Lao Zhang is a simple and kind-hearted person. He will only give in when others are making trouble without reason. Whether this kind of character is good or not, it is too easy to be bullied, and everything he pays becomes taken for granted.

Yu Xing heard roughly that every one of these villagers knew about today's events, and many of them were even directly involved!

 So, the kindest and most capable Lao Zhang family, after showing kindness, was hidden from everyone in the village and robbed their children.

Maimai's voice became hoarse from crying, and she was forced to go outside the village by Li Fugui and his party.

With almost only a minute or two left, Lao Zhang's wife hurriedly ran back. When she saw the open door and the villagers who had not had time to return to the house, she was stunned for a moment, and then a sense of fear came to her mind.

She rushed into the house and looked for it, but there was nothing there. She walked around the village for a while, shouting hysterically at others: "Where is my daughter!" No one answered her, and everyone's evasive attitude made Lao Zhang's wife Realizing something, he left behind a series of broken wails and rushed into the woods leading to the village of the goddess.

Yu Xing’s eyes gradually became colder.

 Betrayal and greed, he already knew what was going on.

 Obviously, even if Li Fugui sent the wheat, the goddess had no intention of "sharing the meat" with them. Instead, she talked with Yu Xing about this small village with ridicule, as if she was telling a joke.

He stood up slowly, adjusted to the anemic dizziness that he had never experienced in his memory, ignored the pain in his palms, and began to chase Li Fugui and the others.

He was not afraid of losing him, because the ragtag crowd was definitely not as fast as him.

"Human nature, how ugly can it be?" When Yu Xing left, there was only a cold mockery and a few drops of uncoagulated red blood.

What happened after that was not as expected by Yu Xing. He caught up with Li Fugui and the others in the forest, even a little faster than Lao Zhang's wife, and continued to sneak in and follow them in the forest.

 So, he read all the tragedy that happened when Lao Zhang’s wife found them in anger.

When Mai Mai saw her mother, she frantically asked for help. Lao Zhang’s wife was also crazy. She had probably never been as angry as she was today, because the villagers who had lived together for so many years actually wanted to send her child to die.

 Naturally, she lost her mind and just wanted to get her child back, so she started fighting with these people.

 She is just a woman. Although she is stronger because she usually does farm work, she is still a woman.

As for Li Fugui and the others, if something has been done, it must be successful, otherwise, when Lao Zhang comes back from hunting, plus the outsider who has always had a bad temper, it might really kill them.

 They felt that they had no way out, so a few men... beat Lao Zhang's wife to death.

Maimai’s cry changed from “Mom, save me” to “Mom, run,” but it was too late.

 She watched with her own eyes as her mother, who she usually doted on, was beaten to the ground by a group of people, and then she opened her eyes to look at her for one minute... two minutes... forever.

Yu Xing blinked and felt the violence in his heart surge wildly. His chest felt very uncomfortable. It was a feeling of sourness and anger.

 “I must have never let these **** survive before.”

Maimai's desperate expression appeared in his mind over and over again, and his memory barrier became loose again.


Lao Zhang's face flashed before his eyes. In this new memory, he seemed to be running to Lao Zhang's house from a distance, and he had just arrived nearby. I saw Lao Zhang with a ferocious look on his face, holding up an ax and slashing at Li Fugui, but another man hit him with a stick from behind.

Lao Zhang fell down with his eyes open. Sticks came from all directions. Many men in the village hit him hard with expressions of fear and pleasure. Soon, he could not get up again.

Yu Xing's memory of himself stopped and stood there, blankly wondering what he was thinking. He seemed to be digesting the fact that Lao Zhang, who had taken him in for half a year, had died like this.

 A few seconds later—

 A rain of blood fell from the sky.

The viscous liquid, with its fishy sweetness, poured into the soil and dyed the small village red.

Everyone who was immersed in the joy of success turned to fear at that moment and looked to the sky. After a while, they looked at Yu Xing who was walking forward step by step.

 He stepped forward and picked up the ax that Lao Zhang was accustomed to, and cut the men holding the sticks in half.

Blackness filled the sky from his body, and the cold breath of death filled the air with the power of devouring everything. Yu Xing dragged his body in his heyday through every room, making these people suffer in the moment before death. He was tortured in fear and died on the edge of an axe.

This small village turned into a small **** on earth in less than thirty seconds. At that time, Yu Xing looked at this scene and slowly showed a sick smile.

  That's just right, isn't it? These people only deserve to howl in hell.


Yu Xing fell into a trance and it took him a long time to get out of his memory.

 He shook his head, trying to get rid of the negative emotions filling his chest.

"In the past, I didn't realize that Mai Mai and Lao Zhang's wife were killed when I was hunting, and I failed to save Lao Zhang who was outnumbered at the end of the hunt... Even if I let the whole village be buried with them, what's the use? What a waste." Cursing himself, he raised his eyes.


The scenery in front of him was different from before. There was no body of Lao Zhang's wife on the ground, and there were no footprints of others walking by. Instead, it was a scenery that Yu Xing was very familiar with, the scenery of the mountains and forests between the village where the goddess lived and the lake.

 While he was in a trance, his position changed silently.

"Wait a minute, did I jump to the timeline again?" Before, he would jump after a nap, but now, he just stood there in a daze for a while.

Is it because he remembered part of the incident, so he didn't need to go through it again and continued to jump... Yu Xing thought this way, lowered his head and looked at himself.

 The bandages on his body had completely disappeared at some point, and the skin under his clothes was as smooth as before, as if the terrible injury had never existed.

"I'm back, Shi Wei, just wait a minute!" The voice of the goddess came from behind him. Yu Xing looked back and saw that the goddess, who had changed into another dress, was walking towards him holding a bowl.

 In fact, Yu Xing has already figured out how these timelines appear.

The timelines of the two villages, the small village where the old Zhang family is located, are messed up, and they are completely based on the history that happened. Even if he makes different choices, nothing will be changed next time he goes to another timeline. .

For example, in reality, he did not lose his memory after escaping from the experimental base. In the fiction, he did not tell Lao Zhang's family his name because of his amnesia. However, after jumping to a different time in the small village, Lao Zhang's family still knew his real name. , this should be what he personally told Lao Zhang’s family in reality.

 As for the big village where the Goddess is located, the timeline is forward, and all the plots change due to the choices he makes now.

In reality, Yu Xing had always lived in a small village. When he found out that Lao Zhang was dead, he massacred the village and then went to the big village to find Mai Mai.

Now, he entered the big village without knowing anything and was persuaded by the goddess to stay. Every time change is based on the latter.

 For example, the goddess holding the bowl right now.

"Shi Wei, you promised me, drink this bowl of blood, become a disciple of the priest, and be with me forever." She put the bowl into Yu Xing's hand, and Yu Xing looked at it, only to see a whole opaque bowl of thick blood, and the reflection of his obviously unhappy face in the blood.

 (End of this chapter)

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