Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 158: When she dies, only one person will suffer.

Chapter 158 When she dies, only one person will suffer.

Yu Xing calmly took the bowl and calculated the time in his mind.

The words "to be together forever" can be said, indicating that at this stage, he has already carried the goddess back to the village, and the goddess deliberately got close to him, and then "cheated" his feelings, using the excuse of being together forever. Let him drink this bowl of blood.

Leaving aside where the blood came from, in short, this action was the same as Yu Xing's previous guess. The water ghost Shi Wei wanted to get his body, so he really needed some media.

I'm afraid that after drinking the blood, he will meet the requirements of voluntarily sacrificing his body and be released from the body. Only then can the big ghost be released and be with the goddess forever.

 In a sense, the goddess really meant every word of what she said.

It is difficult to reverse the rules. Even if Yu Xing has a special body, he cannot be so generous.

Under such contract-like rules, it might not be easy to escape unharmed after drinking blood. After all, he doesn't know whether the part he has been transformed into immortality is his body, his consciousness, or both.

Even after the transformation, his mentality collapsed and he felt that he was a monster created by the actor, but he still thought about revenge. He didn't want to give his immortal body to Shi Wei who had eaten so many people in vain, let alone what happened. What is immortal is his consciousness, and he will be floating without a body for many years.

That's really a ghost.

It is impossible for Yu Xing to drink this bowl of blood.

At this point, the investigation is almost complete, and there is almost only one step left, which is what happened after he massacred the small village, came to the big village to look for Mai Mai, and met Shi Wei.

 He can basically restore the other content, there is no need to waste time, and he doesn’t know what it is like in reality.

Yu Xing calmed down the cold look on his face after witnessing the accident in the old Zhang family, and smiled at the goddess: "If I drink it, will I not die? Can I be with you forever?"

Although the goddess felt that his expression was a bit strange, it was already the last step. She just wanted to settle the matter quickly, so she said gently: "Yes, the priest thinks that you are destined to him and that you are in line with his temperament. I will wait for you to be with me." Now, the two of us can work together as the priest’s spokesperson in the world, with an endless lifespan and be admired by others.”

"That's it...life span is endless..." Yu Xing's impression of this word was really not good. There was a hint of cunning in the corners of his eyes, and he held the goddess's hand.

The goddess seemed to be used to this level of contact. Naturally, she especially liked Shi Wei's future body. She took the opportunity to hold Yu Xing's hand and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just...I want to change such a beautiful ceremony to another place." Yu Xing used some force and took the goddess to the lake.

This place is very close to the lake. It only takes two or three minutes to walk there. The goddess was surprised: "You want to go to the lake?"

"Well, before I came, you would go to the lakeside to miss your husband every time you were lonely. Since your husband can't come back, I will take care of you in the future, so go to the lakeside and put an end to your past. , We will have a new future in the future." Yu Xing was at least a young master who studied abroad. Whether it was the open atmosphere abroad or socializing with other powerful families at home, he was open to such words.

Although he has never been in a serious relationship, he has always said a lot about how to deal with young ladies from other families. Maybe he would have been shy and ashamed before, but now... he no longer cares about these lies.

 Anything can be said to achieve the goal.

The goddess was silent for a moment. In fact, she originally planned to wait for the amnesiac man to drink blood before taking him to the lake to complete the last step with Shi Wei. Now the other party offered to go to the lake, saving her some trouble.

But hearing the other party’s serious words made her feel a little uncomfortable.

He will die soon...I don't like him, I just want him to be his future body, so why can't I bear it?

 The goddess doesn’t know why either.

She cleared her throat and put on a smile: "Okay, let's go."

Yu Xing held the bowl in one hand and held the goddess in the other, and soon arrived at the lake.

 The lake was quiet, and since he had not drank the blood yet, Shi Wei did not come out directly.

However, Yu Xing knew that Shi Wei had a certain ability to perceive the environment by the lake. For example, if he was holding the goddess's hand now, the other party would definitely know it.

The sky here is very gloomy, the sun is blocked behind heavy clouds, and there is a faint smell of rot in the air.

Stepping over the human bones that occasionally blocked the way on the land, he stopped by the lake, sighed, and raised the bowl.

Once the goddess thought that Shi Wei would be able to come out of the dirty lake soon, her strange unbearability disappeared. She looked at Yu Xing expectantly, waiting for the sacrifice to be completed.

 bowl, gradually tilted.

The bright red liquid in it was all poured into the lake by Yu Xing with a splash!

"Hey you!"

Yu Xing smiled leisurely at the lake before the goddess could utter a panicked voice: "Shi Wei? She told me everything about you. She also told me the function of this bowl of blood. Do you know why I came? ?"

 He threw the bowl into the lake at will, causing a medium-sized splash.

The surrounding air became damp and cold, and both Yu Xing and Shen Po could feel something beginning to swim in the lake, with terrifying malice.

This passage is too suggestive, as if the goddess has moved on and told Yu Xing all her plans for Yu Xing's life, and does not intend to let Shi Wei occupy Yu Xing's body.

"No, I-" the goddess' pupils shrank, and before she could say anything to defend herself in the lake, Yu Xing, who was very close, reached out to cover her.

Yu Xing's expression was so gentle that it made people's hearts palpitate. He said softly: "Shh... don't talk. Let me tell you this kind of confession."

"Woo, woo..." The goddess struggled to pull Yu Xing's hand away, but Yu Xing only gently pressed her mouth, but it became difficult for her to breathe and she couldn't break away at all.

Moreover, the kind of temperament exuding from Yu Xing's body now makes people like Shenpo, who has done countless harms, feel fear. Although he was smiling, there was no smile at all in his eyes. He was like an evil ghost emerging from the ground. That was the ultimate evil!

She had no doubt that if she resisted again, Yu Xing could break her neck in an instant. She could only listen to Yu Xing continue to talk nonsense: "I am really grateful to you. It was you who chose me and allowed me to have this life." I have been in contact with her for so long and finally fell in love. Thank you, she has decided to give up on you and spend the rest of her life with me somewhere else.”

In the water, a large piece of tangled black hair emerged, and there was a faint sound like a ghost crying in the forest. The sky became darker. Everyone knew that something was wrong, but Yu Xing didn't realize it, and still spoke calmly and softly. : "Look, I'm a living person, I'm better-looking than you, and I'm so gentle to her. It's nothing like your violence. It's expected that she would choose me, right?" In fact, Yu Xing is like this Covering the Goddess's mouth, the Goddess looked resistant and frightened. No normal person would believe Yu Xing's words.

But as I said before, the negative emotions of ghosts are easier to be mobilized, especially the kind of ghosts with low self-esteem. Suspicion and possessiveness are already rooted in their hearts, and what Yu Xing did was just let them sprout.

 Others won’t believe it, but this water ghost Shiwei will get angry even if he doesn’t believe it.

"As expected, you betrayed me." A hoarse voice came out from the water. Shi Wei, dressed in black robes, floated up. His soaked and rotted face directly faced Yu Xing. He looked at the "intimate posture" The two people did not get angry as soon as they came up, but looked at each other with numb and sinister eyes.

A few strands of hair separated from the water, and climbed up the shore along the bottom of the water like some kind of reptile. They snaked around the bodies of Yu Xing and Shenpo, and separated the two. Only then did Shenpo have room to breathe. : "Everything he said is false, I didn't tell him anything!"

"Then how do I know that this bowl of blood is not drinkable? How do I know that this little water ghost exists?" The hair was not polite to Yu Xing. It wrapped around him and trapped his limbs, tightening it tighter and tighter. A posture that would sever all his limbs. But Yu Xing was still smiling, as if it didn't hurt at all.

The goddess couldn't answer these two questions because she really wanted to know how this man who had been falling in love with her step by step according to her plan now acted like he knew everything.

  Could it be that she was the one who was being tricked all the time, and she was the one being used? Then who is he? Is he a member of the ghost-catching family? ?

The water ghost Shi Wei didn’t hear the goddess’s further explanation. He closed his eyes and dragged the goddess over with all his strength.

The goddess was pulled by her hair and fell into the water, but Shi Wei fished her out and prevented her from drowning.

“You chose him, so you shouldn’t appear in front of me again.”

"No, I love you, I don't want to choose anyone else, I just want to be with you forever!" the goddess screamed, she would never allow her love to be slandered by others.

 This is...the only clean thing she has.

"Oh, I'm also confused. The rotten me is so cruel to you, but he has your favorite face and is so gentle to you. There is no need to hesitate at all about who to choose." Shi Wei looked at being pulled. With the goddess in his arms, he could kiss her almost as soon as he lowered his head, but he disliked him.

 What will happen if we kiss? Stuff a mouthful of maggots into the goddess's mouth?

However, although he is not as good as the man on the shore, the goddess can only be his!

"Tsk, tsk, this is boring. Don't you love her? If you love her, why don't you let her go and live a better life?" Yu Xing was still beside him, even though his hair was wrapped around his chest, She is about to wrap her neck around her, "Do you know how much time she has wasted for you? She is no longer young. You have used up her best years, and you still want to continue?"

"Shut up! I volunteered!" the goddess roared at Yu Xing, completely losing her elegance.

 “Ayan.” Shi Wei interrupted the goddess.

Suddenly hearing her name, the goddess was stunned. It had been a long time since she had been called by Shi Wei's name.

"You shouldn't come to me if you choose him, because I won't let you go." A strange expression appeared on Shi Wei's swollen face. As the words fell, he pinched the goddess's head and pulled her Pressed into the water.

The goddess struggled subconsciously and heard Shi Wei say: "If you don't want me to go ashore, then come down and stay with me. We can still be together forever. Come down and stay with me!"

 Come down...will I accompany you?

 The goddess's struggle suddenly weakened, and she felt the sewage in her mouth flow into her lungs, burning her lungs to the point of exploding.

It's not impossible. As long as she can be with Shi Wei, it doesn't matter even if she is trapped in the lake forever...

 In fact, this is not the first time she has experienced this feeling of drowning. The last time she experienced it, she was only seven or eight years old.

With some obsession, the goddess stopped struggling completely and allowed the lake water to wrap around her and send her to her death.

More than two minutes later, Shi Wei let go of his hand, but the goddess did not raise her head.

 She is dead.

"Did you drown her?" Yu Xing said with a smile in his voice, "That's too cruel. She loves you so much, and you love her so much, so you will kill her if you want."

Shi Wei dragged the goddess's body into the middle of the lake with his hair, and then pulled it down until the goddess's body touched the mud at the bottom of the lake. Then he looked at Yu Xing with his eyes: "Because she betrayed me."

"Pull her down, you clearly know that she didn't betray you, I'm just talking nonsense." Yu Xing told the truth indifferently and commented lightly, "We have been together for so long, if you still can't see clearly what she means to you. No matter how deep your feelings are, you are no longer worthy of being a big water ghost."

The hair on his body moved and pulled him into the lake. Only one head was still above the water. Pressure from all directions squeezed his chest. Yu Xing's expression didn't change at all. He raised his head and said: "So, knowing that I am You wronged her, but you still chose to kill her. Why? Just for the sake of your poor sense of security, you feel that if there is even a little possibility, you will nip it in the cradle? "

Half of Shi Wei's body was swimming in the water. He came to Yu Xing and leaned down to look into Yu Xing's fearless eyes: "It is better to die in my hands than to be deceived by others. In this case, it will be painful." I’m the only one left.”

Yu Xing was slightly surprised for a moment and looked at Shi Wei.

 His face was reflected in the dark pupils. In addition, there were many emotions surging.

 Killing the goddess with his own hands, this water ghost is not as peaceful as it seems.

 “You are cheating on her, you deserve to die.” Shi Wei said.

 The next moment, more hair emerged from the bottom of the water, wrapping around Yu Xing's body layer by layer, pulling him down.

"Hmm..." The water surface suddenly submerged above his head, and Yu Xing completely sank into the water. His hair was like shackles, making it difficult for him to survive.

He narrowed his eyes. Surprisingly, he was not unfamiliar with the feeling of being immersed in water. It was no different from when he was in a glass vessel.

He had already recalled the experience of the experimental base in his memory, but now this familiar feeling surrounded him, and his mind went into a trance, and he suddenly remembered more.

 (End of this chapter)

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