Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 159: System silent release

 Chapter 159 System Silence Released

It was a cloudy day, and the dark clouds poured down very oppressively, covering the entire mountain in a dark tone.

The two villages were not far apart. Yu Xing walked out of the small village carrying the ax commonly used by Lao Zhang. He was covered in blood and his face was extremely calm. He was so calm that he seemed to have lost human emotions, so calm that he seemed to be screaming. He was not the one who dropped the ax blade while calling for help.

There was too much blood on his body, covering him from head to tail, and not a drop of it belonged to him.

 In fact, he didn’t know what he was thinking at that time. Anyway, he walked all the way gloomily, bringing blood and panic to the big village.

 He went to find Maimai.

 Lao Zhang and Lao Zhang's wife have been killed, but he has not seen Mai Mai's body with his own eyes.

Since Yu Xing only trusted Lao Zhang's family after he woke up from a serious injury - he only gained trust after being in contact with each other for a long, long time - in order to repay his kindness, he pretended to be an ordinary person with good skills, helped Lao Zhang hunt every day, and taught Mai Mai how to read. , and occasionally learned cooking from Lao Zhang's wife. In short, his social circle was fixed among these three people. He had never had the slightest interest in the big village next door, and he had no idea about the priests.

 He only knew that if Maimai was sent there, she would probably die, but he didn’t know that she would be eaten alive.

Yu Xing, who was carrying an ax, was seen by the villagers the moment he walked into the big village. Although he was young, his terrifying appearance showed that he was not a good person. The villagers quickly called the goddess, who blocked him. In front of me, I asked him what he did.

At that time, Yu Xing's abilities were at their peak, and his mental strength and perception were astonishingly strong. As long as he paid careful attention, he could sense Mai Mai's withered soul across the entire mountain forest.

To him, the goddess who was revered by the villagers was no different from the grass on the roadside, just a grass running to block the road.

Moreover, this grass has a strong karma of cause and effect, is full of blood, and contains the smell of wheat.

 She was one of the murderers who killed Maimai, Yu Xing thought to himself.

So he raised his ax and easily ended the life of the goddess. Amid the horrified cries of the villagers, he followed his perception and walked in the direction of the river.

He is very fast, which is a physical ability that Yu Xing cannot even imagine today. When he arrived at the lake, the water ghost Shi Wei, who was stimulated by the overwhelming terrifying aura, was already floating on the water and looked at him solemnly.

Even in the eyes of a big water ghost like Shi Wei who has been practicing for many years, Yu Xing was a humanoid monster that he could not resist at that time. This was also the case. After being careless and failing to save Lao Zhang's family, Yu Xing The enemy was no longer given any chance to breathe and survive.

Yu Xing jumped into the lake, and his whole body was wrapped in the water ghost's hair. Many unwilling and terrifying water ghosts obeyed Shi Wei's wishes and pulled his feet under the water, hoping that he would be buried at the bottom of the lake. One member.

In Shi Wei's home court, Yu Xing punished himself by drowning once as a memorial to Lao Zhang's family. When he was resurrected in the mud, everything was no longer a threat, but the purest hatred.

How should I put it, when Yu Xing recalls it now, he feels that he was very cruel at that time.

 Because Shi Wei ate the wheat.

 So Yu Xing ate Shi Wei.

No matter how rotten the water ghost was, he crawled out of the mud at the bottom of the lake, grabbed the frightened Shi Wei with his hands that were paler than the ghost, and swallowed him alive. Perhaps it was because his personality at that time had already changed. It was twisted to a very serious level, and he hadn't learned to control it yet. At that time, he really didn't look like a human being, but more like an out-of-control monster, leaving only the instinct to kill.

 After eating Shi Wei, the memory of Shi Wei appeared in Yu Xing's mind.

 This is the story of the goddess and Shiwei.


 The goddess did not come from the town, or rather, not from the beginning.

  She was born in a big village when she was very young, but her father passed away early, leaving only her frail mother and her who was seven or eight years old. Her mother called her Ayan.

The children in the village always laughed at her: "Ayan, your father is a short-lived ghost, and you are a wild child!"

  Maybe it’s because the child is too naive. Ayan doesn’t know why she is ridiculed and ostracized because her father died early, and she is unhappy every day.

Her mother would hold her and coax her: "You still have your mother here. You are not a wild child. Your mother will always be with you."

A-yan’s mother was a very beautiful woman who was married from outside. Her health became worse and worse after giving birth to A-yan.

 It is not a good thing for a beautiful woman to be sick and have no relatives.

There was a gangster in the village who fell in love with the helpless beauty. On a dark and windy night, he climbed over the wall and sneaked into Ayanniang's room.

He failed because Ayan's mother resisted too fiercely and alerted the neighbors. The gangster had no choice but to run away in despair. He was caught by the villagers the next day and his legs were broken.

 However, even though Ayan’s mother is innocent, there are always people who tell her off.

Gradually, rumors spread in the village that Ayan's mother was taken over by a gangster that night. Except for her and Ayan, no one could prove her innocence. The gangster also hated her, so he claimed to the outside world that he had succeeded.

 The rumors overwhelmed Ayan’s mother and she died of depression. As a result, Ayan had no mother.

 Ayan is finally a wild child.

 Children in the village like to bully her more and more. They often throw stones and put bugs in her food.

 The adults took it upon themselves to fulfill their disciplinary obligations with a few scoldings, and gradually stopped paying attention to the children's "playing". Finally one day, a girl who was jealous of Ayan's cuteness came up with a prank.

  When we went to the lake to "fish" together, the little girl rubbed a match and threw it into Ayan's hair.

Ayan instantly turned into a burning person, screaming and wailing. The little girl was also dumbfounded. She finally realized that her prank was too much and would kill people.

 Then, she saw the terrible hatred flashing in Ayan's eyes, and hugged her with a gesture as close as a friend.

"Let go! Let go!" The little girl's whole body was burned by the fire on Ayan's body. Only when the fire on her body could no longer be extinguished did Ayan let her go.

 I feel so much pain.

 I am going to die, and you should die with me.

Ayan thought so.

 The little girl is indeed dead, but Ayan is not.

The depraved and twisted malice in her heart awakened the water ghost who had been sleeping in the lake for who knows how many years. The water ghost dragged Ayan down into the lake with an ugly swollen face.

The fire on Ayan's body was extinguished. She opened her eyes in the dirty lake water and smiled at the water ghost who was about to drown her.

 I really like this brother who emerged from the water.

  Although he is not good-looking, he helped me put out the fire. The feeling of the fire burning on my skin was really painful. My eldest brother is really a...good person.

 “Thank you.” This is what she wanted to say, but her voice failed to reach out and she only spit out two bubbles in the water.

 But the water ghost heard it.

He hesitated for a moment, fished Ayan out, and used his ghost energy to hang Ayan's life.

Ayan fell into a coma, and when she woke up, she found that she was still by the lake. The water ghost was still standing in the water, pointing at her face and body, and said without any emotion in his eyes: "You are disfigured and ugly. "

Ayan saw her own reflection in the lake in a trance.

 What is this?

 His whole body was covered with scabs from burns, his skin was pitted, and one eye was only hollow, with no eyeball left.

 Is this her?

 She is really ugly.

Ayan looked up dully and smiled ugly.

She smiled, tears streaming down from one of her eyes, crawled up to the water ghost, and said in a childish voice that was ruined by the flames: "My name is... Ayan. Brother ghost, what's your name?"

The water ghost squinted his eyes, sighed, and put his hand on Ayan's bald head: "My name is Shi Wei."

 This is the first time that the goddess and the water ghost met.

Two little girls went missing after going to the lake. This incident caused waves in the village. Mainly the parents of the little girl who set the fire couldn't believe that something happened to their daughter, and mobilized everyone to search for them.

The villagers finally recovered the rotting corpse from the bottom of the lake, but the other helpless child disappeared. Except for the suspicion that Ayan had pushed the little girl down, no one in the village cared about Ayan.

The water ghost Shi Wei used his own ability to create a layer of illusion for A Yan. In the eyes of others, A Yan was still the pink and cute child, but both Shi Wei and A Yan knew that she was just a ghost. Disgusted ugly guy.

Ayan walked into the city with a pair of short legs and the fish that the water ghost caught for her. She survived tenaciously with everything a child could do, and gradually grew up. Many years later, she became a wealthy woman. A woman with powerful means secretly joined a dangerous organization called Monoprism.

She learned a lot of weird secrets from the organization, including how to make a water ghost wear human skin and walk on the ground like a living person, and how to cut off a person's flesh and keep him alive like a monster.

Ayan did not settle down in the city, but returned to the village where she was born after obtaining these methods. No one recognized Ayan who was dressed in rich clothes. Only Shiwei, the water ghost, waited for her in the increasingly dirty lake. Ten years.

 The first time we met again, the water ghost called Ayan ugly, and Ayan was very happy.

 This is the person she likes. Her childhood love intensified as she grew older, and eventually grew into a complete, paranoid, and hopeless love.

Shi Wei also misses her. Although he has never shown it, over the past twenty years, he has gradually realized that this ugly guy named Ayan will be the only person who knows his identity and still loves him so much. .   …

This abnormal love made Yu Xing wake up slightly from the state of control. Afterwards, he discovered that he could breathe underwater, and had the ability of a water ghost, and his ability was stronger than Shi Wei.

 The water of the whole river is like a part of him, like an arm directing it.

 He emerged half of his body from the water, like a water ghost, with malice surging in his heart.

 The death of Lao Zhang's family was caused by the greed of the human heart, and the death of Mai Mai was caused by the actions of water ghosts and goddesses that went against the will of heaven.

 The reason why goddesses and water ghosts exist and grow into what they are now is because of the malice of people's hearts.

 This kind of thing has no origin.

 As long as humans exist, evil has no source.

That day, Yu Xing mobilized a lot of water and flooded two villages that were not on high ground.

He swam wetly like a fish with the burst of water, watching with his own eyes the villagers in the big village were swept away by the water as they ran and fled, and finally suffocated in the water, turning into a bloated corpse like Shi Wei.

The water flooded all the way to the small village, washing away the blood-stained village. Yu Xing protected the house of the old Zhang family and sat on the roof to watch the flood spread and the bodies to be scattered to different places.

There were not many people in the small village, but there were hundreds of people in the big village. For the first time, Yu Xing felt that he could no longer look back.

No matter what the reason is, he is full of killing evil. If a person like him is thrown into the underworld, he will probably be full of evil and end up in ashes.

 No, he can't go to the underworld at all. Look, he can't even die now. Is it because the Lord of Hell doesn't want to see him?

"The actor must be very happy when I become like this." Suddenly, Yu Xing remembered the actor's face.

That terrible person must really hope that he will fall into sin and never recover.

Yu Xing was immediately unhappy.

He doesn’t want to follow the actor’s wishes. As long as the actor is disappointed, he wins.

At the moment, he recalled the selflessness and sincerity of Lao Zhang's family towards him, and gradually woke up from the violence.

It is funny to say that he did not completely lose his humanity due to the excitement of this incident, and he had to thank the actor for the hatred planted in his heart.

At that time, Yu Xing kept the last trace of kindness in his heart like this, and in the following many, many years, he gradually cultivated the fire of kindness. Every time I think about it later, I feel why I was so naive or so weird at the time. It turns out that he relies on hatred to maintain goodwill.

Is there anyone funnier than him in the world?

 Probably gone. Even if there are any, they are all dead.

When the water receded, Yu Xing lay on the ground for several days, finally completely suppressing the negativity in his heart. Without looking at this place again, he threw away Lao Zhang's ax and walked away alone in the sunset mountains.

  Never want to come back again.



The sound of water flowing past Yu Xing's ears, and a pale face gradually approached. Shi Wei looked at the person sinking in the water without any resistance, and touched it with his gentle hand.

The water ghost stared at Yu Xing, with unconscious thoughts emerging in his heart.

This man has long hair and looks like he comes from his time, which is quite interesting.

 The long hair was floating up and down in the water. The black of the gown was his favorite color, and it was also the color carefully prepared by Ayan.

Shi Wei felt that this person looked really similar to him. Ayan must have wanted to make him adapt, so she found a human skin that was so similar to him, right?

 In fact, he knew that Ayan could not betray him, and Ayan's love for him was stronger than any other emotion.

 It’s just that he feels very distressed.

Ayan's life has become something he didn't want to see. He originally wanted Ayan to forget the past, so he asked Ayan to leave here and go to the town to find a new life, but Ayan loved him and came back for him.

 He was really angry, but Ayan did not listen to his advice and wanted to make him come alive.

 The ridiculous little girl is still as stupid as she was when she was a child. She knew he wanted to drown her, but she still said thank you stupidly.

 But if this continues, Ayan will live a life full of pain. It is better to end it like this. He will kill her first before she has no regrets.

In this way, he is the only one who regrets and suffers.

 Shi Wei came to his senses and touched Yu Xing again.

 That’s weird, it’s been ten minutes.

 Still alive.

Has he ever practiced Kumbhaka?

 “Brush—” Yu Xing suddenly opened his eyes, and the blackness in his eyes was heart-stopping.

The next moment, he grabbed Shi Wei's collar with one hand, and a dagger appeared in the palm of his right hand, shooting towards Shi Wei's head with a green mist.

  【Use Qingmeng to attack, ability ① will be generated immediately, and the generated effect is "loneliness". 】

When the system prompt appeared in Yu Xing's mind, he had already pierced Shi Wei's eyebrows with the dagger. Shi Wei opened his eyes wide and watched in disbelief as his hair spread out automatically, allowing this man to complete the attack extremely smoothly. .

"Tsk, it seems you are still scared. When I ate you, I almost inherited your abilities." Yu Xing smiled, but even though he was in the water, his voice was not affected at all. Only in the ears.

 Shi Wei suddenly felt very lonely.

 All his powers want to abandon him and stay away from him.

Ayan did not betray him, but his ability... seemed to betray him.

Although it only took a few seconds, Yu Xing was very unhappy at this time, and took advantage of the time when Shi Wei's ability disappeared to cut off Shi Wei's head with the sharp blade of Qingmengjing.

Shi Wei, who lost his head, did not resist, but was shattered into a pile of memories like a bubble, leaving only the black hair whose source was unknown and remained in the lake.

 After completing this step, Yu Xing swam upwards, peeling off large pieces of tangled hair that had lost its vitality in the water, swam to the surface, and took a breath of fresh air.

At this time, a certain system prompt came belatedly.

 【The deducer Yu Xing has remembered the content related to the absurd deduction】

  【System silence has been lifted】

 【Restrictions on player sacrifices have been lifted】

  【The deducer Yu Xing recovered all his memories by himself and recreated the cause of personality alienation—\\># (data error)】

  【Reappearing one of the causes of personality alienation】

 【Promotion deduction goal achieved】

 【The deducer Yu Xing's differentiation line has been confirmed】

Yu Xing swam to the shore, sat down soaking wet, and cursed: "Absurd System, I remember you... I once thought that I would never come back, but you just threw it back to me, with an experience card Ka, very good, really bad.”

After he recalled what happened in the village in the water, his memory did not stop. From the time he left here under the sunset, to living elsewhere, until modern times, he finally entered the absurd deduction game, and he remembered everything Come to think of it.

 It took him more than ten seconds to figure out that this was his promotion game.

 Qu Nianqing’s reminder was indeed correct. No one else could help him advance in the game, and it didn’t matter whether he was prepared or not. Anyway, the system would always come up with a deduction that would make him lose his advantage.

While Yu Xing was wiping the water on his face and thinking about the system, an elegant voice sounded from above Yu Xing's head: "No, I can help. Your past is much more interesting than I imagined. It's really wonderful." ”

Yu Xing raised his head and saw Yi Qing, dressed in green clothes, floating in the air, as illusive as smoke, not stained by dirty water at all.

 He probably also knew how much Yiqing had seen while staying in his persona.

The memories in his mind will definitely not be seen, but those dreams and his behavior after losing his memory will definitely be revealed in front of this green-photographing ghost.

"What's wrong? You'll see it when you see it. I think you should first think about the fact that you signed a permanent deed of betrayal." Yu Xing said calmly, and as expected, a crack appeared in Yiqing's smile. .

After thinking about it, in the end it would be better to write these plots in one go, instead of chapters. It’s a 5,000-word chapter! I'm so, so good.



 (End of this chapter)

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