Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 160: Differentiation-level deductions will become more difficult

Chapter 160: The difficulty of differentiation level deduction will increase sharply

This deduction world is false. After Yu Xing recovers all his memories, all existence is meaningless.

Be it people or scenery, they disappeared together with the water ghost Shiwei after they were scattered into memories.

Yu Xing held the dagger and re-walked along the path he took during this deduction. When he passed a large village, he found that all the villagers were gone.

Like the desolate scene of the small village, the house is old and dilapidated, as if it fell apart from the inside in an instant and fell into irreparable dust.

 The entire mountain seems to have returned to the way it was after the flood receded.

It took Yiqing a short time to convince himself to accept the fact that he was cheated. He seemed to be in a good mood, but his droopy bangs and excessive words still showed the resentment in his heart.

“Yu Xing, is your ability to copy the power of other ghosts?”

“Yu Xing, you couldn’t control yourself back then. What about now? How did you control yourself?”

"How did you make yourself weak? According to my experience, unless you use some special means, even the natural dissipation of power will not make you regress to the current level."

"By the way, did you really never come back? I heard that this game originated from your heart. If you hadn't come back to see it, how would you know what this place would look like more than ten years after Dashui?" The green-clothed Qingqing ghost who should be floating in the air and coming out of the dust now turned into a physical entity walking next to Yu Xing like a man, and continued to make noise when Yu Xing just wanted to be quiet.

   Yu Xing: “…”

I really want to beat this ghost, but I can't beat it now.

The system just reminded him that there were still twenty minutes left before leaving the current deduction, so he decided to go back to Lao Zhang's house to take another look. As a result, why did Yiqing start beeping?

"Ha, since I've fallen into trouble, shouldn't I get to know you better?" Yiqing was obviously well aware of Yu Xing's impatience. He smiled like an innocent and pitiful victim who endured his grievances, which was unbearable. scolded him.

Yu Xing is obviously not in the ranks of "human beings". After spending a few days together, he has come to understand Yi Qing. He is an old immortal who is personable on the surface, but in reality is shameless.

 “It will be the same when you gradually understand it in the future.”

By the time he reached the old Zhang family's house, Yiqing just asked a new question: "You noticed the mold in the grooves and the blood stains on the other half of the house. In fact, you already knew that these were traces of floods, right?"

This time Yu Xing did not ignore him. He reached out and touched the dusty wall and nodded lightly: "Yes. The direction of the furniture in the house is also consistent with the traces of water flow, but I didn't have time to think about why there were people there before. The village was deserted when I woke up, and it was flooded once.”

Yiqing nodded leisurely, without turning on the fan in his hand, just weighing it in his hand: "That's it. Then..."

"I think now is the time when I need to calm down. If you ask again, what if I take the dagger back in a bad mood and prevent you from coming out." Yu Xing threatened.

"Last question, okay?" Yiqing was not afraid of intimidation and still spoke in a leisurely tone.

Yu Xing looked at Yi Qing who was calm, and a sly smile appeared in the corner of his eyes: "Go ahead."

"You haven't finished the ghost story you told the child, the story about the old lady and the woman." Sheqinggui is obviously a ghost himself, but he is inexplicably interested in the ghost stories told by humans, "I want to hear it to the end. If you didn't scare that kid away, what would the story be like?"

 Still remember this.

Yu Xing sneered and looked at the system time. There was still one minute left in the countdown.

 Forget it, that’s enough, just treat it as a good deed and finish telling the story.

"The old woman looked at the woman gloomily and stretched out her hands. Under the dim moonlight, the woman saw the old woman's withered fingers. Although it was a little scary, the old woman had hands, which made the woman sigh in relief. She I told the old woman the direction of the village again and then returned home.”

Yiqing stared at Yu Xing with clear black and white eyes, as if expecting the follow-up.

"The woman returned home and told her husband the result. After hearing this, the husband felt relieved and prepared to have dinner with the woman. Just then, when the woman turned around, her husband saw that there was no shadow of the woman. "

 After finishing speaking, Yu Xing fell into silence.

 “No more?” Yiqing was stunned.

 “No more.” Yu Xing said calmly.

Yiqing curled his lips and said: "...So, your human ghost stories have to make you feel that if you think about it, you will be extremely frightened, but in fact it is just using the reversal technique?"

"Maybe. I don't know which year I heard this. Maybe human beings are pursuing the satisfaction of making a mystery." Yu Xing shrugged indifferently, and then took the Sheqing Dream into it before Yiqing could react. In the persona.

 It’s better to be clean... As punishment for disobedience, Yiqing will not be allowed to see the world this week.

Yu Xing smiled evilly, and he could already imagine Yi Qing scolding him behind his back in dissatisfaction.

 Just at this moment, the system settlement appeared in his mind.

 【Deduction reminder: The promotion deduction game "Ghost Night Talk" has ended】

  【Promotion successful】

  【Personality alienation degree increase rate: 1%】

 【Rating: None (no rating is set for special deduction games)】

 【Get deduction points: 500 (fixed points)】

 【The differentiation type is confirmed as - alienation line】

  【The current persona has been completed】

  【Title system has been turned on】

  【Guild system has been opened】

Yu Xing vaguely felt something had changed in his body. He immediately called up the persona template and glanced at the new template.

  【Personal Mask】

  【Holder: Yu Xing】

  【Basic information: Male, height 185cm, weight 65kg, age? ? ? , sober personality】

[Identity: Alienation Deducer - Struggle (5502 points remaining) (Tips for newcomers, after entering the alienation line, the strength of the ability is divided into four levels: Struggle/Mourning/Despair/Reality. Levels are not judged by points. The system Judgment results will be given based on the player’s own performance)]

  【Title: Scary Newcomer (Rare), Drama Lover】

  【Scary Newcomer (Rare): Wear this title and gain a novice halo. When you face a ghost for the first time in a multiplayer copy, you will not become the priority attack target of the ghost】

  【Drama Lovers: By wearing this title, the points bonus for the "plot-savvy" evaluation will increase by 10%]

  【Deduction star level: no one cares】    【Guild: none】

  【Mask proportions: Calm 18%, Crazy 20%, Kind 9%, Gentle 7%, Indifferent 10%, Evil 8%, Casual 2%, Lazy 3%, Tough 7%, Chaos 14%. 】

  【Owner's description: After observing several deductions, I finally know what's wrong with you. This is an unkillable person, and the degree of personality alienation has exceeded the upper limit of human clear thinking, so why can you stay sane? In other words...in fact, you have no sense at all. Hiss, it’s scary to think about it. 】

 【Personality Sacrifice: &#*|*^(data error), Mingzhu Tears, Something Wrong Doll, Photography Dreamland (Weared 4/6)】

 【Personality alienation degree: 52% (personality alienation degree exceeding 20% ​​will have a negative impact on the deducer's personality. Your personality alienation is too high, please suppress your sins)】

 【Deduction Mall: Select to enter (newly opened prop mall and sacrifice storage and trading platform)】

 【Wishlist: Number entered: 1 (to be completed)】

 【Deduction game direction selection market: select to enter】

This template is indeed a little different from the previous one. As soon as Yu Xing clicked on it, the content information of the new template appeared in his mind.

 First of all, there is an additional personality status in the basic information, and the age data has also changed from data error to three question marks.

 Identity data is probably the biggest change. Levels after the differentiated level are no longer divided into intermediate and advanced levels. Instead, there is a new system. Yu Xing was just promoted and was classified into the struggling level.

Titles, deduction star levels and guilds are all new content. Two of the titles, one was obtained when he first obtained the qualification for deduction, and the other was obtained during the live broadcast of the rookie competition. There was no movement until he was promoted to the differentiation level. reveal their role.

 Literally, the two titles have their own merits, but only one can be worn at the same time and enjoy the same benefit effect.

 Since he didn’t have to enter the game for a while, Yu Xing was in no hurry to make a choice.

In the remaining data, the degree of personality alienation increased by another one percent. It should be that this promotion deduction touched the bad memories of Yu Xing's past, and even pulled out many bad memories that were almost forgotten, cut them open and threw them bloodyly. In front of his eyes, Yu Xing had a slight fluctuation.

 The function of the deduction mall has been increased, and props can be purchased. This is the biggest difference between the differentiated level and the previous levels - it is difficult to collect sacrifices, while the differentiated level has props, which will greatly increase the vitality during the deduction.

 The last item is a reminder of the wish list.

The wish he made at the beginning was to stabilize his physical condition from deteriorating and to cure some of his negative conditions. But now, among all the conditions, Yu Xing only has one condition that he has not satisfied, and that is to play seven deduction games within two months.

 Time is not a problem. Counting promotion games, he has played six games now, and is only one away from fulfilling this wish.

This information was quickly digested by Yu Xing, and then his vision went dark and he retreated from the world of deduction.


No matter how long you stay in the deduction game, in reality it is only a matter of seconds.

Qu Xianqing had been waiting at the door of Yu Xing's room early, with her long hair tied into a ponytail and an imperceptible arrogance in her cold eyes.

 She leaned against the wall with her hands in her coat pockets, waiting for Yu Xing's return.

 Failed to get promoted?

She has never placed these four words on Yu Xing. Instead of worrying, it would be more practical to think about what to eat in the morning.

 The reason why I was waiting at the door was simply because I wanted to confirm that the other party was safe as soon as possible!

Qu Xianqing sighed, pinched his eyebrows with his hands, and murmured: "Really, why do you come to confirm that it's safe when you're obviously not worried? Your logic is really screwed up."

Having said that, she is still waiting here honestly.

"Hey, how about being a doorkeeper?" Suddenly, Yu Xing's door was opened, and a smiling voice floated out.

Qu Xianqing turned his head and looked up and down, and nodded with satisfaction.

 Very good, no arms or legs missing, nor a gloomy look on his face. He seems to be in good health both physically and mentally.

Yu Xing let her into the house.

 After leaving the deduction scene, Yu Xing was in a daze on the bed for a while, and then he sensed someone outside the door, so he opened the door.

 He found that his perception seemed to have improved. Of course, this was also the reason why Qu Nianqing did not hide herself, otherwise Yu Xing would not be able to detect her.

 After being promoted to the differentiated level, it seems that your mental power will be improved?

Since the boss was right in front of him, Yu Xing simply asked all the questions he noticed.

"Well, at the differentiation level, the player will undergo a small transformation at the beginning. Whether it is physical fitness or mental will, it will definitely increase." Qu Nianqing knew his status as a tool and accepted his fate and explained, "Because, Deductions after the differentiation level are far more dangerous than before, and it can no longer be dealt with by the deducers being more careful or having better luck. "

“The conditions for clearance will become more stringent, which will challenge the player’s skill and IQ. If you don’t find a chance to survive, you will basically be dead.”

Having said this, Qu Nianqing was very relieved: "Based on what I know about you, this is a good thing, because the deduction after the differentiation stage will have more conditions, restrictions, traps, and rules, making it easier for you to scheme against people. "

"I'm a good person, don't make me sound so sinister." Yu Xing retorted half-heartedly.

Qu Nianqing: "Haha. In short, because the difficulty has increased sharply, the deduction system has made certain enhancements to the deduction players. However, this enhancement is very small and is not enough to adapt to the difficulty change. If you want to survive, the deduction system needs to be used by the deduction players themselves. Points can be exchanged for physical fitness and props.”

 When talking about this, she also popularized the difference between sacrifices and props.

 Sacrifice, each one is unique, and will be merged with different personas to produce completely different abilities, and the effect is permanent.

A deduction game will only produce two or three sacrifices at most, most of which are one, which are not easy to find, and are things that the players compete for.

Props are consumables, and most of them can be mass-produced and purchased, such as paper amulets and flashlights that are not affected by supernatural powers. As long as you have enough points, you can buy as many as you want.

Meng Po Tang and Alice’s Ruby are both special props. The former is not available in the mall, while the latter is of unique quality.

 There is also a time mark, and Yu Xing still doesn’t know what its use is.

“Yu Xing, do you have any plans for the guild?” Qu Nianqing asked.

Yu Xing raised his eyebrows: "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

"Hmm... I guess the actor must have noticed you. After all, you killed a reserve member of Monopris during the live broadcast." She tightened the collar of her coat and narrowed her eyes, "They will definitely come to test you later. , even if no member except the actor knows your identity, the actor can ask the following members to come to you in the name of revenge. "

“If you don’t add a guild, there will be people in the fallen line lingering in every deduction game.”

 (End of this chapter)

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