Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 162: Weird interrogation questions

 Chapter 162 Weird interrogation questions

 Walking into the gate of the Public Security Bureau, Yu Xing was first taken to the office and listened to Gao Changan's explanation of some conclusions about Han Xinyi's case. Then he received Gao Changan's invitation to assist him in the investigation.

"Our detachment still believes that Liu Ping and the throat-cutting case are not completely unrelated, but we just need a breakthrough. I think you may be able to help us open up the situation. This is voluntary. If it is inconvenient for you, you can refuse me directly, no problem. "Gao Chang'an took out a cigarette and was about to light it, but the lighter stopped in front of the cigarette, "Do you mind?"

Yu Xing put his hands in his jacket pockets and had just received a message. He seemed to be able to accept it well and nodded: "You are free to do whatever you want."

"Thank you." Gao Changan lit up his cigarette and took a puff, his tone showing some fatigue, "What do you think?"

There was silence for about five or six minutes. Just when Gao Changan thought he would refuse, Yu Xing said: "I agree."

He could have participated in the investigation without hesitation. He would have the most convenient source of information, and he would be more upright in contacting everyone. However, if a person from other cities showed too much enthusiasm for the throat-slitting case, he would definitely suspected.

Yu Xing laughed secretly in his heart - maybe Gao Changan had never eliminated his suspicions about him.

  Agreeing to Gao Changan’s invitation, Yu Xing signed a confidentiality agreement.

His current status is probably similar to that of Gao Changan's informant, and he is still a temporary informant.

 “Then what do I need to do now?” Yu Xing asked.

"What do you want to do now?" Gao Changan did not give him instructions, but asked with a strange sense of trust - or a sense of temptation.

Yu Xing narrowed his eyes without any guilty expression. He thought about it and made a proposal that was not unexpected by Gao Changan: "Then... let me meet Liu Ping."


 The interrogation room was small and stuffy, boxy and devoid of any color embellishment.

Liu Ping sat on a cold chair with a tired look on his face. His hands were handcuffed and placed on a table that was also freezing cold.

A white desk lamp was lowered and shone on the table. It did not shine on his face, but it gave the entire interrogation room a sense of depression.

Xiao Gu in uniform sat opposite Liu Ping with another middle-aged male police officer. At this time, Xiao Gu was no longer as relaxed as when he was writing notes for Yu Xing, but had a straight face. Although he was young, he actually had a An intimidating sense of majesty.

"Is it over yet?" Liu Ping's voice was a little hoarse, but he didn't move at all the mineral water specially prepared for him on the table, as if it was some kind of signal that he hadn't surrendered yet.

"No, you haven't told the truth yet." Xiao Gu spoke forcefully, staring directly at Liu Ping with a pair of bloodshot eyes.

 He could see that Liu Ping was already very tired.

 It’s not physical fatigue, but mental fatigue.

 When a person is mentally tired, it is difficult to continue to perform a flawless performance. If you review it for a while, Liu Ping's flawless rhetoric will definitely have cracks.

Many criminals have done this before, using language traps and half-truths and half-false confessions to lead the police into misunderstandings. Everything they said was true, but when combined it pointed to a lie that had already been woven.

This kind of criminal is very difficult to deal with. Every time he negotiates with such a criminal, it is a laborious matter. But when he thought about it, Liu Ping forgot one thing -

Liu Ping was not a suspect who had suspicions but lacked evidence for conviction. Without evidence, they could only temporarily detain him for two days and then release him. But Liu Ping... was carrying conclusive evidence of attempted murder.

 They have a lot of time to spend with Liu Ping until Liu Ping can no longer hide his disguise.

 The difficulty now is that the police are also anxious.

 Captain Yu Jiaming was under pressure, and so were they. Xiao Gu was just like that. He didn't want the captain to be dismissed due to his and his teammates' lack of ability, so he looked at Liu Ping with an even colder look.

"Even if you ask me for another ten hours, I won't be able to tell you what I don't know. Besides, are you suspected of being tortured to extract a confession?" Liu Ping chuckled from his dry throat, and finally couldn't bear it anymore. Silent, take the initiative to speak.

"We provided you with water, food, and plenty of sleep, and we didn't even touch you. How could you use torture to extract a confession?" Xiao Gu blinked slowly, "Tell me, you and the person involved in the throat-slitting case When did you contact the murderer and what did he say, you don’t have to deal with it anymore.”

"I told you I don't know!" Liu Ping's eyes were red and he slammed the interrogation table, but was blocked by the restraint on the chair and could not make any more drastic action.

Suddenly, the door of the interrogation room opened, and Xiao Gu, the middle-aged policeman, and Liu Ping all looked towards the door subconsciously.

 Gao Changan came in.

Xiao Gu stood up, let out a sigh of relief, and said angrily: "Deputy team...I haven't asked yet."

"It doesn't matter, you go out first, and Yu Xing and I will interrogate it next." After Gao Changan finished speaking, Xiao Gu was stunned, thinking in his mind:

   Yu Xing? What a familiar name. By the way, isn't that the enthusiastic citizen who saved Han Xinyi?

The next moment, he saw a tall and superior young man walking in behind the deputy captain.

He is really an enthusiastic citizen.

Yu Xing said hello to Xiao Gu and saw Liu Ping sitting in the chair, his expression changed greatly and he leaned back, as if he was a little scared when he saw him.

He smiled at Liu Ping. Liu Ping's expression was distorted for a moment, and he felt that the injury on his body began to hurt again.

“You guys go out and watch.” Gao Changan saw Liu Ping’s reaction and immediately urged Xiao Gu and another police officer to leave. When the door of the interrogation room closed, a smile appeared on his face.

“Liu Ping, you have persevered for so long. You are very perseverant.”

 Liu Ping said: "I don't know, I didn't insist."

He watched Yu Xing sit down opposite and couldn't help but ask Gao Changan: "Why is he here? Didn't you say that he was just passing by?"

Liu Ping asked the police about Yu Xing’s origins when he was first arrested. He thought he had offended someone like a plainclothes special police officer, but the police told him -

This is an enthusiastic crowd, you are so unlucky!

 Made him very angry.

Before Gao Changan could answer, Yu Xing waved his hand and said hello with a smile: "Hi, we meet again."

“…” Liu Ping didn’t dare to say anything to him, and Yu Xing’s sudden arrival caught Liu Ping off guard.

After that, Yu Xing started a very out-of-the-box questioning. Gao Changan listened carefully, and the more he listened, the more energetic he became.

Yu Xing asked: "Do you like weird people?"

Liu Ping had a question mark on his forehead. He looked at Gao Changan and found that Gao Changan had no intention of speaking, so he had to hold his breath and answer: "I don't like it."

“Then do you like people who are cold to you and look down on you at first glance?”


Yu Xing was interested and looked very puzzled: "Since you don't like them, why are there so many people in your company that you don't like, but you just set your target on Han Xinyi, who greets you with a smile?"

Liu Ping immediately tensed up and returned to his original indifferent attitude: "She smiles at everyone, and I want to destroy her just looking at her."

"Oh~" Yu Xing said in a longer tone, not sure whether he believed it or not, "Let's change the question. I heard that you specifically asked for leave on the day you took action."

 “Yeah.” Liu Ping responded briefly.

"Then I'm surprised. As an office worker who has to take leave to kill people, and he doesn't live close to Han Xinyi's home, when did you find out all the surveillance on the road from the bookstore to Han Xinyi's home?" Yu Xing seemed to have seen through him. He held his chin with one hand and said in a calm and cheerful tone, "The police have checked the surveillance. You did not appear under any cameras that day and avoided them all. This means that you know the distribution of the cameras clearly. ”

“There aren’t many cameras on that road, and it’s not difficult to remember.” Liu Ping said in an incomprehensible tone, “I’m not mentally retarded, and I’ve decided to kill people. Can’t I even do this little thing well?”

Yu Xing raised his eyebrows with a sly expression: "That's right, then how do you explain that you were not seen in the surveillance for the previous month?" Liu Ping was stunned.

"If you want to find out the surveillance location, you must at least check it out, right? You must have checked it several times in person before taking action. However, within a month, your figure has not been photographed by the surveillance camera. You...have never been there at all. Street." Yu Xing stared at the panic in Liu Ping's expression and laughed, "Explain?"


Finally, Liu Ping gave a vague reason, Yu Xing asked a lot of strange questions, and then left the interrogation room with Gao Changan.

"Good job, you seem to be a greater deterrent to Liu Ping than us." Liu Ping, who had been biting him to death without speaking, had a flaw. Gao Changan was very happy and came out to pat Yu Xing on the shoulder.

"A person like him is not afraid of the police, but he is more afraid of people like me who have beaten him up." Yu Xing spread his hands and said to Gao Chang'an, "Today I just made him panic. I will ask again tomorrow, and there should be some answers." Gained."

Gao Changan nodded and calmed down. He felt that his decision was correct. No matter what he did, this person named Yu Xing could indeed bring him good news on this case.

Yu Xing touched his chin, and a picture flashed in his mind: "Next, I want to get in touch with Han Xinyi again."


"Have Liu Ping and Han Xinyi really never had any contact in the company? Of course it's not enough to just listen to Liu Ping's words and the testimony of their colleagues in the company. As a victim, Han Xinyi may have a unique perspective." Gao Changan agreed with his words, and If Yu Xing asked Han Xinyi, Han Xinyi would definitely not be resistant.

Gao Changan said: "Okay, if you find anything, please notify me as soon as possible."

Yu Xing planned to go find Han Xinyi, but as soon as he left the public security bureau, he saw Han Xinyi standing on the roadside, waiting for someone.

As he looked over, Han Xinyi also looked over. When their eyes met, Han Xinyi's eyes lit up little by little. She waved to Yu Xing and shouted happily: "Finally, I've been waiting for you!"

Yu Xing walked over, a little surprised: "Are you waiting for me?"

"Well!" Han Xinyi said with crooked eyes and a sweet smile, "I was planning to go shopping in the mall today, and when I passed by here, I happened to see you entering the Public Security Bureau! I strolled around in the boutique store opposite, waiting for you to come out. "

Yu Xing raised his eyebrows, as if a little surprised: "What are you waiting for me to do?"

"I...you saved my life. I haven't thanked you yet. I just started working and I don't have much savings. I can't give you anything, so I just thought I could treat you to a cup of milk tea." Han Xinyi blushed, " On the day of the accident, I went into a bookstore to escape the rain. The milk tea in that bookstore is super delicious! Can you... go with me?"

She carefully glanced at Yu Xing's face and said, "Well... I heard that you have a girlfriend. Will she misunderstand? It's okay. If she misunderstands, I can explain it clearly to her. I just want to thank you!"

Hearing this tea-like speech, Yu Xing secretly laughed. He originally wanted to find an opportunity to ask Han Xinyi something, so he agreed immediately.


  No matter how undercurrents and tit-for-tat confrontations occur between the police and the murderer, the lives of ordinary people continue to go on. Except for the shadow of murder in their hearts, there is no other difference from before.

It is a sunny day, and the wind chimes at the door of the bookstore will make a pleasant sound from time to time. It is enough to show that this remote bookstore also has many customers.

The male clerk went to the restroom and when he walked to his seat, the new receptionist stopped him: "Zhang Yu, can you do me a favor and bring these two books to the criminal investigation novel area."

 The little girl at the front desk handed him the two books and nodded politely.

Zhang Yu took it silently and walked to his work area with the book.

He has been in a bad mood these past few days, with many things piling up in his mind that he cannot figure out, making him upset.

Ran Ran, who took a day off due to illness, did not come back to work the next day as the weird female clerk said. Instead, she submitted her resignation to the boss and never came back.

It is said that she came to the store to resign in person. She was in good health and spoke naturally when she resigned. So, nothing happened to Ran Ran, but why did she resign?

Zhang Yu did not see Ran Ran that day due to the work schedule. After that, all his information, whether it was WeChat or other social software, disappeared, as if Ran Ran no longer wanted to have anything to do with him.

Of course he is being pretentious to think so, because he asked other shop assistants, but no one responded to the messages they sent to Ran Ran. He is not special, he is just one of his former "colleagues".

Ran Ran has not updated her circle of friends recently, and has never even returned to the address Zhang Yu knew. She actually moved directly.

 She seemed to have vanished from the world.

 This is one of the annoying things, and there is another thing that makes Zhang Yu have to spread his attention among the people he comes into contact with every day.

On the day Ran Ran was on sick leave, the strange female clerk said to him inexplicably, "You are very good-looking." Later, when he saw a report about the throat-slitting killer at the door of Ran Ran's old residence, "The murderers all killed people with superior appearance." The words "young men" lingered in his mind.

 He is indeed good-looking, and the people who chased him in college could line up a window in the cafeteria.

 Ever since he knew the common characteristics of the victims of the throat-cutting case, the female clerk had taken root in his mind.

Zhang Yu, who has read a lot of crime novels, always imagined in his heart that if the female clerk whose name she did not know was the murderer of the throat-cutting case... Could what she said to him at that time be a death threat?

In the same way, if the female shop assistant is the murderer, Ran Ran's abnormality can also be explained - she could be threatened or coerced by the murderer, or...because she is friends with the murderer, so she has some kind of helping relationship?

Zhang Yu did not rule out this idea just because he liked Ran Ran. He never thought that the girl he liked was some innocent little white rabbit. On the contrary, every girl with deep thoughts has a more or less multifaceted character. sex.

He just prayed that Ran Ran would not go astray. If he could stop in time, maybe everything could be turned around.

 …However, he also knew that all the speculations were groundless and were just his own random thoughts.

Zhang Yu sighed, put the detective novel in his hand back, and then stood next to the bookshelf.

At this moment, he spotted a strange color out of the corner of his eye.

Before he could realize what it was, his scalp was already numb. He turned around in surprise and saw a few words roughly scrawled with a pencil on the side of the bookshelf, where only he could see it for the time being.

 “You’re next.”

The child-like strokes gave Zhang Yu a creepy feeling. He looked around like a cat with exploded hair. At that moment, the wind chime shook, and a slender figure flashed from his sight. And passed.

That was a female customer who had just walked out of the store. For some reason, Zhang Yu's eyes were glued to this back figure, and his heart was pounding because of nervousness - this back figure was so familiar.

The female guest seemed to have felt something, and turned around half her face.

The black mask covered her face below the nose, but those eyes with strange emotions left a deep impression on Zhang Yu.

 Zhang Yu's pupils shrank and he took a step back involuntarily.

He must have read it right. This is the female clerk!

 What is she here for? She also wore the clothes of ordinary customers and a mask, avoiding everyone in the store who might recognize her.

Before she left, threatening words like "You will be next" appeared in his work area!

 The woman seemed to smile, stopped looking at him, and disappeared from the door of the store.

The next moment, Yu Xing and Han Xinyi walked in through the glass door that was still open.

Han Xinyi seemed to be in a state of excitement. She pointed to the area of ​​criminal investigation novels and introduced to Yu Xing: "This is it. The milk tea here is delicious and the books are also good. I like to sit there and read detective novels... Huh?"

Her tone paused, and Yu Xing followed her hand and happened to see a male clerk who was distracted and seemed to have just been frightened.

Yu Xing’s mouth corners slowly raised, his eyes full of interest.

  5000 big chapters!



 (End of this chapter)

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