Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 163: Then I would irresponsibly guess

Chapter 163 Then I would be irresponsible in guessing

The girl's gaze and movements were not conspicuous, and she was gentle and did not want to disturb other people who were reading.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but was looking at the door. This time, he directly looked at the two people who entered.

Zhang Yu's eyes shifted from the mysterious disappearing figure of the female clerk to Han Xinyi and Yu Xing, and there was a hint of surprise in the coldness all over his body.

 At first glance, he recognized this cute girl because the girl had been sitting in his work area reading for a long time a few days ago.

 It was the first time for him to see the young man next to him. With his appearance, he would definitely not forget it once he saw him.

 Hehe, what a coincidence, it seems that there are always things happening recently that remind him of the day Ranran was on sick leave.

 It was as if things were being controlled by an invisible hand, and he was the plaything about to be destroyed.

 The next time, Zhang Yu thought of his current situation.

No matter what the true identity of the female clerk is or whether she has evil intentions towards him, she is still a working librarian now.

It is too inappropriate for an unrelated guest to see his uncontrollable expression...

He quickly put on a nonchalant expression and forced himself to calm down. It was important to go to work first.

 At the worst possible outcome, go to the police station after work and call the police. The case of the Slitting Throat Killer is now a hot topic in the city, and the police will not let go of even the tiniest clue.

“Um, what’s wrong with him?” Han Xinyi asked blankly after witnessing the change in Zhang Yu’s expression.

"I don't know, maybe I thought of a certain novel behind me, and suddenly fear came into my heart, and I couldn't control my expression." Yu Xing's answer was not perfunctory, but Han Xinyi wanted to treat her to milk tea, so she just read more Zhang Yu took Yu Xing and sat down in the reading area with one glance.

 She picked up two novels and ordered two cups of milk tea.

Yu Xing chatted with her for a while, controlling the volume and conversation skills, but the conversation was very interesting for a while.

Han Xinyi likes to read novels, so Yu Xing started with novels and was given a book called "Rot". After the atmosphere became better and better, he brought the topic to Han Xinyi's company.

"Ms. Han, to be honest, I am helping the police investigate previous cases. I want to ask you, have you ever made any enmity with anyone in the company?" Yu Xing confirmed that Han Xinyi would not be disgusted by asking now, otherwise it would be in vain. It was a great achievement for her that he had done for her.

"Enmity?" Han Xinyi was surprised for a moment, "No, I never make enemies with others..."

Then she reacted: "Wait, company? What does this mean? Could it be that the person who wants to kill me is not a random murderer, but someone who knows me? Is he from my company?"

I have to say that this girl has very strong reflexes and accurate intuition, and her character is much stronger than she looks. She is indeed a person who can survive in desperate situations.

Yu Xing thought that a character like her would be suitable anywhere.

"That's right. Officer Gao didn't tell you before because he was afraid that you would be scared. In fact, the person who wants to kill you is half of your colleagues."

Han Xinyi's breath was stagnant, and there was confusion in her eyes.

“I saw his eyes and didn’t feel familiar... Who is he? Do I really know him?”

Yu Xing took out her mobile phone and showed Han Xinyi a photo of Liu Ping: "His name is Liu Ping. He is not in the same department as you, but he is indeed on the same floor. He is the kind of person you can see every day. Take a closer look. Do you have any impression?"

Han Xinyi came over and talked about business. She restrained her admiration for Yu Xing and stared at the face in the photo for a long time and thought about it.

 Finally, she dug out the things related to this face from her memory: "Ah, I remembered, there is such a person!"

Yu Xing then asked: "Did anything happen to you?"

"I can't remember clearly. I seemed to pass by his workstation once to deliver information and accidentally knocked over his water. Fortunately, it was not serious and there was no loss. He forgave me after I said I was sorry." Han Xinyi stared at Liu Ping. In the photo, his scalp was numb and his face was full of fear, "I didn't offend him, so why did he want to kill me?"


 One day later, Yu Xing stepped into the interrogation room again.

 Liu Ping's condition is obviously much tighter than yesterday. Seeing him was like seeing a ferocious beast. There was a pretense of calmness in his eyes, but in fact the defensiveness in them could not be concealed.

"Relax." Yu Xing gave him a toothy smile and sat down on the chair casually. He was wearing a headset and connected to the observation room outside the interrogation room. Every move and conversation between him and Liu Ping was accurately displayed in the eyes of Yu Jiaming, Gao Changan and all the team members who were standing in the observation room. .

Today, he applied to Gao Changan for a separate interrogation. Originally, it was against the rules to leave this matter to him as a temporary informant, but due to the urgency of the case, the rules were no longer important.

  Anyway, if he doesn't say it, and the people in the team don't say it, the superiors won't know.

Hearing about Liu Ping's relaxed attitude yesterday, even Yu Jiaming, who had never met Yu Xing, came to see Yu Xing's interrogation in person.

Knowing that he was surrounded by "invisible" gazes, Yu Xing remained as natural as usual without any discomfort. He still smiled and faced the situation with an attitude of "I'm going to do something later." Liu Ping made Liu Ping very uncomfortable.

Yu Xing comforted him and said, "Don't be afraid. There are so many detectives in the public security bureau. I won't beat anyone."

The opening remarks made Liu Ping's eyes twitch. He had always been the character being interrogated by the police. This guy put him on the weak side. I don't know why, but this made him feel looked down upon. Very Not happy.

 Is he afraid of being beaten?

Yu Xing’s lips curled up. After saying hello in a friendly manner, he didn’t give Liu Ping any buffer time and went straight to the point: “Did you really not have any contact with Han Xinyi when you were in the company?”

Liu Ping had a clear understanding of this issue. He suppressed his anger and replied calmly: "I have told the police so many times, it's just a face-to-face meeting."

 “What else?”

 Liu Ping said: "No more."

Yu Xing, who was smiling just now as if chatting, suddenly turned cold, and his tone seemed to be covered with a layer of ice: "Lie." Liu Ping pursed his lips tightly, and the corners of his eyes became darker: "I Where is the lie?"

Yu Xingliang glanced at him, as if he had grasped some key evidence, and his words were as aggressive as a knife: "I went to see Han Xinyi yesterday. After she found out your identity, she recalled some things. What do you think she said? ?”

Liu Ping froze for a moment. Looking at Yu Xing's downcast face, he was inexplicably afraid of the other party's momentum. He subconsciously leaned back and his mind was running at high speed. For a long time, he didn't expect that anything would be caught. Improvement He asked in a loud voice: "Humph, what did she say!?"

During the tit-for-tat confrontation, the coldness on Yu Xing's face suddenly faded, and he smiled again: "Actually, she didn't say anything crucial. She just mentioned that one time she spilled the water on your table because she was walking carelessly. And you and He said it didn’t matter, and then they never interacted again.”

Liu Ping:"…"

The detectives who were listening outside: “…”

Xiao Gu couldn't help but ask: "Is there any other trial like this? This repeated jump. Is Yu Xing a face-changing actor?"

Yu Jiaming didn't say anything, and looked at the overly experienced strange young man in the surveillance camera. Gao Changan, on the other hand, answered Xiao Gu: "Yu Xing is trying to destroy Liu Ping's vigilance. He came a few times and kept experiencing tension and false alarms." Liu Ping will not be able to bear it when he is in the scene, and his foolproof rhetoric will have flaws. "

Xiao Gu was speechless for a while.

Even if this technique is easy to use, under normal circumstances, the criminal policemen do not change their faces to become so real and natural. They look abnormal, like a psychopath.

That's right, Xiao Gu felt that Yu Xing could play the role of a mental patient by wearing a hospital gown now. Not to mention Liu Ping who was face to face with Yu Xing, he would be scared to watch from the outside.

 In the interrogation room, Liu Ping was also shocked into a cold sweat.

 Good guy, this is a surprise.

One second the guy who hit him was as cold as if he wanted to kill someone, and the next second he was laughing. A strong sense of disparity made him feel weak.

 He breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Yu Xing was deceiving him, which just meant that the police did not have any available evidence to prove that there was something hidden in the matter. Thinking of this, Liu Ping suddenly felt relaxed again.

 But at this moment, Yu Xing seemed to deliberately torment him, and said like a casual chat: "But you just felt guilty."

 Liu Ping snorted coldly: "Why didn't I know that I was guilty?"

"Because you were thinking just now whether you had done anything that left traces and evidence. When you found out that you hadn't, you immediately became hardened and found an opportunity to refute my strong point, so your tone was raised." Yu Xing spoke concisely without a single pause. Liu Ping's psychological activities were accurately described in his language.

He smiled, and before Liu Ping's expression turned serious, he retorted and continued: "It means you did hide something related to Han Xinyi, but it has nothing to do with the company. Well... that will happen after work, a What was the matter related to Han Xinyi that made you choose Han Xinyi as your target among so many people? "

 The ending tone is rising, making it difficult for people to understand the meaning.

Liu Ping had a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes when he looked at Yu Xing.

 Why, this person thought of so many details that others might not even care about! ?

Several criminal policemen outside the interrogation room also looked surprised.

Yu Jiaming's eyes shone little by little. Yu Xing's words gave him a new idea. His intuition told him that maybe this was the key!

Yu Xing didn't mean to ask Liu Ping this time, but continued talking to himself: "The factors that determine your goal are also your ability to avoid the camera and your preference for Han Xinyi. There’s also the reason why he has complete control over his whereabouts, and there’s only one person around Han Xinyi who can do this, right?”

"Her uncle, Han Zhiyong." Yu Xing glanced at Liu Ping provocatively. Liu Ping suddenly turned pale. His hands on the table were clenched tightly, and his veins popped out. It seemed that he had been right.

"Let me, an enthusiastic citizen who is not a criminal police officer, make irresponsible guesses..." Yu Xing crossed his arms over his chest and even crossed his legs comfortably. The lamp placed on the table emitted too bright a light, which dazzled Liu Ping. In the daze, he couldn't see Yu Xing's face clearly.

"Some time ago, you kept seeing media reports about the throat-slitting case, so as an antisocial personality but always an ordinary person who blends in with society, your spirit was touched. The bloodthirsty factor hidden deep in your soul was ready to move. , then you thought of copycat crimes. Not only can you easily escape police tracking by using the same method, but you can also shift the blame to the murderer of the throat-slitting case. It kills two birds with one stone and the risk is extremely low. "

"At this time, you noticed Han Xinyi in the company. An accidental incident of knocking over a water glass made you remember this girl who loves to laugh. Although you didn't meet each other later, for some reason, when you wanted to kill someone, the first thing that came to your mind was One that emerged was her.”

"The more you show happiness and beautiful things, the more you want to destroy them. Han Xinyi is such a person who seems not to be unhappy. You are jealous and confused, so you want to destroy her."

"But your IQ is not as good as the murderer in the throat-cutting case. You don't know what to do to avoid leaving evidence. Just when your hands are itchy but hesitant, a person comes to you and tells you to do as he says. , you can kill Han Xinyi."

Liu Ping looked at Yu Xing in horror. When the other party talked to this extent, he began to wonder if the police had obtained the exact evidence. Otherwise, how could it be clear and without any mistakes?

"This person came into contact with you anonymously, and you happened to want to kill Han Xinyi but couldn't think of it. Someone gave him a pillow when you fell asleep, so you agreed. After that, you got all the information you wanted and were instructed on how to do it. Kill." Yu Xing yawned, "Isn't my guess interesting?"

 Liu Ping retorted with a white face: "The existence of this person is completely your guess!"

"Yes, I said it, it's just an irresponsible guess, don't get excited~" Yu Xing spread his hands and raised his eyes, giving people a sense of rising danger, "Let me guess again, that person is After being in contact with you for a while, I told you—"

His tone became gloomy, as if he was imitating another imaginary voice: "I am the murderer of the throat-cutting case. I know your plan. Since you want to blame the crime on me, you might as well cooperate. I won't be around in a few days." Huashi, if you commit a crime when it rains, I can give you one more alibi."

“At this time, when you didn’t feel safe enough, you took the time to investigate more information and found that Han Xinyi’s uncle Han Zhiyong was going to another province on a business trip in a few days. Therefore, you were convinced that the murderer who cut his throat was Han Zhiyong.”

"!" Liu Ping's eyes widened, he stammered and couldn't speak, and his whole body was trembling.

The criminal policemen outside the interrogation room became excited after hearing Yu Xing's words and seeing Liu Ping's reaction.

 “Is it true? How does he know this?”

 “Han Zhiyong is the throat-slitting murderer?”

“Looking at Liu Ping’s reaction, Yu Xing is probably right. Go and investigate where Han Zhiyong was when the previous throat-cutting cases occurred!”

After a messy arrangement for a while, Gao Changan looked at the interrogation room monitor and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

On what basis did the young man Yu Xing give this answer?

 (End of this chapter)

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