Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 164: Another rainy night suitable for committing crimes

Chapter 164 Another rainy night suitable for committing crimes

“Let’s check whether any special events happened before Han Xinyi became an adult. Han Zhiyong wanted to use Liu Ping’s hand to kill Han Xinyi. There must be conflicts between the two that we don’t know about.”

 “Go and retrieve information on the death of Han Xinyi’s parents that year.”

“Go check Han Zhiyong’s recent itinerary, find out where he is now, and be ready to arrest him at any time.”

 The interrogation room was chaotic yet orderly. Yu Jiaming immediately issued several orders to his team members. The criminal police officers took action. Although they had a high degree of obedience, they all felt a sense of absurdity in their hearts.

 The man inside...how does he know this?

When they investigated the case before, they investigated the interpersonal relationships of the deceased, but Han Zhiyong did not appear among them, so they never thought that the uncle of Han Xinyi, the victim of the Liu Ping case, would be involved in the throat-cutting case. On the relationship!

It is still not certain that Han Zhiyong is the murderer, but judging from Liu Ping's reaction, Yu Xing's "guess" is not wrong. Then Han Zhiyong is at least a huge breakthrough, which is simply a huge blow to their almost stagnant investigation progress. It's good news that fell from the sky!

 After assigning the task quickly, Yu Jiaming felt thirsty. He took the thermos cup at hand, and the warm wolfberry tea passed through his throat. He finally took a moment to take a look at Gao Changan, who was not assigned a task.

Yu Jiaming's heavy eyes swept over Gao Chang'an. Seeing that Gao Chang'an also looked like he was living in a dream, he finally said: "Where did you find this person?"

"He... I saw that his skills and mental quality when rescuing people were good, so I let him give it a try. Unexpectedly..." Gao Changan's Adam's apple rolled and he looked at the surveillance camera. The young man's performance was strange and natural. , there was chaos outside, but the interrogation inside was not over yet. He resisted the urge to go in immediately and pull the person out to ask questions clearly, and explained to his captain.

Yu Jiaming touched the growing stubble on his chin. He did not doubt the words of his long-time partner, but there was still an intuition guiding him, making him want to delve into the issue: "Generally, if this is the case, you also Why would he not let people participate in the investigation so casually? Think about it, has he been hinted at at some point but not discovered? "

Gao Changan's pupils shrank, and for a moment he thought of the possibility that he was being plotted.

Yu Xing only recorded Han Xinyi’s testimony and gave it to him before, but she never told him about today’s speculations, which caught him off guard.

What if...Yu Xingben was the person involved, and by hinting at him, he achieved the purpose of participating in the case, just to make some small moves? Or maybe there was someone he knew among the dead, and he was seeking revenge?

As a criminal police officer, he should not have had such irresponsible suspicions without evidence, but Yu Xing was indeed too unexpected.

 Under the gaze of Yu Jiaming, Gao Changan began to recall his brief contact with Yu Xing these days.

However, he had to admit that during the contact, Yu Xing did not perform any suggestive behavior or verbal inducement. He could still tell this after coming out of the police academy and having many years of criminal investigation experience. of.

 “No.” He said matter-of-factly.

 “What’s the reason?” Yu Jiaming asked again.

Gao Changan smiled bitterly and touched his hair in distress. His action showed that he didn't know anything about it either.

"Maybe...it's just a vague feeling. I just think this guy is a bit weird, but he won't stand against us. He can help us. So, I brought him here."


In the interrogation room, after Yu Xing finished speaking a long sentence, he admired Liu Ping's expression with great interest.

This man who was showing off his power in front of women just a few days ago and was ready to kill her was now frightened.

In fact, Yu Xing's demeanor and momentum at this time were not scary, but in Liu Ping's heart, he felt like he was being seen through without any clothes on, as if in the eyes of the young man in front of him, he was just a person with no privacy. The low-class people in the speech, even after taking off their disguise, are no different from animals waiting to be slaughtered.

"How about it? Is the story I told you very imaginative?" Yu Xing asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes...but you said so..." Liu Ping tried his best to keep his body from shaking. He wanted to speak more smoothly but could not hide the fact that he was panicked. He stuttered and asked, "Is there any evidence?"

Yu Xing raised his eyebrows and spread his hands, as if he was surprised: "Evidence? Of course not. Just guess what evidence you need?"

Even the captain and deputy captain of the criminal investigation detachment, who continued to observe Yu Xing's interrogation process, felt that Yu Xing now looked like a little scoundrel who was asking for a beating.

 You think he is wrong? There is nothing wrong with what he said.

 You say he is right, and you always feel like you are holding a breath in your heart.

Liu Ping gritted his teeth. Even if Yu Xing had no evidence, he knew that the police should look for evidence now.

It is not easy to track down a person in a huge crowd, but with a specific target and the ability of this group of criminal police officers, the result is almost certain.

Seeing that he stopped talking again, Yu Xing said quietly: "Do you want me to continue telling the story? Or... you confess yourself and fill in the details. Maybe you can get a lighter sentence. You refuse to confess Han Zhiyong to my life. In my opinion, Come on, he must have used some means to threaten you so that you dare not say another word, but now the deal is done and there is no point in holding on..."

He held down the headset, his expression remained unchanged, and he whispered in an almost inaudible voice: "Hit him, and then pray that the police will catch Han Zhiyong before he can react. Otherwise, I will give Han Zhiyong a hint, and the police will just promise You said everything in exchange for a little reduction in your sentence. Do you think he will find a way to do something to you before he is caught?"

Liu Ping now has a strong feeling of resistance to the word "guess", and he never wants to hear the word again.

Furthermore, Han Zhiyong...if he really knew that he was exposed...Liu Ping breathed slowly, a realistic dizziness appeared in his eyes, and he could hardly sit still.

 He was in a trance amidst the futile fear, when he heard Yu Xing laugh evilly a few times.

"Ordinary people can't threaten you in the police station, but I think you should realize that he is not an ordinary person, right?"

 Not an ordinary person!

In Liu Ping's mind, he suddenly thought of the knife-wielding ghost in his nightmares in the past many days and nights, who was standing below him at first, but got closer and closer to him every day.

First it was a look at each other under the dim streetlight, then it turned into the sound of footsteps in the corridor, and then the sound of a knife outside the peephole.

 Before he made a move on Han Xinyi, the fierce ghost in the dream was already standing outside his bedroom door.

Han Zhiyong said that if he leaked his existence, the evil spirit would definitely enter the bedroom.


 Liu Ping recruited.

Having completely shattered Liu Ping's psychological defense, Yu Xing patted the wrinkles on his clothes and walked out, leaving the rest to the criminal police. He had already done what he wanted to do.

Yu Xing already knows almost everything about this serial throat-cutting case, and the murderer has been identified by him. The members of Single Prism are cunning and cruel. There is only one thing he has to do next - guide the police to get the truth.

Of course, with the status of a deducer, the murderer will never sit still and wait for death. He has many ways to escape. He only needs to make the police admit the fact that the murderer committed the murder, and he has to complete the rest.

As soon as he walked out of the door, before Yu Xing could even stretch his back, a strange man appeared in front of him, with Gao Changan standing beside him. Gao Chang'an introduced him: "This is Yu Jiaming, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment. You can just call him Team Yu."

"Yu?" Hearing this pronunciation, Yu Xing repeated it, sounding thoughtful.

“Single hook Yu. Although we are not from the same family, we are destined to meet each other. I am glad to meet you.” Yu Jiaming stretched out his hand, and Yu Xing shook it with him in cooperation.

 “Nice to meet you. Best regards, captain.”

 Leaving the interrogation room, Yu Jiaming asked Yu Xing to go to the office and asked Gao Changan to go out to help record Liu Ping's new confession. Suddenly, only the two of them were left in the office.

At some point outside the window, it began to rain lightly again. According to experience, this light rain will soon turn into a heavy rain, and then stop in a short period of time.

Because he did other things during the day, Yu Xing came to the police station very late today. It was already past dinner time, the sky was dark, and the places a little further away were blurred in the rain.

Yu Jiaming ordered a takeout of beef rice bowl for himself and Yu Xing. While waiting for the takeout to be delivered, Yu Jiaming said, "Let's talk?"

Yu Xing smiled and said, "Okay, for the sake of taking care of the food."

Yu Xing was waiting for the upcoming questions. After all, he was in the interrogation room just now. He held down the headset and said a few words. Yu Jiaming and Gao Changan couldn't hear them. They could only see his lips moving, and they would definitely be suspicious.

 As a result, Yu Jiaming did not ask anything that sounded suspicious. After chatting for a few words, Yu Jiaming only asked one question.

“What do you think is the reason why Liu Ping didn’t confess Han Zhiyong?”

This is really a surprising choice.

Yu Xing raised his eyelids and glanced at Yu Jiaming. It seemed that he was able to take the position of detachment leader at a much younger age than Gao Changan. This person's way of doing things was indeed unique.

 That's good, it saves him from having to lie again.

As for this issue, Yu Xing did not mislead Yu Jiaming and told the truth: "I just said it. Personally, I think it is a threat."

"Why did Han Zhiyong threaten Liu Ping? Liu Ping has no wife, children, or parents. He grew up in an orphanage when he was a child. I heard that he was bullied to develop his current character. Apart from Liu Ping's life, he probably doesn't care about anything. "Yes." Yu Jiaming's voice was not loud, as if he was questioning Yu Xing or talking to himself.

"Now that Liu Ping has been arrested, it stands to reason that his life is safe, and he will not be sentenced to too long for attempted murder. He should not die without confessing."

Of course Yu Xing knew that deducers were assisted by sacrifices and props and could perform many operations that ordinary people could not understand, but now he could only say: "Captain Yu, I am just a personal guess. You don't have to follow my ideas. ”

Yu Jiaming glanced at him and repeated slowly: "Is it just a guess?"

 Fortunately, he didn't ask any more questions and lowered his head as if thinking.

Yu Xing looked at him carefully.

Yu Jiaming is really much younger than Gao Changan. He looks to be in his early thirties, between youth and middle age. Outside of the calm temperament, there is a layer of youthful spirit, which is not rigid.

Although he seemed to be in low spirits due to the urgency of the case, with dark blue eyes and a relatively pale complexion, Yu Xing still felt a sense of awe-inspiring righteousness.

 He is really suitable to be a policeman... Yu Xing thought and couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

 Pure people are really enviable.

Yu Xing did not disturb Yu Jiaming's contemplation and turned to admire the sky outside the window.

 Grey, disordered.

 The rain is indeed getting heavier and heavier.

 The combination of heavy rain and night can't help but remind people of the legend of the serial murders in Fuhua City. At this moment, it is another suitable environment for committing crimes.

 After a while, the takeout was delivered. Yu Xing and Yu Jiaming were eating across the table. During this period, Yu Jiaming's cell phone kept ringing. It must be that the team members were sending a steady stream of urgent investigation results.

"All of Han Zhiyong's itineraries match up with the previous cases. When each case occurred, he was in the city and off duty. There is no proof of absence. In addition, we have watched the surveillance of various road sections countless times before. Han Zhiyong was also found, although it was only once. As expected, the arrest can be carried out." Yu Jiaming took the initiative to tell Yu Xing the result, with a long-lost sense of relief in his tone. The more Han Zhiyong became. The more you investigate, the more you prove that the direction is correct.

After swallowing the last mouthful of rice, Yu Xing did not agree with Yu Jiaming. He just looked at the heavy rain outside the window and asked abruptly: "Do you think the murderer of the throat-cutting case will kill someone tonight?"

Yu Jia Ming paused, his expression became serious, he stood up decisively and walked out.

“You are right, I will arrest Han Zhiyong now to prevent anyone else from being harmed tonight.”

"You misunderstood, I didn't say anything." Yu Xing smiled, stood up and stretched out his hand to stop Yu Jiaming, his voice was soft, but had a strange and calming power, "The truth is coming, don't worry "Captain Yu, don't you think something is strange?"

Yu Jiaming admitted that he was disturbed by the sudden revelation of the truth. When he heard Yu Xing's question, he clenched his hands, forced himself to calm down, and thought about it.

 “What’s… strange?”

Yu Xing reminded: "Monitor."

Yu Jiaming turned his mind to surveillance. The surveillance video captured Han Zhiyong appearing near the deceased at the time of the incident. This is particularly good news.


 He suddenly woke up.

Han Zhiyong has been hiding for so long. Even Liu Ping can avoid surveillance on unfamiliar road sections under his guidance. So when he commits a crime, will he allow himself to appear on surveillance and leave traces?

"Captain Yu, you and the senior deputy captain heard what I just said in the interrogation room." Yu Xing put down his hands and put them in his jacket pockets to keep warm. He leaned against the door frame of the office, "I have been What it means is that Liu Ping inferred that Han Zhiyong was the murderer of the throat-cutting case through Han Zhiyong's words, and Han Zhiyong also wanted to cooperate with Liu Ping. "

“But what if Liu Ping’s guess is wrong?”

Yu Jiaming stared at Yu Xing fiercely, his eyes shining with a gleam that could not be concealed: "What do you mean..."

Yu Xing nodded: "I never said that Han Zhiyong was the murderer of the throat-cutting case."

When writing this realistic plot, I also felt like I was writing a criminal investigation novel (Д)



 (End of this chapter)

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