Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 165: That woman and Ran Ran

 Chapter 165 That woman and Ran Ran

Fuhua City has developed well in recent years, and new real estate projects have sprung up one after another. At first glance, it seems that it is not much better than first-tier cities.

 However, this is just a superficial illusion. Under the bright and shiny shell, there are still many backward, dark, and tried-to-cover areas in this city.

 Old cities, suburban areas, near garbage stations, abandoned industrial areas…

These places are found in almost every city in the same situation, and most managers have made the same choice—in the face of municipal performance, backward places are intentionally hidden and forgotten.

 It was only when the case of cutting throats became fermented that they reappeared in people's intoxication and were remembered again in a daze.

Because the four victims of the throat-cutting case were all killed in remote, inaccessible places with scarce surveillance.

No one knows why these handsome young people who live in prosperous neighborhoods go to these places. People only know that when they reappear in the public eye, these young people who should have a bright future have turned into cold corpses.


 In the suburbs of a city far away from the bustling center, night comes earlier than most people think.

This old town in Fuhua City is not only remote, but also sparsely populated. The houses to be demolished were almost half a year ago. As a result, I don’t know what went wrong with the project. No one has bothered here for a long time, leaving a large and unsightly area. of ruins.

Under normal circumstances, people who don’t live here, unless they are crazy, will not go to the ruins of the old city alone at night.

 Zhang Yu thought the same thing before setting foot here.

He held an umbrella in his left hand and held his mobile phone tightly in his right hand. On the screen that was not turned off, the text messages from the contact [Ran Ran] were particularly dazzling.



 Zhang Yu, I am Ran Ran.


I was kidnapped. She seemed to want to kill me and locked me up in a dangerous building in the old city. I finally hid this phone. Now she is having dinner outside the room before I can ask you for help. Please hurry up. Come and save me!


  【Positioning information】


I'm here!


Hurry up and call the police. Let the police laijiuw

The above messages were all sent out at a very short interval, which fully demonstrated the urgency of the sender. But when it came to the three words "Come and save me", everything stopped abruptly, and even the pinyin was not finished.

 The next message appears at 7:15.


 Zhang Yu, hello.


I’m not Ran Ran, but I’m with her now~ I didn’t expect her to hide her cell phone, which almost caused trouble [laughs]-

I guess you know who I am? "Good-looking" sir.


I didn’t want to come to you so soon, but now that you know about my crime, there’s nothing I can do about it. It’s such a pity (^_^)-

 She even sent you her location! So decisive. Then, Mr. Zhang Yu, you only have one option: "Come".


Come on, alone. When you come, I will let Ran Ran go. If you don't come, as punishment for disobedience, she won't survive the night.


 Remember, I don’t want to see the police, so you must come, one person. I look forward to seeing you again, and I would like to express my feelings to you~


 Don’t play tricks, I can see you.

 After that, no matter what Zhang Yu replied, there was no movement from the other side.

Zhang Yu was at home after get off work at the time. After receiving the news, he actually felt a sense of relief that "it's true."

There is no one else who would call him good-looking sir, except the female clerk whose name he did not ask.

The female clerk claimed to be Ran Ran's friend that day, and he never saw Ran Ran again after that. Instead, he was threatened by the woman who scrawled words on the bookshelf.

Zhang Yu has been guessing the truth of the matter these days. Today, he finally confirmed that the woman is not a good person, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Hazards that have been identified are actually not as ambiguous as the unknown tormenting people.

 He gave a wry smile, hesitated for a moment between calling the police and going to the location alone, and chose the latter.

It’s not that he doesn’t trust the police, or that he wants to die and is confident that he can rescue Ran Ran by himself, it’s just that... he also has what he wants to do.

Just when Zhang Yu tried to call an acquaintance to leave himself a way out, he found that his phone could no longer contact the outside world, and the data jumped on its own for a while, then calmed down again.

 “Has it gone dark?”

Zhang Yu suspected that the phone had been hacked by the person on the opposite side using hacking technology. This was also consistent with what was written in the last text message - "I can see you."

 Presumably at this time, his every move is under the surveillance of the other party.

 In fact, he can throw the phone elsewhere and find an excuse to leave and call the police. For example, going to the toilet is a good excuse. After all, the other party is a woman, so it is not easy to monitor him peeing through the phone.

 But he didn't do that. He just got up calmly, took his mobile phone and car keys and went out.


After being lost in thought for a while, Zhang Yu accidentally stepped on a broken brick under his feet. He stabilized his body that almost fell forward and brought his attention back to reality.

 It is now 7:49.

He only hesitated for a moment before driving over without stopping. Since he couldn't get into the ruins, he walked instead.

Zhang Yu carefully walked on the bumpy road, his eyes always on the location and text messages. The sound of rain pattering in his ears and the dark sky above gave him a strong sense of suffocation.

 He was at a loss.

Every step I take, there is a sarcastic villain talking to himself deep inside.

 That’s ridiculous, what am I doing now.

  Why should I give up my life so generously, knowing that I might die if I come here?

Ran Ran…

Ran Ran will obviously be fine, right? She and that woman must have a cooperative relationship.

These text messages were all sent by Ran Ran, from beginning to end. The woman was sitting next to her, reading the text messages sentence by sentence, and letting Ran Ran type them, leaving only the fingerprints of a "victim" on Ran Ran.

 The truth is this, right?

 Zhang Yu's heart felt like being pricked by a needle, painful and sour.

 He is not a fool, nor is he easy to fool.

 He graduated from a prestigious university, loves reasoning, and reads a wide range of things. To put it bluntly, he is very smart.

 Smarter than most people in the world.

 In short—he was not fooled by the trick.

 On the surface, Ran Ran was kidnapped by a woman and asked for help, and was accidentally discovered by the woman. The woman took the opportunity to threaten Ran Ran's life and went to the old city. On this dark and rainy night, this was the same place where the bodies of the four victims in the throat-cutting case were found.

The other party told him almost clearly: "I am the murderer of the throat-cutting case, and you are my next target. Come on, come and save Ran Ran. If you don't come, the girl you like will die~"

 But Zhang Yu saw a higher level.

Ranran should have been with the woman from the beginning to the end. Now, the woman is using Ranran to lure him into taking the bait, and I am afraid she also has Ranran's consent.

The reason why he came here was not to save Ran Ran’s life. He just wanted to know why Ran Ran wanted to help the tyrants do evil, and what Ran Ran had gone through before she chose to live in the darkness.

 Zhang Yu wants to know the truth, the whole truth.

They were getting closer and closer to the location. Finally, at 7:53, Zhang Yu arrived in front of a half-razed residential house in the ruins.

There is a missing wall on the second floor of the residential building, and you can clearly see the deep darkness inside, as if a black hole is about to swallow him up, leaving not even a single bone left.

 In the deep darkness, he saw Ran Ran as he wished. Ranran was wearing a set of casual clothes with unclear colors, her hair was down, and she was bare-faced. She couldn't be said to be very good-looking, but her temperament was very superior.

She held a flashlight and stood leisurely on the broken wall. The rain curtain made her figure hidden in the darkness hazy and unreal. Only the light passed through the illusion and shone on Zhang Yu, who was holding an umbrella.

Zhang Yu's breath was stagnant and he didn't speak. He also used the flashlight he carried to shine back.

Ran Ran seemed not surprised by his actions, and a pair of eyes that always shone with vitality in his impression now only remained indifferent.

 Sure enough, she was not kidnapped at all.

The two looked at each other in silence, Ran Ran lowered his head, Zhang Yu raised his head, and looked at each other quietly.

 A few seconds later, Ran Ran turned around, leaving only Zhang Yu's back. A few seconds later, the back also disappeared.

Zhang Yu pursed his lips and heard a noise coming from beside him. He turned around and saw that the strange woman was already approaching in the rain.

"You love her more than I thought." The woman said, not coldly, not as lively as in the text message, but using the same weird tone that had tortured Zhang Yu for several days.

Zhang Yu looked down and looked at the woman's hand. Sure enough, the woman was holding something in her hand.

 It’s a knife, right? A knife used to cut throats.

He couldn't help but take a step back and then stopped.

Things have come to this point, and there is no need for him to regret: "Wait, before you kill me, I have a request."

 “Huh?” The female superior tilted her head.

"I want to talk to Ran Ran... I want to know why she chose this path!" Zhang Yu's voice trembled.

 However, the woman did not agree to him.

He only saw the woman raising her hand, and then his eyes went dark and he didn't know anything anymore.


 In the office, Yu Jiaming was stopped by Yu Xing.

"Han Zhiyong is not the murderer, who could he be?" Yu Jiaming wiped his face with his hands. After hearing Yu Xing's words, he also knew that he had been hasty and could only hold his breath and search for other possibilities in his mind. .

"If Han Zhiyong is not the murderer of the throat-slitting case, then he wants to kill Han Xinyi with Liu Ping's help because of his conflict with Han Xinyi. But if so, this is another separate case, and another one who wants to kill himself The person who blamed the murderer of the throat-cutting case has nothing to do with it!"

He said these words out loud. As he spoke, Yu Jiaming adjusted his mentality and forced himself to calm down.

With this calmness, Yu Jiaming thought of Yu Xing, who seemed to have everything expected so far.

He looked at Yu Xing, who was leaning against the door frame, and said in a deep voice: "But there is still a possibility that Han Zhiyong is the murderer. Why do you sound so sure? You already have an idea. ... Although it's a bit embarrassing, as a criminal police officer, I still I don’t know as much as you do, but now is not the time for me to be pretentious, Yu Xing, I’m asking you to tell me all your speculations.”

Yu Xing wanted to applaud Yu Jiaming’s decisiveness.

Not everyone has this kind of decisiveness to put aside face, especially those who have become the captain of the criminal investigation detachment at a young age. It is impossible to say that he does not have arrogance and self-confidence.

 The higher you are in a high position, the more accustomed you are to the flattery of others, and the less easy it is for you to put down your dignity and ask others.

Yu Jiaming did not get a reply from Yu Xing, so he added: "And, I promise you, I will never investigate you after the case is over."

"No matter why you participated in the investigation, what method you used to get this information, or where the source of the information is, I will not pursue it. Yu Xing, I will do what I say, please help me."

 After hearing what he wanted to hear, Yu Xing finally stood up straight.

 He smiled and said: "Okay."

"I'm not sure who the murderer is." Yu Xing took out his phone and clicked a few times, then raised his lips in Yu Jiaming's expectant eyes, "However, I should be able to provide you with the identity of the next victim. ”

"What? Do you know who the next victim is!?" Although he was vaguely prepared, Yu Jiaming was still shocked by Yu Xing's amazing efficiency, but the matter was urgent, so he immediately straightened his face and became serious, "Okay , I don’t ask you how you know, who is next, you tell me.”

Yu Xing turned the phone over and faced Yu Jiaming on the screen. The time on it showed 7:22.

His knuckled fingers pointed at a location on the map: "Nuo, follow this location to find him. This librarian named Zhang Yu should be the murderer's next target."

Yu Jiaming came over and took a look. It was actually a real-time positioning. The little red dot representing Zhang Yu was in the city, gradually moving towards the old city.

 Yu Jiaming: “…” Wait, the old city?

The captain of the criminal investigation detachment quickly rushed out of the office to issue an order. At the same time, he called Gao Changan and asked his deputy to drive to prepare to prevent the crime.

Yu Xing followed him unhurriedly, and at the same time clicked to return to the upper level interface. As a result, the name of the person who sent Zhang Yu's location to him was exposed.


 Hacker Zhu Yan.


 7:40 minutes.

Yu Xing was sitting in the back seat of the police car. Gao Changan was driving in the front seat, and Yu Jiaming was sitting in the passenger seat.

The trees outside the window kept receding, and the heavy rain beat on the car glass, leaving broken water droplets one after another, gradually connecting into one surface, and it was no longer possible to distinguish one drop from another.

The bright lights gradually faded and became farther and farther away. The drive from the city center to the outskirts of the city was a bit long and a bit boring.

His eyes were slightly closed, and he listened sleepily to the reports that had been coming from Yu Jiaming's cell phone since just now.

“Team Yu, Han Zhiyong is missing!”

“He should be at home today. We specially adjusted the surveillance to make sure he did not go out today, but when we rushed to his house, there was no one at home!”

“Team Yu, I don’t think he may have noticed our intention to arrest and absconded in fear of crime. After all, we just learned the inside story. It’s very likely that he is preparing to commit a crime now and has already gone to the crime location!”

Urgent or steady voices came out one after another. After Yu Jiaming replied one by one, he glanced at the navigation in front of Gao Changan, turned back and said to Yu Xing: "You are right, Zhang Yu's position has moved towards the old city. He was driving at a high speed, and like the victims in previous cases, no connection could be found between him and the old city.”

Gao Changan interjected: "...could it be too late?"

"No." Yu Xing rested his head on the back of the seat, releasing a reassuring force.

He actually knew who the murderer was, but in order to avoid being labeled by the police as "Okay, this kid has been using us from the beginning", he planned to let Yu Jiaming see the murderer's face himself.

The plot of this case will be over tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, a new script will be added.



 (End of this chapter)

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