Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 166: I'm the murderer, as you wish

Chapter 166 I am the murderer, as you wish

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and maybe it will stop soon, but at least for now, Gao Changan loves and hates the rain.

 Love, because of this rain, they had a chance to catch the murderer of the throat-slitting case.

Hate, because even if Yu Xing said it would not be too late, he was still worried that if he left late, another life would be lost in the hands of the murderer - which could have been avoided.

Especially when the small dot representing Zhang Yu on the positioning map stopped, Gao Changan's heart almost jumped out of his chest. Fortunately, after stopping for a few minutes, the dot started moving again.

 The mood is like riding a roller coaster.

Finally, their car drove outside the old city. There were more than just the three of them, and several police officers were driving over. Yu Xing looked at the time and reminded: "Be quiet, don't get discovered."

 You have to walk the rest of the way.

 Yu Jiaming and Gao Changan both had guns. Under normal circumstances, criminals could not escape. However, the throat-cutting case was weird from the beginning, which forced them to be more cautious.

The road under his feet was covered with broken bricks, steel bars, soil and garbage, and was full of potholes. The heavy rain obscured his vision. Gao Changan had already cursed several times, "This murderer really knows how to choose a place."

It was inconvenient to move around with an umbrella, so they chose half-length raincoats. Only Yu Xing was holding an umbrella that came out of the police station and followed the two detectives leisurely.

  Getting closer…

 The distance to Zhang Yu in positioning is getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, a beam of light trapped in the rain appeared in front of the three people. Holding the flashlight was a tall figure less than 1.8 meters tall.

Yu Jiaming lowered his head and checked on his mobile phone, and said excitedly: "It's Zhang Yu! Hide and follow him!"

 They followed Zhang Yu, clinging to the bunkers along the way, while searching for places where the murderer might be hiding.

Yu Xing raised a smile on his lips and followed suit. At this moment, his cell phone vibrated twice in his pocket.

Taking it out and taking a look, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

“Yu Xing, there will be a discount on tickets for the amusement park in the city tomorrow~ Can you go with me? My friends have to go to work on weekdays and can’t accompany me.”

   is a text message from Han Xinyi.


  8:10 minutes.

Han Xinyi curled her lips, lowered her head and poked at the screen of her phone, looking in a good mood.

 Around her, there were dust and cobwebs, as well as abandoned buildings that looked crumbling.

Different from where Ran Ran and the woman were, the place where Han Xinyi stayed was on a very high ground, and she had climbed several floors up, giving her a very wide view.

 Looking around, everything is devastated.

Han Zhiyong was standing behind her in a windbreaker. Seeing her immersed in her mobile phone, he couldn't help but ask, "What on earth are you doing?"

“Edit the text message!” Han Xinyi’s dimples deepened, “I want to invite the boy named Yu Xing to go to the amusement park together tomorrow.”


Han Zhiyong's expression was very subtle. He asked in disbelief: "Then you can go back and send it again. I'm afraid Zhang Yu will be here soon. It's time for you to take action. And... do you really like Yu Xing?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Han Xinyi smiled, her tone revealing the unique shyness and excitement of a girl, "How nice he is, good-looking, smart, and bold. The most important thing is, When I was chased by Liu Ping that day, I was really touched when he saved me. "

 “But he is the enemy of the organization!” Han Zhiyong frowned.

 “Enemy?” Han Xinyi still looked happy, but there was a chill in her eyes.

Her tone was light and gentle, but it made Han Zhiyong's back crawl with goosebumps: "That was... the first person to help me when I was hurt, uncle, even you haven't done that. ”

“It’s just killing two reserve members of the organization, it’s not a big deal. As long as he is with me, he is no longer an enemy of the organization, right?”

Han Zhiyong looked at the girl's face and closed his mouth.

Han Xinyi didn’t know that Liu Ping was recruited to kill her by using his ability to invade dreams. Otherwise, the two of them would not be able to stand here and talk calmly.

 Liu Ping failed completely, so it is better not to mention this topic less.

He closed his mouth, and the only sound in his ears was the pounding of the rain on the bricks. He took two steps forward, and Han Zhiyong looked down.

The old city is extremely desolate, especially the ruins area, which is worse than the garbage station and suburbs they went to before.

 What happened tonight is actually a bit strange.

His and Han Xinyi's initial plan was for Han Xinyi to go to the bookstore and use the natural advantages of beautiful women to attract Zhang Yu. When the time was right, Han Xinyi would use Han Xinyi's usual tricks - emotional influence and mental disorder to trick Zhang Yu into coming here, and then do the same as before. Kill all four at once.

Han Zhiyong has always played the role of an accessory.

However, because he unilaterally wanted to end this master-slave relationship, after noticing that Liu Ping had a tendency to imitate crimes, he used his own ability to invade Liu Ping's dream and put a ghost in the dream to force him to Liu Ping identified the murder target as Han Xinyi.

On the day when Han Xinyi planned to contact Zhang Yu for the first time, Liu Ping also took action, and things began to go in an uncontrollable direction. Han Xinyi certainly had the ability to kill Liu Ping, but Han Zhiyong's original intention was just to let Han Xinyi stay. The handles and traces gave him more control under the police's investigation.

 As a result, a Yu Xing was killed in the middle.

Han Xinyi fell directly.

 It is not accurate to say that it was a fall. At first, Han Xinyi regarded Yu Xing as an ordinary passerby. In order not to be exposed in front of Yu Xing, she pretended to be a weak, cute and well-behaved good girl.

 However, after being discharged from the hospital, Han Xinyi found out Yu Xing’s identity.

—It was Xing Xing who was mentioned by Ling Heng, a reserve member of the organization, when he came to her for help some time ago.

 So...Yu Xing was probably investigating the throat-cutting case, and saving Han Xinyi was just a matter of course.

What’s more, he stands on the opposite side of the Single Prism Organization. From a long-term perspective, he is a threat to both Han Zhiyong and Han Xinyi.

 Not to mention that the murderer of the throat-cutting case that Yu Xingcha investigated was originally Han Xinyi.

Han Zhiyong still remembers Han Xinyi’s expression when he learned Yu Xing’s true identity.

 Excitement, regret, relief, possessiveness, and finally the sweet smile of a yandere.

As Han Xinyi's uncle, Han Xinyi did not avoid Han Zhiyong in all her investigations, so he had a large amount of information.

He also knew what Han Xinyi had planned - knowing that Yu Xing was an enemy, to gain Yu Xing's heart and draw him into his own camp, or even join the organization.

 In layman's terms, it means to make Yu Xing betray him. But Han Zhiyong felt that instead of wasting this effort, it would be better to kill Yu Xing to avoid any complications along the way. This is also one of the conflicts between him and Han Xinyi. However, Han Xinyi has a higher status in the organization than him. As an uncle, he can only obey his niece in everything.

 In short, after Han Xinyi fell in love with Yu Xing, she stopped flirting with Zhang Yu and changed her inducement plan for Zhang Yu. She could only start with the people Zhang Yu cared about.

Zhang Yu likes a colleague named Ran Ran. They decided to kidnap Ran Ran and then use Han Zhiyong’s nightmare ability to force Zhang Yu to come obediently in worry and fear.

Han Xinyi left these two things to Han Zhiyong, but Han Zhiyong's nightmare ability can only be used once in a period of time. He has already placed it on Liu Ping, and he did not dare to tell Han Xinyi.

  When planning to kidnap Ran Ran, he unexpectedly discovered that Ran Ran was missing, as if someone had done what they wanted to do one step ahead.

 So, Zhang Yu actually came tonight, which was beyond Han Zhiyong's expectation.

 Because Han Xinyi thought that Zhang Yu had been suffering from nightmares recently, only Han Zhiyong knew that Zhang Yu had not encountered anything recently, but the little ghost he placed in Zhang Yu's community just told him that Zhang Yu had already gone to the old city.

 The strange thing is here. He sent a threatening text message to Zhang Yu fifteen minutes ago. The content of the text message was basically, Ran Ran is in his hands.

After all, Ran Ran disappeared, Zhang Yu was also very anxious, and Zhang Yu didn’t know who did it. Han Zhiyong used this reason to trick Zhang Yu, and coupled with the emotional influence exerted by Han Xinyi, the success rate was high.

 But Zhang Yu set off before he sent the text message.

This made Han Zhiyong extremely confused. Of course he knew that someone must be behind this, but... because of a certain mentality, he did not tell Han Xinyi all this.

If Han Xinyi could roll over and die here, it would be a good thing for him. He really hates this perverted niece more and more.

 He ​​and Han Xinyi are both deducers of the degenerate line. They are depraved and they never trust others, no matter how close they are.

“Uncle, look, Zhang Yu is already here.”

After Han Zhiyong reviewed the events of the past few days in his mind, Han Xinyi's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

He followed Han Xinyi's hand and saw a figure with a flashlight walking from a distance.

 Further behind, there are several hidden vague shadows.

The deducer's physical fitness and senses are better than ordinary people. Han Zhiyong saw the hiding person at a glance: "Zhang Yu is followed by someone else."

"I know, it's probably Uncle Gao and his good team leader~" Han Xinyi smiled and called the people in the Criminal Investigation Detachment very affectionately. She looked at them for a while and then said, "It is indeed them. There is another person who must be Good luck!"

Han Xinyi asked happily: "Yu Xing is really good. Only he can discover the clues so quickly. Uncle, do you think...Does Yu Xing already know that I am the murderer?"

Hearing that she still praised Yu Xing, Han Zhiyong sneered in his heart, but on the surface he was only worried: "What are you going to do if he finds out?"

"Of course..." Han Xinyi looked down. Zhang Yu had already approached, but the police and Yu Xing were still some distance away from Zhang Yu.

"Of course I killed Zhang Yu in front of him!" Her tone rose, obviously looking forward to what was about to happen, "Let him see the real me, he will fall in love with the most real me! "

 After saying this, Han Xinyi turned her back to the fracture point, opened her arms, and fell backwards.

 She was on the eighth floor, just like a free fall, letting herself fall from the eighth floor on her back.

Yu Xing, you came into contact with me because you suspected me, right?

 You want to see a depraved deducer, a crazy murderer, then, as someone who likes you, I will definitely get what you want.

There were layers of ghostly aura floating around her body, and Han Xinyi fell into an illusory state. Her jump made Zhang Yu nearby, Yu Jiaming, Gao Changan and Yu Xing in the distance clearly see her figure.

 “Someone jumped off the building!?” Gao Changan was shocked.

“No, that’s the murderer.” Yu Xing said quietly.

Gao Changan's eyes widened: "Why did the murderer jump off the building!?"

"It's not jumping off the building...look!" Yu Jiaming watched helplessly as the figure falling in the rain exploded into blood mist before touching the ground, and an unharmed girl walked out of the blood mist.

Just at this moment, a flash of lightning flashed across the gloomy sky, instantly turning the girl's body completely white.

He knew that face. Although he had never seen it with his own eyes, as an incident related to the throat-slitting case, he had observed photos of the "victim" several times during the investigation of Liu Ping.

That’s Han Xinyi, the victim of Liu Ping’s case!

 She...she exploded and started fighting again?

It was difficult for Yu Jiaming to understand this kind of thing that was beyond his cognition. However, when he saw the girl walking towards Zhang Yu with a knife in her hand, his sense of justice broke through the confusion and uneasiness, causing him to yell: "Zhang Yu" Yu! Run to us!"

 At the same time, he slapped Gao Changan and said, "Let's go and restrain the suspect!"

 The two of them ran towards Han Xinyi, holding guns in their hands.

“Han Xinyi, stop, or we will shoot!” Gao Changan raised his gun while moving, but Han Xinyi didn’t even look at him.

"If you are sure that you will not accidentally hurt others due to such a long distance and the resistance of wind and rain, just shoot, Uncle Gao~" She moved very fast and was already close to Zhang Yu as she spoke. She was silent about Zhang Yu's state. No surprise at all.

 Is it a sequelae of mental disorder?

Her emotional influence and her uncle's ghost in dreams have always been a very compatible pair of abilities. When the two are used properly, the prey will be more likely to enter the stage of mental disorder, as if it has lost its soul, and only knows how to walk in a trance following an obsession.

 She turned the knife in her hand and drew the blade towards Zhang Yu's neck.

 “Yu Xing~Have you seen it?”

 The girl's knife stopped in front of Zhang Yu's neck, and she suddenly laughed.

Yu Xing was holding an umbrella and walking in her direction calmly. When he heard this, he nodded: "I saw it."

Han Xinyi's eyes were shining with pure and beautiful light like stars. Her sweet voice was soft, as if she was coquettishly coquettishly talking to her lover: "Look, Yu Xing, if you want to know who the murderer of the throat-cutting case is, I will I came in front of you. You wanted me to be exposed to the police, so I pretended not to know your identity and fulfilled your wish. Can I be nice to you? "

Yu Xing also smiled and said gently: "Okay."

Yu Jiaming and Gao Changan felt ridiculous for a moment.

What the **** kind of conversation is this between mentally ill people!

 Forget it, Yu Xingyi, this person seems to have always been abnormal, but, **** it, when Han Xinyi is caught, she won't be exempted from punishment because of mental problems!

"You can't find anyone who treats you better than me, not even your girlfriend. I heard that she had a conflict with you and even slept in two rooms with you in the hotel. How could this be possible? Girlfriend, I can’t.”

Han Xinyi pushed Zhang Yu in front, blocking the angle from which Yu Jiaming and Gao Changan could shoot, and said seriously: "I will never find a boy I like so much, Yu Xing, wait until I kill Zhang Yu , kill these two idiot detectives, and we can be together, right?"

It’s not over yet…next chapter! immediately! It's almost over!



 (End of this chapter)

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