Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 167: The final step in layout

  Chapter 167 The last step of the layout

 Good guy, what a beautiful idea!

Yu Xing knew that she showed up openly and wanted to keep Gao Jiaming and Gao Chang'an in mind, but he didn't expect that Han Xinyi still wanted to be with him.

 As a member of a single prism, the brain circuit is extremely winding and can be called a nine-winding corridor.

I don’t know what she was thinking about him.

He coughed twice and declined politely: "You are overthinking, you are not my type."

"It doesn't matter, you will like it sooner or later." Han Xinyi seemed to have a deep obsession. She put the knife on Zhang Yu's neck and murmured softly.

 For a moment, the scene actually became balanced.

Yu Jiaming and Gao Changan continued to approach, Han Xinyi hijacked Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu remained motionless, and Yu Xing walked forward as if walking, talking to Han Xinyi.

“What’s going on with Zhang Yu? Is he stupid? Why didn’t he run away just now?” Yu Jiaming gritted his teeth in a low voice.

 Looking at Zhang Yu who was being held by Han Xinyi, he felt really hard to understand.

Yu Xing has sacrificed himself to delay time. After all, Zhang Yu is a grown man who is being kidnapped by a little girl. How can he not even resist?

"But I have a girlfriend." Yu Xing continued to chat along with Han Xinyi, so that the two detectives could get closer.

"Girlfriend...can your girlfriend understand you?" Han Xinyi sighed, looking at Yu Xing with a trace of inexplicable pity, "Can your girlfriend understand people like us? Do you want to Living a life of lies, being misunderstood, and being doubted? Yu Xing, we are the most suitable. I watched your live broadcast and we are the same kind of people."

 The deducer cannot tell ordinary people who have nothing to do with the absurd deduction, unless the ordinary person himself is involved in things related to the absurd.

The most people are affected by mapping deduction games, such as Yu Xing's qualification test. The abandoned factory is real. If an ordinary person accidentally broke in at that time and was lucky enough not to be killed by a ghost, he would have survived successfully. Finally, they can also receive relevant information about the absurd world, get the path to the next qualification test, and choose whether to become a deducer.

 There is another type, which is small environment inheritance.

For example, in the real Zhao family, Luo family, and Xu family, many young people in these families have already mastered some of the abilities that their elders brought from the game before entering the absurd deduction game, and have been accepting some kind of weird thinking since they were young. Education, such a person can also get the qualifying test route.

Han Xinyi obviously regards Yu Xing's "girlfriend" as an ordinary person. In the eyes of ordinary people, when playing a deduction game that consumes real time, the deduction players are equivalent to disappearing directly.

 For anyone, having a boyfriend who disappears from time to time, who doesn’t answer calls or text messages, would be filled with doubts.

Moreover, maybe one day, my boyfriend will die.

Therefore, if a Deducer wants to fall in love or even start a family, it is better to be with a companion who is also a Deducer. Although both people will be unstable and have a uncertain future, they can at least understand and encourage each other.

But Yu Jiaming and Gao Changan have nothing to do with the absurd world. Han Xinyi said this to Yu Xing in front of these two people without any scruples. Although it did not directly point out the existence of the game, it was already very clear.

Han Xinyi thought that she would kill these two people later, so she spoke without any scruples. However, Yu Xing wanted to protect the two detectives. Of course, he would not let Han Xinyi expose this, so he interrupted her: "You and I are not the same I'm a little smarter than you."

 “Well, you are the smartest!” Han Xinyi happily agreed.

The next moment, she turned her eyes away and looked at Yu Jiaming and Gao Changan who were getting closer and closer, and the corners of her lips curled up.

"Yu Xing, I didn't kill Zhang Yu right away because I wanted you to watch me kill. You will definitely like the feeling of a young life as beautiful as a gem disappearing in the blood."

Han Xinyi grabbed Zhang Yu's clothes behind his back, looking a little sick.

 From the first moment she saw Yu Xing, she felt that he was like a **** descending from the sky to save her.

But it is a pity that she is a rotten, invisible maggot in the mud. God is too far away for her, out of reach, let alone out of reach.

 What’s more, this **** is obsessed with finding out the murderer of the throat-slitting case.

 So...it is her wish to drag the gods down into the abyss and make them become devils like her.

Han Xinyi passed the knife in her hand, and Zhang Yu also leaned back to avoid the tip of the knife.

Sensing that she was not going to talk nonsense anymore, but was about to take action, Yu Jiaming yelled: "Stop! Enough is enough! Put down the knife and don't make any more mistakes!"

 He aimed at Han Xinyi despite the heavy rain in front of him, deciding that as long as she moved again, he would take the risk and shoot.

At this moment, Yu Jiaming suddenly felt that Zhang Yu seemed to look back at him.

Obviously he couldn't see the eyes clearly, but he felt inexplicably that there was no trace of fear in those eyes.

Just when Han Xinyi's knife was about to touch Zhang Yu's skin, Zhang Yu moved.

Yu Jiaming's pupils shrank and he saw Zhang Yu reaching out and holding Han Xinyi's wrist, then turned around, raised his leg and kicked forward.

With a "boom", even the heavy rain could not cover up the muffled sound. Han Xinyi flew back and hit the ground. The knife was knocked away and inserted into the cracks of the broken bricks.

Han Xinyi's smile froze on her lips, and then she frowned because of the severe pain in her stomach and back, and a painful groan escaped her throat.

Her back seemed to have been scratched by an exposed sharp object.


How could Zhang Yu have such great strength, and how could he have escaped the influence of mental disorder?

She clutched her stomach and climbed up. Yu Jiaming and Gao Changan took the opportunity to rush over and try to subdue her.

Han Xinyi ignored the two policemen and just stared at Zhang Yu with her big beautiful eyes.

  Zhang Yu’s eyes were indifferent, which was different from that gentle and rigorous librarian.

 Could it be... She was still wondering when she heard Zhang Yu speak.

 Under the familiar skin, the voice that spoke turned out to be a female voice.

“Yu Xing is right, you are indeed not as smart as him.”

What! ?

Han Xinyi's eyes showed a trace of cruelty, because she remembered this voice.

This was the voice of the "kind" female clerk at the front desk when she first went to that bookstore!

The female voice was so low that neither Yu Jiaming nor Gao Changan heard it except her. After saying this, "Zhang Yu" showed a mocking smile, suddenly turned around and ran away.

He ran in an unorganized manner, as if he was panicking after escaping from the hijacking. Yu Jiaming glanced at him and asked Gao Changan to chase him, while he raised his gun: "The hostages are gone, Han Xinyi, stop resisting, raise your hands! "

Han Xinyi quietly turned her head and looked at Yu Jiaming.

At this moment, Yu Jiaming suddenly felt cold all over his body.



 The ground beneath him was a hard concrete floor, and the surrounding air was damp and cold. Zhang Yu felt goosebumps rising on his body, which was freezing.

His whole body ached, and when he regained consciousness, he subconsciously raised his hand and touched his neck. Fortunately, it was intact and there was no big hole.

The next moment, a soft but tough female voice sounded in his ears: "Are you awake?"

Zhang Yu then opened his eyes and looked to the side blankly.

It’s Ran Ran, Ran Ran is sitting next to him with her legs bent, and he—

 He sat up suddenly and looked at himself blankly.

 There are no wounds, nor are they tied up, so they can move very freely.

 The only difference from before he fell into coma was that he no longer had his coat on, so he felt particularly cold.

What, what's going on... Zhang Yu looked at Ran Ran with wide eyes, one question mark after another popping up in his mind.

Memories from before he fell into coma came to mind. That weird woman clearly attacked him, so why didn’t he die?

Not only is he not dead, but now the woman is gone, and Ran Ran has not restricted his mobility, so you are not afraid that he will run away?

Ran Ran didn't say anything anymore, she just looked at him quietly, her eyes calm and calm.

 Zhang Yu couldn't help but ask: "Aren't you going to kill me?"

"Kill you?" Ran Ran repeated, "No, she knew you had mistaken her for the murderer, so she didn't bother to explain, so she used this excuse to lure you here."

Although he was still confused, Zhang Yu breathed a sigh of relief when Ran Ran explained to him in a normal tone.

 If you have a choice, who doesn’t want the girl you like not to fall into the abyss?

"Ahem, I..." Zhang Yu glanced at Ran Ran again, and with Ran Ran's expression showing no emotion, he tentatively asked, "Can I ask you a few questions now?"

Ran Ran still held a flashlight in her hand, and the light from her flashlight illuminated the air faintly, as if it was unable to reach its target.

  She said: "Okay."

Zhang Yu perked up and sat up subconsciously: "She... who is she... you are talking about? Why did you trick me into coming here? Is she the murderer in the throat-slitting case? Is she the one who threatened me? Also Where have you been lately?"

 Questions popped up one after another, slowly lowering his eyelids, and his eyelashes cast a shadow on his eyelids.

She organized her words and replied thoughtfully: "She is not the murderer of the throat-cutting case, but a good person who is willing to help me."

"Zhang Yu, I want to thank you for coming, whether it's to save me or to get an answer from me. In short, I thought I was not so important."

"She said that your personality is very suitable for being exposed to these... these absurd things. She also said that whether it is because of feelings or curiosity, you will come." Ran Ran pursed her lips, and finally showed a smile, " Anyway, since you are willing to come, I should trust you more and tell you the truth."

"My surname is Zeng. You usually call me Ran Ran without mentioning my surname. Therefore, you must not know that the third victim in the throat-slitting case, Zeng Chaoyun, is my biological brother."

Zhang Yu opened his mouth unexpectedly, but in the end he made no sound and chose to listen in silence.

“My brother and I grew up together, and we have a really good relationship. After my brother was killed, I hated the murderer, but I had no ability to take revenge and watched the fourth deceased appear.”

"Until that day, she and another man came. They said that they had roughly confirmed the murderer and also knew who the murderer's next target was—yes, it was you. And to catch the murderer, I need my Cooperate."

"The first time we cooperated was when I lied about being sick and asked her to go to work instead of me. They knew that the murderer would approach you in the name of reading, so she stood at the front desk, paying attention to every move of the murderer, and even asked the murderer to go back and get ten With just one dollar, I replaced the murderer’s umbrella.”

“Wait a minute!” Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn’t help but interrupt Ran Ran, “Could it be that the murderer you are talking about is...that girl with a sweet smile!?”

“That’s her, her name is Han Xinyi.”

"So that woman...how should I call her? That kind-hearted woman who seemed to be very capable. When she said I was good-looking, she was actually reminding me that I was being targeted by the murderer?" Zhang Yu recalled it and almost understood what happened. Woman writing on wooden frame.

 “You are next” is also reminding him, because the next moment he saw this line, the girl with a sweet smile walked in!

"But..." He was a little confused about something in Ran Ran's words, "Why do you need to change the umbrella?"

"Hmm... I don't know if you can accept the concept of the supernatural." Ran Ran seemed a little embarrassed. She thought for a moment, as if she was thinking about how to say it to be accepted.

Finally, she gave up: "Just by getting Han Xinyi's umbrella, she can use some special abilities to grasp Han Xinyi's movements. For example, today, she learned that Han Xinyi planned to kill you here tonight, so she first I tricked you into coming here. Your phone was hacked by her companion, so you didn’t receive the message Han Xinyi sent you.”

Zhang Yu imagined that as an intellectual, he should not believe in this kind of "witchcraft" that allows one to know the owner's movements by taking an object, but reading supernatural novels all year round made him accept it well.

 He had no choice but to ask: "So, what's the point of tricking me into coming here?"

Ranran blinked: "Because Han Xinyi also has a way of keeping track of your movements. She saw a kid near your house."

 Little, little devil! ?

Zhang Yu shrank back, and before he knew it, Ran Ran had become a person who could talk about these things as if it was nothing...

Ran Ran continued: "So you have to come out before Han Xinyi will be fooled. Moreover, if you come out, the police will think that the victim they see is you."

"She wants to use your appearance to be attacked by Han Xinyi in front of the police. This way, she can hide her own existence, give the police actual evidence, and protect you from harm. Well...your coat was stolen by her Weared away."

 Zhang Yu: I thank her. It’s really cold.

Also, by wearing a coat, can others mistake her for me? Although I am not tall and she is not short, but...could it be possible that in addition to witchcraft, she can also disguise herself? ? ?

"As for myself... I did something else recently, and after I came back, I stayed in the hotel where she was, so you can't find me. And... after accepting some kind of absurd setting, for a while, I also I'm not in the mood to pay attention to your concerns. I'm sorry for making you worry." Ran Ran apologized and looked at Zhang Yu's face, and couldn't help but feel a little relieved when she found that he seemed to be able to accept it.

 After a while, Zhang Yu, after digesting all the information, became confused: "I still want to know, what is that woman's name?"

Ran Ran hesitated for a moment: "I know what you are thinking. She does have the ability to disguise herself. Not only can she pretend to be you, but even when she goes to work in a bookstore, she doesn't use her original appearance. According to her own words, her name is…"

 “Qu title Qing.”


A deducer of the Fallen Line may not be able to dodge bullets, but it is also easy to incapacitate the person holding the gun before the bullet comes out.

Han Xinyi obviously had murderous intentions towards Jiaming. Under her feet, wisps of death aura spread and surged towards Yu Jiaming.

Yu Jiaming couldn't see this aura, but felt that his whole body had become colder, and the alarm bells in his heart were ringing. Facing this weak-looking little girl, he actually felt a sense of crisis that he had never experienced before.

Yu Xing took a step forward and drew out part of the power of the curse to offset the death aura. However, due to the activation of the curse in his body, the unbearable pain swept over him again.

His face was pale. At this point, everything he wanted the police to see has been done.

 The only thing left is to use the deducer's method to give Han Xinyi the ending he deserves.

 He does not make mistakes, so the current situation is exactly what he guided step by step.

Yu Xing put his hand into his pants pocket and touched a small piece of cold stuff - it was the prop he had always brought with him, Alice's ruby.

 Shortly after he was successfully promoted to the differentiation level, the system had already reminded him.

 【You have met the conditions for triggering this item, and you can use this item to enter the differentiation-struggle level deduction game "Alice Hell" at any time】

 【This prop is a one-time prop and disappears after use】

[Note: Due to the special significance of Alice Hell, when this item is triggered, in addition to the triggerer, the seven closest players who have not played a game within five days will also be forced into the differentiation level (the highest is mourning level) deductions. By】

  【Note: Alice Inferno is a comprehensive deduction game, with confrontation accounting for 40%, mapping accounting for 40%, and role-playing accounting for 20%. Entering the deduction does not consume real time]

This is the last key point that Yu Xing used to complete this layout.

Just when Han Xinyi showed a sick smile and planned to let the immobile Yu Jiaming go to Huangquan Road, Yu Xing thought silently in his heart.

 “Confirm the use of the item, Alice’s ruby.”

 The gem in his hand began to heat up, bringing a faint warmth to Yu Xing's body that was extremely cold due to the riot of cursed aura in his body.

 The next moment, deduction prompts appeared in his mind.

  【The deduction game "Alice in Hell" will be launched soon】

  【Calling deducers】

 【The summons is completed, in order to protect the triggerer, the summoning order has been disrupted】

 【Participant list: Gambler, Evil Ghost, Lucky, Throat-slitter, Huangbai, Hysteria, Huai, Baimian】

Han Xinyi obviously heard these hints. She suddenly looked over at Yu Xing, and then her smile grew bigger and bigger.

 “Are you trying to kill me out of absurdity?”

“Great, you and I are indeed the same kind of people. I like you...fortunately.”

A five thousand word chapter! There are also some unexplained details of the throat-cutting case, which will be written in the copy of Alice Hell. Bai Bai, Zhen, and Huai are all characters that readers want. Their personalities and abilities are very distinctive, and they are very suitable for the new dungeon of all villains ~ I wish you all a happy time in Alice Hell ~ (ω)



 (End of this chapter)

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