Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 109 The kind of being beaten by a ghost (2)

The ghost in red was hanging on the tree and couldn't help but look at Shen Wan who was sitting on the steps of the police station. She looked over and found that Shen Wan was also staring at her unblinkingly, always feeling something strange.

She is obviously a ghost, or a ghost, why is that little girl not only not afraid of her, but also smiles at her, even molesting her.

Having been a ghost for so many years, it was the first time she encountered such a strange thing.

It wasn't that she hadn't noticed that Shen Wan had the breath of a ghost hunter on her body, and she couldn't ignore the rich ghost hunter charm.But she still thinks something is wrong, she is not afraid of those ghost catchers at all, and she knows that she is only half-hearted.

Such a half-hearted ghost hunter, she can kill ten with one punch!

She is strangely Shen Wan. Didn't she mean that the ghost hunter is jealous of evil and is incompatible with ghost power?

However, ghost hunters also have places they will not touch. For example, here, the ghosts lingering outside the police station are all grievances with grievances, and they are also concerned about the world's unwillingness to leave.As long as they don't go out and do evil, ghost hunters generally won't eat too much and come over to make trouble.I heard that ghost hunters believe in cause and effect. There are no evil spirits, and if they kill too many, they will be retributed.

She didn't know how many years she had been here, and her memories of the past had long been vague, and she still remembered her name.Last name is Qin, first name is Ying.She didn't know why she died and why she didn't report to the underworld.In short, every time the ghost door opened wide, she never thought of stepping into that door.

"You want to sit down and talk?"

When Qin Ying was in deep thought, she suddenly heard Shen Wan's words. After observing for so long, she also thought that Shen Wan should not be the kind of ghost hunter who hates ghosts.After hesitating for a moment, she floated over, landed beside Shen Wan, and sat down next to her.

"Are you a ghost hunter?"


Qin Ying felt the trembling of the little ghosts around him, and asked, "Are you here to catch them?"


When the surrounding kids heard this, Qi Qi heaved a sigh of relief. It turned out that it was not here to catch them.Although the ghost hunter has an unconventional agreement, don't touch the ghosts that wander outside the police station without harming people.Can't stop some grumpy ghosts who hate ghosts will attack them.

They weren't as powerful as Qin Ying, and they might lose their souls when they met ordinary ghost hunters.

Now that Shen Wan was not here to catch them, the little ghosts also relaxed.Under the steps, he sat in several rows obediently, as if he was planning to listen to Shen Wan's story.Since becoming a ghost, except for wandering here, basically no one can find their existence.

The bit of resentment and unwillingness in my heart can support them till now.Most of these people were killed or in vain.Staying here is just for the final result. When the real murderer is caught by the police and convicted, then they can go to the underworld to report with confidence.

They will not be reconciled to go to the underworld unless they find the real murderer.

"Then it's so late, aren't you afraid of any danger? Still wandering in the street."

"There have been a lot of ghosts, what could be more dangerous than this?"

Qin Ying propped his chin with one hand, "Why are you still swinging outside so late? My name is Qin Ying. I am a fierce ghost, but I have not harmed anyone. I can still control my temper. What is your name?"

"My name is Shen Wan, I am a ghost hunter," Shen Wan glanced at Qin Ying, "I only catch bad ghosts, not good ones and harmless. I can't catch beautiful ghosts. You plan to raise it, do you want me to raise it? If you want to tell me, all the evil spirits I will catch will be eaten by you."

Unexpectedly, he was molested by a ghost hunter again, and Qin Ying glared at him, "Are the ghost hunters the same as you?"

"Of course it's not the same."

Shen Wan said with certainty, "I am the youngest and cutest ghost hunter. Other ghost hunters don’t make friends with ghosts. I am different. Not only can I be friends with ghosts, but I can also marry ghosts. Anything is acceptable. Believe it or not, there is no second one in this world."

Qin Ying: Why does it involve getting married again? Is it uncomfortable to talk without taking advantage of her?

Little ghosts: This ghost hunter seems to be a little different. That mouth looks like a pyramid scheme.With the ability to flicker, they are really afraid that Lord Ghost King will be fooled back home by the other party, and who will cover them at that time.

This ghost hunter is really good at deceiving ghosts!They are a little scared.

"Actually, I didn’t want to go out and wander around so late. I have no relatives, and I just broke off my engagement with a fiancé who fell in love with ghosts. I walked too anxiously. I forgot that I didn’t have money. I couldn’t even think of this hotel. ."

"Didn't you mean that ghost hunters are so rich? My lord, why are you so poor?" The kid who sat down couldn't help asking, "When I was alive, I listened to my boss. He invited one. The master ghost hunter went home to exorcise evil, and the first red envelope sealed was 500,000."

"Yeah, I also know one. A peace charm of that master ghost hunter is 50,000 yuan each."

"If you ask Guanyin, it will start at 200,000 less."

"I've heard of a rich man who also raises a ghost hunter, and gives him 5 million every year. I drop a good boy. The money is like paper. You can just do nothing with your mouth."

Then countless little ghosts stared at Shen Wan with wide eyes. Everyone is a ghost hunter, why would you look at her so poorly.

"Yeah, why are you so poor? You said that you want to raise me. Are you so poor, can you afford it?" Qin Ying couldn't help but question. She couldn't find the place where she lived. She wanted to raise her. She is so good. Raised?

Shen Wan puffed her cheeks angrily, "That's because I just came to a big city, and I didn't have the rules to adapt to the big city. And my kindness that is not obliterated, and some can't bear to fool others' small money. You wait, I will soon. I can get rich. I'm a ghost hunter, isn't it a matter of minutes to make money?"

Speaking of this, Shen Wan remembered that she was still in school now, like a high school student, right?Today is exactly Saturday, so I really have to get some money early.At her age, few people would believe Feng Shui.Helping people catch ghosts, not every household will happen to have ghosts.

She felt that Qin Ying, including all the little ghosts, looked suspicious and didn't explain much. She was really capable of catching ghosts.But no one asked her, and she was not well-known, and indeed she couldn't make any money.

"By the way, why are you wandering here and not leaving? I don't think there is any evil in your body. It is better to wait for the next time the ghost gate opens and go to the underworld to line up for reincarnation."

"If you can give me money, I can open the door to ghosts for you. Now you can go to the underworld. But you seem to be ghosts. There is no way to give me money. Do you still have family members? Give them dreams. Well, just say you want to report to the underworld, and you have to ask a very powerful master to help open the ghost gate, but it takes effort to open the ghost gate. Let them give me a bit of luck."

The expressions of the little ghosts are hard to express. Sure enough, the mouths of ghost hunters will be fooled. They are fooled when they are human, and they will be fooled when they become ghosts.

"Although it sounds tempting, we don't want to go to the underworld for the time being." It was a middle-aged male ghost who was speaking. During the course of speaking, his belly had become bloody, as if he had been stabbed countless times by a knife, he pointed out He said, "I was stabbed to death in the middle of the night. It is ridiculous. The other party not only stabbed me to death, but also occupied my beautiful wife. No, it should be said that the two of them both wanted me inside and outside. Life. As a result, they concealed it so well that the police did not discover their abnormality at all. So if I did not catch them one day, I would not report to the underworld. I will be here and wait for a result."

"It is said that the current grandmother cannot be supported. If you are supported, you may be taken advantage of. But not all the old people in the world are people who want to take advantage. I have never harmed a person in my life, and I never thought I would Encountered such a thing," a gray-haired old woman and ghost sat down and sighed. "My business is very simple. When I came back from a walk one day, I was knocked down by a man in a battery car and broke my calf. In addition, I was too old. Toss. The other party heard that the medical expenses were relatively high, so they changed my mind when they sent me to the hospital. They kindly helped me up and sent me to the hospital. There was no camera at the scene of the accident, and no witnesses. Everyone thought it was my old lady who wanted to blame. That young man riding a battery car."

"In order to get justice back to me, my husband and the other party also became ill. Everyone on the Internet thought it was me, a vicious old woman, who blackmailed each other. My wife and children will be pointed out wherever they go. Even the nurses in the hospital were very indifferent to us, saying that we were crazy about money."

"However, that young man really ran into the old woman, but no one believed it. Facing the huge medical bills, I really don’t want to drag down my wife and commit suicide. Thinking about it now, I still regret it. This man is alive, maybe There is always a way to get justice. Who knows that people will really become ghosts after death. I stay here because I can’t worry about my wife. He will come to ask every weekend if there is any new progress in the case. Second I want to wait for justice. Don’t ask for other things, just ask for the truth to surface, and give me justice, so that my old man can be quieter. When he gets old and can’t live anymore, we will go to the underworld to report together.”

Then the other little ghosts all said why they didn't want to go to the underworld to report. They were more or less wronged and didn't want to leave.

"I do not remember."

When Shen Wan asked Qin Ying, she shook her head, "It's been too long, and the memory of the past has long been blurred."

It was dawn, and people from the police station had come to work.They saw it at a glance. Shen Wan sitting on the steps, seeing that she was only a teenager, came over and asked her out of kindness.

"I'm fine." Shen Wan stood up and rubbed his numb legs, "Excuse me, if I know the clues to the case, is there a bonus?"

Clues to the case?


Xu Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Little girl, what did you find?"

"Actually, I have many cases you haven't solved here. If there is a bonus, we can sit down and talk slowly."

Xu Cheng naturally didn't believe it. Shen Wan thought for a while and said, "I know something about the 623 burglary case. In fact, this is not a burglary case, but a murder case involving both inside and outside."

Xu Cheng looked more serious. The case was really tricky, and no evidence was found.They had suspected this situation, but they couldn't find any doubts in that woman.Especially on the day of the incident, the other party went back to her family's home, and there were witnesses from her family's family, waiting for a series of monitoring, which can exclude her from participating.

"In that case, if you can provide useful clues and catch the murderer, the bonus will be 100,000."

This little girl Xu Cheng didn't know him, he actually didn't believe the other party would really provide any useful clues.But as a member of the police station, he will not turn a bit over.

"Okay, one hundred thousand is it."

Shen Wan's eyes lit up. When Xu Cheng thought she was going to say something, she saw the stall outside selling hand-made cakes, and hurriedly bought one to eat.After eating two bites, he said to Xu Cheng, “The murderer is the fool next door. If you don’t believe me, you can send someone to see. That fool is not stupid. He and the victim’s wife used to be childhood sweethearts, and they fell in love when they were young. , Was found to be blocked by both parents. The fool hated his parents so much. After he fell ill that day, he simply pretended to be a fool and planned to eat the old for the rest of his life, making his parents regret it. Later, the victim’s wife got married and the fool’s family moved there. Opposite them, and... and then you should know."

Xu Cheng felt unbelievable, and couldn't help but ask this little girl who was eating cakes, "Why are you so clear?"

"The victim told me last night," Shen Wan was about to touch her business card, and her pocket was empty before she remembered that she hadn't had time to print the card, so she said, "Forgot to introduce, I am a psychic. I can talk to everything. Ghost communication, the victim was unwilling to be killed. I passed by here last night and he cried and begged me to make the decision with him."

Middle-aged male ghost: He did not cry!Did not ask!!

Xu Cheng thought that Shen Wan was talking nonsense, so he told her to go back and study hard every day, then turned and walked into the police station.But Shen Wan quickly stuffed a note to him, "My phone, if the murderer is caught, remember to give me the bonus, Mr. Officer, you are the most selfless, shouldn't you embezzle my bonus?"

Xu Cheng was a little angry about this, he was not that kind of person.

"Little girl, you are still young. Go back and study. There are no ghosts in this world. You have to believe in science."

Xu Cheng was a little angry, so he didn't want to get angry with a little girl, and he really entered after a few words.

Back to the position, he still couldn't help thinking about what Shen Wan said, and finally asked someone to secretly check the relationship between the fool next door and the woman.

He said that he will not let go of any clues, what if it is true?It is impossible to miss an opportunity to know the truth because of his arbitrary decision.

"Master, will Police Officer Xu believe it?" The middle-aged male ghost asked expectantly, "He doesn't look like he doesn't trust you much, so he wants you to go back and study hard."

"Even if he doesn't believe it, the seeds have already been planted, he will definitely suspect the fool next door and send someone to stare at him. Don't worry, the police officer is a good person and can help you redress."

"hope so."

Shen Wan gnawed at the cake, Qin Ying sat beside her, staring at the cake without blinking, "Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious." Shen Wan said with a smile, and licked the corners of her lips. "It's delicious, it's delicious."

Qin Ying: "..."

188: You will have no daughter-in-law like this.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Grenade]: Yu Cong's life push, 0.01 smog;

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: 17326683, Yu Cong Lifelong Push, 1 mango fruit.sai;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

joker823543 57 bottles; 46 bottles of fish and green onion in life; 10 bottles of cp and maki from the whole network; 9 bottles of Jiuwei; 5 bottles of Lishang; 3 bottles of Yuanshang; 2 bottles of Jihuai; 1 bottle of Muhe and Yanyouhuang

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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