Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 110 The kind of being beaten by a ghost (3)

Qin Ying watched Shen Wanjiang grabbing cakes, braised eggs, and a cup of soy milk cleanly, and looked very enjoyable.

During this period, Shen Wan had been sitting under the big tree next to the police station, and the people inside could see the little girl coming and going.There were also some police officers who came up and kindly asked Shen Wan if he needed help, then listened to what she said and left with a weird expression.

"Boss, is the little girl out there mentally abnormal?" A certain police officer came to Xu Cheng's desk and asked in a low voice. What he asked was not insulting at all, she was really confused. Isn't Wan having a bad brain, or why would he say those godlike things to him?

Xu Cheng was helping to check the information all morning. He suddenly heard the question from the person under his hand and raised his head, "Who are you talking about?"

"Who else could it be? The little girl who is still a little cute sitting under the big tree outside our police station. When I came here before, I thought she was in trouble. I went up and asked her. What's going on, guess what?"

Xu Cheng had already recalled it, and said with a straight face, "She said she is a psychic, able to communicate with ghosts, and asked if you have a bonus for solving the case, right?"

"Ah, Boss, you know about it. Shall we inform her parents and ask someone to take her back? You should study hard at school at a young age. It is not advisable to engage in this kind of superstition. . We have to believe in science, right?"

Xu Cheng didn't respond, but changed the subject, "Is there any progress in the small five, 623 robbery case? It's been three months."

"No, I didn't have the slightest clue from the beginning. All those who should be suspicious have ruled out the suspicion." Xiao Wu put away the hippie smiling face before, and his tone was a bit heavy. "I had always wondered if this matter was in conflict. Does the victim’s wife have anything to do, but the other party has proof of her absence in those few days, and her social life is very simple. Neighbors in the neighborhood say that she is a very gentle woman and has a good relationship with the victim. A neighbor knows about her plan to get pregnant. A woman who is going to give birth to her husband says that nothing can harm her husband, right?"

"Why, boss, do you have news here?" Xiao Wu reacted and asked excitedly. Since entering this industry, he has solved countless cases, but countless cases have become mystery, and can only be distressed. Give up temporarily.There are more and more mysteries accumulated, and he is unable to redress the victim's injustice. He is also very uncomfortable. He has long been no longer in the spirit of just entering this line. Every day he thinks about where there are clues, where to start, and who It is a doubtful person, when can the real murderer be brought to justice.

Xu Cheng didn't answer Xiao Wu directly, but said, "I have some thoughts, I have sent someone to follow them, and the results will be in a week at most."

What Xu Cheng thought was that if the fool next door was not a fool, he was pretending, and he still had that kind of relationship with the victim's wife.The case took place for another three months, and the two of them were almost relaxed, and a week was enough time for him to discover something.He sent two groups of people out, one group stared at the fool, and the other group checked the relationship between the fool and the victim's wife.Regarding the latter, there should be news soon, and the news revealed by the little girl outside is already very detailed.

At noon, Shen bent out of his pocket with ten dollars and bought a bowl of small noodles from a roadside stall.She squatted under the tree, eating noodles fragrantly, Qin Ying's eyes almost stuck to her.

Shen Wan noticed, "This is small noodles, it's delicious."

Qin Ying's expression froze. She has been here for so long, and of course she knows that this is a small face, so she doesn't need to talk about it.

Is it just that the smell really smells so good?

As a ghost king who has not known for many years, Qin Ying would definitely not ask anything, she would especially like to taste the small noodles.

Shen Wan could see that Qin Ying's coveted eyes and the desire in those eyes could not be covered up.At this, she secretly smiled.

Qin Ying seemed to feel it, and said with a cold face, "Now you have less than 20 yuan left on your body. According to the information you provided, it will take about three days to solve the case even if the fastest time is to apply for a bonus. It takes more than half a month. And you, you only have less than 20 yuan left." Qin Ying emphasized that she wanted Shen Wan to understand that she has no money, so don't always buy these foods in front of her. show off.

Humans really hate it the most. They always like to set up stalls on the side of the street to sell this kind of delicious food. The way they eat food is also super annoying, rushing and eagerly reborn like a starving ghost.She suspected that all humans in this world were born of starving ghosts.

Shen Wan quickly finished eating the noodles, took out the phone and clicked on it. Qin Ying was curious and couldn't help but leaned over to take a look.She knows that this is called a mobile phone, and basically everyone has it. Although her own memory is very vague, she can be sure that there was no such thing as a mobile phone in her age.

"Do you know what this is?"

Shen Wan clicked on a certain page, "Look at the numbers on it."

Qin Ying glanced, her eyes widened, "2000 yuan?"

"Yes, my XX has 2000. On Monday, I went to the school to apply for a dormitory from the teacher, and I spent a small amount of money to live there. Ah, sure enough, the school is very friendly to students. The school cafeteria It’s cheap, and it’s okay to just support it for a month or two. I’m a ghost hunter. Can’t I get any money in two months? Just say that the police secretly will be destroyed soon. One hundred thousand yuan is in hand."

Qin Ying curled her lips, somewhat boring.

"So now I can not only eat a bowl of small noodles, because I don't feel full, I can also eat another bowl."

Under Qin Ying's incredible gaze, Shen Wan took ten dollars and went to the food stall before, choosing to sit down and eat there.It was a joy to eat, Qin Ying endured, and finally floated to Shen Wan's side, staring at her without blinking.

"Really delicious?"

"really tasty."

Shen Wan had finished drinking the soup, and licked the corners of her lips, "Very delicious."

"Want to eat?"

Qin Ying subconsciously replied, "I want to eat it." She has never eaten these things before, and there is no way for human ghosts to eat delicious things.

Even those sacrificed to them by humans cannot be eaten.

The reason why ghosts can get things that move humans is because they need their own soul power.

Ordinary ghost knowledge can undoubtedly float, slowly drifting to the underworld, if you encounter a powerful evil spirit in the middle, there will be life concerns.

And for a ghost with powerful spirit power like her, there is no problem with solidity, and it's easy to take human things.But human food can be eaten, but she still has no way to taste it.So after saying that she wanted to eat, she still regretted it a little, it was too embarrassing, this thing is not something she can eat if she wants to eat it.

When Qin Ying came back to her senses, she realized that Shen Wan was missing.She hurriedly searched around and saw Shen Wan running from a grocery store, and quickly floated over, "Where have you been?"

"Spent the last few dollars."

Shen Wan bought a pair of scissors and a lighter at the grocery store.She went back to the big tree, paper and pen. The paper was yellow paper, which was the kind of paper used to make phantom coins.

Qin Ying held her cheeks and looked at it, and found that Shen Wan had actually drawn a hand holding a cake with a pen on yellow paper.Don't say it, it's really like it.

"I will do it for the time being, and I will make you better when I get the money." When Shen Wan took the pen, the hand cake on the paper seemed to flash, and Qin Ying had misread it.

Just waited for Shen Wan to cut the pie in that hand with scissors, and then wrote on the back of the pie: Burn it to Qin Ying.

Finally, Shen Wan took out the lighter, and burned the pie with the painted hand, blocking her face.

Qin Ying thought that Shen Wan was playing tricks on her at first. She had been a ghost for so long. She had seen burning paper clothes, paper cars, paper houses, paper maids, and had never seen burning paper biscuits.But as the painted hand cake was gradually burnt and destroyed, there was a hot hand cake in her hand.

Qin Ying was stunned.

The kids around were also stunned.

They gathered around and looked at Qin Ying enviously.Oh my god, it's really hot and fragrant hand cake.Since becoming ghosts, even if they can swallow human food, their sense of smell and taste seem to disappear, and they can't feel the beauty of food at all.

Even if it is the meat and wine used by their relatives to commemorate them, they tasteless tasteless. Over time, they no longer want the delicious food they used to.

They hadn't smelled this scent for a long time, especially those who had been ghosts for a long time.

Feeling their desire, Qin Ying quickly grabbed the cake and took a quick bite. The moment she bit down, her eyes lit up.Immediately afterwards, under the eager gazes of many little ghosts, she quickly ate the cakes in her hands, and finally looked at Shen Wan with expectant eyes.

"Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious, it's delicious." Qin Ying's cheeks were a little flushed, ashamed of the thought that Shen Wan was playing tricks on her, "I have nothing for you."

"Just be my daughter-in-law." Shen Wan strikes while the iron is hot. "Being my daughter-in-law, I will have everything in the future. I will paint for you what I want."

Qin Ying struggled. A generation of ghost kings wanted to be the daughter-in-law of a ghost hunter for the sake of appetite. Isn't it a shame to say it?

"You can think about it. I will still provide you with food during this period. If you can't become a wife, it's actually good to be good friends."

Qin Ying breathed a sigh of relief and nodded seriously, "I will consider this matter carefully."

The little ghosts around shook their heads. Did the ghost king fall for a piece of cake?

188: Have you heard of a liar?This is a lie!

Three days later, Shen Wan was cleaning in the classroom and received a call from Xu Cheng.

"Shen Wan, are you free?"

"Is it about the bonus?" Shen Wan quickly threw the broom to the ground and asked happily, "Have you applied for the bonus?"

Xu Cheng almost choked to death, still saying, “It takes time to apply for the bonus. Don’t worry, it’s all your credit for solving this case. I just have other things to ask you.”

"Okay, do you have rice? I am very poor recently."

I am dying of poverty, and raising a ghost wife is also very expensive.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Ying floated in front of Shen Wan, with brighter eyes than Shen Wan, "Is it because Officer Xu Cheng is going to give you a bonus? You said before that you want to buy me some better paper and draw some food. Give it to me, isn’t it true? He said he would buy nice clothes and give me beautiful flowers."

Now Qin Ying is wearing a sleeveless dress. It is white. It looks immortal. It was bought by Shen Wan in the mall, treated with special treatment, and then burned to Qin Ying.The process of making clothes with paper is very complicated, so it is better to buy ready-made ones and burn them to Qin Ying.

"I am your wife now."

"You said you want to raise me."

"There are many beautiful skirts in the mall."

"Soon we will have money."

Shen Wan: "..." Yes, this ghost has no morals at all, and for the sake of a nice dress, he betrayed his soul decisively.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: 26606844, 33900610, 1 wit Xiaofanfan;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

?5 bottles; 1 bottle of bamboo, cp to, and Yanyouhuang from the entire network;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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