Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 115 The kind of being beaten by a ghost (8)

Yu Shuang has nothing to say. In fact, he is not too young, and his girlfriends of his age do not know how many he has changed.

But he wanted to grow up to be a hero like his father. He didn't have time to fall in love at all, so he regretted it.

Shen Wan saw Yu Shuang’s regret and comforted, “In the future, investigate the case carefully. Although you are dead, no one can stop you from glowing. Yu Shuang, you look so handsome, and you are very beautiful female ghosts like. That’s right. , You will come in and out through the gate in the future, those ghosts are all under the jurisdiction of my house Yingying."

Yu Shuang did not refute. If you can meet a beautiful female ghost who can see the right eye, it would be good to fall in love.

"Then, the three of you will follow me in the future. Anyway, you will have to line up in a long line to go to the underworld. No one will not be able to cast a baby for hundreds of years. It is better to shine in the world and stay with your relatives. Now yours Identity, investigating a case is easy, right?"

The three ghost police officers nodded quickly, and they did the same.

Originally they were still regretting, but now that they have been bent, they don't have to worry about wasting their efforts, and even a little excited, the blood pouring out of their chests seems to have brought them back to the beginning.

At this time, Shen Wan's cell phone rang, she picked it up, and asked with a smile, "Officer Xu? Is my prize money down?"

"Well, the bonus has already been taken...it should be paid soon, you remember to check it, there are still some things I won't say much today, by the way, let's make an appointment on Saturday and let's talk about the next case."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Wan saw three ghost police officers looking at her eagerly. Among them, Chen Darong asked, "Is that the kid Xu Cheng?"

"Yes, the cases I take over are for Officer Xu. Two cases have been solved before. I just interrupted and asked me to get the bonus."

Hearing this, the three Chen Darong were really relieved, thinking that they could always cooperate with Shen Wan, and they could investigate the case as much as possible.

Turning into a ghost, it seems to be no different from a person.

It didn't take long before Shen Wan received the message that the money had arrived.She put away her mobile phone and took Qin Ying's hand, "How about telling him about you when I went to see Officer Xu on Saturday?"

The three of Chen Darong were naturally very happy. Since Xu Cheng had already believed that there were ghosts in the world, it was good to know their existence.It will be easier to do something at that time.

"Wanwan, we have money." Qin Ying glanced at Shenwan's phone.

Shen Wan didn't understand why, "Then let's go to the mall first, and come back before dark. For the part that is distributed to the other little ghosts, you will ask them tomorrow if they want coins or something else."

Shen Wan took a car and went directly to the mall. He didn't expect the three Chen Darong to jump directly onto the top of the taxi. As there was a driver in the car, Shen Wan held back and did not ask them what was going on.

After getting off the car, she asked, "What else do you have?"

"It's okay, we haven't been out for a long time to stroll around. Just one person can see us, so let's just stroll around together." Chen Darong touched his head and smiled.

Chen Feng: "We won't disturb you, just treat us as if we don't exist."

Yu Shuang: "Yes, I haven't been to the mall for a long time."

Shen Wan ignored it and led Qin Ying to buy a small skirt.She bought everything Qin Ying liked.

Then I found a place to burn things, and burned all the beautiful skirts.

The three Chen Darong looked at the pile of skirts turned into ashes with painful expressions, and watched the skirts on Qin Ying constantly change. They changed in almost a second, and their expressions were a little broken.

Shen Wan squatted aside, folded Qin Ying's necklace and hair accessories on his head, and burned them after he was done.

One afternoon, the three of Chen Darong watched one person and one ghost show their affection over there.

Yu Shuang lifted the corners of his clothes, "Don't you think this dress is a bit old? Although we are ghosts now, is it a bit shabby to wear a set of clothes all the year round."

Chen Darong fiddled with it silently, already missing a buttoned sleeve.

Lu Feng glanced at the worn-out shoes under his feet, as if they were old.

Shen Wan and Xu Cheng met again to talk about the case. Before Xu Cheng could speak, Shen Wan took out a thick notebook and pushed it in front of him.

Under Xu Cheng's puzzled gaze, Shen Wan said, "All the things you want are here. All of these are solid evidence. The clues and evidence are recorded in it. Basically, you can check it and you can arrest people. "

When Xu Cheng heard this, the whole person was so excited that he took the book in front of him with trembling hands and slowly opened it. When he saw the first case, he no longer cared about whether there were ghosts in the world.

He didn't know what the ghost looked like, why he couldn't see it, but he could see these cases that could not be solved in this book, and there were clues to the murderer, that was enough.

"Officer Xu, the bonus matter..."

"Don't worry, these clues are all provided by you, and the bonus is yours. I have already reacted to your situation in the game. If you have any questions in the future, come directly to me in the game." After that, Xu Cheng returned it. Shen Wan gave a certificate, "Hold this, it will be easier to do things in the future."

Although some people still suspect that the two cases he solved were coincidences, Shen Wan provided the clues to them, so this certificate still had to be given to Shen Wan.In fact, he had already believed that what Shen Wan said was true.The reason why he worked so hard to obtain the credentials of this special assistant for Shen Wan was that he planned to directly ask Shen Wan to help him if he had any on-site needs in the future.

"Seeing so many clues to the case, this kid Xu Cheng is still the same as before. Even if he is excited, he is very calm." Chen Darong said with some relief. After speaking, he saw that Xu Cheng had a few white hairs on his head and sighed. "This kid is about the same age as Lu Feng, and he has gray hair. He must be worried."

"With so many cases in the drawer, can Team Xu worry about it? I'm also worried about me." Yu Shuang sat on the other side of Xu Cheng and said something helpfully.

Lu Feng speaks less, but he agrees with both.

It's obviously noon, and the temperature is close to 30 degrees.Xu Cheng always felt coolness around him, and occasionally a wisp of cold wind blew past his cheeks, causing him to shudder.

Xu Cheng remembered something and quickly raised his head to look at Shen Wan, only to see Shen Wan muttering to himself facing an empty seat.

He is used to it. Shen Wan has a ghost daughter-in-law who has never concealed her in front of him every time, and she often looks crooked. If he didn't know the situation, he would probably think she was a lunatic.Moreover, Shen Wan smiled and talked. In fact, careful observation does not really seem like a person talking to himself, but someone is really talking to her.

Thinking of his doubts, Xu Cheng pressed his hand firmly on the notebook and called Shen Wan.

"Officer Xu, do you have any questions?"

Xu Cheng glanced around, hesitated for a moment, glanced at the book with a very stiff facial expression, and then asked, "Are the ghosts in the case in this book following?"

If not, why is there always a strange cold wind blowing around him?

There is no fan or air conditioner in the private room, the door is closed, and there is no such thing as a window.So, where does the cold wind come from?Apart from those little ghosts, he couldn't think of anything else.

"I didn't come." Shen Wan replied, and said to Qin Ying on his side, "Officer Xu's mentality is still unstable. I have suggested that he go for more psychological counseling. It seems that he has been busy recently and has not had time to go."

Seeing Shen Wan propping up a small chin, Xu Cheng spoke to the empty seat with a smile, clenched his fists, and finally let go.

Whatever, are high school students like this?He dared to complain about the police officer in front of him.

"Shen Wan, are there other ghosts in this compartment?" Xu Cheng's expression was like constipation. As a police officer who believed in the science of the rich and powerful nation, he actually asked a commoner if there were ghosts here. The pressure in his heart was true. The big, "I feel the chill around me, is there another kind of ghost who bears grievances?"

What Xu Cheng thinks is that ghosts are ghosts, as long as he is provided with evidence, he is obligated to capture those bad guys and punish them.As for whether it violates the principles of science, it really doesn't matter.During this period of time, Xu Cheng's heart was tortured back and forth in this way. In fact, his mentality was already very stable. Another person might be able to do this.

"Yeah, there are three."

The three Chen Darong sat in several places around Xu Cheng, because they were also the police station's hospital when they were alive. The deeds they made during their lives made their souls and bodies have merits, so they were not afraid of Xu Cheng. The righteous air, the strong Yang Qi will not have any effect on them.

When they were alive, they had a good relationship with Xu Cheng. They were finally able to be in the same room. They were still a little excited. The only bad thing was that they couldn't meet Xu Cheng with their spirit power state.If they have to meet, they can only show themselves with all their power, which will cause damage to their souls.

They have been dead for several years. They have always stayed at the police station, or they are clues to investigating the case, and they have never thought about improving their spirit power.The spirit body is calm, without the grievances of other little ghosts, and the evil aura is blessed.It can be said that there are few soul bodies that are close to humans and do not cause any harm to humans.

When Xu Cheng heard that there were three others, he shivered for a while, then stared at Shen Wan with bright eyes, "Ask what their names are and what kind of grievances are on them?" When he spoke, Xu Cheng had already drew it. The pen has been written, and I plan to make a transcript.

Shen Wan said quietly, "They are called Chen Darong, Lu Feng, and Yu Shuang respectively. There is nothing wrong with them, they..."


Xu Cheng's pen fell to the ground, his eyes widened and looked at Shen Wan, and he asked excitedly, "What do you say their names are?"

"Chen Darong, Lu Feng, Yu Shuang..."

Hearing these familiar names again, Xu Cheng mumbled incoherently while sitting in his seat, his eyes were still red, and he seemed to be crying.

Shen Wan ignored her, instead lying on the table, drawing something.

Only the three of Chen Darong knew why she suddenly took out paper and pen to draw things.

Back before, sitting in Shen Wanwan's figure, pointing to the food on the table, "I want to eat that. This looks delicious. Can the soup be painted? They all look delicious. , If Wanwan finds it troublesome, just draw me a cake."

Three Chen Darong: "..." They didn't understand what it meant at first. When Shen Wan drew a Wowotou, and didn't know what she had done, after burning the Wowotou, one appeared in Qin Ying's hand. Fragrant Wowotou.

The three of Chen Darong: Can this also work?They have always thought that after becoming a soul body, there is no way to eat human food.

This is the legendary painting of a pie to fill up your hunger, did it come like this?

When Xu Chenghong recalled something in his eyes, the three of Chen Darong didn't care at all.All their attention was attracted by the food that Shen Wan drew and burned for Qin Ying, and it smelled very fragrant.They dug into their pockets subconsciously, and found embarrassingly that they didn’t have a dime, and remembered that they are now a soul body. Even if they have money, they are still Ming coins. Obviously Shen Wan is not interested in Ming coins at all, Qin Ying looks like It doesn't look like a missing coin.

Qin Ying ate happily, noticed the three eyes of Chen Darong, and the corners of her lips hooked, "Wanwan, I still want a corn, you draw me a corn."

Shen Wan worked hard to paint corn. God knows that when she asked the waiter for a brazier, the look in her eyes was very strange.

"Shen Wan, did you give Xu Cheng the cases we found out?" I don't know when, Chen Darong and the three have already surrounded Shen Wan, looking at her expectantly, "Equally divided money. At that time, the part of the money we got, can we use the money to buy some of this food from you? To be honest, I haven't tasted watermelon for a long time, and I want a watermelon."

Lu Feng: "I want a glass of red wine and steak."

"Game console, I want a game console." Yu Shuang's eyes lit up, "I haven't played games for a long time, my hands are itchy."

"Yes, so do you want to take credit first?" Shen Wan raised the pen in his hand, "I can paint for you now."

The three of Chen Darong nodded hurriedly at the sound, the credit or something is really good.

When Xu Cheng reacted, she saw Shen Wan painted watermelon, red wine steak, and a game console, and then wrote three names of Chen Darong on the back, which she threw into the brazier to burn.

Xu Cheng squatted by the brazier, took out the money from his wallet and handed it to Shen Wan, "I heard you say on credit just now, was it head Chen and the others?"

"Yes, Officer Chen wants to eat watermelon, Officer Lu wants to eat red wine steak, Officer Yu wants to play games."

"Yes, these are their hobbies during their lifetime." Xu Cheng's eyes were still red, and he gave all the money in his wallet to Shen Wan. "When they want it, classmate Shen Wan, you can hold it here."

Shen Wan unceremoniously put the money in his schoolbag, "I will send you the case materials they found out in a while."

Xu Cheng nodded, then asked tentatively, "Where are they?"

"Eating on the table."

Xu Cheng turned around and returned to his seat. As expected, he felt the familiar air-conditioning. At this time, there was no horror, but inexplicable peace of mind.

"Xu Cheng is still so emotional." Chen Darong took a bite of the watermelon contentedly.

Yu Shuang played the game console happily, and said not quite, "In half a month, Team Xu is going to eat dirt next, and may have to go to someone else to smoke and burn. He doesn't smoke a day. A pack of cigarettes makes me feel uncomfortable. I can't calm down even after reading the information."

Lu Feng enjoyed the steak elegantly, "It's not good to smoke too much, just to quit smoking."

After getting what he wanted, Chen Darong looked at Shen Wan with eagerness.

Shen Wan was too shabby by them, and it didn't take long to sort out the information and send them all to Xu Cheng.

"Yingying, you can eat more if you like. We will go to the mall to buy a new dress in a while. I just handed all the cases to Officer Xu. The bonus will definitely be several hundred thousand. You can buy anything you want. Up."

Sitting aside, Lu Feng, with a hole in his shoe, couldn't help but glance at Qin Ying and Shen Wan.

Chen Darong looked down at his somewhat yellowed shirt, and stared at Qin Ying's nice skirt without blinking.

Yu Shuang: "I remember you burned more than 20 skirts for Qin Ying a few days ago."

"The season is about to change." Shen Wan blinked his eyes, "It's time to change into the autumn clothes. Whose skirt will be worn for four seasons, I won't be wronged by Yingying."

"My Yingying is a delicate girl, not a rough man!"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Deepwater Torpedo]: 0.01 haze;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: the state official wants to light one lamp;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Mozi 49 bottles; White Ruo 40 bottles; 17326683 34 bottles; I only want to eat 21 bottles of melons; 15 bottles of the doctor in second disease; 10 bottles of Junchen and Nanji; 9 bottles of Jiuwei; 7 bottles of lutz; □□sama , Fraudster, 5 bottles of kacavin; 1 bottle of Color Tongmin, hahohuh;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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