Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 116 The kind of being beaten by a ghost (9)

For three months, Xu Cheng was as busy as a spinning top, almost never stopped.In many cases, even if it is a rest, I find a place to close my eyes for a while.

But as the number of cases on the notebook in his hand became less and less, the stone pressing on his heart seemed to slowly move away.

The rest of the police station was not much better than Xu Cheng, but no one complained.

In the past three months, the number and speed of their cracked cases seemed to have reached the peak of their lives.

At this time, people who knew Shen Wan didn't doubt her words at all, but everyone tacitly didn't publicize the matter, and they didn't really discuss whether Shen Wan could be psychic.

For them, finding evidence and solving the case is the most important thing.

As for the others, they can choose to close one eye.

In three months, Xu Cheng was promoted because he led people to solve countless cases, and he had more power in his hands, making things more convenient.

By the fourth month, he had dealt with all the cases on the small notebook that Shen Wan had handed him, and Shen Wan also received a large bonus for this.

When I was fine, I took Qin Ying to the mall to buy, buy, and buy, but every time I went to the mall, there would be three followers behind them.

These three followers were Chen Darong's three, and they were also divided up for providing clues.After they had money, they were divided into three parts.

Part of it was let Shen Wan help them to exchange it for Ming coins, and part of it was used to buy all kinds of things in Shen Wan's hands.In the last part, they all agree with each other and express their hope that it can be given to their families.In the past, there was no way to take care of the family. Now that there is a way, they naturally have to do it.

Shen Wan had no opinion.

So now three of Chen Darong, who are already wearing this year's most popular styles, are strolling leisurely in the mall.

When they arrived at the mall, they didn't follow Shen Wan, but Zixing went to see if there were any favorite items.

When you find it, I will ask Shen Wan to help them buy it and burn it for them.

As they went out to find evidence and help solve the case in the past few months, the three of Chen Darong felt that their spirit power had increased.For this reason, they have become more active in solving cases.

After Chen Darong had chosen the things he liked, they floated back to Shen Wan.

Seeing her pushing an oversized shopping cart with all kinds of beautiful clothes, thinking that these new clothes will be burned by her mercilessly for a while, you still feel very painful.

"Have you chosen?"

When Shen Wan asked if they had chosen them, several people quickly discarded their previous emotions, nodded quickly, and led Shen Wan to buy things.

It's hard to buy Chen Darong's three choices, and the oversized shopping cart is full.

Just as Shen Wan was pushing and preparing to go to checkout, a familiar person came to her, making her dispel the idea of ​​going to checkout immediately.

"The power of the evil spirit seems to have increased a lot." The moment Mu Yuan walked over, Qin Ying felt Ruan Xue's stronger soul than a few months ago. If it were the former Ruan Xue, she would be able to use a finger. Killed, then Ruan Xue now needs two hands to pinch the opponent to death.

In just a few months, his strength has soared dozens of times, which is not normal.

However, Shen Wan knew that Ruan Xue should have gotten her chance.

Ruan Xue probably hadn't left Mu Yuan's side before, that is, she had always lived in that jade medal.She had long guessed that Ruan Xue's chance should have something to do with that Kuaiyu brand.

She could clearly see that Ruan Xue was no longer in the jade card, but walked with Mu Yuan by her side, and Mu Yuan was able to hold the opponent's hand.

In Mu Yuan's shopping cart, there is obviously also the most popular women's clothing this year, which he obviously bought for Ruan Xue.

When Ruan Xue saw Shen Wan and Qin Ying, she subconsciously hid behind Mu Yuan, even though she was scared, as if someone was really bullying her.

Mu Yuan shielded her behind him and whispered, "Xiaoxue don't be afraid, they wouldn't dare to treat you with me." After speaking, he gave Shen Wan a warning.

He couldn't see Qin Ying's existence, but Ruan Xue was so scared, he could guess that Qin Ying should be by Shen Wan's side.

Mu Yuan didn't know that Ruan Xue, who was hiding behind him, divided some eyes and fell on the three Chen Darong beside Shen Ben.She only glanced at Chen Darong's three soul bodies with faint golden light, and then dropped her eyes.No one noticed the flash of greed in his eyes.

The three Chen Darong had a creepy feeling at that moment.

Since their deaths, they have seen a lot of ghosts, of any type, how ugly and miserable they are.

They have also seen such a beautiful type as Ruan Xue.But all the little ghosts I've seen didn't have the tingling feeling that Ruan Xue gave them. After they became ghosts, they still didn't feel the chill.

Even in the face of the powerful ghost king Qin Ying, what they are afraid of is the powerful force emanating from Qin Ying's soul.

The three Chen Darong were members of the police station before they were alive. They did not go to see Ruan Xue. They only glanced at each other, and found that they both doubted something. They didn't say anything. They planned to go back to discuss it.

"That ghost king is still with you?" Mu Yuan leaned close to Shen Wan, glanced around vigilantly, asked in a low voice, and at the same time blocked Ruan Xue's entire soul body behind him.

Shen Wan glanced at Ruan Xue, whose head was revealed, "It's your shit, and take care of your ghosts. If you hurt you alone, it's your sin. If you hurt others, that's your sin."

Mu Yuan was angry, "When it comes to things that can harm people, who can compare to the existence of a ghost king?"

In Mu Yuan's view, the reason why the ghost king is so powerful, it is impossible to have no life in his hand.Even if you didn't take the initiative to harm people, it is impossible to really not harm people.

"My Yingying is kind and beautiful, so how could it hurt people casually? Your one is different, it looks reluctantly, it may not hurt people now, but maybe it will happen in the future."

Mu Yuan felt mad to death, but he could only stare at Shen Wan.

It was Ruan Xue that gave him a hand, and he said to Shen Wan, "If you don’t talk too much, I will go first. You'd better fight Xiaoxue’s idea. Everyone raises ghosts, so don’t hurt each other. If you dare to hurt Xiaoxue, I will also be rude to you."

Shen Wan grabbed Mu Yuan's wrist, squeezed it hard, and Mu Yuan screamed out in pain.Upon seeing this, Ruan Xue wanted to help. With a wave of Qin Ying on one side, Ruan Xue was pushed out, half a step close to the corner.

Mu Yuan saw Ruan Xue's figure retreating, and hurriedly shouted: "Xiaoxue!"

The sound was so loud that it attracted the attention of other people visiting the supermarket.When they saw Shen Wan grabbing his arm, they only thought that Shen Wan was the one named Xiaoxue.

"You are so weak, and you dare to threaten me." Shen Wan ridiculed unceremoniously. "You take care of your ghost. If she doesn't come out to make trouble, I won't do anything to her. If she dares to make trouble, Even if I don't accept it, someone will accept it."

After speaking, Shen Wan let go of Mu Yuan.

Mu Yuan still hissed with pain and twisted his aching wrist. He opened his sleeve and looked at it and found a few small black finger prints on it.I was stunned with anger. I originally wanted to talk to Shen Wan and saw that she was pushing a huge shopping cart, which was full.Thinking of the suffering I had just suffered, I shut up subconsciously.

Ruan Xue was fine, but was waved away by the ghost king with a force.

She hurriedly floated to Mu Yuan's side and asked him with concern. Seeing his bruised wrist, she was naturally distressed.

"Brother Mu Yuan, when I become stronger, I won't let people bully you in the future."

"It's okay, Xiaoxue, don't think about it. That slumped temper is a bit exploded. As long as she doesn't do anything to you, there is no problem."

However, Ruan Xue frowned and glanced at the three bodies of Chen Darong beside Shen Wan.That pure soul power gave her a little desire in her eyes.Intuition tells her that if these three ghosts can be swallowed, the strength will definitely increase.

"Wanwan, is there a problem with that female ghost? I always think she is gloomy, and the look in our eyes is cold."

Shen Wan was carrying several large bags by himself, looking heavy.In fact, with Qin Ying's strength to help support it, it is not heavy at all.She herself has a lot of strength, and these are trivial things, but Qin Ying still uses her strength to support her every time, fearing that these heavy objects will crush her.

Shen Wan is naturally very happy for his wife to care about her so much.

"That's an evil ghost, please be careful. Her strength has increased a lot recently, maybe it's because of some opportunities, and her power is also a little mixed, I guess she might have swallowed a ghost."

Hearing the ghost swallowed, Chen Darong's three were not surprised.

They have seen a lot of ghost swallowing things.

"But with her current power, even swallowing ghosts is more laborious and requires a lot of thought. The ghosts swallowed by her are either stupid or delusional. With your current power, as long as you don't be fooled by her, There is still no problem."

"But for the sake of safety, when I go back and burn a few peace charms for you, if you run into trouble, you can use them so as not to be swallowed by her."

Chen Darong, three worthy ghosts, even if they become ghosts, they can stay in this world and can still do many things.Shen Wan does not want such a good partner to be swallowed.

Shen Wan took the things to the place where the objects were burned, and burned them all the things needed by the ghosts.

Qin Ying looked at the changes in various clothes on her with a smile on her face.After choosing the best set, her cold hand grasped Shenwan's warm little hand, and the two sat on a stone bench on one side.

The three of Chen Darong sat on the other side fighting the landlords.

The deck of playing cards in his hand was just burned by Shen Wan, and it happened that the three of them would play cards to relieve boredom when they were bored.

"There are fewer and fewer little ghosts outside the police station." Chen Darong and Shen Wan said, "The remaining little ghosts have many unsolved cases. These can only be investigated slowly. When we went out recently, other police officers The kid outside the game came to us and Yingying and asked when we could solve their problems."

Shen Wan raised his eyelids, "Let's talk to Officer Xu, after all, this is from another police station. He should not be able to intervene in this matter. It is estimated that he will have to negotiate with him first."

"That's OK." Lu Feng nodded, "Then I will talk to them later and ask them to record the case with evidence first. When the time comes to investigate, you can take it out directly, which is much more convenient."

"Then leave these things to us. It's the New Year. Recently, we don't want to run all over the country." Yu Shuang touched his nose, "I want to go back and accompany my mother. Since I died, every She is the only one during the New Year."

Because Shen Wan gave money to their home, their family believed that they had become ghosts.To this end, they also wrote a letter and asked Shen Wan to give it to their family.

Whenever they reunite on holiday, they will choose to go home.

Shen Wan agreed, and then casually made a few peace symbols for them and gave them to them.

After the burning, she felt Qin Ying's wrong eyes, reacted quickly, and quickly said, "I'm afraid Ruan Xue will swallow them. After all, they help us work, so we have money, right? So good? If the labor force is lost, it won’t be worth it! And you don’t need those safety charms. They are old in style and so beautiful. They are not worthy of you."

The three of Chen Darong: If they don’t exist, can’t you hear them?In order to coax his wife, don't you need teammates?

Qin Ying was a little satisfied, "Then make me a good-looking one."

When speaking, Qin Ying also put a bracelet with a black bead on Shen Wan's small wrist, and Shen Wan instantly felt that this bead was unusual.

Qin Ying smiled and said to her, "I found this after a few months of searching. You will not be hurt by my yin if you wear it in the future."

After that, she held Shen Wan's hand again, and Shen Wan really felt that because of the existence of the black bead, the ghost spirit on Qin Ying could not get close to her body, nor would it cause her to feel very cold.

"Yingying, you are really a lovely and beautiful girl."

Chen Darong hurriedly buried his head to play poker, suddenly remembered something, looked at Yu Shuang and asked, "Yu Shuang, didn't you say you want to fall in love a few months ago? Did you see a female ghost looking right?"

"No, how easy it is."

"Lu Feng, where's your kid? Are there any female ghosts you like."

Lu Feng shook his head quickly, "I still have to guard my wife, what kind of ghosts or ghosts, if my wife and children find out, they are so sad, I have to wait for my wife, and we will reincarnate together in the future."

Chen Darong was stunned, can this person stop showing his love?

Shen Wan suddenly remembered something and called out in his heart: "Brother 8, why haven't you come out recently? Where did you go to play?"

No one responded to her for a while. After an hour, she went back to school, and there was no movement at 188.

[188: "Wanwan, what are you looking for?"]

Because Shenwan has many helpers in this world, 188 is relatively idle.He found his daughter-in-law as soon as he arrived at Wanwan and coaxed it into his hands. He didn't worry at all. Naturally, he went to the forum every day and went to other system houses to stop by.

"What have you been doing lately?"

[188 said with some tweak, "The department has come to a new system."]

"That's it, I made friends, it's not right, you were not so excited when a new system came before?"

[188 said with some embarrassment: "The new system is a girl."]

Shen Wan: "..." Is the unity of heart sprouting?

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 1 Mozhu;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: 33900610, blank, 1 Mu Yu;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

27 bottles of Mu Yu; 10 bottles of ice, culprit, Xiao Ran, Muzi; 9 bottles; 5 bottles of Platycodon grandiflorum; 2 bottles of Mu Yun; 1 bottle of Giraffe and Lao Bai;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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