Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 119 The kind of being beaten by a ghost (12)

Yu Shuang heard Shen Wan say that Ruan Xue is an evil spirit, and now she should have some chance, which made her strength increase a lot.If it is still as weak as before, Ruan Xue will not only dare not make a few ideas, but also dare not stray around outside.

She has been living in Mu Yuan's jade card. If Mu Yuan hadn't accidentally opened the jade card and established a contract with her, it would be very difficult to form with her weakness.

Yu Shuang asked again what kind of ghost is Shagui. Although he has been a ghost for several years, he still hasn't figured out how many types of ghosts are.Now even if he is a ghost, he still cares about human affairs, and I am afraid that a lot of ghosts will die when I say it.

"The evil spirit eats the spirit body. The stronger the strength, the heavier the evil spirit. It is a great threat to the spirit body and human beings. Once the evil spirit becomes the ghost king, disaster in the human world will definitely happen."

When Yu Shuang heard this, he became a little anxious, "Then can you kill her directly? Now her situation should not have achieved the ghost king. As long as she is killed, won't everything be solved?"

"Ruan Xue and Mu Yuan signed a life and death contract." Qin Ying drifted to Yu Shuang's face and answered Shen Wan, "Kill Ruan Xue, Mu Yuan will die. You who know the truth, shouldn't be anymore now. Let Wanwan kill the evil ghost, right?"

Yu Shuang really hesitated. As a righteous ghost policeman, even if he was jealous, he couldn't take an innocent life in order to kill a ghost.But if the evil spirits didn't kill, it seemed that something was about to happen again, which would be sorrowful to death.

"Originally, I planned to kill Ruan Xue. At first, she had the protection of the jade card. Neither Wanwan nor I could attack her. Now I have signed a life and death contract with Mu Yuan, and that Mu Yuan is just a bad brain. Yes, it was caused by an evil spirit playing around." Qin Ying frowned slightly, and then remembering something, her brows opened again, "but I told me before Wanwan not to worry about the evil spirit continuing to grow, she Already thought of a way."

After speaking, both Qin Ying and Yu Shuang's eyes fell on Shen Wan, as if they were talking about this time, she revealed that there was any way to deal with the evil spirits.

"There is a way," Shen Wan yawned again, really sleepy, "I originally planned to do this in two days, but I didn't expect Ruan Xue to look for you impatiently. It seems you The three pure soul bodies are indeed very attractive to this evil spirit, and will come to hook you at the expense of hue."

Seeing that Shen Wan was really sleepy, Qin Ying said, "Wan Wan looks very sleepy. If you don't want to go to bed first and solve the matter tomorrow, Ruan Xue can't do much for a while."

"Forget it, since I've found them all, then I will tell you the method. You don't know how tired you are, so why don't you take advantage of this time to help me do this."

Yu Shuang nodded naturally, very happy.

It would be best to be able to eliminate this evil spirit without harming innocent lives.

Shen turned and walked into the bedroom, and took out a pocket from the closet.

When the two ghosts saw that she was holding an oversized black plastic bag, they were all curious about what was inside.

"This is a safe talisman." Shen Wan opened the plastic bag and looked at Yu Shuang and said, "It is the kind that knows that it is given to you three. Every ghost has one in his hand and blends into the soul. I can avoid being swallowed by Ruan Xue. Recently, you should be busy and gather all the ghosts that stay in the human world. I think with your achievements in recent months, it is not difficult to achieve this. Use these safe charms to live together as much as possible. And those lonely ghosts, let them try not to float outside and report to the underworld as soon as possible."

"As for those who don't want to come to evil spirits, then don't worry about them. The ability of evil spirits is stronger than that of ordinary ghosts. Before Ruan Xue has become the ghost king, it is not certain who will eat anyone."

After finishing speaking, Shen Wan entered the bathroom with a brazier, and burned all the safety symbols in a large bag, all written by Yu Shuangshou.

In order not to attract attention, she burned little by little to ensure that the flames and smoke were not that big. While burning her, she said, "Don’t give this peace symbol in vain. Collect some money appropriately. After all, we are not. do charity."

"I know, I still understand the truth." Yu Shuang looked at the more and more peace symbols in his hand, and quickly took out a pocket and then, after getting to know Shen Wan, he felt that there was hope for ghosts.

Shen Wan looked at Yu Shuang's body of merit and virtue lighter than it was a few months ago, and his soul body is even more pure.

With the three current behaviors of Yu Shuang, the merits will only accumulate. Maybe they will have the right to reincarnation when they report to the underworld.Of course, she thinks it is more likely that these abilities will be recruited by the underworld on favorable conditions.

The number of ghosts in the underworld has skyrocketed, and civil servants are small and lazy. For example, Po Meng has a few days in a bad mood every month. During those days, she will not work, do not make soup, and want to reincarnate ghosts. Can't cross the bridge, three hardworking guys like Yu Shuang are as rare as panda blood.

The peace talisman burned until midnight, and Yu Shuang left with a large bag of peace talisman in a good mood.

The first thing he went to was outside the police station, and told the ghosts outside that this was a peace charm made by Shen Wan, which could protect their souls from being swallowed by other ghosts.As soon as I heard that it was made by Shen Wan, even though it was not free, the little ghosts outside planned to buy one for protection.

Yu Shuang found two more Chen Darong and told them about this matter. Therefore, the three of them temporarily set aside other matters during this period of time, and all the ghosts of their own country were summoned.

Shen Wan's guess is good. After the results of the past few months, they know a lot of little ghosts, and many little ghosts rely on them. Even some ghosts with good strength and commanding a district have a good relationship with them. .Therefore, these ghosts are very suitable for the three of them.

Those wandering lone ghosts and ghosts, with the appearance of three Chen Darong, are now no longer fluttering, but gathered in sparsely populated places.In order to make them not bored, Chen Darong asked Shen Wan to help make some playing cards, such as Mahjong.

Ghosts don't need to eat. Now in the places where ghosts gather, you can see groups of three or five people gathered together. When they walked over to see, they were actually playing cards.Especially those who like to rub mahjong before death, do not have to eat after death, not afraid of getting tired, playing that is called a faint.

In the middle of the journey, Yu Shuang came to Shen Wan again and asked her for many peace symbols.

This thing was not given for nothing, and Shen Wan was also very willing to make a little more and let him sell it.

Ruan Xue floated back to Mu Yuan's house with a bad face, and finally floated to Mu Yuan's room.At this time, Mu Yuan was already asleep. He didn't know that Ruan Xue would float out alone in the middle of the night to find ghosts.

The first two days were fairly smooth, but it was easy to swallow a weaker kid with her ability.

I don't know from what day, the little ghost I encountered could not be restrained with her power. The opponent seemed to be protected by something, and there was no way to swallow it.This made Ruan Xue feel very bad. She couldn't swallow the little devil, so she couldn't improve her strength.

Without improving her strength, she is now the ghost king and ghost emperor?

Become the ghost king, this world can't help her, don't need to be trapped in a mere jade card.

If the ghost emperor is achieved, the ghost of the underworld can be solved by waving her hand, even if the judge Hades comes in person, it is impossible to deal with her.

Of course, there is a ghost sage above the ghost emperor. If she really has the strength of the ghost sage, then she will escape from the Three Realms. It can be said that she has an immortal body, and no one can do anything to her.

But now she was hindered just at the beginning, the way she practiced was to eat ghosts.

If she can't eat ghosts, then she can't improve her strength.

Originally, tonight, she planned to go out to catch two little ghosts and ask what was going on, but found that those ghosts did not walk alone, and even lived in groups.

She went to the wild mountains and ridges again, and found that the lonely souls and ghosts also gathered together. What made her most incredible was that they were actually playing cards!She floated up to inquire about something, but the ghosts didn't seem to know.

It's not that she didn't ask anything, at least she knew who made those poker cards, mahjong, and all kinds of entertainment.Later, she sneaked to the outside of Yu Shuang's police station and found that Yu Shuang was selling things at a stall outside the police station.

There was also a bright sign on the booth: Master Shen Wan produced it, it must be a boutique!

She looked from a distance and found everything in the stall. She also figured out why she couldn't eat those little ghosts. It turned out that the stall still sells peace symbols.

The slogan that came out was: Are you afraid of a ghost walking?Are you afraid of being swallowed by the same kind on the road?Don't be afraid now, as long as you buy the peace charm of Lord Shen Wan, you will not be afraid to travel around the world, and mother will no longer have to worry about you being eaten by a ghost.

Ruan Xue almost vomited blood with anger.

Especially when he secretly saw Shen Wan and Yu Shuang discussing how to divide the money, his chest burst with anger!

Shen Ben!It was the most unprincipled ghost hunter she had ever seen.

What about ghost hunters?Why does she have such a good relationship with ghosts and still sell those things to ghosts?

Shouldn't ghost hunters and ghosts be incompatible?

In just one month, the ghosts of their own country have established a complete system. Almost every one of them has something in their hands. As for the safe talisman, everyone likes it very much.

As Xu Cheng's case continued to be cracked, the ghosts who stayed in the world, after dividing the money, took what they needed to report to the underworld.

The underworld has also recently discovered ghosts from the world to report, all of them are rich and rich, with either houses or villas in their hands.Even if you don't reincarnate right away, people will live pretty well.

The King of Hades sent someone up to inquire about the situation, and after the bad guys figured out the human world, he went back and reported the situation.

"You mean all of this has something to do with a ghost hunter and three ghost police officers?"


The King of Hades pondered for a while, "Now there are no ghosts in the human world?"

"Those who don’t want to make trouble don’t make trouble. They still live together. They play mahjong every day and enjoy it. Where can they do anything bad? As for those who want to make trouble, they were caught by Shen Wan before they did anything. It became the food for the ghost king next to her, the remaining part, who would dare to do bad things, didn't your majesty find out that there are many evil ghosts reported in the underworld recently?"


"When the evil spirits came, they said that it is too difficult to be evil spirits, especially the evil spirits in the human world. They can hardly get mixed up in that place. Instead of being eaten by the ghost king as a tonic, it is better to come to the underground palace to receive something. bitter."

He waved his hand casually, and a picture appeared next to him. On a short glance, it was the evil spirits who were screaming in the pan.

After listening carefully, they turned out to be yelling, "It's really too difficult to be a ghost these days. The human world can't get along with it. You have to boil the pot when you come to the underworld. I really don't want to live anymore."

One night, Shen Wan and Qin Ying woke up at the same time, they opened their eyes and saw two Yin Chai standing beside their bed.

Shen Wan blinked, "In the middle of the night, are you here to seduce my soul?"

When the words fell, Qin Ying's eyes flashed fiercely, if they dared to say yes, she would swallow them in one bite.

"No, no..." The two Yin Chai felt the pressure from the ghost king and tremblingly retorted. No, they weren't here to seduce their souls. How dare they? Besides, Shen Wan could live longer and could live for many years. And... Your Majesty also said that Shen Wan was not in their control, and he didn't know what it meant.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: 1 Mozhu;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

︶ㄣ Strolled around 86 bottles; Mojiu 55 bottles; Su Qi, 50 bottles; c—Chenxi 38 bottles; Fanweill 30 bottles; Facial paralyzed cats 8 bottles; Do not chase me qaq, crane one, giraffe, old white 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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