Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 120 The kind of being beaten by a ghost (13)

"Then what do you guys come to me in the middle of the night? Is there anything I can't say during the day?" Shen Wan felt that her bed was already covered by the power of these ghosts, and the voice should not be able to reach the rest of the dormitory. In human ears, people will not wake up.

Ghosts work in the human world, and there must be ways to prevent ordinary people from discovering them, so I can safely ask what it is.

"Adults don't want to be offended. I'm just used to doing things at night. Besides, during the day the sun is big and the weather is hot. We are all used to dark and cool places."

Shen Wan glanced at the few ghosts with pale faces in front of him, and nodded clearly, "No wonder your faces are so pale, you don't like the sun."

Guichai: His face is pale, it's really not that he didn't mean to bask in the sun.

"Okay, let's talk, what can you do with me?"

A few ghosts looked at the ambiguous relationship between Shen Wan and Qin Ying, and they were curious about when the ghost hunter and the ghost king could have such a relationship, which was different from what they thought.

However, they remembered His Majesty's instructions, they just came up to spread the word, and could not inquire about Lord Shen Wan and this Lord Ghost King.

"That's the case. Your Majesty heard that the recent events in the human world turned out to be related to two adults. Since the two adults did those things, our underworld has less trouble. Your Majesty sent us up. First, I want to thank the two. My lord, evil spirits do not harm the human world, and the underworld does not need to send people to get rid of the evil spirits. The evil spirits voluntarily come to the underworld to confess all their crimes and be punished. Our underworld members are also much easier.

As for some of the good ghosts who stay in the human world, because two adults can solve their grievances in the human world, there is no grievance on them. Our work in the underworld is much less. The ghosts come to the underworld. If they have not made mistakes, they can Just wait in line for the reincarnation.

The second thing that sent us to the adults is that your majesty asked us to hand over the ghost orders to the adults."

After all, one of the ghost chauffeurs took out a pitch-black token. The characters on the token were again in white, with three large characters "Ghost Commander" written on it. This very special symbol was also engraved on the edge of the word.

Shen Wan took the Guishi Ling in his hand, and instantly felt the power from the Guishi Ling.

"What's this for?" Shen Wan asked, she didn't really understand the system of the underworld here.Each small world has its own world rules, which derive the existence of various worlds.There are even small worlds where there are indeed no ghosts and souls, but real people die like a lamp.

"Ghost orders have three functions. First, it can help adults get rid of evil spirits. The evil spirits under the ghost king and the power of the ghost orders can restrain them. With the ghost order, it is equivalent to the adult's free punishment. The power of any ghost. Your Majesty believes that if you are an adult, you will definitely make good use of the ghost command. Second, the ghost command can easily open the door of the underworld, and can instantly transmit the good ghosts willing to go to the underworld to the place where the underworld is reported. With the demon order, it is easy for the adults to send the good ghosts into the underworld. The third thing is, once something happens, the adults can’t deal with it, you can directly use the demon order to summon the evil. This demon order is made by your majesty himself, my lord You can also use this to communicate with your Majesty."

Shen Wan understood, "So in a nutshell, this is a place where you can kill ghosts and open the underworld. It can also be regarded as my identity certificate and something that can call Hades directly, right?"

Several ghosts looked at each other, as if they could understand it this way.

Calling your Majesty, she thought it out, but inexplicably appropriate.

"Okay, since this spooky order is so good, then I'm not welcome, thank you Your Majesty for me."

Shen Wan really didn't expect that this Hades would have thought so much.Thinking about it carefully, the Hades here is a bit thief.

Even without this ghost order, she can do many things, but it is a little troublesome.For example, every time a good ghost who understands his wishes goes to the underworld, in order for them to line up early, she will help them open the door of the underworld, once every three or five days, which is really troublesome and laborious.

Besides killing evil spirits or something, evil spirits are powerful and like to run around.If you have this ghost order, you can restrain it in an instant, and it seems to be less troublesome, so as not to prevent evil spirits from wanting to break the net and persecute ordinary people.

Shen Wan just talked about the call with Yan Wang.Unless there is really something tricky, she can use the power of the ghost order.

Another point is that she is considered a civil servant in half of the underworld with the demon order.

Therefore, under the shocked gazes of several ghosts, Shen Wan asked, "Now I am also a civil servant in the underworld, am I?"

Several ghosts looked at each other and nodded silently. Forget it, there are ghost orders, and this official is not small.Shen Wan, who holds the Guishi Ling in his hand, is now able to mobilize them to do things.After understanding, they nodded vigorously.

"Civil servants have salaries and benefits, and the human world has them. It's impossible for the underworld to have none?" Shen bent his eyes at a few ghosts, "Your Majesty should also know that there are very few capable civil servants like me. , Won't let me do it for nothing, right?"

A few ghosts almost choked to death.

Is there such a thing?

If you change someone, you will probably be happy if you get a ghost order, after all, there are too many things you can do.

There is an identity, a position, and it can be used to pretend.

This Shen Wan was indeed the same as his Majesty said, and his thoughts were so different from them. Now he still asks about wages and benefits.

"The civil servants in the underworld do have salaries and benefits, but adults are human..." One of the ghosts said this, suddenly remembering something, subconsciously looked at Qin Ying, and stopped his voice.

Shen Wan hugged Qin Ying's waist and said with a smile, "Yes, I am a human, but my daughter-in-law is not a human. My daughter-in-law is not harmful, and she has done so many good deeds these days. The ghost king is hard to find. Go back and ask your majesty to discuss whether you can give my daughter-in-law a serious status. By the way, not only my daughter-in-law, but also Chen Darong and the three of them, do you know?"

Of course, the ghost knows three of Chen Darong, and His Majesty mentioned it before.

If it weren't for the lack of the three of them in the human world, and the three of them have their own wishes in the human world, your majesty would have recruited people to the underworld for public meals.Those three, their majesty had already taken a fancy to them.

Now Shen Wan mentioned that they couldn't pretend to be confused and said the matter again.

"Otherwise, give them formal identities in advance, and let them stay in the human world. They are civil servants of the prefectural government and your majesty's people. Go back every year to make a summary. The credit for what they do at that time is not necessary. It's a share of the underworld, right?"

Guicha's eyes lit up, as if so.

Anyway, sooner or later, they will be members of their underworld. Sooner or later, it will be the same. It's better to draw the three to the underworld directly.With Chen Darong's three current behaviors, the future must be boundless.

"Chen Darong and their three only obsessions are their relatives. It is not known how many years it will take until their relatives pass away.

Soliciting in advance, and now being able to help the underworld officer, is still upright.After all, people used to be police officers, and they also had benefits and wages for their work. There were benefits and wages, and it was backed by the organization. It was better than a polished commander, right?And they have a lot of prestige among the ghost groups in the human world. The ghosts in the human world follow the rules, and the underworld will gradually become easier to manage."

Several ghosts felt that what Shen Wan said was reasonable, and after thinking about it, they decided to go back and report the matter to His Majesty.They think that His Majesty should consider this proposal.

After the worrisome ghosts left, Shen Wan embraced Qin Ying's waist and lay down again. When she yawned and was about to go to bed, Qin Ying spoke.

"How come you want to give me a certain identity from the underworld?"

"Lean with a big tree with your back, Yingying, you will become a ghost emperor sooner or later, and you will attract the attention of all parties, and the Hades will definitely notice. I think this Hades is very interesting, quite good. There is a ghost king to join him. I will be very happy. In the future, Yingying will become a ghost emperor, even if it arouses the idea of ​​other parties, since you are a member of the underworld, no one dare to trouble you, he will take the initiative to defend you. If you have any status No, not only will other parties be jealous of you, but Hades will also be jealous.

My Yingying is kind and beautiful, and he is a ghost king who doesn't do bad things, so let those troubles go away.There are also civil servants in the local government. As a ghost king, even if you have an empty title, your welfare should be good. You can still have a good practice place in the local government."

Qin Ying understood, the most important thing is to find a place where he can practice in the underworld.

After all, when she became a ghost emperor and swallowed some disobedient evil spirits, she couldn't make progress.

If you can go to the treasure lands of the underworld to practice, you will have the opportunity to continue to improve.

"In fact, strength is for me, self-protection and protection of you are enough."

"But I think you are stronger." Shen Wan blinked, "Don't you want to be a ghost?"

"Ghost Sage?" Qin Ying murmured, "It's not easy, it won't be possible for tens of thousands of years." Qin Ying paused for a moment before saying, "And live for so long, you may not be able to accompany me to that time. "Qin Ying feels a little uncomfortable thinking about this. With the strength of her ghost king, it is no problem to live for tens of thousands of years now. If you become a ghost king, you will live in ten thousand years. If you become a ghost king, jump out Outside the Three Realms, then she is almost immortal.

"Yingying, if I leave here someday, I will definitely take you away." Shen Wan felt Qin Ying's thoughts and said with a smile, "Even if you die, I will take you away."

Qin Ying's eyes lit up, "Is it true?"

"Really, so you practice hard, whether you become a ghost or not, as long as I die someday, when you ask if you want to go with me, you can just agree."

Although Qin Ying didn't know how Shen Wan would take her away, she agreed.When she didn’t meet Wanwan, she thought it would be nothing to exist as a ghost all the time. After meeting each other, she could no longer imagine that one day the person lying beside her disappeared from her world, and then her world would change. What a depression.

Within a few days, in the middle of the night, Shen Wan saw several eccentricities that day.A few wicked smiles said to her that Yan Wang agreed to her proposal.

Also sent by the way were the identity cards of the three civil servants, Qin Ying and Chen Darong, so that they could go to the underworld to report when they were free.In the underworld, they also allocated a house.Chen Darong divided three into the upper-middle community. The King of Ghosts joined Qin Ying, which made Yan Wang very happy. He gave her a small western-style building. He also asked Shen Wan and Qin Ying when they got married. Do you want to go to the underworld for a big show?

Shen Wan replied, saying, "I am not yet the age of marriage, so I will go when I am later."

Marrying in the prefecture, she hasn't experienced it yet, Lord Yan has spoken, she must try.

After the three Chen Darong had serious identities and benefits, they worked harder.

And they still have an idea in their hearts, that is, do more meritorious service, whether they can fight for their families to stay in the underworld in the future.

Especially Lu Feng, he really hopes to be with him as a ghost when his wife passes away.Now that he has the status of a civil servant in the underworld, there is not much difference between the underworld and the human world, and he will be able to make up for what was missing.

However, when Lu Feng was working hard, he came back late at night and ran into a familiar ghost. Upon closer inspection, the female ghost was wearing a fluttering white skirt and long hair. She looked pure and lovely at night. .That female ghost, who is not Ruan Xue?

"Is there a problem?"

"Brother Lu," Ruan Xue walked towards Lu Feng slowly, looking very weak, as if she was about to fall in two steps, "Big Brother Lu, I was attacked by a ghost before, can you send me back? "

Ruan Xue thought that Lu Feng would come over to help her, but she didn't expect Lu Feng to stand still and didn't move, almost suffocating in her heart.

Why is this kind of dead man, one more incomprehensible, really mad at her.

However, she still gritted her teeth and fell to the ground.

When she fell to the ground, Lu Feng quickly walked towards her, Ruan Xue was happy.

Unexpectedly, Lu Feng didn't come to help her personally. Instead, her soul floated uncontrollably, and was instantly placed in a closed, cloudy place.

Lu Feng's voice preached in her ears, "Since you are weak in body and soul, let's just stay inside. When you get better, call me and I will let you out again."

It's not... this... she!!Fuck!!!

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Grenade]: Haze 0.0, what should I do 1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: blank, streamer, dracule, maki, 1 17326683;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Put 8 bottles of sugar; 7 bottles of Qichen Benai; 2 bottles of Bianhua;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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