Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 128: Are You A Star? The big guys grabbed the kind (4)

After making a sum of money, with two days left before returning home, Shen Wan decisively asked 188 to help her find out where Fu Qingman was.Finally, I learned that Fu Qingman is currently filming, because this time she is shooting a very good movie. The director is a very serious person. Some of the pictures are not willing to post-composite and are more perfect in pursuit of perfection, so they need to shoot in real scene.

The shooting location was on the top of a mountain. The scenery there was really good. The magical thing was that there was a green bamboo forest growing in the cloud-filled land on the top of the mountain.

After learning of this, Shen Wan decisively put on her small backpack and prepared to climb the mountain and ran into Fu Qingman.

She is a small artist who is not very well-known, and she has participated in three or five films before. They are all not very important roles and have very few scenes. No one knows them on the road.When someone looked at her, most of them thought her face looked good.

Shen Wan was carrying a small backpack, and his feet flew up to the mountain. The hurried appearance made 188 feel that something was wrong.

[188: "Wanwan, are you in a hurry?"]

"Worry, you don't memorize the plot seriously, 188. Fortunately, you met my indifferent host. If you change one, you would have been unbound and rebuilt."

188 was said to be a little depressed, and quickly went to watch the plot, and sure enough, something was wrong.It turned out that at this point in time, Fu Qingman had to perform a dangerous action. She was also a desperate Saburo in filming. The day coincided with the official holiday, and she chose to complete this difficult action seriously, but she didn't expect her body to feel weak. Supported, there was a mistake in the original action of shooting up the hill, causing his body to hit the rock wall and bruising an arm.

After watching it, 188 is a little bit empty. He is a bit busy recently. The subject often asks him to watch movies and play games. Can't he not go?Regarding the plot, he knew that Shen Wan would ponder the plot over and over again, and would basically memorize it, so he didn't take it that seriously.Because I felt a little guilty in my heart, 188 decisively helped Shen Wan fiddle with the investment projects.

Speaking of which Wanwan is really good for him, from the subject's mouth, he learned that many hosts are particularly unscrupulous and that he has been a very happy system.Therefore, he decided to help Shen Wan to do some practical work, and strive to give her an awe-inspiring investment veteran status.In order not to make people suspicious, he had to do more work to make everyone think that Shen Wan was mysterious and powerful, but he would not suspect that her money came from the wrong path.

When they knew the truth about Shen Wan, they would only realize that she would pretend that she was a big boss.188 was thinking about concealing, the more I thought about it, the more excited it became.

Shen Wan didn't know this, and now she was hurried to the top of the mountain.

This mountain is very high, which attracts some hikers.However, relatively speaking, the road is not easy to walk, and people with poor health would not choose this place to play.Many places are not developed, but once manual development is involved, it is easy to destroy the original beauty and only a small road is built.

When Shen Wan climbed to the destination, it was already two hours.

Although the filming place has been fenced off, she can still enter as a young artist.

When I found Fu Qingman, the other party was wearing a long coat, holding a cup of brown sugar water in his hand and drinking, his face was still pale.

Fu Qingman was also surprised by the appearance of Shen Wan. When she saw her in a casual dress, he thought she was going to climb the mountain. He happened to know that she was filming here and planned to show her face. In case the director sees her, there will be some actors in small roles. In a temporary situation, you may be able to substitute.

"Have you gone home to worship the ancestors?"

Shen Wan sat beside Fu Qingman and nodded, "I came back yesterday, Fu Yinghou, your face is so pale, are you unwell?"

"Fortunately, there are these few days every month." Fu Qingman said in a very flat tone, "Drink some brown sugar water, and it will be all right in a while." She has encountered various situations in filming for so many years.As for the injury, although there is no serious injury, it is inevitable to get a small injury when shooting a movie.I can't bear this bit of pain, just don't do this business, and naturally I can't be the title of queen.

Shen Wan touched Fu Qingman's hand, even if she was holding the cup, it was still so cold, "Fu Yinghou, your hand is so cold, or rest today." Although she knew it was impossible, she still wanted to say .

Fu Qingman shook his head, "Most of the plot of the whole film has my presence. I want to delay one day, and it is delaying everyone's time."

Because this film basically has her role from beginning to end, it can be said that it is the leading heroine, so she really can't delay.Without her, everyone has to stop for a day.The conditions on the mountain are inherently difficult, and staying for one day will suffer another day. Under these conditions, who would want to sit down and watch the scenery slowly.

Shen Wan did not persuade him, but asked Fu Qingman what shot he would take next.

Fu Qingman said, "There will be a more dangerous scene in a moment..." She really said that she had seen the scene in the plot before Shen Ben, which required Diaoweiya to leap up on the steep cliff.If Fu Qingman is in good physical condition, this action still won't help her.But her health is not so good now, and an accident happened.

"With your body, can you eat it now? Why don't you have a substitute? When your physical condition doesn't allow it, it's okay to use a substitute. It's faster. The director won't say anything. Many substitutes are born in martial arts. Very professional. Fu Yinghou, you work so hard, this is not for the doubles."

Fu Qingman chuckled. It was really nothing to find a substitute, but she basically wouldn't use a substitute unless it was a particularly ambiguous shot.She can complete dangerous moves by herself, but she can't accept the ambiguous shots, and she uses a substitute basically every time.

So she wanted to refute Shen Wan. In fact, she has food to eat and will not lose her job.

"I'm used to doing these actions by myself."

Seeing that Fu Qingman didn't dispel the idea of ​​completing the action, Shen Wan took out a small packaging bag from the bag, "At that moment Fu Yinghou put this on his arms and legs. This is for the hand and leg guards. "

Fu Qingman touched it and recognized these things. They were much thinner than she had seen before. The color was still close to the skin color. Besides, she was thin enough. This time the character was wearing ancient clothes with protective gear inside. , There will be no impact.Thinking of her physical condition, she did not refuse. She put on arm and leg guards. In case of any accident, she could indeed protect her arms and legs.

"Why are you still wearing these things?"

"I bought it before. I originally bought it for my own use. I just put it in this bag. I remembered just now that Fu Yinghou should use it now. Last time you helped me, I haven't thanked you yet. Of course This little thing is definitely not enough. When you finish, I will invite you to dinner."


Fu Qingman was already wearing the protective gear, and she touched her arm, as if she didn't wear the protective gear, there was something cold and cold, and she didn't know what material it was made of.Tell her subconsciously that this thing is definitely not cheap.

188: Of course it's not cheap, can high-level space things be cheap?

Shen Wan stayed in the crew like this. Everyone saw that she was familiar with Fu Qingman, and they didn't dare to show any strange gazes. All of them were kind to her.

Shen Wan is a self-acquaintance. When someone talks to her, she keeps talking. When she gets acquainted with her, the attitude of the people around her gets better and better.

Shen Wan went to watch Fu Qingman's filming, and the people around kept her a good place.

It's finally time for Fu Qingman to shoot that shot. The director was still a little worried about Fu Qingman's physical condition at the beginning. He frowned when she saw her make perfect movements.If it really doesn't work, he is also willing to use a substitute, although the lens may not be as perfect as it is now, but in the face of safety, those who pursue perfection are willing to take a step back.

However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a situation appeared on Fu Qingman's side. The legs that were originally on the cliff seemed to be unable to exert strength, causing her to directly hit the cliff.The person who controlled the coercion over there did not expect this to be the case. Even if it was emergency control, Fu Qingman had hit the cliff and things had happened.

When they reacted, there were also worried screams at the scene.

They planned to pull Fu Qingman up, but unexpectedly she seemed to be stuck, unable to pull at all.

In this case, they could only hang people down and bring Fu Qingman up.

While they were discussing countermeasures, Shen Wan had already gotten a rope from his bag, tied one end to a tree on the top of the cliff, and jumped down sharply, attracting the attention of people around him.

When she saw her movements, the people present started to noisy again.When the people on the director's side were getting ready, they realized that Shen Wan had already reached Fu Qingman's side and was helping her with something.

Fu Qingman's face was not bloody. Seeing that Shen Wan was holding a rope and falling by her side, she opened her eyelids and looked at it. At that time, she felt a little weird.

"Fu Yinghou, are you okay?"

"Fortunately, fortunately, I have the protective gear that you gave me earlier. I used my arm against the stone wall in time. I didn't hit my head when I didn't. It's just that my arm was a little numb, so there should be no injuries."

"Oh, that's good, you are stuck by a stone now, I will get you out."

"Hey, it’s not good for this person to be too skinny. Look, you’ll get stuck by the crevices of the stone. Next time, remember to eat more. In fact, you have a small face and are very photogenic. Most of your films are in ancient costumes. It’s okay to have a little more flesh."

Fu Qingman, who was supposed to be worried about how long he would stay in this place, was amused by Shen Wan.

Shen Wan took out her tools, a small hammer and awl. The hammer fell on the surrounding rocks. The awl kept beating the awl's buttocks. The surrounding stones kept falling. Fu Qingman felt the stuck place. Relaxed a little, and I don't know how I got stuck just now.

"You can move, you guys can pull Fu Yinghou up."

When the people above heard it, they also confirmed that Fu Qingman's body was indeed moving outside, quickly controlling the pressure, and carefully pulling her up.

And Shen Wan naturally took the rope tied to the big tree, moved lightly and relaxedly, and jumped up neatly, causing cheers on the scene.

Didn't take any measures, did she just hold the rope and go up?It's amazing too, the arm strength is too good.

The director over there also found out, his eyes were still narrowed, and there are really not many actresses with such beautiful actions.

The director asked Shen Wan to help Fu Qingman complete the previous action, and both Fu Qingman and Shen Wan were not surprised.This time Fu Qingman really didn't force himself anymore, so he applied a substitute, but the substitute became Shen Wan.

In this regard, Shen Wanle had an opinion, revealing a neat row of white teeth, which almost brightened the eyes of the people around him.

Favorability, that's how it is, it's super easy.

"Be careful." Fu Qingman exhorted.

"I know, I will be careful, thank you Fu Yinghou for your concern."

Fu Qingman smiled and nodded, thinking that this time even without her, this shot would be perfect.

The author has something to say: So sleepy, I almost overslept, suddenly woke up from my dream, and almost didn't update today.Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: 7 one;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: Mu Yu and Mo Zhu;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

100 bottles of the sacred angel of Jiaer; 30 bottles of rice scrambled eggs; 20 bottles of seven; 12 bottles of Xunyangguan Thirteen Layers; 17326683, 10 bottles of Phantom Wings; 9 bottles of Muzi; 4 bottles of 26728672; 1 bottle of Qinyuan and Sangsang

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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