Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 129 Are You A Star? Big guys grabbed the kind (5)

Shen Wan's performance is indeed surprising, especially the director's eyes are full of appreciation.

He knows a lot of action actors, all of whom are really kung fu.

Just the few hands before Shen Ben, if you haven't practiced it, it's impossible.

After Shen Wan perfected Fu Qingman's dangerous shots, the director was full of praise for her, and she basically just passed one, saving time and effort.

If the protagonist is not Fu Qingman and the double cannot show his face, the director is thinking that Shen Wan's demeanor is just as good as the protagonist.

Of course, in terms of acting skills and the suitability of the role, he still prefers Fu Qingman, who has always done well.He just looked at a good actress like Shen Wan, which was a pity.

My mind is still constantly active, and I'm looking for some suitable characters in this drama.

Although some of the roles have been set, but some small roles as long as he is not satisfied, they are not casually replaced.Of course, in the end there was no, there was no suitable sinking.

This actress is beautiful, with good skills, and her movements are so beautiful. Some only have one camera. The director thinks it would be a waste to put her there.

As for some characters who have more roles, they are more or less affectionate, and there are no principled errors. Even if he pursues perfection, he can't just replace people casually.

Anyway, he was interested in Shen Wan, and he was still thinking that when shooting a film, he might consider this Shen Wan.

Fu Qingman saw the director's satisfaction with Shen Wan, but didn't have too many thoughts in his heart, but was a little happy for Shen Wan.

If Shen Wan helped out today, she might delay everyone's time.

And she thinks she must not make the same action as perfect as Shen Wan.

She might not be able to complete those few jumping movements just now.The action is coherent and neat, as if it was a real professional from martial arts.

"I can't tell that you are quite good. Why didn't you show your hand to those directors before? With your hand out, the director who filmed costume dramas would definitely welcome you."

Even if she can't reach the sky in one step, at least some resources will come to her.

Fu Qingman asked in a puzzled way. Although there are many shortcuts in this circle, there are also people who don't want to use that method to act in a realistic manner.Even if the chance of becoming popular is very small, no one would like it after all, but everyone has their own ambitions, and some people just love acting.

Take her for example, but I have to say that even if she is able to go to this day, even if she is from a good family, she has suffered a lot.There is no shortage of people who want to take advantage of her. Fortunately, she is backed by her family, and those who want to move her have to be weighed. There are many beautiful actresses in this circle who are willing to fall, and she does not have to be her.

As time passed, everyone understood and stopped making her idea.

And after she became famous, apart from acting, she basically didn't receive big-name endorsements. She did public service advertisements at most, which could be considered as giving people a way out. As for variety shows, she did not participate. She was not interested in those, and there was no need. As I said earlier, she is interested in acting, this is one of her hobbies.

"How does Fu Yinghou think I look like?" Shen Wan touched her small white face, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, "Is it beautiful?"

It’s the first time that the people who are listening to me have met someone who shamelessly asks people if she looks good or not, especially if I know that she looks good, she touched her face. It's shameless.

Fu Qingman looked at it carefully for a while, then nodded, "It's pretty."

"But, does this have anything to do with what I asked before?"

The people around also listened carefully. The director originally came to discuss something with Fu Qingman. He suddenly heard Shen Wan's question and became curious as to what her purpose was.

From a director's point of view, he believes that Shen Wan's future is limitless, and she needs only one opportunity to become popular.Of course, if someone is willing to praise her, it is the matter of the past two years to become popular.

He has acting skills, skill, looks, and his eyes are very smart. It can be said that the foundation is really top-notch.

Shen Wan snorted, "I'm so good-looking. I need to rely on my face to eat. I use swords and guns all day long. That will destroy my image of a gentle beauty."

Hearing that, everyone burst into laughter, especially wanting to say that what she did just now, she has long been unable to beat her image of gentle beauty, didn't she find it herself?No points in mind?

Fu Qingman also smiled lightly, "But I think a beauty with good looks is also beautiful when he flies up. You just flew up the hillside, and there are several movements in the air that are very beautiful."

After the director and Fu Qingman discussed the matter, he came to Shen Wan and asked for her phone number, "When I have a role suitable for you in the next film, you can come and try it."

Fu Qingman was a little surprised. The director took the initiative to ask for his phone number, but he really liked Shen Wan's skill.

Shen Wan did not refuse, and the two exchanged contact information.She thinks she will work with this great director sooner or later, and it is good to have a contact information.

After spending another two days on the top of the mountain, the shots here are considered finished.

Shen Wan didn't wait to go down the mountain with Fu Qingman, she was about to return to the crew, after all, the film she was acting in was about to start.

Mullin Poetry also has an insignificant role in this play, which is far worse than Shen Wan, who is almost the third female role.

After the incident happened before, Mullins didn't contact her either. Although she didn't tear her face apart, everyone knew that Shen Wan would never believe her anymore.Moreover, she is currently in a lot of trouble, and she probably has no time to come to Shen Wan.

However, when the start-up ceremony started, Mullins actually greeted Shen Wan with a beaming expression, and his eyebrows were still quite sad.

Shen Wan was a little surprised, so he asked directly, "If you smile so happy, what good has happened?"

"It's nothing, maybe it's lucky." Mullins seemed to have forgotten the incident. "There was an actress in the crew temporarily. There are still many scenes in that role. The director thinks I'm pretty good, let me Replaced."

Is something wrong?

Shen Wan recalled the plot, but there was no mention of this in the plot, there might be something unexpected.

"Brother 8, help me find out what's going on?"

188, who is working hard to help Shen Wan make money, said that he will check it immediately.

He has already told his subject that when the world is over, his host will send the skin of his partner's couple. Speaking of which, the host will give skins to the couple in the system, and only his host is the only one who will save face when he says it. Long face.

Recently, the subject has been enthusiastic about him a lot. If he hadn't been busy helping Wanwan to make money and helping her become an investment boss as soon as possible, he would definitely play games with the subject all night long.

[188: "Wan Wan, it was Mullin Poetry who approached a boss and snatched Luo Chai's role. But Luo Chai was not reconciled. She finally got a female fourth role, and the role of this role is not Few, she has a bright personality, and it is estimated that she will be able to win a wave of fans. But the boss behind her can't beat the boss of Mullin Shipong, and now she seems to have hit your idea."]

[188 hesitated and said, "Wanwan, you don’t seem to have a boss behind you. Jing Ge seems to know about this, but doesn’t care. According to the male protagonist’s urinary name, I guess he wants you to help when you are desperate. Increase your affection."

After all, having mixed so many worlds, as an extremely smart system, he has also grown a lot.

"That bastard wants to be beautiful."

The bosses behind Mulin Poetry and Luo Chai are nothing more than the people who participated in the investment in this movie. It is estimated that they account for not a small share. Any withdrawal of capital may affect the progress of the filming.

Under normal circumstances, in order not to give birth to various branches, it is normal to change some small roles. Although the director feels uncomfortable, it is also helpless. This is the rule in the circle, unless the director is famous, even if someone Withdrawal, there are also the kind that countless people want to participate in.

"Grab my role and don't see which onion you are."

Shen Wan didn’t do anything, just called the director. The director received a call from Shen Wan, thinking she knew about it, and said with some regret, “Shen Wan, this thing really doesn’t help you, but you also I know that in this circle... the person behind Luo Chai occupies a quarter of the film. If he divested..."

"Director, how much is a quarter?" Shen Wan asked straightforwardly. She secretly estimated that this film has Jingge added, and the cost will certainly not be too low.After the investment, a lot of money went into Jing Ge's pocket.

The investment cost of the film that can make the actor participate in must be hundreds of millions. Speaking of the original owner can get this role, there is really a element of luck. Maybe this is the halo of the heroine.

But once the investors are offended, it is already a large part of it, regardless of the quarter, which is very important to the entire crew.

"Fifty million." The director didn't know what Shen Wan meant. This drama took him a lot of hard work. Although he might get investment in the follow-up, he didn't want any mistakes in the middle. To be honest, it was Shen Wan, a young artist. Without any background, the acting skills are better than the average artist, and it is not worth the effort he spends so much for her.

If you don’t offend people, it’s thankless, and now it’s all on, and mistakes will have a big impact.The most important thing is that the actor Jingge is very expensive.

Shen Wan fully understands the director's mentality, and doesn't care what he thinks at all, and casually said, "Then I invest in myself, isn't it 50 million? I can still get this little money."

188: It's kind of cute to bend and pretend.

He thought silently, still want to make more money for Wanwan, she is happy, maybe she will give him more skins, and try to get a set of skins for all lovers.

The director was a little surprised. Can you still get fifty million??This little artist is just joking, right?

Shen Wan is a blessing to the soul. "Brother 8, when you invest, choose some profitable film investments. Investing in this is more profitable, especially in movies. I believe your vision. The most important thing is that I will be able to pretend every day. force."

188 was a little happy to be praised, and quickly agreed, in fact, he thought so too.

When the director saw that Shen Wan had really put out 50 million, he was determined to be the previous investor.He is not afraid of the other party, and he has a foreboding that this film should explode. If the other party does not invest in him, that is his loss.It was normal for him to refuse that. The money was in his hands. The director didn't panic. He didn't change his face under the threat of investors, which made the other party go away angrily. He also threatened to immediately withdraw funds and not invest in him.

Luo Chai also followed away with an ugly face. The investors thought that the director was just looking for face and hard-hearted, and he would still be found when he turned his head.

But wait and wait, the director and the entire crew are busy filming, and they haven't waited for someone to find him.

When I asked, I found out that there was a new investor investing in that film. At that time, that investor's face was not good. He was naturally optimistic about the film. Now Luo Chai's eyes are not good.Luo Chai was in his heart, and naturally hated Mullin Poetry for a half to death.

The crew is very strange, why is the director polite to Shen Wan, the third female number?

If it weren't for the director who is famous for loving his wife and keeping himself clean, they would think that the director and Shen Wan have a leg.

And the director's look at Shen Wan didn't seem to have a leg, but rather a little courteous.

Is it possible that someone is behind Shen Wan?

"Director, feel free to shoot. Anyway, I am here. If anyone withdraws, I will make up for you. I don't have anything, but I have a lot of money." Shen Wan drank tea slowly, "This filming, for me It's really just for fun, a hobby."

Director: "..." Is it so embarrassing?

In any case, the rich is the uncle, and the director's attitude is very good.

But when he saw that Shen Wan was only in front of him, and asked him to keep the matter secret, he didn't understand, so he couldn't help asking.

"I'm a relatively low-key person. I just want a place to act quietly. If someone came to provoke me before, I don't want to act."

The director carefully recalled Shen Wan's resume. It was indeed very simple and outstanding, but it did not fall into the rules like many women.

In acting, it really counts as hard work.

Jing Ge over there was still prepared to get caught up, but as a result, new investors made up, making him confused.He, like everyone else, wondered if Shen Wan was the one with the new investment package.

But he found someone to investigate, and Shen Wan didn't come into contact with anyone at all.

Shen Wan glanced at him lightly, what a look, waiting for her to fall into trouble?Sure enough, I didn't have a good mind.

What Shen Wan didn't expect was that Fu Qingman came to see her.

When everyone saw that Shen Wan and Fu Qingman had a very good relationship, they were very surprised. From the beginning, whether Shen Wan was wrapped up by others, they already suspected that Shen Wan had a background, or how could Fu Yinghou have a good relationship with her?

"I heard that your crew had some problems before, and they were resolved later?" Fu Qingman looked at Shen Wan, a little afraid that Shen Wan could not help falling into that kind of rule. In fact, she was very optimistic about Shen Wan.As long as she can bear it, even if she is not very popular, sooner or later she will have a place in this circle. Didn't the previous director also appreciate Shen Wan?

Especially seeing the diligence of the director of this play towards Shen Wan made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Fu Yinghou, do you suspect that I was taken up?"

Fu Qingman didn't expect Shen Wan to be so direct. For a while, he didn't know what to say.

"Don't worry, I'm not being taken up by anyone," Shen Wan whispered in Fu Qingman's ear, "That investor is me. I invest in myself. Who told them to disturb my acting."

"In fact, we are all the same. Acting is just a hobby. I just want to find a place to act quietly. The number of roles is not important to me."

Hearing this, Fu Qingman was stunned.

Is that so?

But she thought that Shen Wan had no need to deceive her, and she couldn't help but get closer, "Really?"

"Really, I won't lie to you, just wait and see. I watched this film is good, and it will be a big hit by then. I invested 50 million and I can definitely make a fortune. I can make money while acting. one thing."

Fu Qingman felt relieved, and said in a low voice, "It turns out that you are hiding deeply, which made me worry for a long time."

"I didn't expect Fu Yinghou to worry about me so much. I'm sorry, I worried you. Don't worry, we are the same kind of people. I will not betray myself for Hong'er. If I want to be popular, I just drop the money. ."

But Fu Qingman was still stunned, and he was smashed when he said 50 million yuan, so how much trench is Shen Wan?It seems that if anyone wants to grab her role in the future, she will use this method. I have to say it is cool and rude.

"Fu Yinghou said last time that he invited you to dinner, shall we go together later?"


Fu Qingman didn't think that with their familiarity, there was nothing wrong with eating a meal.

When it was time for the work, Jing Ge originally wanted to have dinner with Shen Wan, so he discussed the script and the scenes to be filmed tomorrow.

Shen Wan held Fu Qingman's hand and looked at Jing Ge, "Jing Ying, I have already memorized the script and played it in the mirror many times. I think there is no problem."

"That's really good, but there will be a play tomorrow, are you ready? I mean, there are more play scenes, and the director doesn't seem to have prepared a substitute for you. Would you like me to hire a professional person? Would you give me some guidance?" Jing Ge just wanted to find some time to spend time with Shen Wan and show his affection by the way.

When Fu Qingman heard this, he shook his head. Which professional would dare to guide Shen Wan?Do people need to be mentored?

Shen Wan looked around and saw that there was no one. He let go of Fu Qingman's arm and said, "Jing Ying, how have we been here now? Have you remembered all the actions the instructor showed us before?"

"Remembered more than half of it." Jing Ge hesitated for a while, still said.

"Then try it?" Shen Wan blinked his eyes, "I don't know what to say, I remember it, and I will do it, don't you dare to practice?"

Fu Qingman's lips were slightly bent, and he walked to the other side, looking at Shen Wan and Jing Ge standing opposite each other.She found that Shen Wan hated this Jingge a little bit, he really hated it, and she hated him too, it was annoying to look at.

There was a good show next.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: blank, cool, and the night is falling;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Bi'an flowers bloom in 94 bottles of Bi'an; 15 bottles of sei; 10 bottles of katherine; 6 bottles of Yanyouhuang; 1 bottle of ink;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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