Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 130 Are You A Star? Big guys grabbed the kind (6)

Shen Wan's confident look did not arouse Jing Ge's attention.Shen Wan is just a young artist who has just entered the industry. Even if he is a little smarter, he has memorized all the actions given to them by martial arts instructors before and has practiced them.

But most of the artists who have not practiced in the real sense are ostentatious and flashy. After all, these actions are made to look good. The shots can have that effect. In the end, there must be post-production to make the pictures comfortable.

Those martial arts movements, relying on the strength of a man of him, can easily deal with Shen Ben.

It just so happens that I can tell this little girl to show her, self-confidence is a good thing, but not being proud is looking for abuse.

Someone in the crew also noticed the actions of the two of them. Seeing that they had found an open space, as if they were going to sign, Fu Qingman was still watching, and they surrounded him with curiosity, and asked Fu Qingman what was going on here.The director was also attracted. Originally, he planned to leave. If there is no accident, he would finish work on time every day and go back to dine with his wife.

However, Shen Wan and Jing Ge's posture seemed to want to learn about martial arts, which made him stop. There are indeed more martial arts in the scenes scheduled for tomorrow, and the shooting level is relatively difficult.He was a little worried about whether those complicated movements, coupled with Diaoweiya's sinking bend, could be overcome.

Because Shen Wan is also considered to be an investor in this show, the director is already thinking about it, or after he goes back, he asks someone to contact two capable stand-ins. Tomorrow will be the part of Shen Wan. If she really can’t finish it, let her Substitute.

Anyway, this Hao is all about filming, so he shouldn't be so desperate.Of course, if she doesn't need it, he is ready to shoot countless situations that are not enough. There is no way, the investor is the boss, the rich is the uncle.

"Qingman, what's going on here?" The director's name is Jin Peiquan. He has worked with Fu Qingman many times, so the relationship between the two is pretty good.

Fu Qingman didn't look away from Shen Ben, and explained the previous incident to Jin Peiquan.

Hearing that Shen Wan had taken the initiative to learn from each other, Jin Peiquan pondered to herself and asked in a low voice, "Did she learn Shen Wan before? Can it work?" There is no way, Shen Wan's small body is really good for the past. Song?How can I say that Jing Ge is also a big man, although he does not know martial arts, he is also a few meters tall.If you move your fingers casually, it is probably enough for her to drink a pot.

Jing Ge thought about Shen Wan's little thoughts. He understood that he knew that Shen Wan was not a simple one. He ignored him. He was a director who likes to make films. He didn't know anything. He couldn't control what the actors were doing, as long as they didn't damage the crew. The benefit of it can be.

"I believe Shen Wan can do it." Fu Qingman said confidently, relying on Shen Wan who dared to hold a rope to the edge of the cliff to help her. There must be no problem with her skill, even if the cliff is not too high.But without amazing arm strength, I dare not do like Shen Wan.

Fu Qingman's self-confidence made Jin Peiquan a little confused, and he planned to watch it.

At this moment, Jing Ge was standing opposite Shen Wan. Shen Wan had already set his posture. At first glance, it really looked like that.

Whether it's the poses or simple movements, they are all very standard.From the perspective of Jin Peiquan, these actions are quite perfect, and they are also very good when taken into the lens.

Jing Ge was relatively sloppy, with one hand in his trouser pocket, and made a very handsome gesture to fascinate everyone around him.He smiled confidently at Shen Wan, with a slight smile on the corners of his lips, as if asking, can you really?

Fu Qingman who was on the sidelines said softly in his heart, a man who is overbearing, really think that Shen Wan is a woman who can stick his fingers on it?I didn’t feel that it was a bit unpleasant for her to watch Jingge now. Isn’t this person with a good skin?In the face of martial arts contests, he actually performed this kind of gesture of scratching his head, lazy, and there is no temperament at all. No wonder Shen Wan hates this guy.

At this time, Fu Qingman was completely unaware of it. Before she knew it, in her mind, Shen Wan was very good, but Jing Ge, who had the idea of ​​Shen Wan, was annoying, and she did everything. wrong.

"Emperor Jing, are you ready?" A smile appeared on Shen Wan's face, "If I'm ready, I'm going to do it." After that, she squeezed her fist hard, and her fist made a sound. Jing Ge was stunned for a moment, but he still nodded, and still didn't care about Shen Wan, he didn't think she was really capable.

But when Shen Wan rushed to his front door with a fist, he stayed for a while, subconsciously trying to hide, but did not escape Shen Wan's movement because it was too fast.

Jin Peiquan's heart all mentioned his throat, that face is very expensive, it must not be broken, how to film tomorrow if broken.

Shen Wan seemed to hear Jin Peiquan’s heartfelt voice. The fist that was originally going to hit Jing Ge’s face suddenly changed a direction and punched directly on the opponent’s chest. That fist didn’t use much power, at least for her. Speaking of it, it's tickle.

But Jingge didn't feel good after receiving such a fist. He only felt a pain in his chest. He always thought that a woman's fist on the chest should be soft, warm and attractive.

Why does it hurt so much?

It was like a hammer hitting his chest, and there was a feeling of a boulder in his chest.

"Emperor Jing, it seems you haven't done your homework well."

Jing Ge realized that although he didn't have real kung fu, he still learned a lot.Recalling those movements in his mind, he must avoid Shenwan's attack.

However, every blow of Shenwan seemed to be able to catch up with any of his movements, either hitting his chest, or punching his knuckles, or pinching his small palms instantly when he sent out. His wrist folds slightly, and the pain makes him almost groaning.

When so many people watched, he was so embarrassed that he screamed out in pain, and he just endured without screaming, but his face was already pale. Fortunately, he hadn't removed his makeup yet, even if his face was pale, everyone couldn't tell.

Although everyone couldn't see how his face was, he couldn't beat Shen Wan, and he still saw clearly.

Especially when Shen Wan made a few simple moves to hit his key parts, he couldn't dodge at all.

And when he took the initiative to attack, Shen Wan was able to intercept his wrist, and it was a situation that made him unable to move.

Everyone looked at Shen Wan in amazement. Several martial arts instructors were all watching. Looking at Shen Wan, they nodded, "The movements are very standard and powerful. They should have worked hard recently."

"Yes, the female artists I taught before, although the movements are beautiful, they are not as powerful as Shen Wan. I think if her movements are coherent, the post-processing will be much easier. The director does not need to constantly switch shots. You can shoot directly and continuously. Her actions are so coherent and so handsome."

"However, King Jing may need to practice more, otherwise it will still affect the continuity of the action."

The martial arts instructor is discussing, and Jing Ge is avoiding Chen Wan's attack. Although he dodges as much as possible and dodges according to the previous actions, Shen Wan has not changed the other movements. It is indeed the kind they have seen in the video.

But I don't know why, when he uses these actions, he has no strength and can't avoid the attack of Shen Ben.

When Shenwan uses these movements, each movement is not only standard and perfect, but also full of strength.

Tiny fist waved, he thought, if not avoid, the fist hit his face, swollen cheek must make.

But every time a bent fist was about to fall on his face, she would avoid it and not hit his face. When he breathed a sigh of relief, that little pink fist fell directly on his chest. His internal organs were spit out.

In just five or six minutes, Jing Ge seemed to have passed an hour, sweat on his forehead, and the powder on his face rose.

Compared to the unchanging face, his expression faint and relaxed, he was really embarrassed.

The scene was very quiet, Jing Ge felt a little tired, and his movements became slower and slower.In many cases, if Shen Wan hadn't harvested it in time, he probably wouldn't know how many times he had suffered.

Although his face was not beaten, he didn't know how many punches he was beaten in other places, especially his chest, and he wanted to vomit blood because of pain.

There were knees and a hook on her bent feet. Every time she almost made him fall, but she took him by the back of the collar very promptly and brought him up.

The crowd watched silently, not daring to speak or discuss, after all, they were the King King.

Jin Peiquan's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, ignoring Jing Ge's embarrassment. He even turned on the camera with itchy hands and took the scene just now.Even if he can't let it go, it's good for him to keep a person to appreciate.It seems that there is no need to give Shen Wan a substitute.

As for King Jing's words, Jin Peiquan frowned. He was very handsome, but the movements were really too lavish, soft and weak.He shook his head. Forget it, everything can't be perfect. He is very satisfied with an excellent female artist with good martial arts movements.

Such an actor who has money and works hard in filming, if he can give him a basket, it would be great.

"Emperor Jing, let's end our discussion today. You also understand my situation, are you satisfied?"

Jing Ge's facial expression was very stiff. In fact, his back was soaked. Fortunately, there was a coat that people couldn't see.But the sweat on his forehead did not deceive anyone.

Everyone kept silent, watching silently, pretending not to know that Jing Ge was embarrassed.

"Emperor Jing, then I will go to dinner with Fu Yinghou. I hope it will be so smooth when we shoot tomorrow."

Under Jing Ge’s somewhat distorted corners of his mouth, Shen Ben bounced to Fu Qingman’s side, holding her arm, yelling: "So hungry, Fu Yinghou, we’re going to eat soon. We just moved a little bit. Muscles and bones, getting hungry more and more, I must eat more so that I will have the strength to film tomorrow."

The female artists onlookers touched their stomachs silently. They also wanted to eat more, but it would be difficult to take pictures if they were fat.

Looking at Shen Wan's slender body, listening to her seems to eat a lot, aren't you afraid of gaining weight?

Jin Peiquan also planned to go back. Before that, he saw Jing Ge talking to two martial arts instructors. He listened carefully, as if he had something to ask them.Jin Peiquan smiled secretly. It is estimated that she was hit by Shen Wan. It is a good thing to make Jing Ge work so hard.

Fu Qingman watched that Shen Wan had ordered so many dishes, and he was going to be filming tomorrow. Why did the other party come to eat this kind of hot food?

Seeing Shen Wan constantly stuffing her mouth, she finally couldn't help but reminded, "You are going to be filming recently, what if you get fat?"

"No matter how much I eat, I won't get fat."

Seeing that her mouth was full of oil, Fu Qingman couldn't help but feel a little moved. She also liked to eat these things, but she always cared more about her figure, fearing that it would not look good if she was fat.

"Eat if you like it. Isn't Fu Yinghou a hobby of filming? Why do you treat yourself harshly for filming? Even if you are afraid that you will not look good in clothes, you can spare two hours a day to work out or something."

Fu Qingman had already been persuaded, and he picked up a piece of fat cow and threw it into the pot. The fat cow that had just been blanched was delicious with the taste of the seasoning.

The taste was so delicious, Fu Qingman couldn't help but ate five yuan, and finally he stopped himself. Five yuan fat beef was already a lot.

"I have a set of weight-loss exercises here. In fact, whether I gain weight or not depends on doing this set of weight-loss exercises every day." Shen Wan smiled and raised her head. "Fu Yinghou, you can eat it. From now on, I will take you to do weight-loss exercises every day, if it's a month later. You have gained a pound, you come to kill me."

Fu Qingman moved more and more, "Is that weight loss exercise really that powerful?"

"High fat burning exercises for weight loss, of course, are amazing. Long-term jumping can still keep fit. Do you think I am not fat and have good skills? After practicing this, you will have to relax a lot in filming in the future. You can’t get fat by eating, and you’ll be out of oil for an hour or two every day."

"Then I will try it, if you really get a pound of weight, you have to take full responsibility."

Shen Wan: Responsible. If you can’t make a movie, then marry someone home.

Fu Qingman is also a foodie, but most of the delicious foods are high in calories. She has always been very restrained.

She didn't think Shen Wan was lying to her, so she wanted to try.

188 is thinking silently, so Wanwan is using weight loss exercises to build friendship with Fu Qingman, so that there is a hub for meeting between the two, and it is even possible to use dance exercises and eat together every time in the future. Is it an excuse to meet?

Damn his, this is too good to forget.

This time Fu Qingman let go of his stomach to eat, and directly supported him.

Shen Wan suggested to go for a walk together. Fu Qingman was dressed up in disguise. Make-up and disguise is still simple for her. As long as she is deliberately unrecognizable, there are many ways that no one can recognize it when walking by the river.

After digesting, Fu Qingman couldn't wait to hold Shen Wan, "The gym I often go to is right in front, or, shall we go to do weight loss exercises? After eating so much today, I don't want to get two catties of fat tomorrow. ."

"Xing Ba." Shen Wan was of course very happy, and the two went to the gym arm in arm.

Fu Qingman only felt relaxed after a set of weight loss exercises.

After doing exercises, she should be tired. She didn't expect to jump more and more easily. She already believed in the wonder of this set of weight loss exercises.

After sending Shen Wan back, Fu Qingman was still reluctant to give up, "Then next time we have an appointment to eat together, we will go to the gym again to do exercises."

Fu Qingman decided in his heart that he must eat all the days that he hadn't had enough to eat as an actor.She would definitely have no appetite to eat by herself. She would find someone to accompany her to eat with her. It would be most appropriate to go to Shenwan after thinking about it.

Shen Wan revealed a mouthful of white teeth, "Okay, I like eating very much."

The next day, it was Shen Wan and Jing Ge's rivalry.

The two had changed their clothes, Shen Wan dressed like a chivalrous woman, holding a long sword, the sword was a real sword, but it hadn't been opened before, and it couldn't hurt people, but it would be more uncomfortable to hit him accidentally.

Shen Wanhuan was holding a sword in his hand, standing in front of Jing Ge very chicly.

Jing Ge made the expressions he should have on his face, but he was panicked.Thinking of everything he experienced yesterday, even after he finally consulted with two martial arts instructors, he was not sure that he would have the upper hand against Shen Wan.

At this moment, the two really seemed to be dueling.

At the beginning of the director's call, Fu Qingman quietly visited the class, standing in the corner, watching Shen Wan leap up with his sword, and attacked Jingge with the sword.

Jing Ge's sword flicked at the time, which made him forget how he should have reacted.

Naturally, Shen Wan's original perfect movement was interrupted, Jing Ge looked back at Jin Peiquan, pursing her lips, "Sorry, not next time."

"That's good, get ready." Jin Peiquan also knows that it is not easy to want to pass one shot. Many times it is possible to take one shot dozens of times, and he wants to take every shot as much as possible. Perfect.

For the second time, Jing Ge finally caught up.

When he drew his sword and received a sinking attack, when the sword touched the sword, the opponent's power was so strong that he had to take a step back.

"Emperor Jing, pay attention here. You are a hidden master in this show. You should not change your face when facing an opponent's attack. You should draw your sword to block the opponent's attack. You should not take a step back. It was your random blow that blocked the opponent back." Jin Peiquan said seriously.

Jing Ge: The force is as strong as a cow, how can he stop it?Why don't you try?

Shen Wan: It's a small thing, not all women can be soaked.

This is how Jingge in the original plot tossed the original owner. Shen Wan didn't go too far. If he planned to play, let Jingge pass.

Basically, she would play ten times with one shot, and when Jing Ge was sweating profusely and his face was not good, she let the other person pass this one easily.

After half a day, Jing Ge felt both arms were numb.

Because there were too many parts in the play, every time Shen Wan hit and hit his sword, his arm was numb. Others saw that his eyes were all wrong and thought he was weak.

Virtual, virtual your mother's virtual!

How do these people know that this woman is as powerful as a cow, and the little white flower he thought before must be his illusion.

At the end of the afternoon, Shen Wan jumped up in front of Fu Qingman with a refreshed spirit and happily, and took her arm, "Fu Yinghou, let’s go, I’ve been eating, I’ve been tired for a day, I’m so hungry, I want more Take some tonic."

Actresses: "..."

Jing Ge, who was rubbing his arm, could only watch Shen Wan and say he was going to eat.

I don't know if Shen Wan noticed his gaze, and pulled Fu Qingman to him, "Emperor Jing, today is really offended, or let's go eat together, I'll treat him."

Invite him?

Jing Ge was a little surprised and satisfied, but he still didn't dispel his interest in Shen Wan, "Okay."

188: Are you sure it is really good?Is his family Wanwan so kind?

The author has something to say: It's early today!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: Xiao Lanhai, Mo Zhu, and Chen Wei, who are smiling;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

77 bottles of si-hsien; 25 bottles of ajol; 10 bottles of cp from Yanyouhuang and Langbian; 1 bottle of Lunar Wolf Star and Lao Bai;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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