Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 146 Are You A Star? The big guys grabbed the kind (22)

"How's it going?"

"Jing, the bid has failed."

Jing Ming was very unbelievable, with a calm face, he slammed the desk hard, and finally couldn't help it. "The three projects that I saw this month were completely sure to succeed. Why did they fail?"

The assistant was very helpless, and he wanted to know why.

But this is an open bid, and it failed. It must be the other party’s better plan.

Besides, in the previous internal bidding, didn't their company fail?Mr. Jing also vowed to say before that everything has been set up, and then it will be a process, and other companies will accompany them to run again and make up the number.

Unexpectedly, it failed in the end. Who can blame this?

Now everyone in the company is wondering, is there something wrong with Mr. Jing, or those people think Mr. Jing is out of fashion??

In two months, Jing Ming failed one after another. In the end, almost every seemingly wise decision would have various problems.

These problems are not really a big mistake, but the plan that Jingming personally supervised and came up with seemed a bit outdated.Really, they did not use the wrong adjective, it is out of date.

There are already many companies, and their plans, even a small advertisement, are much more interesting than their companies.

It seems that their company is not only outdated, but also a bit old.

They also don't understand why those companies that they once looked down upon, there is always a point that can suppress them.The opponent is not a vicious competition, it really makes them feel aggrieved, and they can't find a point to vent.

Just talk about the entertainment company under the name of Jing, it seems to be outdated, and it is not as good as the company under the name of Pan Yue.I really don't know what's going on. Since Pan Yue took over the entertainment company, outstanding newcomers have sprung up like bamboo shoots, one by one, they can grow into lush bamboo within a few days.

All kinds of resources are simply thrown on those newcomers desperately.Those newcomers also have potential. In addition, Pan Yue took over the company in name. In fact, the boss is local tyrant Shen Wan.So this entertainment company is really relatively clean, and it can train artists at all costs, can it not make it?

In the past two years, I have been busy investing in various companies every day for 188 days. It is still a targeted investment. It not only invests money, but also invests in technology. Basically, it depends on what the other party lacks.In the entertainment company managed by Pan Yue, 188 has developed a set of methods for training new talents to improve their skills quickly.

At first, they paid money to find relationships and smashed resources. Later, because their artists were too good, they didn't have any strange problems.Whether it is filming or other activities, the company assigns personnel to pick up and drop off.Now countless newcomers really want to squeeze into this company.

Unfortunately, the top and bottom of this company do not accept the unspoken rules.

Throw money?

I'm sorry, this company is rich and doesn't treat money as money.

You say to seduce with some beauty?

When you go in and see what the artists of this company are like, you will know what self-shaming is.

Looking for a relationship?

Who would dare to let in the unqualified ones by letting in the water and get out of here.

Pan Yue thought at first whether this would be too ruthless.

Later I found out that his boss was really headstrong, and said to him, "I just want a cleaner company, with more actors like me who love acting, and don't want to make this place smug. I want to relax. Then what am I going to do to acquire this company? You are your boss, and all other funds and relationships are mine. I will ask someone to do it."

Later, over time, Pan Yue was convinced.

Jing's name has not only entertainment companies, but also technology companies, food factories, clothing design companies...

However, the situation is not so good now. There is a cheat device 188, which is desperate to invest in technology and money in some companies.A variety of more advanced technology products than Jingshi Technology have appeared, and more hygienic, safer and more delicious foods have appeared. Of course, in the clothing sector, a steady stream of finished products are designed, not only finished products, but also high-end teaching methods. , Trained a group of designers.

That's right, in some companies, he invested in a group of designers in the past, and such a shameful operation stunned everyone in that company.

But the results are very good. Under the leadership of 188, the company successfully made all Jing's companies obsolete.

Yes, it's the term "outdated".

Jing's stock price has fallen again and again, although very slowly, the rate of decline is really staggering.

In the beginning, the members of the company were still a bit of a face and didn't say much.

In this situation, they had already planned to replace Jing Ming.

This outrageous president really can't ask for it.

Look at all the companies currently under Jing's name, they are all taken out of date by Jingming. The solutions they come up with are always much worse than others. What kind of technology company, their technology has been surpassed for several years. Like a snail, it hasn't fallen yet, all because Jing still has some foundation.

People on the Jing family's side also gradually didn't believe in Jing Ming's ability. Therefore, when the shareholders held a meeting, they said Jing Ming was really not good enough. If they didn't change people, they could only give up Jing's family.This time, no one in Jing's family objected.

Although Jing Ming was replaced, he was no longer the position of president.

But he can still work in the company, but he is so arrogant and arrogant that he will not be seen by others, so he resigns and intends to go it alone. After all, he has a lot of property in his own name and has a lot of relationships.He still doesn't believe that he can't make a comeback.

The people of the Jing family tried to persuade him several times, but he was stubborn and didn't listen at all. He broke up unhappy several times, and finally stopped admonishing.

Strangely enough, since Jing Ming resigned, Jing's company has slowly recovered.Although it can no longer be compared with the past, at least not every time a method or plan is presented, it is a bit outdated.

Jing's shareholders breathed a sigh of relief, and planned to manage the company slowly now. At this time, it would be impossible to make big strides. It would be better to maintain this state.

"Man, I'm right, let Jingming get busy, and he won't have time to trouble me."

Shen Wan handed the phone to Fu Qingman, "You see that he has been really busy for more than a year, and now I have to resign, and he will not work in Jingshi, so he will naturally not be able to intervene in our circle and will not find me. Is in trouble."

Looking at the latest financial news interface, Fu Qingman really didn't know what to say.

Shen Wan told her before that if Jingming gets busy, there will be no time for trouble.

She thought that Shen Wan would find some relationship and create some trouble for Jingming.

Now I look at Jing Ming's desolate appearance, and in the past year, because of Shen Ben, she has been paying attention to Jing Ming's news.

Words of outdated presidents and outdated companies also frequently appeared in front of her, refreshing her outlook on life.

It seemed that every road in Jingming was blocked by people.It is not just one company that is blocking Jingming's road, but countless companies.

Among these companies, there is always an advantage. It can replace the company under Jing's name with a super cost-effective ratio. This makes Jing's company slowly eliminated. Isn't it obsolete?

And Jing Ming's several mistakes have become a joke in the business world.Just say that they developed a high-tech product before, and they also specifically let Jingge endorse it. After three months of publicity, almost the entire country knew how good this product was.

Everyone is waiting for the launch of this product to get a glimpse of high technology.

Unexpectedly, a few days before the launch of this product, a small company also launched a product, the price is not expensive, it sounds a bit interesting.Because there is no publicity, only a small number of people buy.

As a result, people who bought it, and people everywhere Amway this high-tech product, although there is no special promotion, but word of mouth from customers is the best promotion.Many companies wondered if the small company hired the navy, only to find out later that their products are so awesome.

When the Jingshi company's product went on the market, the person who had been looking forward to it bought it, and after the purchase, the intestines were regrettable.

Many things like this have happened, making Jing Ming become an outdated president, and the products under his company's name have become outdated products.

These things once became a joke in the business world.

Everyone thought that Jingming was overwhelmed, but who could imagine that Jingming was overwhelmed by her wife?The reason is very simple. Jing Ming always troubles her wife. She is angry, and her wife is also angry. She feels that if he keeps the other party busy, there is no time for trouble.

"I heard that Jing Ge also endorsed that outdated product before, and now he is a bit outdated." Fu Qingman said with a sigh, "Even if he is the actor, because there is an outdated president brother, he is now called King of Qi."

"Then he is a bit miserable." Shen Wan said sympathetically. If it weren't for her expression that didn't mean sympathy at all, Fu Qingman would have believed it. "The reality tells us that even if you are a movie actor, you must always study. , Otherwise people like Jing Ge will be eliminated sooner or later."

"My family is different. Even if I'm a movie queen, I always study seriously, my acting is improving day by day, and I'm very humble in everything I do. Even the big names never play a temper and are approachable. Provoking like..."

Fu Qingman was dizzy by Shen Wan's various boasting words, and the corners of his lips rose unconsciously.But these words were said by her Wanwan, they were the best words, and she must listen carefully.

"Wanwan, I want to paint a lipstick makeup today."

"I will help you."

It didn't take long for the fans of the two to discover that Shen Wan and Fu Qingman took another photo of lipstick makeup.In this regard, they are all used to it. It is not surprising at all. Instead, it is just a point, and then under the comments, they also post their own lipstick makeup photos.

Some fans even shouted: Man, we have the same makeup again today.

Not long after, Fu Qingman responded to this fan's message: It's still a bit different.

Fan: That's for sure. We don't seem to use the same lip mold, and the position of the painting is different.

Fu Qingman: [Smile]

Wrong, her wife painted it herself, the difference is big!

Not long afterwards, Shen Wan and Fu Qingman looked at each other when they heard that Jingming had started a new company, among which Jingge had invested.

[188: "Wanwan, Jingming still wants to recruit the companies I invested in, but I asked them to refuse. In fact, these companies don’t plan to agree. They all like to see Jingming’s desolate appearance. They used to be in Jingming. He suffered a lot from his hand. Wanwan, don't worry, Jing Ming can't turn over. People from those companies won't let him turn over."]

Sure enough, as 188 said, Jingming's company was almost impossible to move. In just three months, it almost lost all his pants.

Jing Ming refused to admit defeat, and continued to invest, and the result was more losses.

After this incident, Jing Ming became a legend in the business world and a legendary story of a deadly president.

Jing Ge had invested a lot before, and it was a miserable loss. The relationship with Jingming became worse, especially Jingming's independent character, and he didn't want to endure it.

Just ignore the other party's troubles and start filming seriously again, but at this time, it is very difficult to start again.There is really no shortage of people in this circle. Newcomers have always sprung up like bamboo shoots. The momentum is so fierce that Jingge's road is not easy to follow.

Shen Wan and Fu Qingman are probably the happiest ever.

She doesn't know how much money 188 made now, anyway, very, very much.

However, on this day, she heard the sad voice of 188, and felt bad in her heart. She was going to go out, but she gave up the idea.

"Brother 8, what's wrong with you?"

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