Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 147 Are You A Star? The big guys grabbed the kind (23)

After Shen Wan asked 188 for a long time, the other party did not answer.

But she could still feel that 188 didn't go to work on other things. He was still here and heard her words.

"Brother 8, what happened? We are teammates. Tell me, I will help you. Could it be that the price of skins has increased, or is there a systematic number of skins that exceeds yours?"

Shen Wan said, and looked at the system mall. There was no price increase, but the original price.

She took another look at the list of skins owned by the system, and she still had the most skins in her eighth brother.

After a long time, 188 finally made a sound.

[188's voice is terribly wronged: "Wanwan, you can't help me with this. I feel that I have lost interest in everything now, and I am suspicious of Tongsheng."]

This voice is really pitiful, and Shen Wan thinks something must be wrong.

In any case, 188 is her family's little leader. They are teammates and good friends. If something goes wrong with a good friend, she must be on top.

"Brother 8, what is the relationship between the two? The relationship is so good, no matter what it is, I will help you as much as possible. Even if you can't help, you can still complain to me. Is it bullied by all others, When I'm out, I'll settle the account with his host."

188 was a little moved when he heard Shen Wan's words. He didn't expect him to be so important in Wanwan's mind. Although he was still sad, he was a little bit less than before.

[188: "Wanwan, I am broken in love."]

In the end, 188 decided to tell Shen Wan about this because he found that apart from talking to Shen Wan, it seemed that he could not share it with other systems.In his current situation, even if he goes to an anonymous forum to complain, all the systems know about his broken love, and what happened to him is too special.

Anyone who complains anywhere will be recognized instantly.

He didn't want to be a joke of Tongjie, so he decided to talk to Shen Wan, and he would be even more sad if he didn't tell this matter.

"Dropped in love?" Shen Wan was a little surprised, and then blurted out, "Are you green with you?"

"Are you busy making money for me, neglecting your object, she can't stand it anymore, so she greens you? Run away with other systems? If this is the case, don't be sad, and find a better one in the future, she can If you are green, you can be the next one. When this world is over, I will give you a full set of couple skins for your future partner."

[188: "No."]

"No..." Shen Wan thought for a while, "Could it be that she thinks that you left her out of the way and broke up directly without you?"

[188: "Neither."]

At this moment, Shen Wan was a little confused, and suddenly she thought of a little, "Could it be that someone forcibly split you apart?"

[188: "No, no one will separate us."]

[188: "I proposed the breakup."]

Shen Wan is stunned in Chinese, so I don't understand it. It's her eighth brother who took the initiative to break up, and he's sad here again. Why?


This time, 188 was silent for a long time.

Shen Wan planned, if 188 didn't want to say more, he wouldn't ask him again.She doesn't like 188 to be unhappy. She really regards him as a small partner and good friend, and hopes that he can be happy every day.In these days in the small world, thanks to his company, she was able to walk all the way.

Speaking of it, 188 helped her a lot, although she occasionally bullied him.But that was just teasing him, I thought he was cute.

Now 188 is sad, she is still a little unhappy.

[188: "Because..." took a deep breath, "Wanwan, I was deceived. I always thought he was a girl, but I didn't expect him to be a lady's lady, he deceived my feelings."]

Shen Wan:???

Female, costume, big, guy?

Did she hear me right?

[188: "I always thought he was a good game player and a girl who likes watching science fiction movies. I gave him those cute things. He said he liked them very much, and he never showed dislike. So, I didn’t. I suspected something, and all the skins he wore were girl skins. Who knew he was so perverted, he was actually a big lady in women's clothing and cheated on my feelings."]

Shen Wan was silent. She didn't know what to say about this matter, and she also refreshed her perception. Is there a woman's clothing boss in the original system?

[188: "He even deliberately tuned his voice to a girl. If it weren't for this operation, he would have discovered it. If it weren't for this time, I would go to watch the game competition between the systems. I really don't I know, he is actually a big lady in women's clothing. He never told me about the game.

He must have known that I was very busy lately, so I went to the game so boldly. He never expected that I was almost busy. He happened to be a loyal fan of that game. This time I went to watch the game.Then, I found that he had changed back to the man's skin, and his voice had changed to his original. The game was so slippery, I didn't expect to be a liar.

At first I saw the operation technique, I thought it was a coincidence, but later I found out that it was not a coincidence, he was a big lady in women's clothing.After the game, I went to look for him. He actually changed back to his sister's skin. He said he wanted to go to the movies with me and wanted me to play games with him. I really don't know where his face came from, a liar!"

"So, broke up?"

[188: "Do you still keep it for the New Year regardless of the difference? This liar still doesn't give up, and keeps sending me emails. I blacked out his mailbox. I suspect that he took a fancy to my skin before pretending to be a girl approaching me. Deceive my feelings, think I'm so cheating."]

Shen Wan hesitated for a moment, "What if it's not? What if this lady's boss really wants to have sex with you?" In these days, will the system still pretend to be a girl to cheat the skin?This thing should be reported one by one, maybe not.

[188: "That lady's lady lied to me, I won't talk to him anymore."]

"Brother 8, don't be sad, next time you will be able to find a really cute girl to have a love, then forget the big lady who cheated you."

[188: "It’s better to Wanwan. I’m much better. Wanwan. Let me help you make money. If you don’t fall in love anymore, I can help you make money without any distractions. Otherwise, I will send you this time. The richest man in the country."]

"Pay attention to rest, don't get too tired."

[188: "It's okay, I am a system, this little thing is not tiring. Wanwan is the best for me, I want to make a lot of money for you, you spend it, spend it whatever you want, even if you use it to spoil your wife. "

Or is the love in Wanwan at his house sweet, so he will stop cp, what kind of love to talk about, what if there is another lady-dressing boss?

Shen Wan observed for a few days, chatting with 188 every day, and found that he was indeed in good condition, which was relieved.Every time 188 would happily list her property under her name to show her, and ask for praise, she is not stingy to praise.

To be honest, after working together for so long, she has not praised 188 in the past.

Seeing his fortune continue to grow, Shen Wan is also dizzy.

She also took the time to go to the forum to read it, and found that there were discussions about 188 and the lady's 199.Moreover, she also turned to the women's magnate 199 and posted many posts, all of which apologized to 188.

There are countless floors below, all blessing him, hoping that he will be forgiven soon.

Shen Wan banged on the side and found that 188 did not want to mention 199, so she never mentioned it again.It was indeed 199 that cheated her eighth brother, and her eighth brother doesn't like it, so don't force it. Her eighth brother is so good and liked by so many girls. Is there missing one 199 who is still a big lady in women's clothing?

188 is like crazy, crazy money.

He actually wants to go to the forum for gossip occasionally, but he just glances at it. As for some posts, he should not see them.

And recently, there were some unfamiliar emails in his mailbox, and it turned out that it was all an apology letter sent to him by the lady's tycoon, expressing that he wanted to talk to him.

Dead liar, talk about a ghost, he is now busy helping Wanwan realize the wish of the richest man in the country, so he ignores the liar.

Therefore, he blocked all the accounts that sent spam, and no system was allowed to disturb him to make money.

Thanks to 188's efforts, Shen Wan has many more companies involved in various industries.

These companies all belong to Shenwan, not investment.

The employees of the company know that the boss is very mysterious, and the person who manages the company is a professional manager who has been selected.

Shen Wan knew, "Maybe everyone can't think that I can become the richest man without doing anything? Brother 8, don't be too tired. In fact, the richest man is not that important to me."

[188: "I like to make money now, bend around."]

"Xing Ba, you like it." She saw that her eighth brother was diverting her attention, and she blamed the lady named 199, who deeply hurt her family. 8 brother.

Unconsciously, Shen Wan has won the Best Actress Award several times.

As for Fu Qingman, as long as there is her play, it is certain to win.

I don’t know if it’s agreed, the two are only making one movie and one TV show a year.

The final awards were the film queen and the film queen.

In these two dramas, either Shen Wan plays the female lead and Fu Qingman plays the second female lead, or Fu Qingman plays the female lead and Shen Wan plays the second female lead.

Is one year a coincidence, two years a coincidence, and three years a coincidence?

In fact, everyone in the entertainment industry knows that there is no shortage of funds for any drama in which these two people participate.

So now is not the director picking them, but the time for them to pick the script and the director.

They also have a habit of putting on lipstick makeup every weekend, almost sending out photos one after another.

Two weeks a week is normal, and the time has lasted for several years. Is that normal?

"It's the same without changing the mold for three years. Do you think it's normal?"

"In fact, I found out a long time ago that their lipstick makeup looks more realistic, like being kissed."

"You mean, they are putting makeup on each other? Bah! What am I talking about? If it's true, it's really abnormal."

"Are there any situations between Wanwan and Manman?"

"Anyway, I can't accept it."

"I'm okay. Both are what I like. If we stay together, that would be great."

"What does it mean that two women are together? It's disgusting."

"Fuck you, you are sick."

On this day, because of fan discussions, Shen Wan and Fu Qingman were once again sent to hot searches.The whole network is in Tao, is it that kind of relationship between the two?

Some people even appraised the lipstick makeup of the two before and their lips, and came to an amazing truth: their lipstick makeup was really printed on each other.

Fans know this, they are all exploded.

At present, all reporters are staying, planning to cover the latest news.

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