Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 148 Are You A Star? The big guys snatch it (end)

The relationship between Shen Wan and Fu Qingman has been heated up on the Internet.

In fact, if you observe carefully, the noisy people are either watching the excitement, some passerby fans, or fans from other homes.

Instead, they are diehard fans of the two, both very quiet.

My idol has been in love for so many years, even if the two appear naturally and harmoniously on the public platform, it seems that there is no other relationship.

Did they really find nothing tricky?That is basically impossible.

Over the years, there have even been a lot of people who have concealed their cps. If you observe carefully, you will find that the two of them look like a match.

As for those who don't like to knock the two CPs, even if they were diehard fans at the beginning, they have already taken off fans.

Nowadays, there are many voices on the Internet, saying that it’s nothing to do with them. Anyway, it’s people’s business. They ask so much what they do, and when they see hot searches, they just flip through them and basically don’t speak.

Some passers-by expressed surprise, saying that they did not expect them to have such a relationship.

Some people do not believe that the relationship between the two is proper, and it is best not to spread rumors, which will cause trouble to others.

Of course, the most ferocious thing is that the supporters of the two people are excited about the cp and the opponents of the two people think their behavior is very disgusting, and all kinds of disgusting words on the Internet.

The entire network has been in a mess because of this incident.

On the contrary, they are diehard fans of the two, organized in an orderly manner, so that they are not allowed to make trouble or say some radical words.

Because this matter has just fermented, the two sides reacted quickly, and the first thing was to restrain their fans.

However, in the network world separated by network cables, there are quite a few people who pretend to be loyal and make things worse.

Neither Shen Wan nor Fu Qingman intended to suppress this matter.

Although Shen Wan and Fu Qingman have a good reputation in the circle, so are their popularity.

However, in this circle, everyone is a competitor. Taking advantage of this time, some people want to step on them, hoping that they will be affected by this so that they can allocate resources.

Of course, most of those who have these ideas are newcomers, not the newcomers of the entertainment company under the name of Shen Wan.

As for the old people who have worked with Shen Wan, even if they knew it for a long time, the relationship between Shen Wan and Fu Qingman was unusual. Seeing that the two of them didn't want to promote it, everyone shut up and pretended not to know. Look like.

Now things seem to be fermented, and they have no intention of getting into trouble.

Do those newcomers think that by falling into trouble at this time, they can really hit these two women?This idea is too naive, and those people don't understand what kind of person Shen Wan is.

That's a big guy. Anyone who knows something wants to cooperate with her, but unfortunately, now she is making a TV series and a movie every year.

He does not participate in any commercial shooting, nor does he participate in any variety shows, nor accept any interviews.

The two people can be seen on the screen, there are only two situations, watching their TV series and movies, and watching their awards show.

As for paparazzi shooting them?There is the 188 gangster who is here, any sneak shots are of no avail, no matter where you hide, you can be found.

This is why, for more than three years, even if the two did not cover it up, the outside world is not very clear about their unusual relationship.

But the diehard fans of the two are different. They often see their Weibo interactions, and they feel something from it. They just tacitly agreed. At the beginning, they were a little uncomfortable and didn’t believe it. Why is the interaction so sweet?

Especially the lipstick makeup, every time they see the confusing behavior of two people, they will smile and accept it in their hearts.Even if they say they are getting married one day, they are not surprised at all.

But some of the ordinary fans may be very concerned.

The people who were the first to discuss, question, and even scold disgusting, are basically ordinary fans.However, now they have taken off fans and are still stepping back.

There are always some people who don't understand love between the same sex, think it is sick, or even hate it, and they will feel comfortable when they scold it.

"My ancestor Shen, now the whole network is rushing you, so noisy, you don't want us to hold things down, and don't want us to remove hot searches, what are you going to do?"

Su Jiali is really anxious, to say that the artist Shen Wan is really too worry-free.

For so many years, this matter is not worrying.

Of course she knew that Shen Wan and Fu Qingman had an unusual relationship, which many people in the circle had noticed.The two are so famous that they have suddenly made a noise, and they don't know how to end it.

Although Su Jiali knew that Pan Yue and Shen Wan had a good relationship, she didn't know that Shen Wan was the hidden boss.So now I am very anxious, for fear of what effect this incident will have on her, but she is still in a state of letting things ferment, and it makes her feel very worried.

Fu Qingman, who was sitting next to Shen Wan, also received a call from his agent, "No need to withdraw hot search."

"My grandmother, what are you two going to do?" Fu Qingman's agent also almost jumped up frizzily, but these two are both big brothers, or the one that is not restricted by the company.

A few years ago, Fu Qingman changed companies.

Although the contract hasn't arrived, Shen Wan is too big to buy that company directly, which is actually equivalent to not changing the company.Of course, Pan Yue is still responsible for all this.

Pan Yue, her little brother, is now a big brother in the circle, and everyone wants to curry favor.

This guy still has his own rules. Although he likes beautiful women, he never targets his company's artists.

His eyes are still sharp, and his fancy is good, and the obedient will give the other party some resources.However, after hooking up with him and having a relationship with him, he basically has no fate with the company under his name.

No way, his boss is strict and forbids him to make the company miserable.Although the grass at the edge of the nest looked fresh and tender, he did not dare to say anything.

"Don't worry, wait a little longer, it will be resolved." Fu Qingman's tone was very plain, but she had waited for this day for a long time.

She and Shen Wan's loyal fans can actually feel the relationship between them.Now that the incident was exposed, she was not afraid of anything, but rather happy.

The incident has been exposed, does it mean that they can bring the marriage to the sun?

The two hung up the phone at the same time, looked at each other and smiled, then went back to the room to change clothes holding hands.People on the Internet can make noise if they want to. They are now going to do a very important thing.

After changing clothes, they posted a Weibo at the same time, stating that they would give an explanation in ten days.

After that, they carried their bags and walked to the back of the villa. There was a small airport where a private plane was parked. This was not Shen Wan, but Fu Qingman's.

For so many years, the paparazzi did not take the slightest picture of where they were or how they went out. There was also the credit of the private jet.Moreover, this place is still private, bought by Shen Wan, no way. Since her family 188 has lost her love, she has become infatuated with the feeling of making money. She also instigated her to spoil her daughter-in-law every day, and asked her to spend money hard, and said to wait to leave. This world may not be finished.

Shen Wan felt that the flowers were really endless.

When the internet was still noisy, the two left in a private jet.

Ten days later, Shen Wan and Fu Qingman came back. At this time, the Internet was almost full. This incident is not very new to the majority of netizens.

Whether the two clarified or clarified, it is no longer important.Even if it doesn't matter, many people believe that they are related.

But the two are planning to deal with this matter and fulfill what they promised.

In the villa, Shen Wan and Fu Qingman were holding their marriage certificates. They both looked at each other with a smile, and they took the marriage certificate to take a nine-shot.

"It's still a bit exciting to think about it." Shen Wan has already uploaded the photo, but has not yet sent it out, "We are married. Are we announcing that we are married, or that the wedding is in preparation?"

"It's okay, or else, let's say we got the certificate. The wedding is still in preparation."

"Fine, listen to you."

Afterwards, the two moved their fingers and sent the pictures taken in the Jiu continuous with the sentence "We have received the certificate, and the wedding is still in preparation".

Originally, this matter was almost done, everyone is not curious anymore, after all, there are new things happening on the Internet every day.

But the marriage certificates of the two really made a sensation again and exploded on the Internet.

The loyal fans of the two are still very calm. When they said that they wanted to give an explanation, they already knew what kind of harassment might happen between the two.

This time, the two still did not deliberately suppress hot searches, nor did they bother those who scolded them as disgusting.

Even if these topics were suppressed, some people continued to scold them.

"Is it not good to use money to spoil my daughter-in-law? Why use it to withdraw hot searches, is it interesting?"

Pan Yue's expression is hard to say, let's go, since his eldest has a wife, he has no place in his heart.

He really didn't expect that the boss would find a wife.

"Then boss, sister-in-law, do you see where the wedding will be held at the time? Is it in China or is it going to package an island? I have a lot of plans here. The boss and sister-in-law can take a look."

Pan Yue gave the plan to the two of them, sitting while drinking tea, looking at the two women in front of him, they were so tired of reading the plan, and he felt a little empty.

Although he has also talked about a lot of love, even if it is good to each other, but both sides seem to be very concerned.

The other party is outstanding, and he pays the money, not as interesting as the two women in front of him.

It was not the first time that he saw Shen Wan and Fu Qingmen's greasy and crooked look, but every time he saw them like this, in addition to being a little greasy and crooked, he felt a little warm.

Shen Wan and Fu Qingman felt Pan Yue's loss of consciousness, and she stretched out her hand and waved in front of him, "Xiao Pan, what's wrong with you?"

"Boss, what does it feel like to be in love?"

Shen Wan blinked, "What is it like, don't you know if you try it? Even if I told you, you don't understand."

When Pan Yue left, he was thinking about whether to have a love that never ends. Just like his boss and sister-in-law, he won't get bored with each other every day, and his relationship is getting better and better.

Is there really such love in the world?Pan Yue was confused.

In the end, Shen Wan and Fu Qingman chose to pack an island for their wedding. Not only did they want to hold the wedding, they also planned to invite their diehard fans to the island. If they were ordinary people, they would definitely not dare to do so. Do, this kind of thing is crazy.

Hardcore fans, when they heard this decision, they couldn't believe it and were very excited. Can they really go to the wedding of the two?

Many people said that the two of them may just ask for some ideas.

Unexpectedly, both of them said that they would invite 5,000 diehard fans to attend their wedding.Everyone said that they are bragging, such a big hand, why on earth?

Not to mention that the wedding is not held in China, but how to arrange these people, the safety of the scene, and the cost of the wedding are very large.If you don't get sponsorship, then can you spend a lot of money?

But Shen Wan has already posted on Weibo: "This time I was shocked by those who like us, so in order to compensate you, we plan to invite our diehard fans, a total of 10,000 people to witness our wedding. The fans will be held online. Screening, there will be an interview at that time. If you like us, you can check the registration requirements and register."

Hearing this news, of course some want to fish in troubled waters.

But they know the existence of 188, they are human or ghost on the Internet, and 188 can see it clearly.Who are the real fans, can't the 188 bosses be able to tell?

"Brother 8, you have to work hard again."

[188: "It's not hard. I like to do things like this. I am very happy to see Wanwan and your wife finally get married."]

Shen Wan hesitated, "Brother 8, are you still sad? I heard that 199 is still looking for you and wants to apologize to you."

In her mind, she actually disagrees with 188 and 199 together, because 199 is a liar.Putting this kind of behavior on humans is equivalent to a fraudulent marriage.

But she was a little bit afraid of hurting her eighth brother, so she basically didn't mention it, especially her eighth brother was very firm and just ignored the other party.

[188: "Wanwan, do you think I should forgive him?"]

"To be honest, I should not forgive me when I met."

[188 chuckled, "Wanwan, I have always liked girls, and he lied to me, and now he wants to pull me to get fucked, this liar is really bad and vicious, so I won’t ignore him. That’s it. Sure enough, we both thought the same thing."]

"Eight brother, if you want to understand it, I also think that the liar in 199 is not worthy of our wise eighth brother. In the future, our eighth brother will definitely meet a cute and well-behaved girl who treats you well. When we end this World, I bought all those couple skins for you, and then I will give them to her when I meet a girl I like, how about?"

[188: "Okay, Wanwan, since I fell in love, you have been getting better and better to me, and I'm a little embarrassed to praise me every day. This is so good suddenly, it makes me a little at a loss. Okay, I'll continue to help you choose loyal fans, Wanwan, and I will not do it in the future, if you don't want to take me away, I think you may not find a good host like you."]

"I will figure out a way to take you away. Although the Space-Time Bureau is not allowed to take the system away, Brother 8, I will definitely find a way to take you away. If you grab it, you will be taken back."

Hearing Shen Wan's words, 188 went to work happily.Sure enough, his family is good, and now I don’t hurt him. I praise him every day and call him eighth brother every time. This life is really good, he doesn’t want to get involved. He likes girls and doesn’t want to be a liar. What continue to pester.

The wedding was prepared by Pan Yue and the Fu family. On the day of Shen Wan, he took out a card to teach Pan Yue, saying that he would use the money in it to decorate the wedding. Don't let them pay if you pay.

Even so, it is impossible for the Fu family to not pay.

A few years ago, they were still shocked by the relationship between Fu Qingman and Shen Wan. Later, they found that the two got along very well, especially Shen Wan was like a heartbreak for Fu Qingman. They thought that in this world, they would never find anything. Not until Shen Wan did this to Fu Qingman.

Moreover, in order for them not to stop them, Shen Wan directly showed them his property list. After this, the Fu family had no intention of opposing it, and they were not very opposed.They have always known that Shen Wan is a background, but they really didn't expect that she was the big guy hidden in the entertainment circle.

When Shen Wan showed them the property list, their brains instantly replenished that a big man fell in love with their Qingman one day. In order to catch up with Qingman, she resolutely chose to act in the entertainment industry and slowly Their Qingman's heart was stolen, and their Qingman spoiled him.

Thinking about them, they felt irritated by the thief, and even Fu Qingman's relatives asked her what it was like to be chased by the boss.Fu Qingman actually remembered earnestly, telling them in detail how Shen Wan was good to her, but these people were so envious that they were all bends.

The wedding was held as scheduled, with great momentum.It took a lot of time just to select fans and send them to the island.

Moreover, it was broadcast live throughout.

From the beginning of the live broadcast from the fans, the whole network was shocked. They were all guessing, how much will this wedding cost?Although they don't know how much, maybe they won't be able to earn it for many lifetimes.

Because of the grand scheme of the wedding, the attention of the whole network has fallen on this wedding, and there is no time to go to Tao's relationship.

In addition, Shen Wan and Fu Qingman’s Weibo have engaged in many activities, and now countless netizens are busy drawing a lottery. Whoever scolds others with you, they really love each other and are so sincere, and they say let Everyone is frightened. We will give them benefits.

Eating people's mouth softly, taking people's hands softly, you must shut up after winning the prize, and there is nothing to praise by the way.

Anyway, it is only the trench of the two people's wedding that everyone is talking about now.

I'm curious whether the two of them drew out their savings for this wedding.

The wedding on the island was broadcast live on the whole network. At that time, Jing Ming was drunk and dying, and was helped by her family. She felt that the women around her stopped, listening to the sound on the screen, and subconsciously raised her head.

Then he watched a wedding that shocked the world. He heard the wailing sounds of envy from the women around him, and suddenly felt annoyed and drove them out.

After that, he punched the screen fiercely, punch after punch.

Not long after, the manager came over to ask him for compensation, condescending and full of contempt, made him curse his mother, "Keep it in the account, go to Jing's house at the end of the month." Then, he slammed the door and went out.

It didn't take long before Jing Ming was separated, the Jing family gave him the property he should have, and the rest was allocated to Jing Ge.At this point, the relationship between the two brothers became worse.

Jing Ming would scold Jing Ge a few words when he met people, but Jing Ge did things steadily, and he also understood how ignorant and naive he was before.

Over the years, he has also seen that it is not easy to bend, and think of his previous behavior, even more ridiculous.

Seeing that there was really no way to go further in the entertainment industry, Jing Ming didn't want to make progress. After listening to his family, he resolutely chose to leave the circle and return to the company.It's just that Jing Ming will trouble him from time to time, and even if he is annoyed, he can't attack Jing Mingzhen.

After Shen Wan and Fu Qingman got married, the days were still moist.

That wedding, and the benefits, offset the grievances of the fans.

Especially the fans who went to the wedding at the time have become their fanatics.The two of them have been filming their entire lives. For them, filming is fun and interest.

Later, in this circle, more and more artists dreamed of being able to be a crew with the two of them once, and especially wishing to enjoy the days when they were covered by big shots.

Later they discovered that only by improving their acting skills can they have a chance to cooperate with the two big guys.

There is a strange scene in the entertainment circle. Whether it is an old artist or a new artist, the acting skills are getting better and better.

The audience even expressed that the quality of movies and TV series in recent years is getting better and better, and those who have no acting skills are getting more and more unable to mix.

In the past, they only watched Fu Qingman and Shen Wan's plays, because their plays have always been guaranteed. Whether it's acting, plot, or even props, they are all very elaborate.

Because of their existence, other dramas have gradually kept up with the level.

This is unexpected.

Under 188's crazy money making, Shen Wan was the richest man when she was less than 30 years old, but because of 188's hiding, her name never went up.She has many companies that are not listed, but they are super profitable.

"Eight brother, enough, enough, earning so much, really can't spend it." Shen Wan looked at the growing wealth, really a big head, "My wife really can't spend so much, 8 Brother, you are really amazing."

[188: "Wanwan, I have this hobby now, I can't finish spending it, you can donate it to those in need in the future."]

Shen Wan didn't know what to say, his expression was a little helpless, Fu Qingman found out, "What's the matter?"

"There is too much money. We are all sixty years old. I suspect that by the time I die, I will not be able to spend all my money. Isn't this distressing?"

Fu Qingman chuckled and squeezed her curved face as usual, and put a blanket on her legs, for fear that she would be cold, "If you really want to spend it, wait until we die, donate the money Got it."

She suspected that 8th brother had secretly contacted her family man, but there was no evidence.

On the day when Fu Qingman's life came to an end, 188 stopped.

After sending Fu Qingman away, Shen Wan waved his small hand and donated the money.Of course, before that, she held a very grand funeral for Fu Qingman, which was extremely luxurious.

A month later, Shen Wan also left the world.

At this time, it was revealed that Shen Wan and Fu Qingman donated all their property.

Their property list shocked the world.how many?In short, they only looked at the list for a long time, anyway, the number is not clear.Because there were too many, Shen Wan directly chose to donate it to the country, and the details of each one were published.

For this reason, the names of Shen Wan and Fu Qingman have been planted in the annals of history. The state has set up statues for them, and the two have also posted various teaching materials. In short, their stories are full of legends in the eyes of future generations.

"Brother 8, you worked too hard, I have a little pain."

[188: "Wanwan, don't worry, I'm not tired."]

Shen Wan: No, she is heartbroken that she hasn't spent so much money.

After Shen Wan bought skins for 188, he did not go directly to the next world. Instead, he left the nutrition warehouse and said that he would take a few days to rest.

[188: "I'll wait for you."] Intuition tells 188 that Wanwan is definitely not going to rest for a few days, but to do something.

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