Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 149-Are You A Couple? Kind of being dug out of the spirit root (1)

"What's the matter?"

"Everything is normal, Miss Shen."

"Isn't anyone suspected?"

"Miss Shen, don’t worry. This is a waste star. There are no resources. No one will come here secretly. Besides, aren’t there all kinds of terrible creatures outside? If it weren’t for Miss Shen’s help, we would all I can't go out yet." When he said this, a doctor looked pitiful, "I haven't been home for a long time."

"Don't worry," Shen Wan held his chin and smiled, "How can it be possible without paying the price if you want to get what you expect? Besides, you are an old bachelor, without a wife or children, and there are some delicious people here. I’m going to stay with you. You’re going to really go home. It’s a cold pot and a cold stove. Who will cook for you? What, do you want to eat high-nutrition cream? I suspect you can’t eat nutritious cream at all."

A certain doctor bitterly said, "It's not that your food here is so delicious."

"Okay, don't talk about this, I am sending you photos this time. Except for this photo, there is the last one left."

Shen Wan took out a photo and handed it to a doctor, "Here, this is the latest photo. Let me incorporate it."

A doctor sighed, "That face is perfect enough, is Miss Shen's requirements too strict?"

"I think it's almost the same, but the old woman is demanding," Shen Wan sighed, "If she is not satisfied, she becomes irritable, and it is not easy to coax her well. If she has the first beauty in the universe, she just can't It’s worse than before, do you understand?"

"No problem, but Miss Shen, can we discuss something."


"When this experiment is over, can you let me take a cook away? Don't worry, although I don't have any other skills, I can still make money. I will never treat the chef badly."

"If one of them wants to go with you, you can take it away. I won't force them to stay."

When a certain doctor heard this, he was very happy, "Then Miss Shen, are you going to see it?" He knew that every time Shen Wan came back, he would go to see his perfect experiment.

"I won’t go this time. It’s almost the last point. I’ll go again when I’m done. Time is urgent. I’ll go. Doctor, work hard. When the experiment is over, I will give you a bottle of Yanshou Dan, one for 100 years, you You can soak in the laboratory for countless years, so don’t worry about it."

Doctor certain: Hmph, in fact, he is most interested in this experiment. It's really not for the life extension pills. Well, if you live longer, you can do many interesting experiments.

A bottle of Yanshou Dan, he can eat half of it, and use half for experimentation.


After Shen Wan entered the small world again, when he was conscious, he felt severe pain from the position of his dantian.She looked down and found that the location of the pubic area was bloody.

She who knows the plot, of course understands that she has been dug up.

She hurriedly looked at the surrounding situation, the mist was full, and various fragrances came from the tip of her nose.At this moment, she was lying next to the Yilingquan, and the smell of the Wanglingquan next to her made her refreshed with a small breath.

[188: "Wanwan, it seems that the teleportation is a bit late. If it is earlier, you don't need to be dug out of the spiritual roots. You are about to go to the spiritual spring to heal your wounds. When the wound is healed, let's clean up the scumbag. , This time, what cheat device have you prepared?"]

Wanwan didn't use it as a fraud weapon, he didn't believe it when he killed him.

And he was looking forward to it, what happened to the scumbag cheating?

Shen Wan didn't speak, his body was dug out of his spiritual roots, and his cultivation was lost. He didn't have the slightest strength to speak, and the severe pain could drive people crazy.

Who is she doing this for?

[188: "Curved, open mouth, painkiller."]

Shen Wan quickly opened her mouth, and a painkiller was thrown into her mouth, and her body no longer hurt in an instant.She slowly moved into the Lingquan, and her body was being repaired in an instant.

According to the original plot, when she had absorbed all the Lingquan, she would get a practice secret book under the Lingquan, which was left by a big cultivator many years ago.

It is said that this tycoon was once dug out of the best spiritual roots, and then fell below this valley.Below the valley, there is a different kind of vitality.At that time, Lingquan was still Linghu, and there were many elixir that had been used for thousands of years.

But the elders who had been dug out of their spiritual roots couldn't cultivate at all, and they could not eat with countless treasures.Besides, the boss still has no revenge, and he is not reconciled to die like this.

Therefore, the big man decided to create his own practice that does not require spiritual root cultivation. He failed tens of thousands of times. Every time a situation occurred in the middle of the cultivation, the big man abolished his cultivation base and practiced again.

Anyway, the basic cultivation method he created was to break and then stand, so abolishing the cultivation base, it just re-started him, and had no other impact.

It failed tens of thousands of times in this way, and in the middle of it was abolished and cultivated tens of thousands of times. The big man finally created a method that only the people whose spiritual roots have been dug out can practice, and they can also cultivate successfully.

However, the Linghu here was ruined by the big guys, only Wang Lingquan was left, and countless elixir was also defeated.

Before going out, the boss left the Lingquan, and at the same time also left his own practice under the Lingquan.Moreover, a restriction was set in the spirit spring. There is a person who is just like him, who has a good talent and whose spirit roots have been dug out. If he falls into the spirit spring, he will passively absorb the spirit spring and transform his body.

When the physical body has been transformed, you will discover the techniques under the Lingquan.

If the spiritual root has not been dug out, or if the talent is not enough, it is impossible to fall into this place.It may be that the big guy knows that if it is a waste, if he obtains his exercises, it is still a waste and ruined.

It's just that the big man didn't expect that his life had a love mind.Even with such an adventure, it is obvious that you can be a master, you must be entangled in a tattered thing, and be hurt by all kinds of things, and eventually be able to be with that tattered thing.

Shen Wan thought of the plot halfway through, that tattered thing, the male lead of this book, Yin Jue, knew that she had obtained a masterpiece of cultivation secrets.For his cousin Bai Yueguang, she cheekyly asked her for this exercise, saying that he had given this exercise to his cousin Bai Yueguang, so he had nothing to entangle with her cousin and will stay with her in the future.

She really believed it, but she was left with a heart and only gave half of the practice secrets.

The reason why I want this exercise is because the ragged thing found that the spiritual roots dug up here are a bit repellent from his cousin Bai Yueguang, which makes his cousin very painful when practicing. Sometimes, it hurts her to sweat.

After Bai Yueguang's cousin got the exercises, she showed off in front of her, saying that the tattered thing was entirely for her, and then came to the original master to ask for the exercises.The original owner was angry and left.However, in her heart, she still couldn't remember that person.

Later, something happened to the tattered thing, and the cousin who was held in his palm actually changed her heart. Since his cultivation level was told that he could not go any further, the cousin got further and further away from him, and even finally took him Abandon him and let him be bullied.

When he was in despair, he met the original owner again.The original owner took him back to take care of him, and the tattered thing finally found out in his conscience that what he liked was the original owner, and in this world, only the original owner was sincere to him.

The two faced a lot of things together, and the original owner, who was originally discouraged, chose to forgive him.

He also helped him dig out the spiritual roots and passed the complete exercises to him. The two people love to practice. When they are successful, they go back to avenge, then live in seclusion, and finally fly to the immortal world hand in hand.

[188: "Wanwan, the plot is so terrible, how did this kind of author survive? Didn't someone kick her up to beat her? This can all come to a happy ending. It's really amazing. This heroine can't kill her. Xiaoqiang?"

"Aren't there many people scolding?"

[188: "Even so, but they actually finished watching it, didn't they ask for abuse? If it were me, I would not watch it again when I saw the original owner go back to lick the dog."]

"That is, after all, our eighth brother is a normal system of three views, knowing how to protect yourself, naturally will not make the same choice as the heroine in the plot."

188 doesn't know what to say, he is always praised recently, he is a little shy.

Wanwan is the same. If you say this kind of boasting, you can say it once a day. If you say it more than three times a day, he will be floating.

Shen Wan chatted with 188 and fell asleep. When she woke up, Lingquan had been absorbed by her body.She touched her face, and she felt smooth and tender. This Lingquan actually had the effect of beautifying.I checked my body again, the injury healed, and there was no pain at all.

She looked down at Lingquan, and she found a box sitting under her ass.

Out of respect for this cultivator, she stood up and bowed three times. After all, this was about taking other people's things, and there was nothing wrong with being polite.

Although the original owner did not do this at the time, it did not prevent her from doing this.It is normal to think about it. The original owner was still in a state of confusion and didn't know the plot. He must have hesitated when he saw something, and then he would choose to open it.

What Shen Wan didn't expect was that after she finished bowing, the box opened by herself.Then a jade slip flew out directly and fell into her eyebrows.

Shen Wan touched his forehead in a daze, "Isn't there such a thing in the plot?"

[188: "I just browsed it quickly, no."]

Shen Wan nodded, looking at the still full box, and finally said, "Big brother, although I don't know what you gave me, thank you very much." Then, he bowed three more times.

"The contents in it are from the plot, a ring, a practice technique, and a few bottles of spirit pills. There is no shortage, so how come a jade slip suddenly appears?"

Still 188 reminder, let Shen Wan see what's in the jade slip.Shen Wan found a place to sit down, closed his eyes and began to browse the jade slips.At this point, it was three months.Even if she was a high-level brain, she was dizzy after reading the contents of the jade slip. Of course, she was shocked.

[188 asked curiously, "Wanwan, what's in the jade slip? It must be a very important thing, otherwise the big guy would definitely not give it to you this way."]

"The inside is the history of the great master creating the exercises. He has failed tens of thousands of times. The course of this is really inspirational and admirable. From the beginning, he abolished his cultivation level once a day, and then a month later. , Abandoned once a year, so he stayed here for how many years. You said the content is too much, now my head is still faint."

[188: "What a big man."] 188 is also a little admired, this kind of person's perseverance is really terrible.I didn't give this jade slip to the original owner, because he probably had his own consideration.

"In the end, I also got another exercise." Shen Wan was shocked by this exercise. She felt that she could save a fortune. "It turned out that over the years, he created two exercises, one This is a peerless technique that can be practiced without spiritual roots, and another is..."

188's appetite was adjusted, and she urged Shen Wan to talk quickly, what kind of exercise it was.

"A technique that regenerates spiritual roots." Shen Wan said, "That is, after practicing this technique, you can plant spiritual roots in your dantian. If you practice both exercises at the same time, you can increase your strength while doing the same. Create spiritual roots. By the way, you can’t think of them. When the spiritual roots grow and mature, they can be dug out and sold."

188: Is this still possible??

[188: "Wanwan, are you sure?"]

"Yes, the boss tried it before. What he started to create was actually the spiritual root regeneration technique. He didn't expect that he couldn't help but let the five element spiritual roots grow out. In desperation, he could only dig out and practice again. It may be boring, or it may be interesting. He spent half of his time cultivating spiritual roots, and finally created this one. After practicing, it is the best spiritual root cultivation technique.

I suspect that he lost interest later, or he was dug out of his spiritual roots, so he chose to only practice that peerless exercise.

The reason why he didn't give this jade slip to the original owner might be that the big guy felt it. After all, he was a big guy and wouldn't be stupid.

Speaking of this, the boss still has a very good vision, and he actually fell in love with me, and I will definitely not let him down."

"Or, let's go to a teacher."

Under 188's bewildered onlooker, Shen Wan actually did a very formal apprenticeship, and walked through the process alone.

Shen Wan didn't leave here in a hurry, but chose to practice.She chose two exercises as fellow practitioners, as I said earlier, because that exercise that can cultivate spiritual roots saved her a lot of money.

[188: "So, before you were planning to buy Linggen in the mall?"]


Shen Wan touched a green spiritual root in his hand, with a smile on his face, "Unexpectedly, this spiritual root will fall off automatically when it matures, just take it out with consciousness, it doesn't hurt at all."

188: There is nothing to say, this is all right, God is cheating for Wanwan.

Because she used to be the best wood spirit root, the first mature spirit root is the best wood spirit root.Squeezing the luminous spiritual root, she put it into the jade box and chose to continue her practice.

Under the shocking observation of 188, Shen Wan stayed in this valley all the time, cultivating crazily and creating spiritual roots crazily.Now she has all kinds of spiritual roots in her hands, all of which are top quality.

[188: "Wanwan, do you want to sell Linggen out for money? That's right, in this world, I don't seem to be able to help you make money."]

"Anyway, I have my own magical use, you don't have to worry about it."

188 is not worried at all, his family can bend, will he suffer?

Shen Wan felt that his spiritual roots were not enough, and he practiced for two more years, frantically improving his cultivation and creating spiritual roots.

After all, the original owner only went out five years later, and she also chose to go out at this time.

Two years later, Shen Wan went out with an unknown number of spiritual roots and a strong cultivation base.

However, because of her special technique, as long as she does not reveal her cultivation level, others will think she is an ordinary person.

She wore a tender green skirt, and her small face was filled with a little smile, which caused passers-by to look back.

Where she went, a mysterious realm was currently being opened, and whether it was a decent monk or a magic repair, they were all moving closer to that place.The place to open the secret realm is on an island.

Shen Wan came to the beach and watched the monks either driving the magic weapon by themselves or stepping on the flying sword. If a monk went to the island to explore the treasure, he would not open the magic weapon or step on the flying sword. The boat must be laughed at.

Moreover, ordinary people's boats can't reach the island at all. Even if they do, it is estimated to be very slow.

Shen Wan just kept squatting on the beach, she was planning to squat on a luxurious magic ship, and then squat over.

After squatting for two hours, a groan suddenly appeared around her, and she quickly looked over.I saw a super luxurious ship magic weapon suddenly appeared on the sea.

Those people, the shocked Yomo is also this magic ship.

However, there is a deep fear on their faces.

"Xie Yunfu is here too."

"It seems that this time the Secret Realm was opened, and some watched it. Thanks to Yunfu, it is not easy to provoke."

"Xie Yunfu is a lunatic, right? She is alone. Does she need such a big magic ship? Isn't it enough to take a smaller one?"

Everyone was talking, but was interrupted by a smirking voice, "The boat is not big, how do you pretend to be a baby? The secret is open, there must be countless treasures inside, and those are all mine!"


These are the words in the hearts of everyone, but they can think of her as Xie Yunfu, and they have to swallow the mocking words. This magic repair, they can't afford it.

Xie Yunfu wore a light gauze blue dress, with a pretty appearance and a leisurely look, sitting on the edge of the big ship lazily.A pair of bare feet hung in the air, with a nice bell at the ankle.

Although her feet are very beautiful, everyone still dare not look at them.He didn't dare to argue with Xie Yunfu too much, and quickly took out the magic weapon, hoping to rush to the opening of the secret realm faster than Xie Yunfu.

At this time, another voice drew their attention back.

"Pretty sister, can I take your boat?"

188: He thinks this sentence sounds nice in another way. For example, pretty sister, can I sleep in your bed?Anyway, for his Wanwan family, it's almost there. This woman must be Wanwan's daughter-in-law, and he has experience.

Everyone saw a long, tender young girl who went to ask Xie Yunfu to take a boat. She looked compassionate and shook her head. Who didn’t know that Xie Yunfu had a bad temper, and she didn’t like anyone approaching her the most. Unpredictable.

Xie Yunfu was sitting next to the ship, intending to urge the magic treasure ship to the secret realm, but Shen Wan's sudden voice made her stunned.

She glanced condescendingly at her eyes, holding her chin with one hand, her pretty eyes with a smile, and the breeze swayed her veil, looking like a fairy daughter.It is a pity that everyone present knows that Xie Yunfu is not a fairy, but a witch that everyone dares not provoke.

"Little girl, do you want to take my boat? Why should I take you?"

"Pretty sister may wish to help others for a while."

The smile in Xie Yunfu's eyes was really interesting. It was the first time I met someone who wanted to get on a boat for nothing.

"There is no free lunch in the world. If you want to take a boat, you have to bring out something that moves me."

"What do you think of me?"

What Xie Yunfu didn't expect was that this little girl actually answered these neatly, how is she?

"What do you mean?"

Shen Wan stood on tiptoe, as if to be closer to Xie Yunfu, "I mean, how am I? I don't have much to know. I think it's long or not bad. I can get it. ."

"I don't want anyone to wait." Xie Yunfu shook his head, "Little girl, you can find someone else."

"Who said I'm going to serve you?" Shen Wan had already moved slowly onto the boat and sat next to Xie Yunfu, shocking people. "I mean, I want to be your wife. Son, do you want?"

Xie Yunfu: "..."

The crowd onlookers: "..."

188: Wanwan has always been shameless, just get used to it.

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