Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 150: The Dao Couple? The kind that was dug out of the roots (2)

"Little girl."

"What's the matter, pretty sister?"

"You are so shameless, I have never seen you like this before."

"I just want to take a boat, don't I see you now? The world is so big, there are no wonders."

Xie Yunfu sneered and laughed, "It's really shameless."

"If you can take a boat if you don't want to be shameless, you'll still be a beautiful sister's boat. If you don't take a boat, you can't take it for nothing."

The crowd onlookers: Indeed, it's so shameless, they waited for Xie Yunfu to slap this little girl to death with a palm.

But let them down.

Xie Yunfu did raise her hand, but she took out a spirit stone and put it into the groove of the magic treasure ship, and then urged the magic treasure ship. Under her control, the ship quickly ran far away. go with.In the blink of an eye, it disappeared before everyone's eyes, stunned them.

"Forget it? I'm very thankful to Yunfu."

"I don't think that little girl has any cultivation skills. I guess Xie Yunfu wants to throw her to an isolated island, so that she can know what a lesson is."

"Xie Yunfu has always been very direct in teaching people, using powerful force to solve it, will it not be so boring and oblique?"

"So, why did Xie Yunfu let that little girl go?"

"Is she really good at this bite?"

When Xie Yunfu didn't know, the crowd behind him were discussing whether she liked men or women.She also said that she should have taken a fancy to the long and tender little girl.Maybe, in the near future, that Xie Yunfu and a woman will be both Taoists and Yunyun.

"Do you know what the final outcome will be if you change someone and get on my boat?"

Without waiting for Shen Wan's answer, Xie Yunfu's lips curled up with a faint smile, but his words were extremely cold, "I will slap the other person into fleshy slaps."

"Do you know why I didn't slap you into mashed flesh?"

"Because I'm better-looking and cute than them, you can't bear to be photographed as fleshy." Shen Wan replied without thinking, with a serious look that made Xie Yunfu suspect that her brain was not very bright.

Everyone in this cultivating world is afraid of her, saying that she is a witch, a witch, saying that she does not blink at killing, saying that she has a perverted temperament, and that she is cold-blooded and ruthless.They were right, she was such a person.Anyone who dares to provoke her will eventually die.

If one day you never see Xie Yunfu's existence in this cultivation world, she must have died, killed by someone more powerful than her.It's a pity, she has lived for so many years, and there are countless people who want to kill her, but few succeed.

Thinking of this, Xie Yunfu's eyes smiled more and more.

She was still sitting on the side of the boat, letting the magic ship run wildly, and the sea breeze blew her blue silk and skirt.

Seeing Xie Yunfu like this, a word suddenly flashed in Shen Wan's mind, she was as free as the wind, she didn't care about anything, she lived arbitrarily in this world without fear of anything.

It is indeed the old woman who can trick her into doing all her actions so charming.Of course, she will soon let this old woman lose her freedom, caring, not presumptuous, and fearful.Thinking about it, she also laughed.

As she was thinking about it, Shen Wan suddenly felt that her cold hand was pinching her thin neck. She raised her eyes and glanced up, only to see Xie Yunfu’s beautiful face, staring at her with a smile. , The voice fell gently to her ears, with a little heat, "If I want to, just a light pinch, your neck will snap off."

She was used to seeing those who wanted to kill her, and was finally slapped to death by her palm, or at the last moment when she broke her neck, her eyes showed panic, begging for mercy, and embarrassment.Such a courageous and tender little girl, she has never been pinched to death.She killed people who wanted to kill her.

To put it aside before, the most is to take people to the side at will, but at this moment she actually thought of teasing, wanting to see what kind of expression she would show in front of death.

Will you beg for mercy, or will you be afraid?Will she be as embarrassed as ordinary people, and never dare to provoke her again?

However, she really did not expect that the answer turned out to be that way.

"do you want?"

"Want to squeeze my neck?"

"I haven't broken my neck. Since you're curious, I'm curious, or you can try it."

The 188 who was watching also couldn't bear this kind of picture, his home Wanwan really burst.

He blocked a nutrient, and the woman absolutely did not dare to pinch it.

Xie Yunfu did not expect that Shen Wan would not be afraid of death.Just as she didn't expect that for the first time, she would not be cruel to a strange woman.

She didn't want to, didn't want to break her neck, let alone try it.

If you want to ask her why, she doesn't know.She only knew that she could not do that, just as she could not drive her off the boat before.Maybe, she is crazy, or maybe she thinks she is a bit interesting and a little bit reluctant to kill her.

It is also possible that there are other reasons. She wants to know this reason.

"You really are not afraid of death."

"No, I'm afraid."

Xie Yunfu was a little surprised, "I didn't see the slightest fear and panic in your eyes, you still said you were afraid of death?"

"Because the one holding my neck is a pretty sister, you will definitely not kill me, so I am not afraid."

Xie Yunfu put a smile away, "You mean that if you look good, it won't kill you?"

"Of course not, only you will not kill me, do you want to kill me?"

Xie Yunfu retracted his hand somewhat boringly, "I really don't want to kill you."

"That's not enough, what else am I worried about."

"But maybe one day, on a whim, I want to slap you to death, or squeeze your delicate neck, to see if you regret it or not panic."

"Not that day."

"Everything is impermanent, why should I say so with certainty."

"I just want to say so sure, what do you want?"

"By the time I want to do something about you, you are dead."

"If you can't do anything to me, so what?"

Xie Yunfu was asked, her brows frowned lightly, "I don't want a Taoist couple, even if you are a little bit pretty."

"Thank you for the compliment. Although I am a little bit closer than you, I am still very satisfied." Shen Wan smiled, "As for the Taoist couple, I can't be anxious. I don't want it now. I might be able to say it in the future. The intestines are all regretful."

Xie Yunfu was silent, she always felt that these words contained traps everywhere.I think she is not afraid of everything, since the day she entered Demon Cultivation, she has looked down upon life and death.At this moment, if she didn't even have the courage to directly deny Shen Wan, she would definitely never ask for a Taoist companion.

Could it be... will she really change her mind in the future?

There is an endless sea in front of me, and sea beasts are often jubilant underwater.But just after probing her head, she was frightened by her indifferent look, not at all daring to approach this luxurious magic ship.

She glanced at Shen Wan at random, not wanting Shen Wan to be looking at her, and quickly looked away.

"My pretty sister is so lonely to practice alone, and it's good to have a companion."

"I'm a demon cultivator. Even if you want to find a companion, you have to find it in the demon cultivator. You have no chance."

"It's really not enough to speak up."

"Even if I don't look for it in the magic repair, I won't look for you who don't seem to have much cultivation skills."

"It turns out that you dislike my lack of cultivation, take a look," I saw Shen Wan slapped a palm against the sea. When the spiritual power shot came out, Xie Yunfu knew that Shen Wan was not simple, she was originally I don't think that the other party is simple, but just casually said, "Although my strength is not strong, there is still no problem with self-protection."

not enough

Strong?This does not know whether to use three-point strength or four-point strength.

Xie Yunfu looked at the constantly churning sea water. The sea beasts inside didn't know how many times he fainted. The surrounding sea beasts were also frightened and fled, never daring to come over and beat their minds.After this incident, those people who came later were afraid that they would be much safer.

"In short, I don't want to find a Taoist companion now."

"It's okay, when you want to find it, ask me again."

Xie Yunfu was speechless and stopped talking to Shen Wan.Knowing that the opponent's strength was not lower than hers, she became more and more curious.I don't know what the other party's cultivation is, but I can't tell the cultivation level at all.

"I didn't see your cultivation level just now."

Perhaps it was too quiet on the vast sea, and another interesting person sat beside her, and Xie Yunfu opened the topic.Obviously asking people about their cultivation status is a taboo in cultivation, but she is a magician and doesn't pay attention to these. Now she wants to ask. As for her, it doesn't matter if she doesn't say anything.

"Because I am different from ordinary monks, my practice method is very special."

Xie Yunfu was aroused by curiosity, "What kind of special method?"

"Whether it is a demon cultivation or a decent cultivator, cultivation is based on spiritual roots, but I am different. I don't have spiritual roots. The methods of cultivation are naturally different. I can't see that my cultivation is normal."

"There is no spiritual root? As far as I know, everyone has spiritual roots. It is impossible for people without spiritual roots to appear."

The onlookers 188 couldn't help it. He found that Xie Yunfu was completely led by his nose by his family, and he probably didn't find it now.

Xie Yunfu, do you know what Zhenxiang means?

The word true fragrance has been circulated for a long time, and it is said that it was an ancient buzzword of Blue Star long ago.

"Yes, I had it originally, and it is still the best wood spirit root," Shen Wan bends the corner of his lips. "Later, it was dug out and the foundation was destroyed. Naturally, it is not possible to continue to cultivate with the spirit root. Only seek The other methods, fortunately, the infinite road gave me another opportunity."

Even if Shen Wan didn't tell the reason, Xie Yunfu was able to make up a lot of content.It's a vengeance to be dug up and ruined by someone.

"Your cultivation base is so strong now, but you slapped the one who dug your spiritual roots to death?"

"I haven't had time yet. I just came out of my cultivation, and I haven't heard about things outside for a long time. I don't know where the other party is."

Xie Yun nodded and suggested: "If you encounter it, shoot the other party to death, dig out the spiritual root, destroy the foundation, and seize the cultivation base. All sins are unforgivable, and you must die."

"But my business is a bit special. I always feel that I simply killed people. I'm sorry I suffered so much."

"That's right, or grab the opponent, dig the roots first, and then shoot to death."

"I don't want to be that kind of cruel person."

"Is it cruel? The other party is so cruel to you, this is just revenge, it should be, not cruel." Xie Yunfu seems to be very persistent in this regard, "In short, we must find a way to make the person who harmed you feel bad."

"Thank you beautiful lady for your concern, I will definitely not make them difficult."

"While we are not there yet, let's figure out how to get revenge. I have all kinds of painful ways to kill people. Do you want to give you a reference? If you need it, I can still borrow you. Some tricky magic weapons ensure that the other party can't live or die."

188: "..." Is this all right?

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