Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 151-Are You A Couple? Kind of being dug out of the spirit root (3)

Along the way, 188 onlookers watched Xie Yunfu and taught Shen Wan how to make his enemies worse than death. To live is pain, and death is an extravagant desire. The whole is trembling.This woman is too cruel.

And the magic weapons displayed by Xie Yunfu are also terrifying and tricky.

"These magic weapons are the relics of those who wanted to kill me in the past."

Xie Yunfu's voice drifted away on the sea. I don't know if the sea beast in front felt the crisis from this woman. Far away from the magic ship, he fled in fright.

"I will use them all for you."

Xie Yunfu took out the magic weapons one by one, "I don't need these, I killed them before they shot them."

"It's not so good." Shen Wan pretended to refuse. When Xie Yunfu said that she kept it and it was useless, Shen Wan put away all the magic weapons, even though she didn't need it.

But things are given by the daughter-in-law, and it is not good to always refuse. It is easy to hurt the self-esteem of the daughter-in-law and think she doesn't like these things.

"Who is digging your spiritual roots? The martial arts, or evil repair?" Xie Yunfu did not even notice, she actually took the initiative to talk to Shen Ben.

If she went back a few hours ago, she would have never guessed that she would become like this.Obviously she wanted to squander the boat for nothing. She didn't get angry, didn't drive people off, and returned the treasure to the right method. Now she took the initiative to chat with the other side and ask who the enemy is.If you want to continue, I don't know if Xie Yunfu will directly say, who your enemy is, or I will help you make up for it.

"His name is Yin Jue."

"Yin Jue?" Xie Yunfu was stunned, "Isn't that the sect master of the void?" Then she mocked, "Unexpectedly, the sect master of the dignified and upright sect would actually do this kind of awkward thing, digging people's spiritual roots, it is the magic repair capital. Few did it."

"I also learned later that he accepted me as a disciple, in fact, to dig out my spiritual root, because his sweetheart is most suitable for Mu Linggen, and I happen to be the best Mu Linggen. After all, it is his sweetheart, originally the best spiritual root. There are only a few people who can only choose to dig me."

"It's ridiculous." Xie Yunfu chuckled twice, his bare feet swayed in the air, and the crisp sound of the bell kept ringing, "I've heard that Yin Jue does have a root of a mob. The cousin, who has always been hidden in the sect by him, has rarely appeared. It turned out to be his sweetheart." After this, she looked down at Shen Wan, "I have never heard of it. He accepted the apprentice , It seems that he didn't bring you back to the sect, right?"

"No, I used to be an orphan. I met him when I was seven years old. He found him to be the best wood spirit root. Later he took me to the mountains. There was a house. In the next seven or eight years, we all Live in that place together."

"When I was about to form a pill, he started to dig out my spiritual roots," Shen Wanyang said with a small face, and said all this very flatly. I don't know what happened, and Xie Yunfu felt his heart. "He He also apologized to me and said sorry to me, but he could only choose to do so. Because his sweetheart's wish was to join hands with him to become a fairy. He also said that he would use everything else to compensate me, which would make me live forever. Live a life of prosperity and wealth."

"However, shortly after he left, a man came to the hut. He wanted to take my life. In desperation, I jumped off the cliff and finally met a miracle. It can be said that there is a blessing if you don’t die in a catastrophe. A Wang Lingquan transformed his physical body, and even obtained a peerless exercise that can be practiced without spiritual roots."

"Yin Jue, it's really cruel." When Xie Yunfu listened, there was still a bit of the same hatred, because her experience in demon cultivation was really similar to Shen Wan.

The difference is that the person who adopted her did not want to dig her spiritual roots, but wanted to seize her body.It's just that she had discovered something was wrong a long time ago and was prepared, and it was the person who failed in the end.

Although she was prepared, it was almost a lifetime of nine deaths, and her fate was really picked up.

She knows that people without cultivators can easily damage their spiritual roots when they dig their spiritual roots.It is the best time to dig before the formation of the pill, otherwise once the pill is formed, the spiritual root will be closely related to the golden core.Once Shen Ben came to a dead fish and broke the net and exploded the golden core, it would not be worth the loss.

"Miss Xie, you just said that Yin Jue is the master of Void Sect. Do you know how he is now?"

"What can I do? Naturally, I live a happy life, but," Xie Yunfu said with disdain, paused, she remembered something, "but some time ago, I heard some rumors, it is said that it is his cousin. There seems to be something wrong with his body, but I have invited a lot of alchemists to help me. I want to say that it really deserves it. It takes away the spiritual roots of others, and cultivation must pay a price."

"Oh, it turns out that they don't have a good life, then I can rest assured. If you want them to live well, I'm really going to die."

Seeing the angry look on Shen Wan's small face, Xie Yunfu also showed a simple smile, "Yin will never miss the opening of the secret realm this time, maybe he will go in to find the panacea to help his apex cousin solve the pain. "

"Then you don't want him to succeed, Miss Xie, you said before that your ship is for pretending to be a baby, I think it's very good. When we go to the secret, we will grab the good baby inside and pretend to be away."

Xie Yunfu had this intention, that Yin Jue was a disgusting thing, and he deserved not to get what he wanted.

After half a day, the two finally arrived at the island where the secret realm opened.

When Shen Wan was about to jump off the boat, Xie Yunfu suddenly grabbed her wrist, "Wait a minute, I still have a treasure here, you can use it."

Hehe, she deserves to be her daughter-in-law, so on the road.

Xie Yunfu took out a mask that looked like human skin, "This is not an ordinary human skin, a mask, it can block the view of the divine sense, and it can also hide your own breath."

It was really dozing off and someone gave a pillow, Shen Wan felt that the daughter-in-law is getting cuter and cuter, and this time it helped her save a lot of money.

Originally, she planned to buy some useful props with money for a while, after all, some things she wanted to do could not be recognized by Yin Jue.Otherwise, things won't be fun.

"Such a powerful magic weapon, Miss Xie makes me feel uncomfortable." Shen Wan said pretentiously, actually starting to refine the mask.

Xie Yunfu landed barefoot on the ground and glanced back at the sinking bend sitting on the side of the boat, "Don't talk too much nonsense, you can grab more baby in a while. When we divide, we can still divide more."

"Good, good, I will refine it soon."

188 wondered if there was something wrong with it.

Half a day ago, wasn't the two of them still discussing whether they would pinch her neck and kill her in the future?

Now, why is it that the two of them went to grab the baby together and then divided the spoils?

Human thinking is really jumping, and it's really different from his logic system.

Shen Wan refined the mask magic weapon and stuck it on her face. As long as she didn't want to, she couldn't take it off.

The level of this magic weapon is very high, except for the top powerhouse, no one should be able to discover her true face.

She quickly jumped in front of Xie Yunfu and took out a pair of embroidered shoes, "Xie girl, do you want to wear shoes? The ground is so dirty, maybe someone spit, the birds and monsters will poop on the ground, so it's not good to step on it. Now." Those little white feet, what if they get scratched by stepping on a stone.

188 really laughed. He suspected that Wanwan wanted to become a single dog.

Xie Yunfu's feet were covered with a layer of spiritual power, and it was impossible for something generally sharp to hurt her feet.But when Shen Wan said that someone spit, birds and monsters would shit on the ground and easily step on it, she couldn't bear to look straight.

"Thank you then."

Xie Yunfu's expression was very tangled, and Shen Wan's eyes were getting more and more wrong. She suspected that this girl was sometimes beaten with a mallet and was not very bright. Why did these words sound so rough?

Just when she put on the embroidered shoes, she snorted, raised her eyes and looked at Shen Wan with a smile, "So this is still a magic weapon."

"Yeah, does it look good?"

Xie Yunfu buried his head and even lifted up the skirt with his hands. He saw a pair of blue embroidered shoes on her feet, which matched her body perfectly. He responded, "Good-looking." From the moment of getting on her feet, she knew that these shoes were good things.

She doesn't wear shoes, not because of her attractive personality, but because of her practice.When performing the exercises, the soles of her feet will become hot, even in a burning state, and the shoes will be burned.After all, she was cultivating magic power, and magic power progressed quickly, but there were always various defects. Once she cultivated, unless her cultivation base was abolished, there was no other way to solve it.

But this defect, also in the battle, brought her many benefits.No magic weapon can hurt her feet. Whoever steps on it will catch her clothes.Don't look at her wearing a blue dress, the magical skills she practiced are actually as scary as fire.And she, herself is the best fire spirit root.

Shen Wan's shoes made her feel cool when she first put them on.

"Miss Xie, hurry up and refining." Shen Wan watched Xie Yunfu clutching the skirt, pacing constantly.It seems that I am happy to have a pair of nice shoes, "It can change color after refining."

Because the daughter-in-law saved her money, she secretly glanced at the system mall just now, and just saw these invulnerable, invulnerable magic shoes, which can also change color, which is especially suitable for her daughter-in-law.Although the old is expensive, the money is saved by the daughter-in-law, and it is not lost on her.

The 188 who watched all this has calmed down. Although Wanwan is better for her daughter-in-law, she is a two-wife, and she has known each other for a long time, and her relationship is definitely better than with him.Wanwan even matched him with a full skin, and bought him a couple's skin, so that he could send a system girl later.So, it was really interesting to him, so he was not jealous at all.

Xie Yunfu refined the magic shoes, and went to the secret realm with Shen Wan.

At this time, there were people in front of them and behind them, and they were rushing to the location of the secret realm.

When they finally saw the secret entrance, the two were about to go in, Xie Yunfu suddenly grabbed Shen Wan, "Look, who is that?"

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